Eyelids and area around the eyes: learning how to properly care

It contains virtually no subcutaneous fat, which is why it ages earlier than other areas of the body. However, despite this fact, some women, even at Balzac’s age, look young and beautiful, while others already at the age of 35 suffer from facial wrinkles around the eyes.

The condition of the skin in the periorbital zone is 50% determined by genetic characteristics, the remaining 50% is lifestyle and care procedures. Knowing how to properly care for the skin around your eyes will help you stay young as long as possible.

Features of the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes has the following characteristics:

  • the dermis is thin;
  • a small number of sweat glands;
  • comparatively smaller amount of collagen;
  • there are many facial muscles, thanks to which the eyelids and skin of this area move normally.

Scientists have calculated that a person's eyes make more than 10 thousand blinks and squints per day. It is these features and the increased activity of facial expressions in the periorbital region that contribute to the rapid aging of the skin. In this area, a greater accumulation of mast cells is recorded, which explains the reactivity of the dermis around the eyes and the frequent formation of allergies.

The need for skin care around the eyes

You need to be very careful when caring for the skin around your eyes. This is due, first of all, to the physiological characteristics of this area:

  1. The skin of the periorbital area is approximately 6 times thinner than on other areas of the face.
  2. The dermis is devoid of sebaceous glands, so whatever its type, the skin around the eyes will be dry.

Experts recommend starting to use moisturizers for the area around the eyes, based on actual appearance, and not on age. If a girl aged 15-17 has poor eyesight and she squints all the time, then you can start using moisturizing products even at this age, say professional cosmetologists. This will make it possible to delay the appearance of:

  • facial wrinkles;
  • deep folds.

The main factors that require special attention to be paid to the area around the eyes are the finest hydro-lipid protection in this area and active facial activity.

How to care for the skin around the eyes at home?

To maintain the skin in a healthy state, you need to take care of the dermis and follow certain care rules. The care process includes several stages.


One of the most affordable, but necessary daily actions is to cleanse the skin around the eyes of decorative cosmetics. There are a huge number of cosmetics on the market that you can choose to remove makeup. Each woman uses:

  • tonics;
  • lotions;
  • foam;
  • micellar water;
  • other products.

Today, 2-phase products are very popular, which are 2 liquids in one bottle - one removes waterproof cosmetics, and the other removes regular ones. Such products contain oily substances and plant extracts, and therefore have a fairly oily texture. Experts recommend using such products to cleanse the skin exclusively from waterproof makeup, and people who wear contact lenses not to use them at all.

To eliminate conventional cosmetics, it is correct to use low-fat lotions.


The skin of the eyelids is dry, which means that it needs to be additionally moisturized. In the fight against facial wrinkles, you can use the following products:

  • improving lymph microcirculation;
  • accelerating metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • toning and restoring skin structure.

Water-based products containing plant extracts and fortified substances are ideal. They do not leave a greasy film on the surface of the skin and are absorbed as quickly as possible.

If wrinkles are formed from active facial movements, then products with a more serious effect are needed. You can use moisturizers with the following ingredients:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • panthenol;
  • retinol;
  • collagen;
  • snail extract (mucin);
  • aloe and allantoin substances.

Representatives of the fairer sex, who have very pronounced crow's feet and a whole network of wrinkles, should choose the right skincare products that contain antioxidant substances, natural oils, as well as tonic components - elastin and collagen.


To restore the amount of lost beneficial elements, you will need lifting products containing vitamin E and a natural lipid complex. They stimulate the formation of tonic substances:

  • elastin;
  • collagen.

They include:

  • natural oils;
  • biological stimulants;
  • phytoestrogens;
  • lecithin elements.

Such products enrich the skin with essential vitamins, help restore water balance and smooth it out.


In addition to using cosmetic products, for the health of the dermis it is necessary to do home micro-massage. Just 5 minutes of massage treatments per day:

  • improve blood microcirculation;
  • eliminate small expression wrinkles;
  • eliminate traces of fatigue;
  • make the look clearer and fresher.

It is recommended to do the massage at night, when makeup is removed.

By following the rules and understanding how to care for the skin around the eyes, you can ensure the youth and beauty of the epidermis in the periorbital area for a long time.

What to do if wrinkles appear under the eyes: effective actions

Primary changes associated with age may become noticeable in adolescence. At the age of 25-27, the synthesis of one’s own elastin and collagen slowly but systematically begins to decrease, and other processes in cellular structures slow down.

There are many methods that show high effectiveness without radical surgery. Some procedures can be performed at home without the help of a cosmetologist. Expression and age folds are eliminated using professional methods, including surgical ones if the wrinkles are deep.

What can help with wrinkles under the eyes at home?

What cosmetic products prevent the appearance of age-related and facial defects, and also reduce existing ones:

  • Corrective compositions for the eyelids to be used in the morning and evening.
  • Anti-aging products. They are distributed in the direction from the outer corners to the center along lines of less stretching of the dermis without pressure.
  • Night creams. It is recommended to apply them at least an hour before going to bed, this is mandatory if they are highly concentrated.

It is important that the drugs do not come into contact with the mucous membranes. Otherwise, irritation and allergic reactions cannot be avoided.

Cosmetology: how to remove expression wrinkles under the eyes and get rid of serious age-related changes

All procedures can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • Hardware correction techniques. This includes laser resurfacing, ultrasonic lifting, thread insertion, and chemical peeling. As a result, a radical effect is performed on the layers of the epidermis, complete cellular renewal is stimulated, and natural collagen and elastin cells are produced. The effect is long lasting, up to 3-4 years.
  • Injection correction techniques. These are botulinum toxin injections, biorevitalization, meso, etc. Wrinkles are eliminated for some time (up to six months), or their severity decreases.
  • Non-aggressive cosmetic and low-equipment techniques: massage correction of age-related changes with the inclusion of skincare cosmetics (masks, serums, creams, etc.), hardware procedures (including iontophoresis, microcurrents, electroporation).

Despite the relative safety and painlessness, each technique has its own characteristics and contraindications. How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes and how to remove other age-related changes must be decided together with a cosmetologist on an individual basis.


The specialist injects special formulations containing a certain concentration of vitamins, minerals and other substances essential for cells. This is the most gentle way to rejuvenate the skin, which allows you to cope with other imperfections (scarring, acne, stretch marks).

After completing the course, tissue elasticity increases, new collagen and elastin are produced, and the face acquires a healthy shade. Dark circles and bags go away, sagging disappears.

Botulinum therapy

Botox injections can remove dynamic wrinkles of the lower eyelid, as well as the so-called “crow’s feet” at the outer corners of the eyes. Botulinum toxin is injected into the muscle fibers, which promotes relaxation. The surface becomes smooth.


A favorite procedure for most patients in cosmetology clinics. It is safe, does not cause pain and does not require a long recovery period. Already 7-10 days after an effective beauty injection, you can notice good results. The skin becomes smooth, elastic, and new collagen is actively produced. The folds are no longer visible to others.

After injection of the drug, swelling, redness, and skin rash may occur. Unpleasant symptoms gradually disappear within 2-3 days.

Clinical methods

These are more radical methods of eliminating skin defects that require a subsequent recovery period. The result is noticeable immediately, it is long-lasting and lasting.

Ways to effectively remove wrinkles under the eyes from a cosmetologist:

  • Blepharoplasty. This is a surgical operation during which excess tissue that forms in the lower eyelid area is removed. Thanks to the procedure, flabbiness and sagging of the skin is eliminated. After rehabilitation, traces of the intervention become almost invisible.
  • Laser resurfacing. It can be superficial and deep. In the first case, a beam of laser light targets specific cells that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. The second involves removing the outer layer of the dermis for its subsequent renewal.
  • Golden threads. Special biocompatible materials are introduced under the skin to create a thread frame. After the manipulations, a long recovery period is not required, the method is minimally traumatic and painless, but the effect lasts for a long time.

How to choose eye care products according to age?

When choosing an eye cream, it is important to take into account the age criterion. Over the years, the skin of the eyelids changes. Therefore, the means are different for each age group:

  1. 25 years. Skin care at this age is primarily about hydration. For example, using a gel with hyaluronic acid and plant extracts or a vitaminizing effect. A great option to use patches is a quick-response product that will diversify your skincare routine and quickly bring your eyelid skin back to life.
  2. 30 years. At this age, care should be most pronounced; it is important to protect and correct skin imperfections. It is necessary to moisturize intensively, and make the protection stronger with the help of antioxidants. It’s good to add anti-puffy eye products to other skin care products.
  3. 40 years. At this age, you should powerfully moisturize and protect your skin. It is necessary to tone and strengthen, fight wrinkles.
  4. 50 years. You will need products with peptide substances, fatty acids, caffeine and wax components, which will provide a significant tightening and smoothing effect.

It is important to look at the packaging and buy an age-appropriate product. Creams for women over 50 are in no way suitable for 30-year-old ladies.

How to remove wrinkles without injections effectively and permanently

In reality, three factors can be influenced to correct wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. Reduce the impact of aggressive external factors on the skin.

These include the use of sunscreens to protect against UV rays and the use of antioxidants to eliminate free radical stress.

  1. Slow down degradation and stimulate metabolic and synthetic processes in the skin.

For example, the use of signaling molecules and complexes that trigger the synthesis of dermal matrix components by fibroblasts. Examples of this kind of molecules are Peptides, Plant Stem Cells and other patented complexes.

  1. Reducing facial activity due to relaxation of facial muscles.

To solve this problem in cosmetology the following are used:

  • Botulism toxin (botulinum toxin) is a powerful paralytic poison
  • Synthetic peptides with botulinum toxin-like effects.

Synthetic peptides with botulinum-like action. The most famous founder of the group is Argireline; several botulinum-like peptides have now been synthesized, working on the same principle - temporary blockade of acetylcholine receptors and impulse prevention, as a result of which muscle contraction also becomes impossible.

The advantage of synthetic peptides is the complete absence of side effects. When applied to the skin, the muscle relaxant effect does not occur immediately, but after about 3-5 days and reaches a maximum by the 28th day of use.

The optimal choice for the appearance of wrinkles between the ages of 25 and 35.

Salon treatments for skin around the eyes

It is difficult to influence the eyelid area using cosmetic methods, as it is delicate and sensitive. But they exist, and it's not just blepharoplasty. The following methods are popular:

  1. Massage. A course of lymphatic drainage removes severe swelling, normalizes microcirculation and generally has a positive effect on the condition of the dermis in this area. It is usually included in a complex of care measures.
  2. Mesotherapy without injections. Beneficial substances are delivered to the skin using equipment without breaking the skin barrier. Such procedures brighten and strengthen, improve the quality of the skin around the eyes, and restore.
  3. Biorevitalization with laser. Hyaluronic acid is delivered to the skin of the eyelids using a cold laser beam, absolutely without pain, the skin is smoothed, saturated with moisture, becomes healthy and glowing.
  4. Contour plastic. Eliminates wrinkles and deep folds using special fillers (based on hyaluronic acid) or your own fat (lipofilling).

Peeling of the eyelids can also be performed, but it is very gentle and removes dead cells.

Stages 4 and 5: Wrinkles and increased skin on the eyelids

As we age, we see the appearance of excess skin on the eyelids. In this case, the main thing is to improve the quality of the skin. Regular use of therapeutic peeling makes it more toned and fresh. Lifting threads are ideal for treatment. They effectively eliminate sagging, saggy skin that increases over the years.

In addition, already at the age of forty we observe the appearance of a “Mongolian fold” - a thick roll of skin above the eyebrows. To remove it, cosmetologists use lifting threads on the forehead, which help to visually “open the eyes.”

As we age, many problems arise around the eyes. Not only time, but also the winter period favors the deterioration of the appearance of this area. Dry indoor air is one of the causes of swelling and wrinkles. To prevent this from happening, you need to make regular compresses with black tea, reduce the time spent watching TV and reduce the amount of red wine consumed.

Also, you should not put off skin rejuvenating procedures, and already at the age of about 35, you should contact a cosmetologist to plan individual cosmetic procedures.

Will home remedies help improve the condition of the skin around the eyes?

If you use homemade cosmetics wisely and carefully, they will definitely help, but there are nuances. It cannot be denied that the same compresses with tea or massaging with ice cubes are excellent in combating swelling of the eyelids. Refreshes the skin with a slice of cucumber and a self-made aloe-based patch.

Moisturizers should be applied correctly with your ring fingers. The main thing is that home care procedures do not turn out to be harmful. You should not get too carried away with independent creativity and apply various fruit and vegetable mixtures that are relevant in home cosmetology to your eyes. Fruits are enriched with acids, and they can negatively affect the thin skin of the eyelids.

It’s not for nothing that masks are usually applied with caution, and the instructions for them state that the skin around the eyes should be avoided. You need to be careful with masks based on fluid components; they can penetrate the ocular mucosa.

Care should be carried out daily, guided by the rules and recommendations of specialists. Only in this case will the skin be healthy, smooth, moderately hydrated and beautiful for as long as possible.

Delicate cleansing

Cleansing is necessary to remove dust and cosmetics from the skin.

There is a category of ladies who use ordinary water and soap for cleansing. This method helps get rid of dust and dirt, but cosmetologists do not recommend abusing it. The aggressive particles that make up the soap have a negative effect on the sensitive skin of the eyelids. Regular use of soap will lead to:

  • Skin tightness
  • Dryness
  • The appearance of wrinkles

Washing with water alone cannot solve problems; it cannot remove all dirt.

To properly cleanse the skin around the eyes, you will need the following cosmetic products:

  1. Milk
  2. Emulsion
  3. Lotion

How to gently cleanse the skin around the eyes:

  • You need to apply a cosmetic product to a cotton pad and wipe it over the upper eyelid, starting from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge of the eye.
  • The lower eyelid is cleaned in the opposite direction

Makeup removers will help completely remove shadows and mascara; you need to soak a cotton pad in them and place it on your eyes for 2 minutes. After applying makeup, apply it in a circular motion.

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