Oksana Kononets: from a childhood dream to a professional in aesthetics

I feel embarrassed to write, despite the fact that I know that my name will be changed or not mentioned at all. But I still decided to do this, for two reasons: I want men like me to know about this story, and I also want to tell everyone what a highly qualified specialist Oksana Aleksandrovna is a doctor who helped me a lot. I do not belong to the category of those men who, as a matter of principle, date exclusively with 18-year-old models. But it so happened in my life that I am already over fifty, and my friend at that time, and now my wife, is much younger - she is 26. Those who say that only women have complexes because of age and its manifestations are mistaken. Men, as I found out from my own experience, have the same problems. And in the same way, sometimes they cannot sleep peacefully at the thought that someone much younger can attract the attention of your beloved. One day I decided to discuss this with her. She said that our age difference does not matter to her, but if it matters so much to me, I can contact a plastic surgeon. I was surprised then that I didn’t think about it myself - I’m also a doctor by profession, but my specialty has nothing to do with aesthetic medicine. I began to become interested in the question, and through some acquaintances I knew, I contacted Oksana Alexandrovna. When I went to the reception, I was very shy, and this made me feel even stupider. Oksana Aleksandrovna, apparently, immediately understood my condition - after all, I was far from the first man at her reception. This thought calmed me a little. Blushing - at my age - I outlined the essence of the problem. Together we chose a rejuvenation program for me - as minimally traumatic as possible. I honestly admit that there were several interventions. What really impressed me about Oksana was that she patiently and kindly answered all my questions - and there were a lot of questions. I will not go into details of the preparation of the operation and rehabilitation. I probably didn’t bear everything as courageously as a man should. But the process itself turned out to be not as long and painful as I imagined (For some reason, when it comes to yourself, all professional skills and knowledge disappear somewhere, and you worry and worry no less than any other patient). Oksana Aleksandrovna was always there - she answered my calls, calmed me down, explained the subtleties. Now I'm preparing to become a father. And my knowledge and experience in my rejuvenated body and the love of my wife give me confidence in the future! Oksana Aleksandrovna, I’m not sure that I could have done the same without you! Thank you very much.


Kononets Oksana Alexandrovna

Oksana Aleksandrovna Kononets is a certified plastic surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Full member: International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS), Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (ROPRECH), Society of Surgeons of Moscow and the Moscow Region, Society of Aesthetic Medicine Specialists (OSEM) Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (2002 -2008) Teacher of the plastic surgery course at the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Fundamental Cosmetology since 2010

Professional experience: more than 20 years


Russian State Medical University named after. N. I. Pirogova Residency: Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, specialty “plastic surgery”, head d.m.s. I.A. Frishberg Postgraduate studies: Department of Reconstructive Surgery of the Head and Neck and Microsurgery of the Central Research Institute of Dentistry, specialty “plastic surgery”, head professor A. I. Nerobeev.

Primary specialization in the specialty "surgery" with a course of endoscopy and endosurgery (GOU VPO Russian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation).


Internship at New York Medical University, under the supervision of Professor J. McCarthy, Professor Sherrell Aston and Professor Daniel Baker.

Certification cycles in microsurgery, ophthalmoplasty, endoscopic facial plastic surgery and reconstructive breast surgery (2000, 2005, 2009)

2006 — Special training 3-phase cycle on mammoplasty, Morocco

2007 – Special training 3-phase cycle on mammoplasty, Italy

2008 – Special training 3-phase cycle on mammoplasty, Sweden

Studying the properties and modern technologies for the production of breast implants with visits to production facilities in Scotland, Holland and Brazil

Annual training courses on plastic surgery ROPREKH

2009 — Participant of the ASAPS International Congress Las Vegas

2014 – Participant of the international congress ISAPS Rio de Janeiro

Scientific works

Candidate's thesis “Features of blepharoplasty for oriental eye shape” (2001)

Author and co-author of 50 publications, 3 medical technologies and 3 inventions in plastic surgery

Author of a unique method of plastic surgery of the Eastern eyelids.

Author of more than 25 reports at Russian and international conferences and forums on plastic surgery.

Currently, research has been conducted and a doctoral dissertation has been prepared to evaluate the effectiveness of augmentation mammoplasty, aimed at reducing the number of complications and reoperations in women after breast replacement with silicone implants. The results of the work were presented at international congresses and symposia on plastic, reconstructive surgery and aesthetic medicine in Russia and abroad.

Practical activities

From 2000 to 2015 worked as a plastic surgeon at the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, at the Institute of Beauty on Arbat, and also operated in a number of other leading clinics in Moscow. Has been working in Medlaz since 2015.

Area of ​​professional interests: the whole range of aesthetic surgeries in the face and body.

Nominee of the annual award in the field of plastic surgery and cosmetology “Golden Lancet” (2008)

Oksana Kononets: from a childhood dream to a professional in aesthetics

There are approximately 1,500 certified plastic surgeons in Russia who are ready to restore your youth and correct the mistakes of nature. Some of them have a wealth of experience, others are promoted on Instagram, and others prefer to specialize in only a couple of operations. It is logical that most patients prefer to undergo surgery with specialists of the first group, with whom they can discuss in detail all possible options for correcting their appearance and be confident in the safety and success of the upcoming intervention.

Among the outstanding representatives of professionals in domestic aesthetic medicine is the Moscow plastic surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences Oksana Aleksandrovna Kononets. A specialist with 20 years of experience is a full member of the International and Russian Societies of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS and ROPREKH), and is a member of the Society of Surgeons of Moscow and the Moscow Region and the Society of Specialists in Aesthetic Medicine (OSEM). Despite his busy work schedule, the doctor manages to teach at the Institute of Continuing Professional Education. The expert also has a background in the development of unique techniques and inventions.

The beginning of the way

Dr. Kononets has many regalia and achievements that make her an outstanding and sought-after specialist on the Russian plastic surgery market. She showed true commitment to her chosen profession already during her studies, because the desire to become a doctor appeared in childhood. Oksana Aleksandrovna was born into a Moscow medical family, so she always knew the answer to her favorite childhood question about her future profession and really loved playing with surgical instruments. According to the doctor, she was attracted to the medical profession by the opportunity to help people:

I was always an excellent student both at school and at college. This both helped and hindered me at the same time

“I grew up in a medical environment; representatives of various medical faiths were often at home - surgeons, radiologists, oncologists, pediatricians, neurosurgeons, gynecologists, dentists, traumatologists. I loved listening to their conversations, I read medical textbooks from the age of five, and by the time I was in first grade I already knew by heart the incubation periods and symptoms of many childhood infectious diseases...”

The doctor assures that she would become a doctor again, even if she were given the opportunity to go back in time and choose a different profession. As Oksana Kononets says, she graduated from school and the educational training program at the oncology department 40 of the City Clinical Hospital at the same time - both with excellent marks. At the same time, despite her deep attachment to medicine, she always treated creativity and art with trepidation: she played the piano, sang, painted, practiced choreography and figure skating.

The specialist received her higher education at the Second Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov in Moscow, now it is the Russian State Medical University. This institution became the alma mater for many of her colleagues who devoted their lives to plastic surgery. The doctor remembers his studies with pleasure:

— Did you like anatomy?

- Yes, I was interested in her. More precisely, the process of memorizing all the bones, muscles, convolutions and tubercles in Latin. I remember well the anatomy classes themselves, when before the state exam we decided to spend the night in the closets of the anatomy room so that we could repeat everything on preparations overnight. We took thermoses with tea and food with us, hid, and the duty officer found us, there was a lot of noise... but an A in the state exam was guaranteed! I was always an excellent student both at school and at college. This both helped and hindered me at the same time. It is very difficult to do everything in life as a 5.

RNIMU named after. N.I. Pirogov

While studying at the Medical University, I was interested in various fields and was in search of one where I could better apply myself. I completed medical practice in various departments - pediatric oncology, gastroenterology, neonatal surgery, gynecology, neurology, and attended various student clubs. Aesthetic surgery became a gift and revelation for me - as a field where it was possible to combine a love of beauty, a penchant for science, knowledge and my inherent perfectionism.

As Oksana Kononets emphasizes, it is very important for her that the result of the work is visible immediately - in plastic surgery it can be assessed already on the operating table.

First operation and becoming a specialist

The doctor began her professional path to the title of one of the best metropolitan specialists in facial and body plastic surgery at the Institute of Beauty on Olkhovka, which she considers her alma mater, where she completed a two-year residency in the specialty “surgery” (aesthetic operations), and subsequently carried out her first independent operations. At that time, the specialty “plastic surgeon” did not yet officially exist, but large-scale research was already underway at the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and work was in full swing. And Dr. Kononets was taught how to use a scalpel and skillfully transform the appearance of patients by famous masters of the industry, real luminaries of Russian medicine:

“I was incredibly lucky because I was taught by the very people who stood at the origins of plastic and aesthetic surgery in Russia: Ilya Aizikovich Frishberg, Svetlana Borisovna Stesina, Cleopatra Fedorovna Sibileva, Svetlana Nikolaevna Lobanova, Galina Pavlovna Kolodina, Valentina Gennadievna Zmazova. Many of them are no longer there, but they remain forever in my memory.

In the photo Ilya Aizikovich Frishberg, Svetlana Borisovna Stesina, Cleopatra Fedorovna Sibileva

After completing my residency, I entered graduate school in the specialty “maxillofacial surgery” at the Department of Reconstructive Surgery of the Head and Neck and Microsurgery of the Central Scientific Research Institute under the guidance of the famous professor Alexander Ivanovich Nerobeev. It was a good academic school: those unique reconstructive and microsurgical operations that I saw and in which I directly took part significantly expanded my horizons - not only as a surgeon, but also as a scientist.”

After graduating from graduate school, the doctor returned to the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology, where she spent 12 exciting years under the guidance of the famous professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladimir Alekseevich Vissarionov, who gave her the most important thing for a surgeon - the opportunity to work independently.

Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology on Olkhovka

Oksana Kononets recalls with a smile her first plastic surgery - it was a circular facelift for a male patient. The operation lasted 5 hours, colleagues tried to help, but the young specialist wanted to do everything herself. For men, facelift is considered technically more difficult to perform than for women, and rehabilitation does not always go smoothly. “I was lucky - everything went well with the patient and without complications. This is what male support means!” - Oksana Alexandrovna laughs.

When asked about difficulties, the doctor replies that the most difficult thing for a young specialist is to find his Teacher in the profession. Some of the senior colleagues willingly shared their experience and skills, while others had to find an approach.

Oksana Kononets’s first patient was a man. He came for a facelift

Gaining experience

Over the years of work at the Institute, Oksana Aleksandrovna performed many aesthetic operations in the area of ​​the face and body, and each time she learned something new for herself - this was that very precious experience. It was then that the doctor chose another topic for in-depth study - breast surgery:

“Perhaps I.A. Frishberg passed this on to me: while still in residency, I assisted him a lot on such operations, and then he was finishing work on his monograph “Surgical correction of cosmetic deformities of the female breast” (1997, Moscow). Already in those years there were many operations; women and girls from all over the former USSR came to the Institute for breast reduction and enlargement, correction of asymmetries, and prolapse of the mammary glands. 10 years later, already working independently, I began to pay attention to many factors relating not only to the technical execution of these operations, but also to the social, psychological aspects, as well as to the quality and properties of various implants used in breast augmentation.”

During his practical activity, Dr. Kononets managed to develop his surgical techniques and mammoplasty techniques with and without implants in order to obtain good aesthetic results and minimize the percentage of postoperative complications.

Speaking about mentors in plastic surgery, it is worth mentioning world-famous American plastic surgeons: professors John McCarthy, Daniel Baker and Sherrell Aston, with whom Oksana Aleksandrovna trained for 1.5 months in New York, as well as the famous Swedish professor Per Heden , with whom I operated on numerous occasions and listened to his lectures. Each of them contributed to the professional education of the expert and her development as a surgeon.

Plastic surgeon Oksana Kononets assisting in Stockholm with Professor Per Heden

Scientific work

Few Russian plastic surgeons can boast of their own unique techniques, but Oksana Kononets is included in this list. The specialist is the author and co-author of 47 publications, 3 medical technologies and 3 inventions in plastic surgery.

Any surgeon in the process of work, and sometimes study, as happened in our case, chooses priority areas for himself. The first topic that interested Oksana Kononets was the Europeanization of the Asian face. Her PhD thesis was devoted to the peculiarities of blepharoplasty of the Eastern eyelids, during which she devoted a lot of time to studying the works of domestic and foreign specialists in plastic and ophthalmic surgery, read literature on ethnography, psychology, and analyzed social factors. It was during this period that the doctor met her other teacher - the famous domestic ophthalmic surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Germanovich Kataev, together with whom colossal work was carried out on preliminary modeling of the results of plastic surgeries using various technologies and computer programs, as well as Invented and registered our own technique for plastic surgery of the eastern eyelids.

The plastic surgeon uses the results of his dissertation work in his clinical and teaching activities to this day.

About friendship, leisure and your future

In plastic surgery, as in any field of medicine, many colleagues have been friends for decades:

“I would even say that we are connected not only by friendship, but also by mutual assistance. Our profession as a plastic surgeon is like a litmus test - it immediately highlights all the qualities of a person. And of course, all relationships are tested by time, maintaining them is a lot of work,” emphasizes Oksana Aleksandrovna.

And although the work of a “sculptor of human faces and bodies” takes up most of a plastic surgeon’s life, specialists manage to find free time for themselves and their loved ones. Most of them, like Dr. Kononets, prefer to spend it traveling and communicating with family and friends.

When asked what, in Oksana Alexandrovna’s opinion, made her a good surgeon, the doctor honestly answers: “Love for her profession, good education, work and a little talent.”

And, since the plastic surgeon has long been included in the lists of the most sought-after specialists in Moscow, we became interested in what the doctor would wish for herself - for the future.

“It is very important to never stop there - after all, a person truly lives when he studies, learns something new and shares his experience! Only forward! The one who walks will master the road!” Dr. Kononets inspired us with her speech.

  1. What's your favorite movie? "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts.
  2. What was the last movie you saw in the cinema? "The Goldfinch" based on the famous bestseller by Donna Tartt.
  3. What's your favorite book? Bible.
  4. What's your favorite dish? Chocolate.
  5. What was the last play you saw in the theater? Living in Moscow, I reviewed the repertoire of almost all the capital's theaters. However, what I love most and truly relax is when I watch ballet. The last time it was “La Bayadère” at the Bolshoi.
  6. Which historical figure do you compare yourself to? I didn't think about it. Probably with those who lived at the turn of the century.
  7. What kind of music do you listen to? Various: from classics to Russian chanson.
  8. What is your driving experience? Since 1992.
  9. Do you have pets? Of course, what would we do without them: a dog and a cat.
  10. Do you know who Khabib Nurmagomedov is? Of course it's The Fighter!

Make an appointment with plastic surgeon Kononets O.A. possible by phone.

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