Masks around the eyes after 40 years at home: recipes for folk cosmetics

There comes a time in every woman's life when she begins to worry about approaching old age. One cause of concern is the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, which indicates the beginning of aging of the skin. The average age for the formation of such wrinkles is 30 years.

There is no need to contact a cosmetologist if you notice the first wrinkles near the outer corner of your eye. First, try homemade anti-wrinkle masks from well-known products that are also effective in combating aging skin.

Magic gelatin

With age, the epidermis loses collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. There is a mask that, instead of Botox, will straighten the wrinkles around the eyes and more.

When applied to the entire face, it will provide softening, smoothing, tightening, and narrowing of pores. If rejuvenation sessions are carried out twice a week for 1 month, you can see how the oval of the face is tightened and fine wrinkles are removed.

Why gelatin? Because the composition of this substance is closest to the composition of our skin. Gelatin is collagen, that is, a natural protein. It dissolves well in water, so it is quickly absorbed into the cells.

How to properly apply anti-wrinkle masks?

Alternate the composition of masks so as not to provoke immunity in the skin

Every cosmetic product requires proper use. The same rule applies to masks that you make yourself. Additionally, homemade skin care products should be tested before using on your face. Therefore, there are recommendations that it is advisable to follow.

  1. Do not apply the mask if there is inflammation of the eyes or irritation of the surrounding skin.
  2. Before using the mask, completely remove makeup from your eyelids.
  3. Always apply the mask before going to bed, at night.
  4. If you need to use some ingredients hot, you need to wait until the mask has completely cooled. And only after that use it.
  5. Under no circumstances should the mixture come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye. This can cause inflammation.
  6. If the prepared mask turns out to be too liquid in consistency, you need to dip cotton pads in it and use it that way. If it is very thick, then you need to apply this mixture carefully. Do this with tapping movements or as a compress.
  7. The frequency of using the mask depends on your age. At least twice a week is the minimum amount of its use.
  8. If you don’t have wrinkles yet, you don’t need to use anti-aging masks ahead of time. Moisturizing and nourishing products will suit you.
  9. During the preparation of the mask, you cannot replace the ingredients. If it is indicated that you need to take sour cream, you need to use only it and not other dairy products.
  10. Using homemade products increases the effectiveness of the mask.
  11. To sufficiently moisturize the area around the eyes, use cream, yogurt and sour cream with the highest fat content.
  12. Always check masks in advance for allergies: apply a little mixture to your wrist, then wash it off after a couple of minutes and monitor the reaction on your skin for 3-4 hours.
  13. Apply the mask by lightly touching your face. Do not rub or pull the skin.
  14. After applying the mask, it is undesirable to walk around the house, do business, or show facial reactions. Take a position lying on your back, without closing your eyes, relax.
  15. Do not spend more than 15 minutes on masks. The most appropriate amount of time is about ten minutes.
  16. You need to remove the mask with slightly warm water or using a cotton pad soaked in a herbal decoction.
  17. Systematicity is what is needed for the greatest effect from the mask. Therefore, do not neglect regularity. The best time of day for the procedure is after washing, shortly before bed.
  18. Alternate the composition of the masks so as not to cause the skin to become immune to the ingredients due to addiction. Use any mask recipe for no more than one month. Later, if necessary, you can use the old recipe again.

If you want to prevent wrinkles from appearing on your face for a long time, then do not forget to wear sunglasses with a high-quality filter against ultraviolet rays in clear weather, and also use glasses if you have poor vision, use only good cosmetics and remove them with a special milk for skin cleansing.

Try never to squint or touch the area around your eyes with your hands. Do exercises periodically to improve your vision. If you follow these simple rules, unwanted wrinkles near the corners of your eyes will not appear on your skin any time soon.

Recipes for gelatin masks around the eyes

Recipes for miraculous compositions that are applied to the eyelids and area around the eyes.

Glycerin mask with honey

Glycerin is a product that moisturizes the skin, and honey nourishes it with beneficial substances.

Recipe: take 4 tbsp. l. glycerin and water, 2 more - honey and gelatin.

Dissolve gelatin in water, cool, add the remaining ingredients. Apply the mask to the area around the eyes, hold until it hardens, and rinse with plenty of cool water.

The product with honey has contraindications. This is an allergy to bee products. If you have allergies, it is better to use other effective recipes.

Moisturizing mask

Contains glycerin, fresh cucumber puree and gelatin. It is prepared in the same way as the previous one, but instead of honey, cucumber puree is added.

Take 2 tbsp. l. gelatin, dissolve in 5 tbsp. l. water, add a cucumber, preferably from the garden. Leave the composition on for a quarter of an hour, rinse with cold water. It is especially useful for those who have dark circles under their eyes.

Remedy for dry dermis

A nourishing remedy with olive oil will help get rid of wrinkles. You will need 5 tbsp. l. good milk, 1 tbsp. spoon of gelatin and cold pressed oil.

Mix the components, carefully apply to the eyelids, then gently remove by washing with cool water.

Rejuvenating Elixir

Add banana puree to the steamed gelatin. It will be useful for any type of epidermis.

If the skin is dry, then you can add melon, persimmon, and apricot pulp. For fatty types, cherry, strawberry, raspberry, and cranberry puree are suitable.

For the normal type - kiwi, peach, grapes, orange. When applying the mixtures, collagen production is stimulated, and the skin becomes younger.

Contraindications to the use of masks and creams

Despite the fact that these home remedies are made from natural and environmentally friendly ingredients, they have some contraindications for use:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes on the skin around the eyes. Various inflammations and boils are an absolute contraindication for such procedures. As a result of such processes, the upper layers of the skin become very susceptible to various infections and other external influences.
  • Damage to the top layer of skin. If there are various scratches, abrasions, etc. It is strictly forbidden to use masks and creams.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the product. If you are allergic to any component of the mask or cream (for example, berries, fruits, honey), then this product should not be used to avoid an allergic reaction.

If contraindications to the use of these home remedies are not taken into account, these procedures can lead to very serious complications.

Expert opinion

Darina Dikunova


As I said above, the skin of the periorbital zone and the skin of the eyelids is very delicate and sensitive. Therefore, before applying homemade masks to this area, you should first conduct an “allergotest” on the skin, for example, on your hands. If after 30 minutes there is no reaction on the hand, the mask can be applied around the eyes.

Oils for wrinkles under the eyes

The use of oils to care for the skin around the eyes gives a visible effect after a course of procedures.

  • Almond oil will help you start fighting wrinkles and creases. Apply almond oil under your eyes by patting with your fingertips. The delicate texture of the product is saturated with vitamin E, which effectively eliminates blue under the eyes and enhances collagen production.
  • Applying castor oil in combination with vitamins will help remove even the deepest wrinkles. Take vitamins A and E in capsules, mix with 1 tbsp. l. castor oil. Tapping with your fingertips, try to “drive” the mixture into problem areas. After 40 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with a napkin.
  • Cocoa butter can be mixed with vitamins A or E, or used in its pure form. Melt cocoa butter (1 tbsp), add two capsules of vitamin E or A and 3 drops of sea buckthorn oil. When the mixture has cooled, apply to problem areas for half an hour. Remove the remains with a napkin.

How to prepare your skin for applying a mask

Wrinkles appear around the eyes at age 25, and sometimes earlier. When you detect the first folds, you need to pay attention to the periocular area.

Effective ingredients can be found in any kitchen

To get a good cosmetic effect from masks, the skin must first be prepared to absorb nutrients. Before using the medicinal mixture you must:

  • Wash off decorative makeup. This is done using facial skin care products (foams and wash gels).
  • Cleanse with cosmetic milk or tonic.
  • Carry out a deep cleanse. Using a scrub or peeling, remove dirt from the pores, ingrained dust and particles of dead epithelium. To cleanse the area around the eyes, it is better to use formulations with a mild action.
  • Steam. The procedure is necessary for deep opening of pores. Hold your face over a bowl of hot water. To enhance the healing effect of steaming, you can take herbal decoctions.

Preliminary preparation allows you to remove invisible impurities, open pores and increase the sensitivity of the epidermis to medicinal components.

Compresses for the eyes against wrinkles and swelling

Puffiness under the eyes is a common occurrence, especially in the morning. A compress of raw potatoes will help get rid of swelling. Grate raw potatoes, wrap in gauze, place on eyes, hold for 15 minutes. After the compress, you should wash your face and apply moisturizer.

The same procedure can be done with cottage cheese, a mixture of sour cream and parsley. Lotions with sauerkraut and tea brewing give good results. Compresses will help reduce deep wrinkles, remove blue under the eyes and swelling.

"Home Botox"

Masks with starch deserve such a loud name. What is the secret? The fact is that this white powder contains many useful substances that trigger the mechanism of skin rejuvenation.

Advice! Masks with starch are applied in 3-4 layers as they dry. Exposure time: 30 minutes. Course: 15 sessions with a break of 1 day. Masks are good because they remove even large creases.


Prepare the base: add 1 tbsp to 100 ml of water. l. starch, make jelly. Divide the mixture into 3 parts (put two in the refrigerator). To the remaining portion add 2 tbsp. l. fresh carrot juice and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Preventing Wrinkles

If a woman monitors her health and appearance and takes measures to prevent wrinkles, then there is little chance that she will suffer from this problem.

Measures to prevent wrinkles:

  1. Proper nutrition. Together with food, a person receives a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins, which are also necessary for good and healthy skin. Foods that prevent the appearance of wrinkles include: fatty fish, seaweed, chicken and turkey meat, foods containing vitamin C, fresh vegetables and herbs (especially cabbage, tomatoes and parsley), as well as berries (especially blueberries).
  2. Adequate fluid intake. To avoid dehydration and excessive dry skin, you need to drink enough fluid daily: 1.5-2 liters.
  3. Protect skin from exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on the skin, contributing to its premature aging. Therefore, in hot sunny weather it is necessary to use sunscreen and also wear high-quality sunglasses.

If you follow all the above measures, you can reduce the likelihood of early appearance of wrinkles.

Magic creams

Anti-aging creams can be prepared at home. They cannot be stored for a long time. Place in the refrigerator and use morning and evening, covering your face, neck, and décolleté.

With chamomile decoction

Add 1 tbsp to the chamomile decoction. l. honey, 1 tsp. sea ​​salt, 2 tsp. olive and almond oil, 0.5 tsp vaseline and cocoa butter, as well as 1 yolk.

Dissolve Vaseline and cocoa butter in a “bath”, mix the yolk with sea salt, honey and oils, add to the melted mass. Before going to bed, cover your face and remove any excess with a napkin.

Oil-based cream

Quickly eliminates aging. In the “bath”, dissolve 50 g of butter, mix with 1 tbsp. l. olive Add 50 g of honey to the mixture, 2 tbsp. aloe juice and lemon juice. Stir and transfer to the refrigerator. Cover the face with the frozen cream, leaving until completely absorbed.

You can also watch a video about masks for the skin around the eyes:

In parting: masks around the eyes after 40 are very effective. They have been tested on themselves more than once. I suggest not wasting time, but starting today to take care of your face and look younger!

Causes of wrinkles

By changing your lifestyle, you can largely protect yourself from the appearance of wrinkles.
Wrinkles around the eyes appear in all women in adulthood, especially after 45 years. But in some people they manifest themselves more intensely, and the following reasons may contribute to this:

  1. Dry skin. In women with this skin type, the sebaceous glands produce sebum less intensively, so the thin skin around the eyes is not sufficiently hydrated. As a result, it dries out and small wrinkles or “crow’s feet” form.
  2. Strong emotionality. Wrinkles around the eyes are also called expression lines because they form when you smile broadly or laugh. Therefore, if a woman expresses her emotions of joy and happiness very intensely, then the risk of wrinkles around the eyes increases.
  3. Decreased production of elastin and collagen. As a result of this factor, the elasticity of the skin decreases, it becomes more flabby and loose, which is why wrinkles form.
  4. External natural factors. As a result of weathering or strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the condition of the delicate skin around the eyes can greatly deteriorate.

It is difficult to eliminate the above factors or reduce their influence in any way. But there are a number of reasons that completely depend on the person, so their effect on the skin can be reduced:

  • Poor nutrition. Excessive consumption of fast food, flour products, fatty foods and sweets can lead to skin problems, including wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Bad habits. These include smoking and alcohol, as well as non-compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle, improper daily routine, regular lack of sleep, frequent stress, nervous strain and severe overwork.
  • Improper skin care. The skin of a woman over the age of 45 requires careful care: regular washing with a special soap or product that does not dry out the skin. After washing, be sure to apply a moisturizing, nourishing cream with an anti-aging effect.
  • Sleep on a high pillow. If during sleep the head is at a high elevation, this can lead to the fact that it will not be intensively supplied with oxygen, therefore, this is not very beneficial for the skin of the face, including around the eyes.

It is necessary to understand exactly what factors lead to the formation of wrinkles in a particular case. This will ensure a more successful fight against them.

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