Bras for girls 12-14 years old. Photos, sizes, how to choose

How do you know when it's time to buy a bra?

There are no strict age standards indicating the need to purchase a first bra, because each girl’s process of growing up and developing breasts follows individual laws.

Signals that the time has come to purchase an accessory are:

  • the girl’s complaints about discomfort during active movement, her attempts to support her chest with her hands when running or jumping;
  • soreness and excessive sensitivity of the skin of the chest, which manifests itself especially clearly when wearing clothes made of coarse fabric;
  • reluctance to change clothes in front of parents, in public places, in the presence of peers, if such shyness has not previously been observed;
  • nipples that are clearly visible under tight-fitting or translucent clothing.

Bras for girls 12-13-14 years old.
Doctors believe that buying a bra is necessary if the chest volume has reached 65-67 cm, and the mammary gland completely fills the girl’s cupped palm. The most “popular” age for these changes is 12-14 years, but fluctuations of 1-2 years in one direction or another are normal and should not cause concern.

Physiological breast growth in girls

It is first discovered that the mammary glands begin to grow at 10–11 years of age. For some, a little later - at 13 years old. Usually the appearance of small lumps is detected a year before the first menstruation. Breast growth is characterized by several stages of development. At first, a small circle near the nipple protrudes slightly. At the age of 12, the breasts acquire a conical shape, but with the onset of menstruation they become rounded.

The volume and development of the breast depends on:

  • level of health of a teenage girl;
  • nature of nutrition;
  • hereditary genes;
  • features of the constitution;
  • body weight;
  • child's lifestyle;
  • hormonal background.

A girl will be happy with her bust if her mother also has large breasts.

Fat deposits with a large weight allow the mammary gland to become larger. Active physical exercise increases muscle mass. At the same time, the breasts are tightened, and even with a small size they look formed and voluminous.

The process of puberty, when there is a surge of hormones, affects the increase in breast size. But the formation of mammary glands occurs quickly in some, and slowly in others. It depends on the individual characteristics of each girl. You need to be patient, and not rush to use biological supplements, and smear your chest with hormonal ointments, and go to salons for vacuum massages. These procedures provide a temporary effect of breast enlargement and negatively affect the health of a 12-year-old girl.

Pros and cons of wearing a bra early

Bras for girls 14 years and older are not just an element of a woman’s wardrobe, but a symbol of “adult” life. A request for its purchase can be heard long before the physiological need for additional breast support appears. Sometimes the reason for wanting a bra is psychological discomfort. The girl compares herself with her more developed peers and is embarrassed by her still childish forms. The bra must be selected especially carefully, focusing on the size and shape of the mammary gland.

If the mammary glands have not yet formed, then an excellent option would be a smart bralette - a short top of an extremely simple cut that looks like a bra. A properly selected bra will never harm a girl, but if this most important condition is not met, then in the future you may encounter a number of problems associated mainly with impaired blood supply to the developing mammary glands and the adjacent area of ​​the body.


  • discomfort in the chest area;
  • delay in development and growth of the bust;
  • its irregular shape, too small size, early sagging;
  • the appearance of unsightly dents on the shoulders.

Correcting the shape of the breast or enlarging it after puberty is possible only through plastic surgery.

There are a number of problems that, at first glance, are unrelated to the wrong choice of bra, but are its direct consequence:

  • pain in the shoulders, neck, frequent migraines;

  • painful sensations in the back;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • poor posture, stoop;
  • numbness in fingers and toes.

How to enlarge without surgery

When your transitional age has already passed and you have determined your volume, you can begin your training and perform sets of exercises to strengthen your muscles, using the right training program that will take into account your physical data, strength and endurance, so that there is progress in training! Let's return to the question of how to increase without surgery at home in the gym! If you want to increase in size by one two three sizes, then, unfortunately, it is impossible with the help of physical exercises since pumping up the muscles does not mean pumping up the mammary glands, so it is impossible to make the breasts at home or in the gym larger in size and its circumference by doing exercises. strengthen the muscles no more.

The first bra and the subtleties of its choice

Choosing the right model will help you avoid the described troubles and purchase a bra that will provide support for your developing breasts, protect them from microtraumas and allow the girl to feel a little more mature.

Common features of a good teen bra are:

Teen bra models

It is better to first purchase bras for girls 14 years and older that are soft and seamless. They will provide young breasts with maximum comfort.

Today there are 3 most popular types of teenage bras, differing in cut features:

Model Description
Sports bra An excellent option for a little athlete and for a girl with a bust developed beyond her years. This model is able to evenly distribute the weight of the breast and provide it with maximum support. The best are recognized as sports models with fasteners in the front, extremely comfortable for girls.

The attractive features of sports bras are:

  • wide elastic waistband;
  • wide straps;
  • fabric composition that promotes proper air exchange;
  • absence of rigid structural elements that dig into the body.

The disadvantages include:

  • the need to carefully select the size, which can be too difficult a task for a person without experience;
  • limited scope of application: such a bra cannot be worn under any clothes.
With triangular cup Elegant, feminine, model as close as possible to “adult” parameters. It is wireless and has a soft cup, which is perfect for a little fashionista who wants to copy adult women in everything.

Among its other advantages:

  • the ability to maintain the natural shape of the breast without deforming it;
  • miniature sizes;
  • invisible under clothing;
  • Can be used with any outfit.

Unfortunately, this model is not applicable for large busts, as it will not provide it with proper support.

Bra top It is also a bralette or sconce. The model is an elastic short T-shirt with a belt under the bust, providing it with support. A top with an extremely simple cut without inserts will be the best option for a girl who has not yet grown up to a real bra, but wants to look like an adult. For a person with a developing bust, you can purchase a model with soft foam inserts, which will delicately emphasize its shape.

Among the advantages of the top:

  • the ability to provide maximum comfort to growing breasts;
  • ease of selection of the right size model;
  • versatility: the top is suitable for sports, everyday wear and for use as outerwear.

The only drawback is the lack of a clasp and the need to put the bra on over your head, which may not always be convenient.

Models designed exclusively for adult women are not suitable for teenage girls, as they can cause irreparable harm to growing breasts.

These include bras:

  • Push-ap;
  • "Balconette";
  • tightening;
  • with narrow straps;
  • without straps;

  • with hard modeling inserts and underwires: they are suitable for older girls whose breasts are already almost formed.

Selecting a bra size for a girl 12-14 years old

Bras for girls 14 years of age and older must correspond to bust measurements.

This is one of the main conditions:

  • facilities;
  • security;
  • full performance of its functions.

To determine the size, you will need to take 2 measurements: the volume of the torso under the bust and the volume of the chest (chest girth).

To eliminate errors, measurements are performed:

  • on a full breath;
  • breast volume is measured along the nipple line;
  • the measuring tape is parallel to the floor;
  • it fits snugly to the body, but does not squeeze the skin;
  • If the girl is already menstruating, measurements should be taken in the middle of the cycle, when the breasts are slightly enlarged.

Next, by subtraction (chest volume - torso volume under the breasts), you need to determine the cup size. On store models, 2 parameters are usually indicated: torso circumference under the bust (a two-digit number) and cup size (a Latin letter after the number). You should be guided by them when purchasing.

Cup size chart

Each Latin letter (or combination thereof) corresponds to its own cup size, shown in the table below.

Sometimes preference is given to digital sizes, starting from zero (AA):

Difference between chest and underbust volumes, cm 10-12 12-14 14-16 16-18 18-20
Cup size A.A. A B C D
Bra size 0 1 2 3 4

Bust size

There is a detailed size table, in which the main parameter is chest circumference:

Volume under the bust, cm Bust volume, cm Size Volume under the bust, cm Bust volume, cm Size Volume under the bust, cm Bust volume, cm Size
68-72 78-82 70A 73-77 83-87 75A 78-82 88-92 80A
80-84 70B 85-89 75B 90-94 80B
83-87 70C 88-92 75C 93-97 80C
85-89 70D 90-94 75D 95-99 80D
88-92 70E 93-97 75E 98-102 80E
Volume under the bust, cm Bust volume, cm Size Volume under the bust, cm Bust volume, cm Size Cup size = Bust volume - volume under the bust
83-89 93-97 85A 88-92 98-102 90A Cup A – 7.5-10.0 cm

Cup B – 10-12.5 cm

C cup – 12.5-15.0 cm

D cup – 15.0-17.5 cm

E cup – 17.5 cm or more

95-99 85B 100-104 90B
98-102 85C 103-107 90C
100-104 85D 105-109 90D
103-107 85E 108-112 90E

Since breasts grow quickly during adolescence, measurements must be taken regularly and the bra must be changed promptly to prevent squeezing the developing mammary glands. Buying a bra “for growth” is also unacceptable: it will not be able to fully support the breasts.

Fabric and color

When buying a bra for a girl, you need to pay attention to the composition of the fabric: the presence of a large percentage of synthetic fibers is undesirable, their amount should not exceed 30%.

Preference is given to natural materials:

  • ensuring full breathing of the skin;
  • hygroscopic;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • elastic;
  • soft and pleasant to the touch.

Among the most popular fabrics that are used for sewing teenage underwear are the following:

Textile Description
Microfiber The only synthetic material that is widely used in the manufacture of children's clothing, due to:
  • elasticity;
  • softness;
  • excellent "breathing" qualities.

Microfiber has all the advantages of synthetics: things made from it:

  • easy to wash;
  • dry quickly;
  • are not deformed;
  • able to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time.
Cotton Natural cotton is one of the most popular materials for children's and teenage underwear.

It has a number of the following advantages:

  • hygiene: cotton fabrics absorb moisture well, dry quickly, preventing the proliferation of pathogens;
  • hypoallergenic: no cases of allergy to cotton have been recorded yet;
  • Breathability: Cotton allows air to pass freely, allowing the skin to breathe. For this reason, a girl will feel comfortable in a cotton bra during the hot season;
  • durability: cotton items do not wear out, are not afraid of frequent washing, and do not become covered with pills;
  • cheapness.

At the same time, a cotton bra takes a long time to dry after washing and may lose shape or change color over time. To improve its qualities, mixed fabrics are often used, with the addition of a small percentage of polyamide fiber.

Thick knitwear Made from natural materials:
  • cotton, linen, silk, providing such product properties as breathability, hypoallergenicity, hygroscopicity;
  • Lycra, which gives it high elasticity and the ability to easily take the desired shape.

Bras made of thick knitwear:

  • are not deformed;
  • easy to wash;
  • create the most comfortable conditions for growing breasts;
  • comfortable and beautiful.
Viscose Artificial fiber, which is made by processing cellulose and its properties are close to natural fabrics, has the softness of cotton, and a surface with a slight shine reminiscent of silk.

Among its main advantages:

  • good “breathing” qualities;
  • high hygroscopicity;
  • lack of ability to accumulate static electricity;
  • attractive appearance;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • dirt-repellent properties.

Disadvantages usually include the need to wash on a delicate cycle and the tendency to wrinkle. In terms of strength, viscose is somewhat inferior to cotton.

Also, little fashionistas are offered elegant models made of natural silk and satin. These fabrics are pleasant to the touch, durable and wear-resistant, have pronounced bactericidal properties and are very beautiful. But bras made from them, due to their high cost combined with the need to frequently replace teenage underwear, are rarely purchased for girls. As for colors, nude-colored bras are popular because they are a universal option that can be combined with clothes of any color.

Traditional white and black are also trending. You can find models decorated with funny designs and prints in colorful bright colors. The latter version of bras is especially popular among modest women who are shy about rounded shapes, since it resembles a swimsuit more familiar to a young lady and does not cause psychological discomfort.

Quality and type of bra for teenagers

The quality of the bra largely determines its comfort, durability and ability to maintain its attractive appearance.

Common features of a quality product are:

  • neat, even seams, without distortions or protruding threads;
  • fabric composition with a predominance of natural materials (in good models - indicated on the label);
  • paint fastness. You can perform a simple test by running a damp cloth over the surface of the cup: if there is a mark left on it, the product will lose its brightness after the first wash;
  • stretch resistance: the belt of a good bra should not stretch too easily or be too tight;
  • the presence of parts that allow you to adjust the length of the straps and the volume of the belt (2-3 rows of hooks).

Depending on the specific model, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

Model Description
Sports bra It should cover the chest as much as possible, covering it tightly enough, but not squeezing, have wide straps and a belt that fits tightly to the body.
Triangle bra Must have length-adjustable straps with a width of at least 1 cm, and fit snugly to the body along the contour of the cups.
Bralette It should be elastic enough to be easily pulled over the head, and have a belt that fits snugly around the torso. In teenage models, only foam inserts are used, which gently emphasize the shape of the breasts.

They will help to evaluate the quality and indirect signs indicating the integrity of the manufacturer, in particular, the condition of the packaging and the inscriptions on it.

A good sign is the presence on the label:

  • the name of the company and all its details;
  • information about the composition;
  • detailed description of the product.

Spelling errors in the text on the packaging are clear evidence of a low-quality product: a good manufacturer will not skimp on a translator who can compose a literate text.

Models with and without underwires

The bone is a semicircular rigid element that can be inserted into the lower part of the cups. Thanks to the underwires, the breasts are more fully supported and their shape is corrected. At the same time, the bone compresses the blood vessels, disrupting the blood supply to the tissues, which can lead to a delay in the development of the mammary gland. For this reason, underwires are used exclusively in adult models, and bras intended for teenagers have only soft foam inserts.

A girl of 15-16 years old, whose breasts are already almost formed, can purchase a bra with an underwire, provided that:

  • the bones are made of plastic or rubber;
  • firmly and securely sewn into the fabric;
  • do not dig into the body under the breasts or in the armpit area;
  • the cup gently covers the lower part of the breast and fits tightly to it;
  • The bra will not be used for everyday wear.

For girls at this age, the “Angelica”, “Balconette”, “Push up” models are available.

As for younger ages, soft models are recommended for them:

  • tops without inserts - for fashionistas whose breasts have not yet begun to grow;
  • tops with inserts;
  • sports bras;
  • bras with soft triangular cups - for girls with already developed breasts.

The height of a teenage girl before after photo

The influence on a person’s growth, as well as the growth of breasts, is influenced by several factors, starting from nutrition, as well as how a person lived during his transitional age and whether he led a healthy lifestyle or not, this fact means physical activity, whether the child did sports or fitness at home, So I went to sports clubs to improve my physical skills, strength, endurance, stretching, flexibility so that my muscles and ligaments became stronger, more resilient, and more elastic. The figure of a teenager is formed precisely at this age, from 11 to 18 years inclusive.

Rules for trying on a bra

When buying a bra without trying it on, even if the model is chosen in strict accordance with breast parameters, there is a high risk of purchasing something that will be uncomfortable for the girl.

It’s better to go to the store together: the girl will choose a model that she likes with its design, and the mother will check whether the chosen product meets the following criteria:

  • The straps do not dig into the shoulders and do not slide; you can freely stick a finger between them and the shoulder. The width of the straps is at least 1 cm, it is possible to adjust the length;
  • belt – has 3 rows of hooks, when fastened with the “loosest” clasp, it fits tightly to the body, but does not compress it, from the back it is located strictly parallel to the floor, under the shoulder blades, does not ride up and does not sag;
  • the remaining 2 rows of hooks will come in handy later, when the belt stretches slightly after several washes;
  • cups - do not have rough seams, completely contain the breasts, leaving no empty space, do not pinch under the arms, do not displace the bust (raise it, move it to the center), but simply fix it.

In addition, you must:

  • check the bra “in dynamics” by asking the girl to turn from side to side, bend over, raise and lower her arms, and jump. The bra should not slide down, ride up, move to the side, the straps should not fall off or interfere with movement, and the breasts should not fall out or “jump” inside the cups;
  • make sure that the belt can be easily unfastened and fastened;

  • ask the girl to take off her bra and carefully examine her skin: there should be no red spots or pressed marks left on it from any details of the cut or fastener.

The best and most effective exercises for teenagers

You can strengthen your muscles and make them strong both at home and in the gym, knowing the basic basic exercises, you can begin to fully train. Review of the most effective exercises that will make your chest toned and sculpted. By doing these exercises for a month or more, you can create a muscle corset not only for your chest, but also strengthen your arm muscles.

Classic push-ups

Simplified push-ups on the knees

Bench press with dumbbells

Lying arm raises with dumbbells

Reduction of arms in the simulator while sitting

Bench press on a horizontal bench


Training program for teenagers

Knowing the exercises, you can create an effective training program (set of exercises), which should be taken into account when drawing up a training program. Initially, if you want to train at home, you should buy collapsible dumbbells from 2 kg to 15 kg, as well as a bench with a reclining back to practice on. exercises like lying arm raises, bench press, on the floor at the beginning of your training, if you are doing the first month, you can start with push-ups on your knees on the floor, how will you be able to practice without knees with the classic version, how will you be able to do it without knees for 15 - 20 repetitions will be needed already a bench and dumbbells to further progress in your workouts.

How to increase muscles for a teenager

Increasing muscles means putting a force load on the muscles, and this means performing exercises with a small number of repetitions from 6 to 10 times; this number of repetitions is considered optimal in order to injure the muscle fibers so that they begin to grow in volume, forming a muscle corset. Not forgetting that during power loads there should always be an assistant nearby who should insure you in case you have a difficult approach or the last repetition.

How to wear?

No matter how comfortable and fashionable a bra may be, constant exposure to it will negatively affect the health of developing breasts. The maximum permissible time of continuous wear is 12 hours, but it is advisable that the girl take off her bra when she comes home.

You can't sleep in a bra for a number of reasons:

  • increased risk of compression of nodes and blood vessels when the body is positioned horizontally;
  • difficult air exchange;
  • slowing down the process of cell renewal;
  • the pressure of the bra clasp on the back, which can cause spinal diseases.

For periods of active movement, sports, outdoor games, a bra is required, it:

  • protects the chest from injury;

  • will prevent the early appearance of stretch marks;
  • will eliminate psychological discomfort.

By absorbing sweat and skin secretions, teenage underwear quickly becomes dirty, so the bra should be changed, depending on the intensity of use, every 2-4 days or when there are clear signs of contamination of the fabric, especially noticeable on the belt and straps. So that the girl does not experience a “shortage” of bras, it is advisable to purchase several models of different types for her. This will give you the opportunity to choose the most convenient option, which will help with future purchases.

Beautiful models

Bras for girls 14 years old are presented in the following options:

  • tops with funny designs;
  • sports bras of any solid and variegated colors;
  • elegant bras with triangular cups, decorated with polka dots, flowers, and hearts prints;
  • products with applications;

  • models made in a strict classic style.

Tips for caring for your bra

In order for the product to serve its intended purpose safely, it is enough to fulfill a few simple requirements:

Requirement Description
  • When washing automatically, you must select a delicate mode, a temperature of 30-40 ° C, and a spin at the lowest speed. It is advisable to use special bags and liquid detergents without bleaching effect.
  • When putting your bra in the washing machine, you need to fasten its belt.
  • When washing by hand, do not use excessive force, intensively rub the product or twist it.
  • To remove excess moisture, you can wrap the bra in a cloth and gently wring it out.
Drying It is performed at room temperature; before drying, the bra is straightened and the cups are given their original shape. Do not dry the bra on heating devices or hang it by the edge of the belt: this can lead to damage to the product. No ironing required.
Storage Underwear, including a bra, cannot be stored together with outerwear: it will require a separate shelf. To prevent the cups from becoming wrinkled during storage, it is advisable to place a filler (paper or fabric) of the appropriate shape in each of them.

The best manufacturers and prices for teenage underwear

The following brands produce bras for teenage girls:

Bras for girls 14 years of age and older have a wide range, but without following the basic rules of caring for them, the products will quickly become unusable and require replacement.

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