The optimal time for a mask to work – when is the best time to make a face mask?

Some women neglect cosmetic procedures, not knowing what time is best to do face masks , believing that using day and evening cream is enough to make the skin look as fresh and youthful as possible.

At a young age, under 25, this is true. But after 25 years, metabolic processes in the body begin to gradually slow down, and the dermis needs more intensive care.

From the age of 30, the use of face masks should become the norm. However, they must be used wisely, taking into account the individual needs of the skin and daily biorhythms. If you don’t know what time is best to make face masks, then you can waste your time and not get the expected result.

How to apply masks correctly

The process of applying a mask seems to many to be quite easy and banal, however, this is not entirely true. Application must be carried out according to the rules. It is forbidden to apply cosmetics to an unwashed face.

After the skin is prepared and the mask is made, it must be applied correctly.

It is possible to apply the mask either manually or using special means, for example, a cosmetic spatula, brush, or stick. You need to start from the chin line and move towards the forehead. Before making a mask, you need to put your hair in a ponytail or wear a special plastic cap.

Next you need to apply the mask:

  • From the jawline to the earlobes;
  • Then from the corners of the lips to the ears;
  • From the nose to the temporal region;
  • From the middle part of the forehead to the temporal region;
  • From the middle of the forehead to the scalp.

Under no circumstances should the mask be applied to the eyelids, the area under the eyes, or the area around the lips. In exceptional cases, a mask can be applied to these places, but this must be specified in the instructions for the cosmetic product. It is better to make a mask in front of a mirror, in a place where there is free access to water.

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Moisturizing face mask: 3 effective recipes at home

It is not recommended to do household chores; this may negatively affect the result. Yes, one more thing, a number of face masks have a very liquid consistency and therefore, in order not to get dirty, you should cover yourself with a towel. Wash off the mask over non-hot water, without using soap. After the product is washed off, the skin is moisturized using a good cream. It is impossible not to dwell on such an important point as the time of applying masks.

Use on dirty or clean hair?

Which hair is best to apply on - dirty, clean, or it doesn’t matter which one?
After washing with shampoo, the keratin scales of the hair open, which allows nutrients to more easily penetrate into the cells. And the main components of the masks cover some of the scales, making the hair shiny and smooth. Therefore, experts recommend applying the products to washed and slightly damp hair. Only masks prepared with oils can be applied to dry, dirty strands, since their residues are quite difficult to wash off and make the hair greasy; in other cases, apply to clean hair.

It is better to apply home-prepared compositions to slightly damp and dirty hair - in this case, the components of the mask will lie more smoothly and be absorbed faster.

IMPORTANT: you can massage the scalp while applying the mask only when it is washed. Otherwise, styling products and dirt will penetrate into the skin cells. Now you know when it is better to apply - before or after washing your hair

Now you know when it is better to apply - before or after washing your hair.

Regular cleansing of the scalp from dead cells and fat improves the flow of oxygen and also softens the hair structure. Therefore, it is advisable to apply masks after peeling, because... at this moment, the tone increases, cellular metabolism is activated, and the hair roots receive nutrition due to the acceleration of blood supply. This complex effect helps solve the following problems:

  • hair loss;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • violation of fat metabolism.

Essential oils, which can be added as an additional component to masks, also improve the condition of hair. In this case, the dense composition of the mass fills the cavity between the scales and solves the problem of split ends and brittle hair.

You now know, including how to apply it correctly - before or after washing your hair. As you can see, in some situations it can be done on clean hair, and in others on dirty hair.

Directions for use: what time of day is best to make face masks?

Even if the mask is expensive and of high quality, it may not have any positive effect if it is applied at the wrong time. So, when is the best time to apply a mask? In the morning from 8 to 10 is the most ideal time for cosmetic manipulations with the face. Also, the morning until noon is perfect for wearing masks that remove excess fat from the skin.

Application rules

  • At lunchtime it’s great to apply a moisturizing mask, you can change it with a cleansing mask;
  • After 15 hours and before 18 hours you can no longer apply masks, they will not bring any benefit;
  • After 18 hours is a good time for all kinds of scrubs, cleansing peels, you can apply a refreshing mask before the party;
  • After 11 pm and until the morning, no cosmetic products can be used, there will be no benefit from them.

An exception may be a nourishing mask at night. It is important not to deviate from these rules and wear masks within a strictly defined period of time. If these rules are not followed, there will be no benefit for the skin.

The best store-bought care creams

In stores and pharmacies you will find hundreds of products, for example, the following popular mid-priced products:

  • Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Baume Facial Balm. Product for dry and sensitive skin. Absorbs for a long time, has a pleasant smell, nourishes, moisturizes, and does not cause allergies. Contains sunflower oil.
  • La Roche-Posay CICAPLAST BAUME B5 SPF50. Suitable for normal skin. Contains no fragrance, does not cause hyperpigmentation, and has SPF 50.
  • Librederm SERACIN Mattifying Day Cream For Oily Skin Seracin. Mattifying composition for oily skin. The product adsorbs sebum and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Moisturizes, relieves redness, prevents acne. Contains burdock extract, gulyavnik extract, hydroacid, zinc salt.
  • Natura Siberica Day face cream. Product for oily and combination skin. It has a mattifying, nourishing, moisturizing effect, and has SPF 15. The product contains phytopeptides, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C. At first, a slight tingling may occur upon application.
  • Black pearl Self-rejuvenation 36+. Suitable for sensitive skin. Promotes the production of its own molecules of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid. Distributes well, moisturizes, evens out tone.
  • AVENE Cleanance HYDRA. Suitable for problem skin. Helps with acne, nourishes, moisturizes, removes oily sheen.

After the masks, you should apply cream in accordance with your dermatological characteristics.

The cost of creams ranges from 250 to 1500 rubles. The ideal drug for you may be in both the economy and premium segments.

Cosmetological morning face masks at home - preparation recipe

A cosmetic morning face mask, as numerous reviews say, can be a real salvation for many women who are not satisfied with the reflection in the mirror, who look tired and lack of sleep. Morning masks can eliminate puffiness under the eyes and make the skin fresh and toned.

Cosmetologists recommend a number of cosmetic compositions for the face that can be made at home.

Quick mask

This product perfectly removes traces of lack of sleep. Preparing the mask is quite simple. You need to take parsley and chop it, you will need 3 tablespoons in total. Parsley should be brewed with boiling water and left for 60 minutes. Then you need to take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and mix them with parsley decoction. After the mixture swells, apply it to the skin of the face and leave for 30 minutes. After the wearing time is over, the mask should be washed off with non-hot water.

See also

Simple recipes for face masks with excellent results

Homemade morning mask

If time is short and your face urgently needs to be put in order, then a mask based on cottage cheese and yolk is perfect. To make it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of curd products and mix with egg yolk. Add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the resulting mixture. The resulting composition should be distributed over the face and left for a quarter of an hour. After time has passed, you need to wash off the composition with non-hot water.

Mask for freshness in the morning

To make it you need 2 tablespoons of sour cream and lavender essential oil, a few drops. The ingredients must be mixed and the resulting mask applied to the skin of the face and left for 10 minutes. and after exposure, rinse with non-hot water.

Morning cleansing mask

To make it, you need to take white clay and dilute it. It should have the consistency of sour cream. Add lemon juice to the mixture and apply the mask to your face. Remove the mask using cotton swabs soaked in water.

Banana morning mask

To make it you need to take a banana and 2 tablespoons of honey. Mix everything to a paste and spread on your face. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and remove it with wet wipes.

Removing cosmetics

Masks are washed off with warm or cold running water, without soap. Cleansing, anti-inflammatory, from clay - warm water. To enhance the effect, you can add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the water. Those with dry or normal skin can use a weak solution of tea or herbal infusion.

Moisturizing and oil masks are removed with a napkin or cotton pad. Gently and without pressing on the skin. Then the face is wiped with an infusion of herbs or a weak solution of tea and lubricated with a nourishing cream. Clay masks need to be removed in two stages - first, carefully remove the dried clay with a spatula, then wash your face. Lifting masks are usually removed as a whole sheet. If that doesn’t work, you can remove it piece by piece. The film mask is carefully removed from the bottom up, and the remnants are washed off with warm water.

Masks are an effective and affordable remedy that can improve the condition of the skin and complexion in a short time. The choice of this type of product is quite large, and it all depends on your preferences, skin type, age and, of course, financial capabilities.


Moisturizing banana face mask (video)

Sour cream mask for the morning

To make it, you need to take half a spoonful of cottage cheese and sour cream. The components must be mixed and applied to the face area. You need to keep it for 1/4 hour, after which you carefully wipe off the mixture with a napkin.

Coffee mask

You need to take equal amounts of banana puree and coffee grounds. Mix these ingredients with a dessert spoon of heavy cream. The resulting composition should be applied to the skin of the face and left for 1/4 hour. After the allotted time, you need to wash off the mask with non-hot water.

See also

Instant face mask Natura Siberica: reviews and application

Herbal mask for morning use

To make a mask, you need to take 3 tablespoons of dry chamomile and brew them with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, moisten gauze in the resulting mixture and place it on your face. Leave for 20 minutes. and remove with non-hot water.

Thanks to these simple masks, you can quickly get your tired and withered face in order. After the motivation, it is very important to pay attention to your appearance, because your mood for the whole day partly depends on the reflection in the mirror. By spending very little time you can find a fresh, toned and radiant face.

Cosmetic mask - wearing time

A better way to care than a face mask has not yet been invented. If until the age of 30 a woman may not even think about rejuvenating and cleansing masks, then after reaching this age it is advisable to do masks regularly. Masks 100% prolong youth and make facial skin attractive. Masks must be used in accordance with the attached instructions. You should not make masks more often than a couple of times every 7 days. The wearing time is individual each time, but usually it does not exceed 30 minutes. Most often, classic masks are kept for 15-20 minutes. Masks made from berries can be used more often. And some makeup artists are generally inclined to believe that masks can be used at least 3 times a week. The main thing is to observe the application time mentioned above.

By regularly using masks you will notice that:

  • The skin has become tightened;
  • Pigment spots have disappeared;
  • Fine wrinkles are gone;
  • Improved complexion.

Evening and night. From 20:00 to 5 am

  • 20:00 – 22:00. The body is completely ready to remove accumulated toxins. A bath or Turkish sauna will show excellent results. But such luxury can be enjoyed no more than once a week. And on other days, just prepare your face and body for rest. Carefully remove makeup and cleanse, apply a nourishing mask and cream or toner. It is better to apply any care product half an hour before bedtime so that it has time to be thoroughly absorbed.
  • 23:00 – 5:00. There is an active renewal of epidermal cells. But under the obligatory condition that at this time you sleep in a sweet dream. During deep, sound sleep, cells divide and regenerate 8 times more actively and faster than during daylight hours. Therefore, you do not need to apply the same cream or serum at night as you do during the day. It’s not for nothing that night products are rich in biologically useful components that will be better absorbed during rest. At night, local products that are applied only to the “needed” areas will also work well.


Even if you sleep during the day and work at night, you do not need to change night and day medications. Day cream, in addition to its direct properties, can also protect against ultraviolet rays, but at night this is completely useless. Night products should moisturize and nourish, and daytime products should protect well.

A procedure that, regardless of your daily routine, should be done daily, or, even better, twice a day, is high-quality cleansing. You should always cleanse your face after an active period of the day before going to bed, regardless of when you go to bed.

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