Myostimulation - what is it and what is this procedure for?

Magnetic fields have a mysterious effect on the body; many attribute healing properties to them. Many rehabilitation and spa treatment programs contain these procedures and promise a powerful healing effect. Is this really true and in what cases can magnetic therapy help?

The earth's magnetic field affects us throughout our lives, so this is not unusual for our body. Thus, according to numerous studies, no harm has been recorded from magnetic therapy, regardless of its type. Magnetotherapy is one of the types of physiotherapy, when one or another effect on the body should lead to a therapeutic effect. Typically, a course of magnetic therapy is carried out as part of a rehabilitation program. It is used for:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • neurological problems;
  • pulmonary diseases;
  • problems of the digestive system;
  • in gynecology, surgery and trauma.

Types of fields in magnetic therapy

Several types of magnetic fields are used:

  • Variables - appear in the coil when an alternating electric current is passed through.
  • Permanent - when passing a direct electric current or from fixed permanent magnets.
  • Pulse - changing in strength, but stable in direction.
  • Traveling pulsed - implemented by sequentially switching on coils, so the field moves in space.
  • High-amplitude pulse - occurs at a high voltage current with an ultra-short duration. Unlike other fields, they can excite nerve fibers and stimulate muscles.

The general therapeutic effect is associated with nonspecific reactions of the nervous, immune and humoral regulatory systems, the body's reserves and compensatory-adaptive mechanisms are activated. The question arises: is it possible to carry out such procedures at home, without visiting medical institutions?

Typically, a course of magnetic therapy is carried out as part of a rehabilitation program.

Myostimulation procedure

Comprehensive body care and figure correction using a universal method allows you to:

  • restore muscle tone;
  • increase muscle mass;
  • restore softness and elasticity of the skin;
  • destroy fat cells;
  • remove excess liquid;
  • correct posture;
  • reduce the load on the spine by strengthening the muscular corset of the back;
  • improve mood.

All these positive changes are achieved through the influence of electric current of a certain frequency on tissues and muscles. Electromyostimulation activates the work of internal organs and metabolic processes in skin cells.

The procedure is performed as follows: a negatively charged electrode is attached to one end of the muscle, and a positive one to the other. The alternating current created causes tissue contraction. The strength of the electric charge is selected depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, from smaller to larger values.


The electrode application points, on which the effect of the operation depends, are selected according to specially designed schemes. In this case, muscle contraction occurs alternately.

The course of treatment is about 20 sessions, which are carried out daily or every 3 days. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, and it should not cause unpleasant painful sensations. The manipulation algorithm includes the following sequence of actions:

  • the patient sits comfortably on the couch;
  • the area to be treated is cleaned with a special scrub and treated with a gel that ensures good conductivity of current pulses
  • Electrodes are attached to the main muscles using medical tape, straps or suction cups;
  • Electrical pulses of a given frequency and shape are supplied, depending on the location of the problem.

At the very beginning of the session, the current strength is minimal.

After completing the procedure, the electrodes are removed from the human body, the remaining gel is removed, and the affected areas are treated with disinfectants. When irritation occurs, a moisturizing cream is applied to the skin to prevent a negative reaction of the skin.

The cosmetology clinic “Doctor of Beauty” offers to familiarize yourself with prices, get a consultation and sign up for the Slim Up myostimulation procedure.


Myostimulation does not promote the production of lactic acid in the muscles, thereby not causing pain after training.


Almag-01 Magnetotherapeutic device using a traveling pulsed field. The easiest to use, has 1 program. Activated by plugging into a socket and automatically turns off after the session. The emitter consists of 4 coils connected into a flexible line. This allows you to use it on any part of the body, regardless of the terrain, including covering the joints around the circumference.

Almag-02 Magnetotherapeutic device. A device with advanced functions and a large emitter in the form of a grid of coils. They can be easily transformed into either a ruler-shaped emitter or single coils on a holder. The device has 79 operating programs, and a large impact surface can have a significant effect on the entire body.

Almag-03 Magnetotherapeutic device. This kit is also called Diamag, it was created specifically for procedures aimed at brain function. The device includes 2 plates with emitters and straps for fixing on the head, as well as the device itself with 4 different exposure programs. This device can be used not only at home, but also in medical institutions. The testimony states Parkinson's disease and other brain diseases.

Almag+ magnetic therapy device. Consists of 2 dual emitters, which can be laid either in a matrix or linearly. The device has 3 types of programs.

The device has three types of programs and is suitable for use at home.

Where to buy a myostimulator? — Online store Vitacosmetik

We offer our clients high-quality products and affordable prices for body devices. You can familiarize yourself with the muscle stimulators that we have in stock in the body equipment category. In our online store you can add products to your cart and buy devices for salons and for home use, portable and stationary, which can be used for the abdomen, legs, hips, etc. For convenience, the shopping cart is located at the top of our website. The price on the website is always current. The strength of the effect of the myostimulator on different areas of the skin differs. The catalog of our products contains popular and modern models, powered by mains or batteries, both special medical and intended for home use (all settings are indicated in the description and technical specifications). But even for home use, we would advise you to choose a muscle massager with several operating modes and a minimum of 4 electrodes.

Delivery and your region (for example, St. Petersburg or Rostov-on-Don. Guarantee of receipt of goods

Please note that we deliver purchased equipment throughout Russia and the CIS countries. Delivery within the city of Moscow is free! If you live in the country of Russia, but in another city (Samara, Tyumen, Kazan, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, etc.), consult our managers about delivery conditions in Russia. Pickup available. Let us inform you that for residents from various regions of Russia (the region can be any), we can deliver goods with payment upon receipt. We always test the performance of products before shipping. On our website we present myostimulators for the body - devices from trusted manufacturers (brands), such as myostimulator Esma (manufacturer), myostimulators Galatea (manufacturer), Beurer (for example, beurer em80), etc.


Contraindications for low-frequency magnetic therapy are:

  • acute period of heart attacks and strokes;
  • coronary heart disease with heart rhythm disturbances;
  • pregnancy;
  • bleeding.

Also contraindications include epileptic syndrome, fever above 38°C, and severe exhaustion.

High-intensity magnetic therapy is contraindicated in patients with:

  • implanted pacemakers;
  • epilepsy;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • within 2 months after myocardial infarction;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • bone fractures before immobilization.

How does myostimulation of body muscles differ from microcurrents, LPG and pressotherapy?

  • Microcurrents.

Myostimulation of body muscles and microcurrents have different duration of effect and area of ​​influence. Both of these technologies are based on the same principle of operation, while hardware myostimulation acts pointwise, that is, on a fairly narrow zone. The result of such a procedure lasts less time than the effect of microcurrents. The latter increase muscle activity along the massage lines, so they are recommended if you want to get rid of subtle defects: cobwebs of wrinkles, slightly sagging skin folds.

You can often hear a comparison between LPG and myostimulation. The first option is based on vacuum and mechanical impact of rollers on the skin. As experts note, both of these technologies have their own advantages, which is why they can be used in parallel if complex body correction is necessary.

  • Pressotherapy.

This is another procedure designed to correct the contours of the body. However, in this case a completely different operating principle is used. With the help of compressed air, the lymphatic system is affected, while the forced air penetrates under the skin.

Pressotherapy is classified as lymphatic drainage massage, and its purpose is to tighten, restore the skin after liposuction, and remove fat deposits. If we compare pressotherapy with myostimulation of body muscles in terms of effectiveness, they are almost identical. Experts often suggest alternating them.

Read material on the topic:

How to increase skin elasticity

Strength of effect

In studies, magnetic therapy has a greater effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Main effects were associated with decreased pain, anxiety, and improved quality of life. That is, if the problem contains one or more of these components, a positive effect may be noted.

To be satisfied with the result, you cannot have high expectations. Since the mechanism of action of the magnetic field on the body is quite difficult to perceive, misconceptions may arise, the image of a “magic pill” or hope for a miraculous healing may be formed when doctors could not help. Physiotherapy is always combined, and although it may be an important part of treatment, it will not be the only one. A typical example would be the image of an overweight person with knee pain. Courses of anti-inflammatory drugs help with varying degrees of success. One of the key reasons is excess weight, which leads to pain. Buying a device without adjusting your lifestyle and losing weight is unlikely to give the desired effect.

First, you should consult a specialist, follow the recommendations as much as possible, and then with peace of mind you can supplement this with magnetotherapy at home.

Myostimulation and its features

Myostimulation is an effective procedure that allows you to strengthen muscle tissue. It is often called “gymnastics for the lazy.” The method is widely used in modern cosmetology. Thanks to the developed technology of applying constant pulse currents to individual muscle groups, it is possible to stimulate their motor function. As a result, a person’s weight is reduced, the figure and face are corrected, muscles are strengthened, cellulite disappears, the intensity of metabolic processes increases, blood and lymph circulation increases, and the condition of the nervous and endocrine systems improves.

The medical procedure, although effective, has contraindications. The technique is not recommended for use:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as well as those who have pacemakers;
  • during exacerbation of inflammatory processes and chronic diseases;
  • in the presence of malignant and benign tumors, kidney stones and gall bladder;
  • suffering from skin, gynecological and endocrine pathologies;
  • in the active phase of tuberculosis and other problems.


Alcohol and drug addicts, people suffering from mental disorders are strictly prohibited from performing myostimulation; the procedure is life-threatening.

Myostimulation solves several problems at the same time, eliminating problems that concern women and men. It helps to return to its former attractive shape and improves well-being.

How to choose a device for electromyostimulation

Naturally, when purchasing a device for electromyostimulation, as in any other case, the selling company trains your company’s specialists on this specific equipment. As a rule, training takes one or two days and is included in the cost of the device.

When purchasing a device, you need to pay attention first of all to the following:

  1. Number of stimulation channels. Depending on the specific apparatus, the number ranges from 2 to 24. The more there are, the more muscle groups can be used.
  2. A wide range of exposure frequencies is required (from 1 to 7500 Hz), then the doctor will be able to cover the largest number of cosmetic problems and individually approach the solution of each specific problem.
  3. The device must generate several current forms (rectangular, trapezoidal, square wave, sinusoidal and their variations) to implement several techniques. The ability to adjust the current parameters taking into account the individual characteristics of the client and multiple changes of target modes during one procedure (the presence of subroutines or manually), which avoids the muscles becoming accustomed to the currents, are especially important when choosing devices.

And of course, when purchasing a device, you should pay attention to the availability of a warranty, training opportunities for specialists, as well as the availability of regulatory and permitting documents from the selling company.

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