Tigran Aleksanyan: “Rhinoplasty is an art, plastic surgery is a matter of life”

Aleksanyan Tigran Albertovich is a plastic surgeon, head of his own clinic Art Plastic. The main advantage of a surgeon performing rhinoplasty operations is his medical education as an otolaryngologist. The doctor masterfully works with our noses and gives them a flawless look. The clinic of the famous surgeon provides services for all types of plastic surgery; operations are performed using the most advanced technologies and the latest innovative equipment.

Definition of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a separate branch of aesthetic facial surgery, aimed at correcting a wide range of defects of various etiologies through correction or restoration of anatomical structures. According to the generally accepted definition of experts from the WHO profile committee, rhinoplasty is an independent branch of plastic surgery that deals with the development, implementation and practical application of methods for invasive correction of acquired or congenital anatomical anomalies, as well as the restoration of external or internal missing structures.

Cost of Aleksanyan’s services

Today, the services of plastic surgeons are quite expensive, but the days when they were available only to rich and famous people are gone. Surgeon Tigran Albertovich prices for surgery are as follows:

Nose surgery (rhinoplasty)From 250 thousand rubles
Septoplasty (septum correction)From 280 thousand rubles
Revision rhinoplastyFrom 300 to 350 thousand rubles
Plastic surgery of the tip of the noseFrom 120 thousand rubles

Aleksanyan’s final prices for rhinoplasty include stay in the clinic, meals and post-operative observation. The initial consultation is charged separately. In addition, the doctor’s clinic periodically holds bonus promotions that provide discounts on various types of plastic surgery.

Photos of rhinoplasty before and after surgery

See all photos >>>

Historical reference

It cannot be said that this method of plastic surgery is exclusively the fruit of the development of medicine over the last two centuries, as many people see. The proven first mentions of ongoing corrections are directly related to ancient civilizations. One can take into account the fact that the earliest mentions of the surgical correction of external defects of the regio nasalis date back to Ancient Egypt, but it was Ancient Indian medicine that reached its maximum spread throughout the world. Moreover, the healers were so skillful that even a significant correction of the tip of the nose, in its absence after cutting off, using a skin stem is still called “Indian” and is rightfully considered a classic method of anatomical restoration.

The modern stage is associated with the 19th century and the originally German surgical school, where among a whole galaxy of talented doctors Greffe, Diffenbach, Buengherr stood out for the magnitude of their contribution, and the domestic school led by the outstanding Pirogov and his students had no less influence. At the same time, the special significance of the practical research of the Russian surgical school lies in the fact that exceptional results of rhinoplasty were achieved in cases of massive external defects with extensive tissue trauma, which was facilitated by military operations.

All further time, until now, is characterized by an increase in the volume and depth of research, a constant search for optimal methods of correction, especially in complex cases to achieve complete anatomical and functional restoration, achieving an optimal aesthetic effect in the shortest possible time in the absence of negative reactions or complications.

Tigran Albertovich Aleksanyan is the most experienced, highly professional, competent rhinoplasty surgeon, whose standard of quality of work is objectively recognized not only by many truly sincerely grateful patients, but also by colleagues in the profession, including foreign ones. Experience of successful practice in the profession – more than 21 years. Thus, it was they who repeatedly emphasized the importance of rigor and literacy in the approach in assessing indications and contraindications in each of the specific cases, as well as the need to separately highlight medical factors.

Indications and contraindications

Medical indications

This group of reasons directly indicates an objective deterioration in health, general well-being and a decrease in the patient’s quality of life:

  • Congenital disfiguring anomalies;
  • Acquired disfiguring defects;
  • Any anatomical defects with impaired respiratory function (external respiration function);
  • Anatomical anomalies of various types with clinical manifestations - frequent bacterial, viral infections, inflammatory reactions. Or other types of changes;
  • Performing the final stage in complex reconstructive operations on the face;
  • A significant cosmetic defect in itself is the cause of severe complexes with the formation of affective changes of the depressive type;
  • Carrying out repeated correction.

In this situation, how much rhinoplasty costs depends solely on the type and volume of manipulations performed.

Aesthetic indications

Somewhat different from them is a group of aesthetic reasons, in which initially there is a person’s desire to change his own appearance by having rhinoplasty, for subjective or objective reasons, but there are no clinically significant changes in breathing, smell, etc.:

  • Disproportionality of size;
  • Visually saddle-shaped configuration;
  • Any curvature of the nasal bridge;
  • Hump-nosed;
  • Increased area of ​​the nostrils;
  • Anatomical abnormalities of the tip of the nose;
  • Any asymmetry, especially of the wings of the nose and nostrils;
  • A combination of several different defects;
  • The client’s subjective desire to have a nose of a certain “star nose” configuration;
  • Purely subjective dissatisfaction of the patient with his own appearance.

The price of rhinoplasty in Moscow for aesthetic reasons is determined based on market demand and is more flexible than in clinically determined cases.

Relative contraindications

The most significant group of relative contraindications is in which the specialist postpones in time the moment when rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose or another type of plastic surgery of the nose will be performed. Normalization of the condition (in case of illness), or over time (age, course of treatment, other points), correction can be carried out without restrictions:

  • Age less than 18 years due to the continued formation and maturation of the bone tissue of the facial skull;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Inflammatory, viral, bacterial processes of the mucous membrane and skin at the site of surgery;
  • Acute course of somatic pathology, or exacerbation of chronic disorders;
  • A medically prescribed course of pharmacological agents with an effect on hemostasis.

Absolute contraindications

  • Verification of oncological diagnosis;
  • Most severe mental disorders;
  • Severe, uncorrectable hemostasis disorders;
  • Progressive severe metabolic and somatic pathology;
  • Initially impossible requirements of the patient due to anatomical and structural features;
  • Insistent demand for objectively clearly disfiguring results.

A separate point is necessary to highlight the situation when the patient already had unsuccessful repeated experience of operations in the anamnesis. Many have seen such a nose after rhinoplasty, before and after photos are very common in all media, and especially on the Internet, and the sad experience of many stars is in plain sight. On the one hand, this is a professional challenge for a specialist, an opportunity to help a person in truly advanced cases, when the chances of a positive outcome are minimal. On the other hand, it has been proven that there is a change in not only anatomical structures, but also histoarchitecture at the micro level, and each subsequent intervention aggravates these changes.

Dr. Aleksanyan is one of a negligible number of specialists who offer their patients the opportunity to undergo rhinoplasty in Moscow in such clinical situations. An exceptionally scrupulous, competent and balanced assessment of even the smallest details and objective features of the condition of the client’s entire body and the site of future surgery, filigree, jewelry technique for performing surgical procedures and the use of the most effective techniques in working with exceptionally high-quality equipment allow Tigran Albertovich to achieve success in extremely complex situations. cases.

Reviews from Aleksanyan's patients

The main indicator of a doctor’s integrity and professionalism is the opinion of his patients. We are ready to provide reviews of Tigran Albertovich voiced by clients of the Art Plastic clinic. To complete the picture, we have collected both positive and negative reviews.

Positive reviews

“I read a lot of positive reviews about Aleksanyan’s work. And I decided. I went to his clinic for rhinoplasty. The operation was complex, complete rhino-septoplasty. The doctor removed the hump, eliminated asymmetry, and reduced the tip of the nose. Everything turned out great, I can breathe freely, my nose has become beautiful, I’m very happy. Many thanks to Tigran Albertovich for his highest professionalism. Lily".

“In my case, I went into surgery so that I could breathe freely. I chose Aleksanyan because of his initial specialty in ENT. I’ll be honest, it brought beauty too. The operation went flawlessly and the results were excellent. Thanks doctor. Milan."

“Six months have passed since the day when a wonderful person and wonderful surgeon, Tigran Aleksanyan, made me a new nose. I prepared for such a transformation for a long time, and it was difficult in terms of money, but now everything is behind me. You can see the result in the photo, but I want to say that real professionals work in the clinic. I would especially like to say about the attitude of the staff and the surgeon himself towards patients. Always attention, politeness, pleasant communication. Stanislav."

Negative reviews

For the work of Aleksanyan T.A. Negative reviews are not common. In comments to them, people accuse the authors of negative statements of lying. We cannot judge the reliability of such opinions and examples, but we are obliged to cite them for the sake of objectivity.

“Aleksanyan performed rhinoseptoplasty on me. This was a year ago. The result is terrible. The deviated septum remains. There was a visible deflection where the nose correction was carried out. The hematoma after the operation did not allow me to breathe normally for more than a month. The surgeon, seeing her, just threw up his hands. I simply cannot find the words to express my indignation at the doctor’s “professionalism.” Anna".

“I fell for the endless positive reviews about Aleksanyan’s work. The operation cost a pretty penny. Today, two years later, I have: a hollow nose, a shape that does not fit my face, red skin color on the left side of the nose. I have been going to his clinic for a year and a half, despite some medical manipulations, nothing is going away. There is no improvement, but I’m already afraid to have surgery again. Eve".

Unfortunately, the negative reviews we provide about the plastic surgeon are not accompanied by convincing photographs. The professionalism of a surgeon is confirmed by education, experience and awards. Doctor's recommendations for choosing a plastic surgeon:

Main types of rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty in Moscow is used in situations of significant reconstructive surgical procedures and is of limited use for purely aesthetic reasons.

Closed rhinoplasty

The most common and in demand is closed or endoscopic plastic surgery of the tip of the nose, wings, septum, or other types of interventions. Its fundamental difference is that it works using special minimally invasive equipment, which reduces intraoperative tissue trauma to a minimum. All manipulations are under video-visual control of the surgeon. There are other advantages to this method. One of them is that if plastic surgery of the wings of the nose, tip, or septum is performed, then it is possible to scale the digital image with magnification to significant values. At the same time, the quality of the shooting does not change, which technically makes it possible to classify the correction as microsurgical. Among other things, the skin of the face remains intact due to access from the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity at predetermined points. The use of the most modern specialized equipment and carefully developed technical aspects of the operation make it possible to correct the nasal septum, wings, tip, shape of the nostrils, etc. with optimal results.

Price and professional component

For each potential patient, the most important issues are the cost of rhinoplasty, as well as the quality of work of a particular surgeon. There are a huge number of downright “budget” offers of dubious quality. There are decent work results, but with a clearly inflated price. There are not enough proposals that would combine the maximum level of quality with an acceptable cost. The final prices in Moscow may differ by an order of magnitude, that is, tens of times.

The number of doctors working in aesthetic medicine is simply huge and, most of them, have just begun their professional journey. Plastic surgery is, first of all, a long-term practice, “sweat and blood.” For this reason, there are really only a few real grandees. Tigran Albertovich Aleksanyan is recognized by the medical community itself as the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Moscow, winner of several specialized awards with more than 21 years of successful practice. Valid membership in many foreign specialized societies of plastic surgeons confirms international recognition. The fact that Dr. Aleksanyan, working in a well-equipped clinic, offers a fairly reasonable price for nose surgery with standard results, completely removes the final question that is significant for each of the patients: “Where to get rhinoplasty?”

List of tests for rhinoplasty

Patient management after rhinoplasty

The cost of primary or revision rhinoplasty can be found in the corresponding section of the site.

What types of rhinoplasty does Aleksanyan perform?

For Aleksanyan, rhinoplasty of the nose is the prevailing direction in plastic surgery. A versatile and experienced specialist, he performs operations of varying complexity. His work arsenal includes both open and closed rhinoplasty.

Read on the topic: Review of clinics that perform rhinoplasty in Moscow.

Open rhinoplasty is justified in cases where complex surgery is required. This type is used to correct severe birth defects, eliminate the consequences of serious injuries and carry out large-scale external changes. You can see the quality of Aleksanyan’s work on rhinoplasty in the photo:

Closed rhinoplasty is used when the amount of changes is small, but the patient wants a high aesthetic result. The technique of such operations allows one to eliminate most of the typical deficiencies that bother the doctor’s patients. An example of a flawlessly performed rhinoplasty operation by Aleksanyan Tigran Albertovich:

As a rule, the operation lasts 1-2 hours, but the final result can be seen only after 6-12 months of the recovery period. As an honest and wise plastic surgeon, Tigran Albertovich warns his patients about long rehabilitation and advises them to mentally prepare for the inevitable fact. Here's what the surgeon himself says about rhinoplasty:

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