Meso-Wharton P199: drug review + reviews and injection results in the photo

This article is devoted to the drug Meso-Wharton P199 (Mezovarton P199), developed by the American company ABG LAB. You will find out what it consists of, what problems it helps to fight, how the procedure works and what side effects there may be. As well as cost, reviews from cosmetologists and clients. We will also show the results in photos before and after the procedure.

Meso-Wharton P199

What is Mezovarton?

Meso-Wharton P199 is an injectable drug that belongs to the group of bioremedies. Designed to rejuvenate the skin of the face and body by saturating them with useful substances: peptides, vitamins, coenzymes. Developed by the American company ABG LAB (with the participation of Russian scientist Boris Petrikovsky), but produced in South Korea at the LAB & Company Inc. plant.

In Russia, the drug was registered in 2015 after a series of clinical studies that confirmed its effectiveness, and since then has been actively used by cosmetologists. You can purchase it through specialized online stores, but in order to avoid meeting with scammers, the manufacturers themselves recommend purchasing Mezovarton from the official representative of ABG LAB in Russia.

Official website of Mezovarton in Russia -

Mezovarton is not the only drug that the company supplies to the Russian beauty market. She also has Mesoxanthine, Mesoai and Mesoscalpt.


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Composition of the drug

The bioreparant Mezovarton has a much more complex structure than biorevitalizants with hyaluronic acid. It includes:

  • Sh-Oligopeptide-72 is an artificially created analogue of an embryonic peptide, which under normal conditions serves to form many elements important for the body, including stem cells. It is their reproduction that it is designed to stimulate in tissues along with the activation of the synthesis of new collagen.
  • High molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Since it is biosynthetic, it can be easily combined with living cells, where it begins to protect them from the aging process and the negative influences of the external environment.
  • Growth factors sh-Oligopeptide-1 and sh-Polypeptide-2 , the first of which slows down skin aging and promotes the proliferation of skin cells of the body, internal organs and mucous membranes, and the second is responsible for the production of extracellular matrix (connective tissue) and normalizes microcirculation of fluids.
  • Regulatory peptide sh-Polypeptide-2 and tripeptide Copper Tripeptide-1. They control oxidative processes, the ability of cells to divide and destroy, the synthesis of collagen, natural hyaluronic acid, and much more. In addition, the tripeptide has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Vitamin A improves skin elasticity and density.
  • Vitamin B increases its resistance to stress factors and keeps energy metabolism under control.
  • Vitamin C prevents oxidative processes, protects protein fibers from glycation that destroys them, and keeps blood vessels healthy.
  • Vitamin E also protects skin cells from destruction.
  • Amino acids play the role of raw materials for the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Nucleotides are the building blocks of nucleic acids. And they, in turn, help smooth out small wrinkles, provide a lifting effect, improve the skin’s hydrobalance and do much more.
  • Microelements support normal cell activity.
  • Coenzymes increase the speed of restoration processes in tissues.

Of course, the drug will not turn back time, but it will help you lose a few years

Composition and description of the biorevitalization product

For almost ten years, specialists involved in skin rejuvenation have considered Mezovarton a know-how in cosmetology due to its unique composition. A group of American and Russian scientists worked on it, so the drug was successfully certified in different countries.

The main active ingredient of Mezovarton is a synthesized peptide, which is as close as possible to the embryonic peptide, acting directly on the stem cells of the body. In a short time interval, the cells are activated, they begin to divide and stimulate the production of collagen in the deep layers of the epidermis.

In addition to the substance we have indicated, Mezovarton also includes other components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamin complex;
  • twenty-one amino acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • growth factors.

Taken together, all of these components increase the elasticity of the skin and literally “erase” even deep expression wrinkles in just a few sessions. Therefore, cosmetologists regularly recommend Mezovarton to their patients over forty years old for youthful skin. At the same time, they promise that the result of its use will be simply shocking. However, we decided to find out whether the drug is really so effective, because in official reviews of Mezovarton, bad consequences are extremely rarely described.

How does Mezovarton work?

After the drug, which combines all of the listed components, gets under the skin, it begins to play the role of a kind of lever that triggers natural rejuvenation processes:

  • production of the skin’s own stem cells and stimulation of their activity;
  • production of collagen and elastin;
  • normalization of regeneration processes.

All this together returns the skin the characteristics characteristic of a younger age. As a result of a full course of using Mezovarton, the skin becomes more moisturized and saturated with nutrients, its cells are renewed, the relief is smoothed, wrinkles become less noticeable, and the color becomes more pleasant, pigment spots lighten, and a slight facelift occurs.

Generally speaking, the bioreparant helps to stimulate cellular metabolism that has slowed down due to age or some other reason and provoke skin rejuvenation.

Indications for use

Meso-Wharton P199 will be useful for women over 40-45 or, less commonly, 35 years old for:

  • restoration of skin hydrobalance;
  • correction of age-related changes (dullness, wrinkles, loss of tone);
  • prevention of further decline;
  • preparation for plastic surgery or thread lifting in the face, neck, décolleté area;
  • recovery after surgery or aggressive cosmetic procedures such as chemical peels;
  • removal of pigment spots.

Often, drug injections become part of an overall rejuvenation program.

Mesovarton is recommended for use after 40 years, but sometimes there may be exceptions

Types of gels for mesotherapy

The American laboratory ABG Lab has developed several versions of gels with unique compositions suitable for solving different problems. The manufacturer, in addition to the drug Meso-Wharton P199 for bioreparation, offers the following as mesotherapy products:

  • Meso-Xanthin F199. The drug acts at the genetic level. Mesoxanthine promotes increased cell division (tissue renewal), the body's production of collagen and sodium hyaluronate. The action of Meso-Xanthin is aimed at the regeneration of damaged cellular structures, the natural removal of damaged elements, and their replacement. Procedures using Mesoxanthine provoke a complete restoration of normal tissue function.

  • MesoEye C71. A preparation for local rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes. Mesoice helps to improve the quality of the skin, remove puffiness, dark circles, and tighten hernia sacs. Mesoai is used for conservative therapy and rehabilitation after more serious interventions.

  • MesoSculpt C71. A product for non-surgical modeling of facial contours. Mesosculpt allows you to remove excess volume and tighten the skin. There is not only work with fat cells, but also a complete restructuring of local metabolism. In addition to liposculpture, stimulation of internal processes aimed at natural rejuvenation is expressed.

The difference between the substances is significant. It's impossible to say which is better. Selecting a gel option and a successful combination of varieties is a task for an experienced cosmetologist. A skillful combination of procedures and medications can change the appearance in a positive direction beyond recognition, returning patients 10–20 years back without surgery.


An unequivocal ban on injections is imposed:

  • The patient is allergic to one of the components of the drug.
  • Inflammation, pimples, irritation, wounds or any skin ailment in the area that is supposed to be treated.
  • Autoimmune or chronic disease in acute form, as well as colds with fever and chills.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Implants in areas intended for punctures.

Relative or temporary contraindications are pregnancy and lactation. In addition, they try to abstain from injections during the menstrual cycle.

As a rule, Mezovarton is not prescribed to patients under 40 years of age, but if the client’s skin is in a very advanced state and requires serious correction, the doctor may make an exception and prescribe therapy earlier than the recommended age.

Precautionary measures

For the safety of the process and to obtain the expected effect, it is necessary to identify and exclude contraindications. These include:

  • young age (up to 35–40 years);
  • active inflammation in the areas of correction;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • individual reactions to the components of the substance;
  • oncological processes.

Cosmetologists refuse to perform procedures on pregnant women and nursing mothers. A more serious health assessment is carried out if there is a history of severe diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels, or endocrine disorders. Intervention for some somatic and mental disorders is excluded.

Important point! Do not carry out procedures during illness or immediately after recovery, if you feel unwell. It is not advisable to perform procedures during menstruation, taking anticoagulants, or if you are predisposed to keloid scars.

Biorevitalization with Mezovarton rarely leads to complications. Serious side effects may be caused by the doctor’s low competence or the patient ignoring the cosmetologist’s recommendations. Among the unfavorable complications are:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • disturbances in tissue sensitivity (numbness, increased pain);
  • allergic reactions (rashes, itching, redness);
  • prolonged presence of papules, severity of puncture points;
  • extensive, long-term persistence of edema.

Manifestations are subject to drug treatment. If complications are detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor. A cosmetologist will help correct the situation and prevent serious consequences.

How is Meso-Wharton P199 bioreparation done?

The administration of the drug is preceded by a consultation with a specialist who identifies the cosmetic problems of the client or client, evaluates the possibilities of intervention, clarifies contraindications and, based on the data obtained, makes a decision about the procedure. Then he gives the visitor several recommendations on how to prepare for bioremediation and sets a date for it.

The consultation will help outline a plan for the upcoming transformation


A few days before the procedure, the patient’s task includes:

  • do not drink alcohol;
  • do not take medications and vitamins listed by your doctor;
  • do not overdo it with cosmetics on the day of drug administration;
  • listen carefully to the instructions before bioreparation;
  • immediately before the injections, give his written consent to the procedure, noting that he is familiar with the rules of conduct during and after it.

Carrying out injections

The entire procedure lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour and includes:

  1. Removing makeup, thoroughly cleansing the face and treating with an antiseptic to avoid infection.

  2. Carrying out local anesthesia using an anesthetic cream.

  3. Administration of the drug.

  4. After the last injection is given, all that remains is to disinfect the skin again and apply a soothing agent with a cooling effect to it.

Possible administration techniques

Bioreparation occurs in the same way as standard biorevitalization. The skin of the face - and sometimes the neck, décolleté, and hands - is subjected to numerous microinjections. Less often they are done on the stomach, hips, shoulders, elbows or knees, in a word, on any part of the body that requires attention.

  1. Used to treat large areas of skin papular technique, in which a needle is inserted into the tissue to a depth of 2-4 mm at an angle of 45°, after which a microdose of the drug is injected, and then the specialist makes the next puncture at a distance of about 8-10 mm from the previous one. Then the entire algorithm is repeated only once as required. If the neck is in the area of ​​attention, the angle of needle insertion changes to 30°.

  2. More often used in the eye area micropapules technique. It differs from the previous one in the volume of the injected product, the size of the tubercles remaining after the injections and the miniature distance between them. At the same time, the needle is turned with the bevel upward to better control the amount of the drug administered.

  3. In rare cases, the drug is delivered to the hypodermis using deep punctures and cannulas, through which a sufficiently large volume of the product is introduced.

Since Mezovarton is not a filler, and its task is not to create volume under the skin, all papules are small in size, and therefore the recovery period does not take more than 2-7 days.

Video: Techniques for administering Mezovarton

Comments from dissatisfied clients

You will not find negative reviews about the bad consequences of Mezovarton on clinic websites. It is not profitable for cosmetologists to talk about them either, but we cannot simply ignore them.

So, what are the dissatisfaction of women who have tried Mezovarton? Based on real stories, we can say that the drug was not as effective as promised. After four or five procedures, many women do not notice even the slightest changes in their appearance. Usually at this point they stop administering the drug, because they do not want to waste money.

Mezovarton often causes swelling that does not go away within three days after injection. It is accompanied by redness and even bruising in the puncture area. Such a reaction is often associated with intolerance to the drug and the individual reaction of the body.

Some ladies note in reviews that after Mezovarton they experience severe general malaise, which does not go away for several days. Repeated procedures show that such a reaction was not accidental, and women have to stop beauty injections.

Of course, all of the problems listed do not seem significant, but they destroy the bright prospects that cosmetologists working with Mezovarton paint for their clients.

What should you do during the recovery period?

The procedure for administering the product is low-traumatic. The skin will recover on its own after it, the main thing is not to interfere with it. It is necessary: ​​Neo

  • do not use cosmetics during the first 24 hours;
  • avoid rooms with high temperatures (bath, sauna, bathroom filled with hot steam) so as not to provoke swelling;
  • do not go outside in the cold or take all measures to protect your face from the cold;
  • do not engage in sports or heavy physical labor, so that sweat does not introduce infection into micro-wounds;
  • do not visit the pool and other public places where there is a risk of encountering other people’s germs and bacteria;
  • do not sunbathe to avoid pigmentation;
  • use delicate skin cleansers;
  • If the specialist specifies this, do a light massage to evenly distribute the product under the skin. Of course, with clean, disinfected hands.

The attitude towards the person during this period should be especially careful.

The drug "Mezovarton": instructions for the procedure

The biorevitalization process is quite simple, but it is directly related to the professionalism of the cosmetologist. You shouldn’t save money and choose the cheapest clinic. After all, you trust a specialist not only with your face, but also with your health.

Before starting the procedure, a special anesthetic is applied to the skin. The procedure itself cannot be called painless, so an anesthetic is required.

Then the doctor begins to give injections, this process follows a special scheme and in one procedure several hundred punctures are made into which the drug is injected.

At the end of biorevitalization, the cosmetologist applies a special mask or cream to the injured skin. They cool the epidermis and relieve the redness that inevitably occurs after so many injections.

How often can the procedure be done?

Judging by the average results, positive changes continue to occur in the skin during the first 1-2 months after the last session. Then a period of stagnation begins, and the achieved effect persists for another 4-10 months (that is, from six months to a year after the last procedure). After this, you can think about a new consultation with a specialist and taking a repeat course.

The following options are also possible.

Age groupFull courseTreatment frequencySupportive proceduresRepeat course
Up to 50 years4-6 sessionsStage 1 : 3-4 sessions once a week Stage 2 : 1-2 sessions once every 2 weeks1 time every 8-12 weeksAfter 12 months
From 50 years old6-8 sessionsStage 1 : 5-6 sessions once a week Stage 2 : 1-2 sessions once every 2 weeks1 time every 6-8 weeksAfter 6-12 months

Under the age of 40, the drug is rarely used, and the number of procedures, their frequency and the need for a repeat course are determined by the doctor.

Possible complications

Side effects from Mezovarton rarely cause real inconvenience. In most cases, the matter is limited to:

  • slight swelling;
  • itching;
  • redness;
  • small bruises;
  • mild soreness;
  • general feeling of discomfort.

In the first 2-3 days, clearly visible papules remain under the skin.

Papules are a normal phenomenon and not at all scary.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the drug is the fact that it not only moisturizes the skin with hyaluronic acid and saturates it with nutrients, but stimulates the body to use “dormant” reserves and renew itself. That is why the recovery processes continue for quite a long time after completion of the course.

The disadvantages include stem cells, which cause so much controversy in cosmetology. The opinions of experts are divided: some urge patients to use drugs with a “frightening” ingredient without fear, others express doubts about this.

It is not so easy to say unequivocally who is right in this case. On the one hand, studies have proven the safety of Meso-Wharton P199, on the other hand, the effect of stem cells on the body in the long term has not been fully studied, which leaves room for doubts and fears.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after Mezovarton injections No. 1

Photos before and after Mezovarton injections No. 2

Photos before and after Mezovarton injections No. 3

Photos before and after Mezovarton injections No. 4

Photos before and after Mezovarton injections No. 5

Popular questions

Which is better: Mesovarton or Mesoxanthin?

Although both drugs are similar in purpose, there are significant differences between them. Thus, Mesoxanthin relies on a natural carotenoid, while the action of Mezovarton is based on artificially synthesized peptides. It would seem like a plus in favor of natural Mesoxanthin? However, it is Mezovarton that shows more pronounced and prolonged results, which adds points to itself.

In fact, both of these drugs are good in their time and in their field:

  • Mesoxanthine - for patients under 40 years of age with not too pronounced defects in appearance;
  • Mesovarton - for older women who are faced with obvious signs of withering.

Which is better: Mesovarton or Aquashine?

Roughly speaking, the story is the same here: Aquashine shows excellent results on women 30-40 years old, but after that the effectiveness of the drug decreases somewhat. Many cosmetologists tend to consider Aquashine as a means for preventing age-related changes, moisturizing and brightening the skin, restoring it after aggressive cosmetic procedures, removing the first wrinkles, and consider Mesovarton as heavy artillery.

Is Korean Dermahil XSR an analogue of Mezovarton P199?

Only one thing can be said with confidence: Mesovarton is also produced in South Korea, since ABG LAB has long-standing ties with the local manufacturer. However, this is where the similarities end. Dermahil is an independent drug with its own characteristics and indications; calling it someone else’s analogue would be incorrect.

If I don’t like the result, can I speed up the removal of Mesovarton from tissues?

As a rule, there is no need for this, but there is such a possibility. You should wait until the punctures are completely healed and begin active physical training, visiting the steam room and taking medications prescribed by the cosmetologist.

What area of ​​the face or body will a 1.5 ml syringe be enough to treat? Will I have to buy more of the drug if I need to improve the appearance of my body skin?

A standard syringe is enough to treat the face, neck and décolleté. In some cases, when the skin is in good condition and does not require increased doses of the drug, the contents of one syringe are enough even to treat the hands. If you want to make other parts of the body more attractive, the volume of the product is calculated by the doctor during an in-person consultation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive side of Mezovarton injections is the pronounced, long-lasting effect. The use of the drug helps to activate the internal forces of the body. The product is available in a convenient format (1.5 ml).

Mesovarton injections are considered expensive procedures. The cost of intervention is often higher than using similar means.

Some doctors warn patients against using stem cell drugs. The substances do not pose a visible threat, but their effects have not been sufficiently studied in the long term.


Prices for the drug have remained moderately high since its registration in Russia, and it does not seem that this state of affairs will change in the coming years. So, the cost of Mezovarton is approximately 4000-5500 rubles.

The price of bioreparation of the face and neck using 1 syringe in Moscow

Clinic namePrice in rubles
GMTClinic20 500
On-Clinic18 000
Best Clinic16 700
Scandinavian Health Center14 300
Evolution12 900

The price of bioreparation of the face and neck using 1 syringe in St. Petersburg

Clinic namePrice in rubles
Your own Clinic19 490
GMTClinic17 000
Medici15 800
NanoEsthetician11 500
Avanta10 000

Reviews from cosmetologists

Many cosmetologists give Mezovarton a high rating. For example, Olga Antalevna Tsaganova calls it an interesting drug with a wide range of applications.

This cosmetologist was confused by the overly rich composition of the drug.

And here a real dispute broke out between two cosmetologists.

Patient reviews

What do clients say about Mesovarton? This patient did not find any flaws in the preparation.

Here a woman rejoices at the unexpected compliment she received after completing the course.

And this client considers the money spent on Mezovarton and another drug from the same manufacturer, Mezoay, wasted

Video: Meso-Wharton P199 Review

As is often the case with cosmetics, it is difficult to give a definite answer as to whether a product is good or bad. The only thing we can say with confidence is that Meso-Wharton P199 has a strong scientific base, a developer with a good reputation and certification in Russia. As for the results, some patients and cosmetologists are delighted with them, others are skeptical about the drug. What should you do? Study the theoretical part, read reviews, consult with experts. And make the decision that you see fit. We have given you the basis for first thoughts.

How to protect yourself from negative consequences?

If you are not afraid of negative reviews about the drug, and you definitely intend to biorevitalize it, then try to protect yourself as much as possible from the risk of adverse consequences.

This can be done by asking the cosmetologist for all the documents for the medicine. If you do not receive them, then you should immediately abandon the procedure.

Be sure to check when the specialist opened the ampoule with the drug. Keep in mind that he must do this in front of you, without hiding this process.

Follow all recommendations given by your doctor. Usually cosmetologists give a list of tips for facial skin care that will ease the consequences of the procedure.

And don’t skimp on a cosmetologist. A good doctor is the guarantor of successful procedures and your continued health.

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