Plastic surgery in Voronezh: TOP clinics and doctors

Plastic surgery in Voronezh (TOP 6 clinics)

There are many centers in the city where highly complex plastic manipulations are performed at a high level. They are equipped with modern technology, which is used by doctors in their professional work.


"Ardamed" is a clinic with a good reputation among patients. It performs multiple types of plastic procedures.

Doctors carry out:

  • procedures that enlarge female breasts;
  • breast lift;
  • tummy tuck and liposuction;
  • figure correction;
  • facelift and its variant – facelift;
  • eyelid surgery and nose surgery;
  • measures to correct the shape of the ears and intimate plastic surgery;
  • beautification (general rejuvenation) and endoscopic face lift.

These and other procedures are carried out using the latest generation instruments, drugs and equipment.

Plastic surgeons begin work after consulting a specific patient on an issue of interest.

ES Class Clinic

“ES Class Clinic” is a medical center that has been visited by several thousand patients since 2011 (the year the network branch opened in Voronezh).

In it, doctors at the first call of those who come to the clinic are ready to help in performing a diverse range of plastic manipulations, in particular:

  1. Abdominoplasty.
  2. Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids and circular.

The doctoral staff of the medical center constantly improves their professional qualifications, including as participants in various scientific and practical conferences and seminars in the Russian Federation, Israel, and Austria.

Central Clinic

“Central Clinic” has been providing plastic services since 2018. The surgeons working here have more than one positive review.

Specialists carry out, for example:

  • brachioplasty (hand surgery);
  • labiaplasty (changing the shape of the labia minora and majora, skin folds around the vulva);
  • removal of Bisha's lumps (plastic surgery to obtain a more expressive face with pronounced cheekbones by removing areas of brown fat from the cheek area);
  • hand surgery.

Doctor Ch

Clinic “Doctor Ch” is a Voronezh institution that has been working in the medical services market for several years. Patients from Voronezh and the region come here.

They come from other regions of the Russian Federation, as well as from foreign countries (Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, India, Pakistan, etc.).

Patients trust the professionalism of doctors who perform, for example:

  1. Abdominoplasty.
  2. Blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids.

Cosmetology in the clinic is represented by:

  • biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid;
  • botulinum toxin injections;
  • cryo- and mesotherapy;
  • microcurrent therapy;
  • rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body;
  • peelings;
  • plasmolifting.

A reliable, stable organization helps patients solve problems in their appearance.


Surgery and cosmetology “Peresvet” is a diagnostic and treatment center that provides the most comprehensive range of medical services in plastic surgery and cosmetology.

Specialists use high-precision technologies in their work. Along with the popular ones - blepharoplasty and otoplasty, rhinoplasty and abdominoplasty, breast augmentation and liposuction, contouring, doctors professionally perform:

  1. Dermabrasion (mechanical cleansing of the face and body).
  2. Lipofilling.
  3. Aptos thread lift.
  4. Injections with Botox and Dysport.

Olympus of Health

"Olympus Health" - Family Medicine Center in Voronezh provides services for the following operations:

  1. abdominoplasty;
  2. blepharoplasty, including Asian eyelid surgery;
  3. mammoplasty – breast enlargement and reduction, correction of its shape;
  4. intimate plastic surgery;
  5. otoplasty;
  6. rhinoplasty;
  7. liposuction;
  8. lipofilling;
  9. facelift.

Among reconstructive operations, surgeons perform plastic surgery of the internal and external female genital organs (for example, the vagina).

Plastic surgeon Oleg Terezanov

Ideal appearance is not just an abstract concept, but a demand of modern times, where beautiful faces and bodies become a way to become famous and earn additional income. Thanks to celebrities, more and more people who are not associated with the world of show business, but who also want to look attractive, are learning about plastic surgery. Women all over the world are trying to improve their appearance and sometimes turn to plastic surgeons to achieve their goal. “Aestheticians” can not only improve facial and body features, but often give a start to a new life where the patient feels more confident. True, this will become a reality only with the competent work of a highly qualified specialist. What operations can be performed in the regions, what to look for and what features the most popular operations have, says the chief plastic surgeon of the Voronezh Health Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences and Associate Professor Oleg Yuryevich Terezanov.

Corr.: You are the head of the plastic surgery department at the clinic. What types of surgeries can you do?

Oleg Terezanov: All that exist. Regional clinics are not much different from Moscow, if the management cares about their clients. Our surgeons have all the necessary skills to perform aesthetic surgeries. When new techniques become known, our specialists go to study, learn from more experienced colleagues, thus improving their skills to provide patients with excellent results.

Corr.: I think this is an inevitable question for regional specialists. What plastic surgeries are most in demand in your city?

Oleg Terezanov: The undisputed leader is mammoplasty. Many women turn to a surgeon to enlarge, tighten or reduce their mammary glands. Next in popularity is lipomodeling. This method allows you to create the desired body contours by transplanting the patient's own fat. In third place in demand is blepharoplasty. In addition to these operations, we also perform nose and ear correction, intimate surgery, as well as facial rejuvenation, hip and buttock surgery.

Corr.: What kind of examination should you undergo before breast surgery?

Regional clinics are not much different from Moscow, if the management cares about their clients

Oleg Terezanov: All patients undergo preoperative examination before any operation. Otherwise, he will simply not be allowed, because the surgeon must know whether the person has any diseases. This is necessary to calculate the possible risk of threat to the patient’s health or life. In such cases, the operation is refused so as not to cause irreparable harm.

As for the tests themselves for mammoplasty, these are a general blood test, urine test, standard biochemistry, coagulogram, electrocardiogram, ultrasound of the mammary glands.

Corr.: What age can be considered suitable for surgical changes in appearance?

Oleg Terezanov: Plastic surgery is prohibited for minors, although there are exceptions. They concern otoplasty: usually parents bring their children to relieve them of protruding ears. It is better to do this operation before school so that the child can avoid possible ridicule from peers. We recommend that children have ear plastic surgery in the summer so that rehabilitation can take place and the children can get used to their new appearance.

If we talk about age in general, then there is no direct dependence on the number of years and the need to carry out this or that operation. It all depends on the evidence. You can already have deep wrinkles at the age of 30 and think about a facelift, but some people even look very young at 40 and may not need plastic surgery.

Corr. : Speaking of nose correction, can you tell me how long it takes to recover after rhinoplasty?

Oleg Terezanov: Usually the plaster is removed two weeks after the operation. Tissue swelling increases by 3-5 days, after which it begins to gradually disappear. On average, swelling can resolve from 1 month to six months. You can talk about the real result and evaluate its quality at least six months after rhinoplasty, because until this moment swelling may persist in the operated area.

Corr.: What about liposuction? Do residents of Voronezh perform this operation? What are the features of the rehabilitation period?

Oleg Terezanov: Yes, of course, liposuction is in demand among patients, but we must remember that this operation copes with local excess fat and is not a means of general weight loss, as some people think. According to the liposuction technique, the surgeon does not make incisions - micropunctures are sufficient, through which excess fatty tissue is eliminated from the body. You don’t even need to apply stitches, special patches are enough - after healing there are no traces of the intervention left, except for a slimmer silhouette. After liposuction, patients need to wear compression garments for a month, which simultaneously performs a protective and fixing function. The final effect of figure correction can be seen after 1-3 months.

Corr. : Can you reassure patients who are worried that after breast implantation it is difficult to get pregnant and breastfeeding is prohibited?

Oleg Terezanov: Yes, these are all misconceptions. The implant is not associated with the ability to have children. In addition, modern plastic surgery uses special techniques that preserve the possibility of breastfeeding. The only limitation concerns the fact that women are recommended to plan the birth of a child no earlier than six months after mammoplasty, so that the body has fully recovered and is ready to devote all its internal resources to caring for the unborn baby.

Corr.: Can you name the cost of breast surgery?

Oleg Terezanov: The minimum price starts from 170,000 rubles, the final cost is calculated individually, because all patients have different cases, categories of complexity of surgical corrections. On average, breast surgery with round implants will cost 170,000 rubles. When using anatomical endoprostheses, the price of the operation will increase to approximately 200,000 rubles.

An ultrasound of the mammary glands should be done every six months, whether you have artificial or natural breasts

Corr.: What breast size is most often asked for by women who want breast augmentation?

Oleg Terezanov: As a rule, ladies want to see new breasts of size 2 or 3, because the implant has its own weight and large-volume endoprostheses, like large natural breasts, are more prone to ptosis (sagging). No one wants to have large implants installed and then have to come back for a lift a couple of years later. When selecting implants, you need to choose models that will optimally combine with other body proportions and can last a lifetime.

Corr.: Let’s say a woman has had breast surgery. After a successful operation, can she forget about it or will she need to be observed by a doctor?

Oleg Terezanov: An ultrasound of the mammary glands should be done every six months, whether you have artificial or natural breasts. It would be useful to monitor your health and hormonal levels. Although any woman should take care of this.

Corr.: Tell me, does it happen that one operation makes it necessary to perform the next one?

Oleg Terezanov: Patients often come to rejuvenate themselves this way: first the eyelids, then the chin, and so on. That is, people come for correction after they experience certain age-related changes and these interventions concern exclusively the face and neck.

Corr.: This question is usually asked to patients, but I would like to know your opinion. Speaking from a psychological point of view, is it difficult to decide on plastic surgery?

Oleg Terezanov : Everything is individual and depends on the person. Each patient goes through a different period from the moment when he first thought about plastic surgery until the day when he comes to the final decision to undergo surgery. Some may think and start going to consultations with plastic surgeons the next day, while others will spend months reading reviews, asking loved ones for their opinion about the need for surgery, in order to make sure of their position.

Corr.: Can plastic surgery be called a new type of addiction?

Oleg Terezanov: Plastic surgery itself does not have a negative characteristic, but it can become an addiction for individuals. Conscientious specialists never perform unnecessary operations on their patients, but if ethical and moral standards are not a priority for a person, he will perform operations on anyone just to make money. For this reason, you need to contact only trusted surgeons, for whom the health and appearance of the patient is important, and not those specialists who are ready to fulfill your every desire, no matter how absurd it may be.

Prices for popular plastic surgeries

Voronezh clinics offer such medical services at prices that differ little from the price list of institutions in other cities of the Russian Federation.


  1. Lower – from 30 thousand rubles.
  2. Upper – from 10 thousand rubles.
  3. Circular - from 20 thousand rubles.

Abdominoplasty – from 25 thousand rubles, mammoplasty – from 35 thousand rubles, breast reduction – from 29 thousand rubles.

To determine the price, you should go to the official website of the selected clinic.



“There were hernias under the eyes, and the upper eyelid was drooping a little, because of this she always looked tired.
I decided to have blepharoplasty and trusted the doctor A. Yu. Kutishchev. Alexey Yuryevich turned out to be an amazing specialist. During the consultation, he explained everything in detail, and performed the operation skillfully and carefully.

The sensations were quite tolerable, the swelling and bruises disappeared after 10 days, and on the 15th I already went to a corporate event. I am very pleased with the effect - my eyes opened up and visually became larger. Thanks a lot!"


“I had my breasts enlarged by M.A.
Intsertova. Mikhail Alexandrovich chose the right shape and size, although I wanted a larger size. During the consultation, the surgeon explained to the smallest detail what needs to be done before and after the operation, how the procedure will go, and then rehabilitation. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she saw new breasts.

My body tolerated anesthesia without consequences, since the anesthesiologist selected it correctly. I am grateful to Mikhail Alexandrovich for his professionalism and humanity!”


“I started to feel complex because of drooping upper eyelids.
I.S. Saidyusupova advised me to undergo blepharoplasty. Irina Saidokilovna also removed the folds on the upper eyelids, and her eyes felt better. They became beautiful thanks to the doctor's skill. And now I apply shadow on my eyelids and mascara on my eyelashes, which I was forced to give up before. The doctor’s golden hands restored the beauty to my eyes.”

Plastic surgery in Voronezh works wonders on the face and body of every patient. In city clinics, the necessary manipulations are carried out to help you become more beautiful and younger.

After all, the skill of local plastic surgeons is in no way inferior to the skill of metropolitan doctors.

Terezanov Oleg Yurievich

Terezanov Oleg Yuryevich, as I could see from my personal experience, is simply a well-promoted commercial surgeon. He is self-admiring. He wouldn't be a bad surgeon, but a good accountant. But instead, he wanders from city to city, from clinic to clinic, and screws up everywhere. He will be extremely interested in you exactly until he receives the money, he will jump around you, ingratiate himself, and try to give the impression of a “pro.” However, this is not at all true! When you pay for the operation, he will no longer care about your health and how it was done! If something goes wrong, he will make threats and say with an impudent look: “You can go to court, anywhere... No one will change anything for you, and you will not achieve anything anywhere - everyone knows me,” etc. etc. And, apparently, he has real resources for this, since, despite numerous mistakes, he remains unpunished, paying off everything with our own money. Let me start with the fact that when I woke up from anesthesia, I realized that I was connected to a ventilator, but at that time I was still naive and thought that this was necessary... Then the temperature lasted for about a month and just getting out of bed was problematic. I complained to Terezanov, but he said that all this would pass, be patient and wait - the final result would not come soon. And, indeed, the seam on the right chest did NOT stick together for a very long time, as Oleg Yuryevich himself complained. It was very dented and retracted, plus clumsy, clumsy work. Subsequently, I discovered a protruding edge of the implant there and turned to Terezanov. He categorically refused to redo it, because, apparently, he realized that he couldn’t, his qualifications simply weren’t enough. And even now no one wants to redo his mistakes for him. I contacted the head physician with a written complaint. The clinic, as far as I understood from the dialogue with them, recognized all the shortcomings of the doctor’s work and offered to eliminate them, but I was afraid to redo it with him, having already once felt his “hand” on me, which, as I was able to make sure, was NOT “golden” at all... And , as life has shown, she did the right thing in not going to him for a second operation; I think it would have completely disfigured her. Moreover, Terezanov was furious because of my complaint to the head physician. We had to sort out the differences in court. The clinic’s lawyer stated at the trial that “We will take everything from you! We’ll leave you with nothing!” and insulted me in every possible way. Terezanov did not appear at the meeting even once; they said he went on vacation abroad. By the way, the young man who discovered Terezan’s joint was beaten. His jaw was broken and some unknown persons also inflicted injuries. I won’t describe the whole circus that happened at the trial, I decided to write about this in my book; anyone interested will read it. I will only say that in the end, as promised, I was charged legal costs in the amount of 136,000 rubles; I lost the opportunity to earn money as before and became a dependent. I went to a Moscow clinic and was diagnosed, by independent and unpaid doctors, with post-operative intercostal neuralgia and a protruding edge of the implant. I recovered for a very long time and there are still restrictions on work after the commission: do not lift more than 3 kg, you cannot stay in one body position for a long time, etc. I will have to redo all this at my own expense, as well as the legal costs of the “injured” party of the defendant. This was my experience. “Thank you” to Terezanov and the clinic “Peresvet”, aka “Melissa” and “Melissa+”, aka Gosha, aka Zhora (they change the names to avoid responsibility, apparently) for my ruined life. Several years of exhausting trials and other “charms” of life. God will be your judge and boomerang back. PS And to all the girls, my sincere advice: take ALL CHECKS, ALL contracts, save everything and don’t agree to any “roundabout maneuvers” for the sake of beautiful breasts (it’s not a fact that he can do it) And then it will be impossible to prove anything, and Terezanov may go unpunished, and you won’t even be able to leave a review without receipts! And positive praise flies to the site at the speed of light, no one checks them, because No one will sue for this!

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