Vitamin E for facial skin and features of its use?

What is vitamin E?

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is represented by a group of structurally similar chemical substances - tocopherols and tocotrienols. Dissolves in fats. It has extremely strong antioxidant properties, which provide its positive effect on the body.

Tocopherol fights the process of lipid peroxidation, prevents the formation of free radicals and their destruction of cell membranes.

Vitamin E and its beneficial properties were discovered more than 90 years ago. Since then, the favorable attitude of doctors towards tocopherol has only intensified, because its valuable effects are truly significant and noticeable.

The golden key to rejuvenation: what to expect from tocopherol

The biologically active substance in question is famous for its action in several directions at once. In combination with other natural ingredients, this fifth element of modern cosmeceuticals will transform you in a few months, evening out the texture of your face, making your skin impeccably moisturized, smooth and toned.

So how does vitamin E help us turn back time?

  • Rejuvenates, has a pronounced lifting effect

In adulthood, epidermal cells become a target for aging processes. Dryness and a feeling of tightness appear, barrier properties weaken, elasticity is lost, and the first expression lines appear. Tocopherol, penetrating into cells with cosmetics, from ampoules or capsules, promotes regeneration, resulting in a lasting anti-aging effect. It is especially noticeable where the skin is most sensitive and least protected from negative influences - in the area around the eyes. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, the relief is strengthened, folds are eliminated - the so-called lifting effect occurs.

  • Tones and refreshes

How is vitamin E in cosmetics beneficial for our face and what is it used for? Tocopherol is indispensable for those who want to give their skin a boost of vigor and energy. The tonic effect of this active component becomes especially relevant when the epidermis loses its ability to retain moisture, and with it its tone. The main task of the substance in this case is to strengthen the cell membrane, improve barrier properties, restore resistance to negative environmental influences, relieve signs of fatigue, dehydration, and loss of vitality.

  • Neutralizes free radicals

Antioxidants are responsible for this. They protect the epidermis from destruction and slowing down the production of collagen and elastin fibers. They also save our skin from the dangerous effects of toxins and other substances that enter our body from the environment - with air, food, water.

  • Actively moisturizes

Have you noticed how often our skin lacks water? Its deficiency manifests itself in the form of a feeling of dryness and tightness, excessive sensitivity, and the appearance of flaky areas. Another effect of vitamin E is intense hydration and nutrition, preserving moisture in the cells of the epidermis.

  • Soothes and heals

Tocopherol not only evens out the relief, restores youth and elasticity. It helps prevent the development of cancer, relieves itching and irritation due to allergies, strengthens the membrane of red blood cells, protecting them from premature destruction.

This complex effect on the skin allows it to be used in a variety of moisturizing, nourishing and anti-aging cosmetics - with the right combination of active ingredients, they will help achieve excellent results within a few weeks of use.

Regular use of masks, creams and serums based on tocopherol is the key to youth and beauty. However, we should not forget that in its pure form this pharmaceutical drug requires careful handling and compliance with the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Increased need for vitamin E

A sharp increase in the need for the vitamin occurs in pregnant women. Moreover, gynecologists recommend that expectant mothers take additional vitamin E throughout pregnancy, as well as until the end of breastfeeding.

Increased consumption of tocopherol is required during intense physical activity, sports, after the age of 40, when living in environmentally unfavorable areas, and when exposed to stress.

Women are also required to take this vitamin when approaching and after menopause. It is also recommended for teenage girls when their menstrual cycle begins.

How to use vitamin E capsules for facial skin

Let's start with the fact that this is a drug that needs to be taken in a course. It must be prescribed by a doctor - only a specialist can determine the required dosage. It varies depending on the reasons for which you had to purchase tocopherol in soft gelatin capsules.

It may be prescribed for the following conditions:

  • if your menstrual cycle is disrupted;
  • during pregnancy - if there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • for some endocrine diseases;
  • with severe exhaustion of the body and vegetative disorders;
  • with excessive consumption of retinol and calciferol.

This is not a complete list of indications for the use of tocopherol. My goal is to show you how different the reasons for using an active substance can be, and with them the characteristics of use. All this suggests that the safest option is to take the product after prior consultation with a specialist or purchase professional cosmetics.

Is it possible to use vitamin E in capsules for facial skin at home and how to use it: rub it in pure form, add it to masks, or drink it like tablets? If, after consulting with a doctor, you have been prescribed this remedy, indicating the permissible dosage, you can use tocopherol externally. To do this you need:

  • Pierce the gelatin shell.
  • Apply the oily content locally, spreading it with your fingers until completely absorbed.

How to add vitamin E in oil to face cream and then use it at home? 3-4 drops per 20 ml are enough.

Attention: the recommended dosage cannot be increased! If you squeeze more than one capsule into the base, you can get severe swelling and irritation of the skin. If you doubt the positive effect of masks and creams made yourself, purchase professional cosmetics - they will help preserve your beauty without negative consequences.

Some use tocopherol in combination with glycerin, another substance that retains moisture in the epidermal cells. I immediately warn you that these products should be combined only in a certain dosage. Otherwise, the composition may have the exact opposite effect. In addition, when preparing masks, it is important to observe the following conditions:

  • Dry air in the room where the procedure is performed.
  • Adding components one by one.
  • Apply a thin layer to the face.

Here is one of the recipes with vitamin E (10 capsules) and glycerin (25-30 ml) for perfectly moisturized facial skin: the components are mixed, then oils (rose, lavender, tea tree) are added. The resulting composition is applied for 30 minutes, after which its remains are carefully removed with a damp cloth.

This recipe may be suitable, or it may cause irritation - it all depends on how the epidermis reacts to the components of the mask, and whether you have gone too far with the dosage. In addition, when working with glycerin in the wrong conditions (excessively humid air), you can cause the skin to dry out.

The best option is to use laboratory-tested drugs that contain active substances in the required proportion and do not lead to irritation. Don't experiment if you feel unsure of the results.

Absorption of vitamin E from food

Like vitamin D, tocopherol is best absorbed in the presence of bile acids and fats. If you eat plant foods, for example, a salad of fresh vegetables, do not forget to season it with vegetable oil. Also use spices, they increase the release of pancreatic juice and bile, which improves digestion and absorption of the vitamin.

Vitamin C protects vitamin E from oxidation and potentiates its effects, so along with sources of tocopherol, it is useful to eat foods containing ascorbic acid. Eat more fruits and vegetables, they contain both vitamins.

Use of vitamin E: rules and indications

Our task is to learn how to get the maximum benefit from this biologically active substance. If treated correctly, it will transform our face, make its contours tightened, and the skin elastic and healthy.

Most often, tocopherol in capsules (in the form of oil) or in creams is used to affect the area around the eyes, which is extremely sensitive. I recommend not to get carried away with products you prepare yourself - only a professional knows the required dosage, as well as the optimal combination of active ingredients. I advise you to pay attention to liposomal cosmetics that carefully and effectively care for your skin.

Who needs vitamin E in all its forms?

  • For everyone over 30 years old – prevention of premature aging and protection from the negative influence of the environment.
  • For those over forty, tocopherol eliminates facial wrinkles, evens out complexion, eliminating age spots and dark circles under the eyes.
  • For those who are concerned about the loss of tone and elasticity, vitamin E returns moisture to the epidermal cells, saving dehydrated areas, and gives a healthy appearance to even dull, aging and sensitive skin.

Tocopherol is sold in several forms. Before choosing one of them, carefully read the description that I will give below for each of the forms. Don't forget that in most cases you can get by with purchasing professional cosmetics created by experts for your beauty and health.

Biological role of vitamin E

The functions of vitamin E in the body are very significant. The biological role of tocopherol is as follows:

  • Due to its antioxidant effect, it increases the overall level of health and resists diseases
  • Improves skin condition, timely renewal of its components
  • Has a rejuvenating effect
  • Protects blood vessels from atherosclerosis, slows down the development of cardiovascular diseases
  • Improves the production of sex hormones, increases the likelihood of pregnancy, and fights infertility. Because of this, vitamin E is also recommended for use by men and women when planning a child, as well as for diseases of the gonads.
  • Normalizes blood clotting
  • Accelerates the healing of damaged tissues
  • Enhances the effects of vitamin A and selenium.

Mistake #5. Ignore Omega-3

Why take Omega-3

polyunsaturated acid? It preserves visual acuity, beauty and protects the vascular endothelium from damage. The brain is 30% composed of Omega-3 fatty acids. The substance is not synthesized in the body independently. Unfortunately, even adherents of the Mediterranean diet do not always get enough Omega-3. The fatty acid is found in fatty fish, flaxseed, sea buckthorn and mustard oils.

Adults should take 2 grams of Omega-3 daily—or more. The exact dosage can be selected after an analysis called the Omega-3 index


The advantage of Omega-3 capsules over the same red fish is the good purification of fatty acids from harmful impurities that we can receive along with fish caught in a pond.

Signs of vitamin E deficiency

Often people are not even aware of the need for additional vitamin E use, attributing signs of its deficiency to some third-party reasons. Meanwhile, the symptoms of tocopherol deficiency can be quite serious. These include:

  • Menstruation disorders in women, decreased potency in men
  • Infertility, spontaneous miscarriages
  • Anemia
  • Pale and yellow skin
  • Increased incidence of colds
  • Liver disorders
  • Weakness, etc.

Mistake #6. Do not distinguish between Omega-3 and Omega-6


are healthy and important unsaturated fatty acids for the body. However, there is no additional need to take Omega-6 - we get this component in sufficient quantities from food - vegetable oils, poultry, oatmeal, etc. Excess Omega-6 can play into the hands of inflammatory processes in the body.

Signs of excess vitamin E

When regularly taking vitamin E preparations in dosages of 800 IU and above, no symptoms initially arise - in the body, excess tocopherol is simply deposited in adipose tissue, and its excess is also excreted in bile.

However, further deterioration in health is possible: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. An increase in blood pressure, an increase in the level of harmful lipids in the blood and an acceleration in the development of atherosclerosis are likely.

In case of poisoning with a single ultra-high dose of the vitamin, liver function is impaired, kidney failure and other serious consequences may develop.

Mistake #3. Don't know what vitamin D to take


- an inactive form of vitamin D, it is what is needed to correct its deficiency so that all body systems work properly and you feel good.
The drug cholecalciferol is safe - the likelihood of overdose is low. But there is another, active form of vitamin D - calcitriol
. It can only be taken under the supervision of a physician and for medical reasons.

Mistake #4. Taking vitamin D does not always mean normalizing its levels

Vitamin D is poorly absorbed in the following situations:

  1. Problems with the gallbladder (or rather, with bile outflow) - vitamin D is fat soluble, and bile is necessary for the absorption of fats.
  2. Inflammatory bowel diseases and microflora disorders.
  3. Excess weight
    - D-hormone is deposited in adipose tissue, so obese patients need to take vitamin D in larger doses.
  4. Genetic abnormalities - there are no receptors sensitive to vitamin D.

Mistake #9. Sports dietary supplements - trust and not test

Some athletes take proteins to accelerate muscle growth and “drying”. One of the most popular today is casein.

, which is made from ordinary cow's milk.
Casein protein is cheap to produce, but it is not suitable for everyone. Why is casein harmful? Once in the body, it turns into casomorphin
, which is addictive and can provoke inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, autoimmune diseases, swelling and lethargy.

Casein protein should not be taken by those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as individual intolerance to lactose and casein.

Mistake #10. Not only collagen and hyaluronic acid are beneficial for the skin

After 35-40 years, the skin ages. Many women experience a lack of collagen peptides and hyaluronic acid: in this case, injection cosmetology and capsules come to the rescue as an auxiliary method of combating signs of age-related changes.

However, other components are also beneficial for the skin:

  • Sex hormones;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Sulfur;
  • Silicon;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc.

Step-by-step preparation of the mask

You will need a clean small container. For example, a jar of old face cream. Rinse the container with water and detergent to remove any remaining cosmetics. If the container is plastic, you cannot pour hot water into it, otherwise the material will begin to release toxins and harmful chemical elements. If you use liquid at room temperature there will be no problems.

First, pour clay into a jar, measure out approximately a teaspoon each of the blue and red varieties. This amount is enough for one-time use, because you cannot store leftover masks. The cosmetic product loses its beneficial properties and only dries out the skin.

Add 8 drops of tocopherol to the dry powder.

Add the same amount of vitamin A.

Combine with three drops of ylang-ylang essential oil and add warm water.

Thoroughly mix the clay with additives to obtain a homogeneous grayish-reddish mass. The consistency of the mask should resemble thick sour cream so that it does not spread over the face, but lies in a thin layer.

Mistake #7. Ignore iron (ferritin)

Iron deficiency leads to anemia, fatigue, muscle weakness, dry skin, and hair loss. Women are at risk for iron loss due to menstruation; vegetarians and vegetarians do not receive the required amount of this microelement.

Mistake #8. Taking Iron Blindly

In terms of absorption, iron is a particularly capricious microelement. It should be taken with particular caution. The point is not even that the drug in drops stains tooth enamel. Excess iron is deposited in internal organs (liver, pancreas, thyroid gland), leading to serious disorders: hemochromatosis, cirrhosis, hepatitis, melasma (dusty bronze skin color).

Iron is poorly absorbed with dairy products and coffee.

On the contrary, vitamin C, B12, and folic acid contribute to the favorable absorption of iron.

If iron is poorly absorbed, the doctor prescribes special complexes


The best of folk recipes

When making protein mass, the protein is whipped into a stiff foam, after adding the remaining ingredients, the mass is whipped again (lumps make it difficult to spread the mixture). A blender is suitable for these purposes.

With fruits and berries

A fruit and berry protein mask for the face with the addition of freshly squeezed juices perfectly removes the oiliness of the dermis, while significantly brightening it. When adding pulp from berries and fruits, the protein product completely saturates the epidermis with vitamins (this is especially important during the period of vitamin deficiency).

  • From juice
    . Mix the protein foam with lemon juice (5 ml). Instead of lemon, you can take juice from sour apples, red currants or grapes (16 ml).
  • From pulp
    . Add sweet fruit or berry puree (17 grams) to the whipped egg whites. You can take strawberries, raspberries or strawberries.

With honey

A face mask made from egg whites and honey will relieve you of acne, comedones and enlarged pores. This is an excellent tonic that softens and heals the dermis.

  • Oatmeal
    . We make a mixture of protein foam, liquid honey (24 g), olive oil (5 ml) and ground oatmeal. Add the flakes until the mixture thickens.
  • With tocopherol
    . Carefully add melted honey (10 g), an oil solution of vitamin E (5 drops) and lemon juice (6 drops) into the whipped egg whites.

The honey-protein mask is contraindicated if you are allergic to honey, rosacea and have diabetes.

With starch

A face mask made of protein and starch is aimed at rejuvenating the epidermis. Starch effectively supplies epidermal cells with oxygen and restores blood circulation. In combination with protein, it improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps against wrinkles and restores lost elasticity.

  • Oily
    . One of the most effective remedies is a face mask made from protein, tea tree oil and starch. It is prepared from a mixture of potato starch (15 g), tea tree oil (5 drops) and protein foam.
  • Deep cleansing
    . Crush activated carbon (5 tablets) and mix it with protein foam. Apply to the face, especially carefully to areas of contaminated pores. As it were, “drive” the mass into these zones. After drying, the mask can be easily removed from the skin along with the contents of dirty pores.

Starch-protein masks are not recommended for skin damage (wounds, abrasions), inflammatory processes and the presence of herpes (especially during an exacerbation).

Universal option

  • Combination skin
    . For mixed epidermis, a face mask made from egg white and yolk is suitable. Mix a raw egg, melted honey (6 ml), mayonnaise (10 g) and fruit pulp from kiwi, peach or cherry (18 ml).
  • Protein dough
    . This product is aimed at improving the health of oily, problematic epidermis. Stir cereal flour into the protein foam (you can use wheat, oatmeal or rice). Flour is added until the mass thickens.


Every problem has its own solution

Protein masks are strictly contraindicated for dry skin! The protein substance effectively tightens the epidermis and works to remove excess fat. This is absolutely not necessary for a parched face. In other cases, the regularity of protein care depends on the problems of the epidermis:

  • excessive oiliness and shine: twice weekly;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands: once a week (applied only to problem areas: chin, forehead and nasolabial area);
  • presence of acne, pimples, inflammation: every 3-4 days;
  • age-related changes, fine wrinkles, loss of elasticity: once every 7 days;
  • if pigmented areas or abundant freckles appear: once every 7-10 days.

When you perform the procedure, do not apply the mixture to the delicate areas around the eyes (you can injure the skin by excessive tightening). After application, the face mask with protein dries and turns into a crust. When removing it, be very careful. It is necessary to remove the protein mass with warm or mineral water using gentle movements. Or carefully rolling the dried film off your face.

Consultation with an endocrinologist is a vector for your internal balance!

Liberanskaya Natalya Sergeevna

— endocrinologist, doctor of the highest category with more than 10 years of experience. Natalya Sergeevna sees patients with a variety of problems and issues within her specialization - excess weight, diabetes, thyroid problems, increased fatigue and drowsiness, pregnancy, menopause, metabolic disorders and endocrine glands.

Natalya Sergeevna is the author of the popular blog @doctor_liberanskaya, in which she regularly gives subscribers advice on maintaining health and therapy. All recommendations are based on the principles of evidence-based medicine and our own professional experience.

From 2022, Doctor Liberanskaya Natalya Sergeevna

accepts patients at the Pirogov Clinic - you can also undergo a consultation with an endocrinologist of the highest category.
To make the appointment informative and useful for you, we recommend taking the following tests:

  • List of endocrinological tests

You can undergo the examination quickly, without queues and at a time convenient for you in our clinic.
Thanks to the latest diagnostic equipment and a team of qualified specialists from the laboratory of the Pirogov Clinic, you can be confident in objective and reliable results.

Miracles of protein mass

Having a delicate, light consistency, the protein is able to penetrate into the deepest epidermal tissues and literally revive cell functions. An egg white face mask will show its results immediately after the first procedure. This unique gift from nature is ideal for:

  • Oily skin
    . Protein will perfectly tighten the pores, cleanse them, and rid the face of blackheads (for a stronger effect, a scrub for blackheads at home will help). It will eliminate excess shine and pigmentation, restore lipid metabolism and dry out the epidermis.
  • Problematic dermis
    . A good remedy for combating acne, its consequences (post-acne), inflammation and redness. Eliminates excess fat and moisture deposits.

A face mask made from egg white will require only 10-15 minutes of time in exchange for youth, purity and splendor of the skin. This is exactly how much protein mass should affect the skin. According to leading cosmetologists, a course of protein products consists of 10 procedures. After which the dermis needs a break (3-4 weeks) to rehabilitate the renewed sebaceous glands.

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