How to maintain health for women after 40-45 years

When a woman reaches 45 years of age, her body begins to restructure, significant changes occur in hormonal terms, skin nutrition decreases, metabolism slows down, fiber becomes thinner, the oval of the face becomes swollen, and the skin becomes sagging. How to take care of your face after 45 years and maintain youth, beauty and attractiveness?

Skin care after 45 should be especially delicate and careful. At this age, collagen synthesis decreases, resulting in the formation of deep wrinkles. Rejuvenation during this period is impossible without anti-aging cosmetics; it must be used. This article provides tips for facial care after 45.

It is important during this period to regularly pay attention to your skin, as well as to use cosmetics and procedures correctly. Facial care after 45 includes cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, massage. Regular use of appropriate masks, creams, procedures, and oils will significantly increase a woman’s chances of successful rejuvenation.

Face masks after 45 years

Maintaining youthful and beautiful skin after 45 years is not so difficult. And it is not necessary to visit elite salons and shell out large sums of money for expensive procedures and cosmetics. There are other methods that successfully cope with age-related changes in facial skin during this period. For example, face masks for wrinkles after 45 years perfectly solve various skin problems.

Homemade anti-wrinkle masks after 45 are important for aging skin; they will provide hydration and nutrition, and also activate collagen synthesis. Mature skin really needs moisturizing and nourishing masks.

A tightening rice mask is popular. For its preparation, only brown varieties are taken. Rice is ground into flour, honey and yogurt are added. The dough-like mass is applied to all parts of the face. Keep for 30 minutes. A yolk mask is also considered an effective tightening agent.

After 45 years, not only wrinkles appear, the skin becomes thin and dry. You will need masks for dry skin. For example, a mask with banana perfectly nourishes the skin and saturates it with useful components. Using a blender, beat 1 banana along with 30 ml of cream. The product should be kept for half an hour, then rinsed with warm water.

How to maintain the rejuvenation effect longer

Home skin care after 40-45 will help preserve the results of medical cosmetological rejuvenation. Natural face masks are effective. You can easily prepare them from products that you can find in the kitchen. For example, from fruits and honey or from proteins, kefir.

Regular facial massage will help maintain tone. It is carried out after preliminary cleansing and steaming. Starting from the neck, with smooth movements you stroke and rub the skin, periodically lightly tapping it with your fingers. It is important to perform movements gently, carefully and along massage lines. The duration of the session is from 5 to 15 minutes. It is better to do exercises before bed.

Cosmetics also help in skin care. Use high-quality creams, tonics, lotions, scrubs, peelings. Don’t skimp on decorative cosmetics and be sure to remove your makeup at night, giving your face a rest.

You can look young after 40 if you take care of the skin on your face, neck and décolleté. Regular home care and medical anti-aging procedures are the key to women's beauty and health. And experienced ANACOSMA specialists will select suitable methods for you.

What methods of rejuvenation exist after 45 years?

Our own style and taste, clothes, haircut, makeup - all this has an impact on how we look and helps to lose extra years.

To correct facial imperfections, you can get an appropriate haircut that will hide them and rejuvenate your face. For example, get a haircut after 45 years, which makes a round face look younger.

The hairdresser will help you choose a hairstyle for a certain type of face, which will allow the woman to look younger. For example, to hide wrinkles on the forehead, haircuts with bangs are chosen. Hiding such an age-related defect, the haircut helps to emphasize the eyes and adds expressiveness to them.

Correctly chosen hair color, highlighting, and coloring also help you look younger than your age. Having found out your body type, you can choose the appropriate clothes that will make you look slim and youthful. With the help of makeup you can achieve a rejuvenating effect and a unique look.

Bullhorn: raise the upper lip

Posted by Plastic Surgeon (@drmelnikov) Jul 3, 2022 at 8:14 PDT

Cosmetologists assure: when the gap between the nose and upper lip is short (no more than 12 mm), the face looks younger and sexier, even with thin lips. Over the years, the skin loses elasticity and this distance increases. The face visually appears older even with even and smooth skin. Sometimes one operation to reduce this distance is enough to rejuvenate for five to seven years.

The technique involves excision of a strip of skin directly under the base of the nose. The wavy lines, tapering at the edges, resemble the horns of a bull - hence the name of the procedure. After connecting the skin edges with sutures, the upper lip is significantly raised, bringing the owner closer to the gold standards of beauty.

Creams for women after 45 years

After the age of 45, the skin begins to actively dehydrate and can no longer synthesize proteins for elasticity and firmness. What creams should you use after 45 years? High-quality creams for women 45+ should contain strong, active substances that counteract the signs of aging - these are proteins, peptides, retinoids.

An effective face cream 45+ should solve the following problems:

  • deeply nourish and moisturize the skin;
  • increase skin elasticity and tone;
  • smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • perform a protective function against aggressive factors;
  • improve skin structure and tighten the oval of the face;
  • fight pigmentation.

Some of the best creams that effectively resist age-related changes include: Beauty Skin Cream; Vichy Liftactiv Retinol HA; Dior Concentre Multi-Perfection Capture Total; Clarins Multi-Regenerante Jour; Black Pearl.

Peeling: even out complexion

Publication from Cosmetologist Dermatologist St. Petersburg (@dr_elena_cosmetolog) June 7, 2022 at 6:02 PDT

With age, age spots appear on the face more and more often, the skin becomes dull and no longer pleases with a healthy glow. There is a way out of the situation, and it is quite simple. To restore your face to its former beauty, it is enough to take a course of acid peels. As a rule, these are five to six procedures.

This treatment removes dead skin cells over and over again, brightens the skin and gives the face a beautiful glow. A peel is a controlled burn that forces the cells to work for maximum regeneration. In short, the body devotes all its resources to ensure that the skin quickly recovers and becomes healthy.

When deciding to peel, you need to take into account several important nuances. Firstly, the procedure is seasonal. The course can be taken strictly from October to February, when the sun is not yet so active. Otherwise, there is a risk of causing increased pigment spots. Secondly, medium peels (these are indicated for women 40+) have a long rehabilitation period.

After the procedure, the face will turn red, and on the third day severe peeling will begin. You may have to stay at home so as not to attract questioning glances from others. But believe me, the glowing and smooth skin you get as a result will make you forget about these deprivations.

Gymnastics for the face after 45 years

Facial gymnastics, also known as massage, plays an important role in skin rejuvenation after 45 years. This procedure can be carried out in the morning and evening. In the evening, the massage should be relaxing, and in the morning, gymnastics should tone the skin. There are several techniques: Japanese facial massage after 45, pinch and plastic.

The technique of lymphatic drainage facial massage is effective after 45 years. Pressing and vibration result in fixation. Gymnastics for the face after 45 is carried out with the simplest movements:

  • First, massage the scalp;
  • From the center of the forehead, movements are made to the temples, this exercise is performed with the index and middle fingers, you need to do it 7 times;
  • Use your fingertips to apply light pressure under the eyebrows and in the area of ​​the lower eyelids;
  • then you need to pat around the eyes;
  • using the index and middle fingers, pull-up movements are performed from the center of the chin to the ears. The exercise is done 7 times;
  • fingers should be placed at the corners of the mouth, lifting movements are performed in the direction of the temples. The exercise is done 7 times;
  • the same is done from the nose to the ears;
  • the back of the hand is patted on the skin of the neck, thus activating the processes here;
  • Pinch massage works well on deep folds.

Blepharoplasty: remove drooping eyelids

Posted by Damas Blefaro - eyelid surgery (@damas_blefaro) Jun 8, 2022 at 2:22 PDT

Eyelid lift surgery, or blepharoplasty, is indicated for almost everyone over 35 years of age. By this age, the eyelids begin to sag, making our look gloomy and heavy.

Depending on the indications, the operation is performed under local or general anesthesia and takes no more than an hour. The surgeon removes excess skin and applies an intradermal suture, which leaves no marks after healing. After blepharoplasty, you will have to spend no more than a day in the clinic. After four days, the suture is removed, by which time the swelling has completely subsided, and you can fully enjoy the open look and return to your normal rhythm of life.

Face oils after 45 years

Oils nourish the skin with vitamins and nutrients, protect and heal. They can be added to creams, masks, baths, compresses. For example, a cream with the addition of peach or apricot oil, made at home, significantly increases skin elasticity.

The best facial oils after 45 years are:

  • almond;
  • olive;
  • jojoba;
  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • argans;
  • coconut;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • flax oil

Olive oil is indispensable for aging skin; it is used to cleanse and moisturize. Dry skin really needs almond oil. Soothes, nourishes and moisturizes. Peach oil is beneficial for sensitive and aging skin and is added to various products. Apricot oil can be used instead of face cream and is suitable for all skin types. Jojoba oil is especially beneficial for skin with signs of aging, nourishing and moisturizing for a long period.

Argan oil is used for dry skin after 45 years. Used in pure form and with creams. Coconut oil perfectly fights wrinkles and protects the skin. Sea buckthorn is unique in its composition. Rich in vitamins and fatty acids, it is ideal for aging facial skin after 45 years.

Wheat germ oil, due to its density, is not used in its pure form; it contains many active components. Flax oil can be added to homemade masks and creams. Contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which are so necessary for the skin after 45 years.

Rules of care

Prevention is the best remedy in the fight against the unpleasant manifestations of age. Timely and regular care provides a comfortable feeling and psychological peace of mind.

Dry skin does not tolerate spontaneous attention only during exacerbation. Crow's feet, flaky crust and other problems do not bother you if you methodically perform a minimum of procedures.


  1. A soap-based face wash is used only in the evening. In the morning, it is enough to refresh your skin with water. During the “soap” procedure, the fat produced overnight is removed, and along with it the protective barrier. Frequent washing is strictly prohibited, contributing to increased vulnerability.
  2. Use lukewarm water for washing. High temperatures are prohibited. Boiling water is not recommended even when bathing in a bath or shower.
  3. Tap water contains harmful impurities that easily penetrate the thinned epidermis, promoting the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The liquid for treating facial skin should be left for at least 24 hours. Chilled boiled or filtered water is suitable.
  4. Soap is a prohibited product. The best option for cleansing the skin is foam or moisturizing gel 45+.
  5. The final stage of washing is removing moisture. The face is gently blotted with a towel. Do not rub under any circumstances, especially with special effort!

Skin care products

  1. Store-bought cosmetics require special attention when choosing. The best option is a series of products from one manufacturer. An important marker of packaging is the marks “for dry skin” or “moisturizing”.
  2. Alcohol in the preparations is prohibited. Excessive drying makes the problem worse. You should not use this component in homemade lotions and masks.
  3. Decorative cosmetics are used wisely and with restraint. Foundation and powder must contain moisturizing components and protective filters.
  4. Before going to bed, cosmetics must be removed from the skin using moisturizing milk or lotion.
  5. Peeling is not recommended. Dry skin is cleansed using a more gentle and gentle gommage.

Anti-aging procedures after 45 years

At this age, masks and creams can no longer cope with the task of maintaining youth alone. Rejuvenating procedures come to the aid of a woman after 45 years. Salon activities aimed at rejuvenation are divided into hardware, superficial and injection. What kind of cosmetic procedures are indicated after 45 years? The most popular of them are:

Peeling with fruit acids for facial skin after 45 years. During the procedure, with the help of cleansers, dead cells are carefully removed, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated, unevenness and wrinkles are smoothed out, age spots are removed, and a healthy complexion returns.

Mesotherapy is the subcutaneous administration of medicinal substances and vitamins. The procedure increases blood circulation, improves metabolic processes in tissues, increases elasticity, and saturates with moisture.

Biorevitalization is a popular rejuvenating procedure after 45 years. The specialist performs injections of hyaluronic acid and other active ingredients. The preparations are gentle and nourishing. This way, skin self-rejuvenation is activated. Elasticity, microcirculation, metabolic processes increase, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin's hydro reserves are restored.

Bio-reinforcement - the procedure helps to correct facial contours. This is achieved using gel threads based on anti-aging drugs. The drugs are injected under the skin according to the scheme, this ensures a safe and uniform distribution of the drugs. The skin becomes tightened, facial contours become clear, wrinkles are smoothed out, and collagen synthesis is stimulated. The effect lasts up to five years.

Laser lifting is a salon procedure that corrects a double chin, rejuvenates sagging skin, and removes deep wrinkles.

Botox: smooth out expression lines


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