How to properly care for eyebrows after tattooing? What to treat after the procedure?

Issues discussed in the material:
  • How proper care after tattooing helps maintain the effect after the procedure
  • What can you apply to your eyebrows after tattooing to relieve swelling and redness?
  • How to smear eyebrows after tattooing when crusts appear
  • What inexpensive products can you use to smear your eyebrows after tattooing?

Eyebrow tattooing not only provides you with a spectacular transformation, but also significantly saves the time you usually spend on makeup. In order to get a long-term and pleasing result, you need to be able to properly care for your skin after the procedure. In this article, we looked at what you need to apply to your eyebrows after tattooing, and also looked at possible mistakes and how to avoid them while the tissue is healing.

Care from the first to the tenth day after the procedure

Skin care begins on the first day after the procedure, immediately after which the master applies a regenerating ointment to the eyebrows.

Stay up to date! The client is immediately given recommendations on which ointments to use in the future, and is also given a short reminder that indicates recommendations and restrictions on the healing time.

The most critical period is from the first to the tenth day.

These days it is necessary to monitor the condition of the eyebrows, treat them with medications in a timely manner and prevent exposure to various external factors that can slow down healing.

Within the first hours after tattooing,
ichor begins to ooze , which will contain particles of rejected pigment.
There is no need to remove such discharge from the eyebrows themselves , but if there is a lot of it, the eyebrows can be gently blotted with a cotton pad.

Carefully wipe off the ichor from the skin of the eyebrows with a cotton swab.

After 3-4 days, the ichor stops oozing, and a crust consisting of blood and paint forms on the eyebrows.

Important! Regeneration processes are still taking place under the crust, and it is a kind of protection against infection, so tearing off such a crust is strictly prohibited.

Moreover, you will have to control your sleep in the first week so as not to rip it off on your pillow.

What not to do

During the recovery period, the girl must follow certain rules of care, which are prescribed by the cosmetologist:

  1. It is forbidden to peel off the crust. This can lead to unpleasant consequences. If it accidentally falls off, lubricate the area with an antiseptic and healing ointment.
  2. You cannot use cosmetics (care or decorative) for at least two weeks after tattooing, so as not to disrupt the connection of the pigment with the skin.
  3. You should not wash or rub your face for the first week. After a crust has formed, you can lightly wipe the work area with a cotton pad soaked in water.
  4. It is prohibited to pluck eyebrows during the rehabilitation period, since at this time the skin is under stress after the work done by the master.
  5. You cannot visit the bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool. Contact with water is prohibited, and in the bathhouse the epidermis is exposed to sudden temperature changes, which will worsen its condition and the shelf life of the tattoo.

It is necessary to follow these instructions so that the result lasts longer and the cosmetologist does not have to correct deficiencies during correction.

Post-healing care

The healing process is considered complete after a month from the date of tattooing, but eyebrows also require care afterwards.

Stay up to date! The following procedures will need to be followed:

  • you need to monitor the fading process and pay attention to which places it affects more. And in accordance with this, apply more or less shadows to different areas of the eyebrows;
  • hair after tattooing will continue to grow in the same way as before, so if necessary, it can be cut or plucked ;
  • Over the next six months, you should apply fortified and moisturizing creams to your eyebrows every few days .

The pigment in the skin under the hairs fades over time.
Therefore, it is recommended not to be exposed to direct sunlight for long periods .

This will extend the “life” of the tattoo, which, with good care, will last from one and a half to two years or more.

Mistakes in caring for permanent makeup

During the recovery period, it is important not only to constantly moisturize the area of ​​the brow ridges, but also to follow certain recommendations. It is forbidden:

  • Use alcohol-based products;
  • Use vegetable oils instead of medicinal creams and ointments;
  • Pluck or shave off excess hair;
  • Wet the tattoo area in the first 2 days after the procedures;
  • Rub your face with a hard towel to quickly get rid of the crust;
  • Make compresses and masks in the eye area.

Washing after the procedure

wash your face in the usual way for the first 3-4 weeks after tattooing.

Note! In the first week, it is better not to do this at all, and if necessary, you should wipe your face with wet wipes.

Water that gets on the drying crust will contribute to the disruption of its integrity, and even if it does not cause additional inflammation, it can significantly slow down the healing process.

a full shower and bath, as well as visiting pools and beaches, are prohibited at this time .

Use of decorative cosmetics

There is a strict ban on decorative cosmetics in the first 3-4 weeks after the procedure .
And this applies not only to the eyebrows, where using such products can cause infection and disrupt the integrity of the healing skin.

even use creams, powder, lipstick, mascara and other makeup products .

Cosmetics particles will inevitably end up on your eyebrows, causing unnecessary irritation.

Remember! The only cosmetic product that can be used to care for eyebrows during this period is non-greasy moisturizers and sunscreens.

But you shouldn’t overuse them either, and if it is necessary to apply such creams, they should be distributed in as thin a layer as possible and without strong pressure.

What is better not to use

Cosmetologists do not recommend products containing strong healing stimulants: antibiotics and hormones that enhance immunity. Because of them, allergies, swelling, itching will occur, and the pigment will begin to be eliminated from the body faster. It is not advisable to use baby cream instead of Vaseline, especially in summer. It has too oily consistency and does not help restore the skin.

Products containing alcohol are prohibited, as they will further dry out the skin and cause irritation to the injured area.

To remove tattoos and remove scars, use diluted badyagi powder. It’s better to forget about it if you don’t want to get new scars and severe allergies. In the 21st century, cosmetologists use the laser method of permanent removal. The laser gently and precisely affects the tattoo area, and the risk of scarring during this procedure is minimal.

Features of care in winter and summer

The general rules remain the same regardless of the time of year .
But there are some nuances in this matter if it happens in summer or winter.

Eyebrow care in winter has the following features:

  1. In the first week you should not overcool your eyebrows ; you should go outside only when necessary, and it is better to cover your eyebrows with a hat or bandage. Of course, this increases the risk of infection, but if there is no alternative, probable infection is better than completely guaranteed hypothermia.
  2. You should not wash your face before going outside.
  3. Winter is a time of viral epidemics. And since pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate through open wounds, which are actually micropunctures from a needle, it is necessary to take a course of vitamins and antiviral drugs for prevention purposes .
  4. After coming home from the street, it is advisable not to immediately go into a warm apartment . It is better to stand in the entrance for a few minutes so that the temperature change is not so sharp. Eyebrows in this state react very sharply to this, and as a result of these changes, inflammatory processes can intensify.

If in winter you need to beware of the cold, then in summer the main enemy of eyebrows after tattooing is the sun .

Keep in mind! Direct and prolonged exposure to its rays can also provoke the development of inflammation.

Heat can also play a negative role: droplets of sweat begin to appear on the skin, which will irritate the skin, and harmful bacteria can also enter the wounds with sweat.

When using healing creams in the summer, you need to choose the least fatty products .

Cream with a high percentage of fat content contributes to disruption of water metabolism in skin tissues, and such excess loads can cause inflammation

Since summer is the time for vacations and visiting beaches, where you want to appear before others in all its glory, many people get tattoos during this period.

But this is the same mistake as starting to go to the gym in June in order to shine with a beautiful figure by the opening of the beach season.

Know! It is better to do tattooing in early spring, so that by the summer vacation everything will finally heal and you can visit beaches and swimming pools without any problems.

What does it feel like?

You will only feel tingling and warmth. If you feel pain, you should tell a specialist about it, and he will reduce the strength of the impulse. Remember that the degree of pain of the procedure depends on the location of the pattern and on the individual pain threshold. After the first session, the tattoo may noticeably lighten and then darken again. This is a normal reaction, as is slight swelling and redness of the skin. The doctor takes photos of the tattoo before and after each session for comparison. Remember that in order to completely remove a design with a laser, you must use it responsibly. Refer to the comments of a specialist doctor and follow all recommendations. Remove tattoos, remove eyebrow tattoos with laser, remove permanent makeup on lips and eyelids.

What is forbidden to do after eyebrow tattooing?

After tattooing, the following prohibitions must be observed for a month :

  • do not play sports and try not to be outside in the heat so that the body does not produce excess sweat;
  • do not pick off any crusts that form;
  • do not visit solariums, beaches, swimming pools, saunas and baths;
  • do not wipe your face after washing with a rough towel , and if water gets on your eyebrows, you should carefully blot them with dry wipes or cotton pads;
  • do not wax eyebrows;
  • do not take water procedures in which water may get on the eyebrows;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics.

For your information! Such restrictions are conditionally valid for a month, they are gradually removed depending on how healing proceeds, and this depends on the individual characteristics of the skin.

In some cases, eyebrows heal within three weeks, but sometimes you have to wait up to a month and a half.

Effective remedies

Sometimes, after completing the procedure, the cosmetologist himself gives a tube of a substance that will be applied to the irritated skin for the next few days. If the master did not give recommendations and a ready-made remedy, you need to choose it yourself.

First, evaluate the structure and individual characteristics of the skin (standard reaction to medications, healing rate and tendency to develop allergies). Almond, peach, sesame oil, Vaseline, and 3% Tetracycline ointment are considered safe for everyone. The latter fights infections by gently affecting the upper layers of the skin. It should be used with caution, especially for pregnant women and people with kidney disease.

It is useful to smear your eyebrows with ordinary Vaseline - it has no side effects such as itching and irritation.

Cosmetologists advise using Methyluracil ointment, Levomekol, Actovegin. Similar products are Rescuer, Solcoseryl, Hydrocortisone cream. Applying regular chapstick or calendula oil to the damaged areas helps.

The most important thing is to make sure that the skin in these places does not remain dry.

It is more convenient to lubricate not with your fingers, but with a cotton swab. Improper care will cause inflammation, pigment discoloration, prolonged swelling and an allergic reaction.


A popular ancient remedy in the fight against dryness and irritation of the skin. The active ingredient is dexpanthenol. The component penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin and causes its natural restoration. Available in the form of a cream or ointment, tube volumes range from 30 to 100 g. Bepanten is applied after eyebrow tattooing in a thin layer 2-3 times a day.


  • stimulates independent restoration of the epidermis;
  • deep hydration;
  • saturation and nutrition are provided by provitamin B5;
  • prevention of itching, redness, allergies;
  • maintaining the natural protective barrier of the skin.


The main active ingredient is an extract of the blood of dairy calves, devoid of protein (deprotein). Among the auxiliary elements are fats, petroleum jelly, cetyl alcohol. The rich complex accelerates tissue metabolism and increases the degree of skin regeneration. It is advisable to smear Solcoseryl at least 3 times a day until the crust is completely healed after a fresh drawing.


  • eliminates dryness and redness;
  • quickly regenerates the upper layers of the skin;
  • softening and complex nutrition;
  • eliminating itching;
  • does not leave scars after the procedure.


  • does not disinfect the wound;
  • affects the quality of the coloring pigment.


Balm “Rescuer” is another effective remedy with an antiseptic effect. This is a natural product and does not contain any chemicals. The main components are active essential oils, vitamins, sea buckthorn oil, beeswax, propolis, etc. It can be applied in a fairly thick layer to the area injured by tattooing.


  • accelerates healing;
  • does not contain hormones and antibiotics;
  • there is an active bactericidal effect;
  • The oils in the balm soften the skin.


  • causes an allergic reaction and irritation;
  • greasy consistency and unpleasant odor.


The main active agent, as in the case of Solcoseryl, is hemodiasate from dairy calves. Available in the form of ointment, cream or gel, it is used to accelerate metabolic and regenerative processes in tissues. Helps improve blood circulation, this ensures good healing. It is best to apply the product at least 3 times within 5 days.


  • rapid healing, absence of scars on the skin;
  • fights inflammation;
  • can be used even during pregnancy (check with your doctor first).


  • the active component removes the color fixative from the body faster.

Is it possible to combine the procedure with alcohol?

Alcohol is an enemy of any invasive procedures , since alcohol increases blood pressure and any incisions and punctures begin to bleed heavily.
It is necessary to stop drinking alcohol one day (or preferably 2-3 days) before tattooing .

Otherwise, the following consequences are possible:

  • tissue inflammation, as a result of which the regeneration processes will obviously proceed more slowly;
  • increased leaching of paint with blood already during the procedure, and as a result – faded, uneven colors and contours that will have to be modified;
  • vasodilation, which negatively affects the client’s condition as a whole;
  • increasing the likelihood of contracting an infection. Some bacteria are inevitably introduced through punctures during the tattooing process, but the body can easily cope with them if the immune system is not suppressed by alcohol.

You should not drink for the next three days , as bleeding may occur and the paint will again be washed out.

Keep in mind! Ideally, it is better to avoid alcohol for the entire healing period.

Why is it dangerous to touch the crusts?

Crusts on the surface of the eyebrows are formed as a result of the overgrowth of damaged epidermis. Wounds from punctures in the skin shrink, forming scales. But removing these crusts yourself can lead to negative consequences. Such as:

  • Infection in a wound that has not yet fully healed. The crusts prevent the development of inflammation.
  • Removing the scales can lead to partial removal of the pigment, resulting in an uneven pattern.

Watch the video on how to care for your skin after eyebrow tattooing:

Consequences of improper care

Improper care can be fraught with the following consequences and complications :

  • more severe swelling that does not subside for a long time;
  • infection through punctures;
  • uneven distribution and fading of pigment;
  • unexpected change in eyebrow color;
  • violation of contours;
  • development of inflammatory processes;
  • manifestation of allergic reactions.

In this case, you cannot neglect any of the rules for caring for eyebrows after tattooing, and you cannot give yourself any breaks in the restrictions or follow any of the recommendations only partially.

How is tattooing done?

The tattooing process itself consists of several parts. Firstly, before the procedure, a few days before, you need to start taking medications for herpes, since tattooing can provoke its appearance, and the entire result will remain ineffective. After this, the master invites the client to his place and conducts a consultation about tattooing and care for it. The master will also find out what exactly the girl wants, what kind of lips, their shape and color. A certain layout is drawn up, marks are made on the lips, and the master gets to work.

Usually, a good professional shows the girl what is happening to her lips or eyebrows during the procedure. After the tattoo is completed, the girl is warned that the result is not final. In order to see the completed tattoo, you need to wait about a month. The cosmetologist writes out a prescription for caring for the area where the tattoo was performed and sets a date for the correction.

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