What is facial brushing and what is this procedure for?

general description

Brossage is a hardware superficial peeling that allows you to remove dead cells.

The device for the procedure is equipped with attachments of different shapes and hardness. This makes it possible to choose the best option for each skin type, taking into account its thickness and sensitivity.

The brushes move in a circle, clockwise or counterclockwise.

The rotation speed is set individually, since the depth of cleaning depends on it.

Brushing equipment is not only for professional use. There are compact models that can be used at home.


Using a circular action, the device not only removes dead cells, but also massages the surface of the face.
Peeling promotes:

  • eliminating fine wrinkles;
  • acceleration of blood circulation, improvement of metabolic processes;
  • thorough cleansing and narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • discoloration of freckles and age spots;
  • natural skin hydration, increased tone and rejuvenation;
  • proper functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands.

Who is the procedure recommended for?

Cleansing care with brushes can be performed as a preventative measure for everyone. This cleansing is indicated for sagging skin, sallow complexion, and enlarged pores.

The procedure guarantees visible changes if:

  • there are open and closed comedones;
  • there are shallow expression wrinkles;
  • the skin is too dry or has increased oiliness;
  • a large number of freckles;
  • light pigmentation;
  • the skin has a thickened texture.


Like any cosmetic procedure, brushing has its certain limitations. So, it should not be prescribed for hypersensitive or too dry skin.

Contraindications are rosacea, inflammatory processes at the treatment site, dermatological diseases in the acute stage, decreased immune system, infections of viral origin, high body temperatures.

In addition, such peeling is contraindicated during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of brossage is due to a number of advantages relative to other similar procedures.

  • A gentle but thorough action ensures no damage to the skin.
  • Absolutely painless. The manipulations do not cause discomfort and minimal pain.
  • Affordable price.
  • Frequent use possible. There is no recovery period after the procedure.
  • Conduction speed. The time of one session does not exceed 30 minutes.
  • Does not depend on seasonality: can be performed at any time of the year.
  • The fragility of the result. The light cosmetic effect is due to the delicate cleaning process.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

With hardware peeling, the development of allergic reactions is almost eliminated because no chemicals are used. The exception is cases of allergy to the materials that make up the attachments.


Brossage gives the following results:

  • smoothing the skin;
  • cleansing and opening pores;
  • elimination of comedones ;
  • increased elasticity and firmness;
  • visible rejuvenation and renewal.

When is the best time to cleanse your face?

Facial cleansing is an important medical procedure that is necessary for everyone, regardless of skin type.

The procedure allows you to even out and smooth the texture of the skin, activate the renewal process at the cellular level, and improve blood circulation in the dermis.

In addition, after such cosmetic manipulation, nutrients, together with creams and other products, better penetrate into the inner layers of the dermis, which significantly increases the effectiveness of their effects.

Stages, duration and recovery

For cleaning, you do not need to comply with certain conditions or carry out preparatory measures.

The only recommendation is that a few days before cleaning you should not visit a solarium and use cleansers containing abrasive particles.

How it goes

  • It all starts with careful removal of decorative cosmetics and cleansing the face of impurities. This is necessary to prevent the risk of infection and the occurrence of inflammatory processes.
  • Steaming the epidermis. It is carried out using warm wet compresses, steam baths with essential oils. Then a cleansing gel, scrub or peeling cream is applied - this helps open the pores and softens the skin. The procedure is not performed for sensitive and too dry skin that has low tone.
  • Excess moisture is removed with a clean napkin, and cotton pads are applied to the eye area.
  • The cleaning begins. The impact is carried out using a special technique with varying degrees of intensity. The choice of attachment depends on the type and sensitivity of the skin. When using a pumice attachment, apply a moisturizing gel.
  • Removing cosmetic residues and applying a nourishing and pigment-reducing gel. As an alternative, use a tonic or moisturizing mask.

Course duration

A noticeable visual effect is achieved by completing a course of 10-12 sessions. The break between courses must be at least three months.

The frequency of manipulation depends on the skin type.

  • Normal or oily skin can be cleansed in a similar way twice a week.
  • Dry and sensitive skin should not be treated more than twice a month.

Healing period

Brossage is a gentle procedure that does not injure the epidermis and does not require a rehabilitation period. No restoration is required, since there is no damage after such cleaning.

What's happened

Facial brushing (brushing) is a type of superficial hardware cleansing of the skin using equipment specially designed for this purpose. Various tools and devices are used as standard, thanks to which cleaning of the deep layers of the epidermis is achieved.

Brossage (brushing) is a mechanical hardware facial cleansing that uses special attachments with pumice, a sponge, and brushes to deeply remove dead skin particles, sebum and dirt.

Suitable for improving the condition of acne at a young age, decreased skin tone and dull complexion in older patients.

The device involves the use of a variety of attachments, each of which performs its own specific tasks:

  • with villi - to eliminate dead cells;
  • with stone - for polishing leather;
  • with a roller - to give the surface smoothness;
  • with pumice - to simultaneously perform all of the above functions.

How often should you cleanse your face?

Homemade facial cleansing with a scrub cannot be an alternative to salon procedures.

As a rule, when using this method, only superficial cleansing of the face is carried out.

When choosing the most suitable attachment, the specialist must take into account the level of sensitivity and type of skin.


Hardware cleaning using special attachments does not require adherence to a regime. After a day, you can use decorative cosmetics and any skin care products.

There is also no prohibition on exposure to direct sunlight.

But! You should always use sunscreen before going outside - not just after the procedure.

To maintain the effect for a long time, it is recommended to avoid visiting the pool, sauna, or bathhouse for a week.


The skin is smoothed, wrinkles and blackheads noticeably disappear, pigment spots and freckles become lighter, scar tissue softens. To achieve maximum effect, a full course of procedures is required.

Of course, there won’t be such significant changes in the before and after photographs as in the situation with beauty injections, but the dermis will become younger, the face will look healthy and fresh.

Precautionary measures

Side effects

If peeling is carried out correctly, there will be no undesirable consequences. A professional salon guarantees sterility and ensures safe manipulation.

The work of an incompetent technician can lead to redness and irritation of the skin. This happens when using attachments that are incorrectly selected in terms of rigidity or a high level of intensity of their rotation.


Safety and ease of use make it possible to use brossage not only as a basic cosmetic treatment, but also as a preparatory stage before performing other techniques.

Hardware peeling is not recommended for:

  • rosacea (vascular network);
  • demodicosis;
  • severe acne, eczema;
  • presence of wounds and scratches on the face;
  • reduced immunity;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

It is also undesirable to carry out in case of skin hypersensitivity and increased dryness.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

When performing hardware peeling, it is recommended to avoid skin areas with moles and spider veins, as skin capillaries may be damaged and bleeding may occur.


Indications for the procedure are:

  • enlarged pores;
  • tendency to rashes;
  • black dots;
  • poor skin turgor, the initial stage of age-related changes;
  • excessive dryness or, on the contrary, greasiness;
  • small wrinkles.

Please note that during periods of exacerbation of acne, it is not recommended to resort to the brosage procedure. Otherwise, the procedure refreshes the skin quite well and improves its appearance, but you definitely shouldn’t count on a serious anti-aging effect.

Photos before and after

Brossage – safe mechanical facial cleansing

Brossage or brushing is one of the types of superficial mechanical cleaning of the face using a device that has special automatic rotating nozzles.

The choice of brushing devices is quite large: the devices have attachments made of natural bristles of different diameters and hardness, as well as pumice stones and sponges, which can rotate in different directions and at different speeds.

Which brosage device to choose in a particular case depends on the type, sensitivity and thickness of the patient’s skin, because the depth of its surface action directly depends on the characteristics of the device.


  • indications and contraindications for the brosage procedure;
  • methodology and sequence of the casting procedure;
  • effectiveness of brossage: what results should be expected.

Do they spend it at home?

Brushing can be done at home.
To do this, it is worth purchasing a device for the procedure. Before starting manipulations, you need to wash the attachments with warm soapy water. Then steam the skin, apply a scrub and start cleaning.

To get the expected result, you must follow some rules:

  • The bristles of the brush should fit snugly to the surface being treated.
  • The right side is massaged clockwise, the left side counterclockwise.
  • For elastic skin, you can use the maximum rotation speed. If turgor is weak, it should be low.+

The importance of a professional approach

Being the most effective, manual cleaning remains one of the most radical cleaning procedures. It must be carried out by a competent specialist in a cosmetology salon. Otherwise, the degree of pain of the procedure and trauma to the skin increases, and the risk of scarring and inflammation increases. To avoid this, you should not try to save on the price of facial cleansing, but should contact professional cosmetologists who strictly comply with the established requirements.

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