Multi-acid facial peeling - review of the best products

The essence of the procedure

Multi-acid peeling is a procedure for cleansing the skin with products containing not just one, but a whole mix of acids. This composition greatly increases the effectiveness of use. The active components have a complex effect, where one complements the action of the other.

Whey may contain the following acids:

  • Almond - gently cleanses the dermis of dead cells, perfectly moisturizes, fights the first signs of aging;
  • Glycolic - promotes the active production of collagen, makes the oval of the face toned and elastic;
  • Amber - starts renewal processes in epidermal cells, activates natural regeneration, evens out the skin;
  • Fruit (most often they use grape, lemon, apple) - cleanse, nourish, moisturize and restore the dermis;
  • Milk is considered the softest, perfectly softens and brightens, it can be used even on damaged skin.
  • Salicylic acid (present in cosmetics intended for the care of oily skin) - has a drying and antibacterial effect; expands pores, fights blackheads and excess shine;
  • Hyaluronic acid - activates the natural synthesis of collagen and elastin contained in the cells of the dermis, provides elasticity and tone, smoothes wrinkles, improves complexion.
  • Phytic acid - gently exfoliates, has a soothing and antioxidant effect.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Pyruvate, acetate, malate - grape, acetic, lactic, and hyaluronic acids - are synthesized in the body, so they act physiologically. The first three acids are directly involved in the vital energy cycle of the cell. Hyaluronic acid serves as a scaffold for connective tissue.

Mechanism of action

Exfoliation is a deliberate act of damaging the skin, causing peeling and removal of dead cells. New ones appear in their place.

The depth of influence of a cosmetic product can be different - it depends on the set and concentration of active components, pH solution and the problem being solved.

Who is it suitable for?

Preparations with a complex of acids help solve a number of problems. They can be used by women of any age and with any skin type.

Indications for use:

  • enlarged pores;
  • excessive oiliness and dryness;
  • comedones, acne (not in the acute stage) and post-acne, stretch marks;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • visible signs of aging;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • uneven terrain;
  • dullness;
  • Rosacea.


A properly selected cocktail and optimal concentration of components guarantee results after the first use.

One point is still worth considering - it is impossible to count on the complete elimination of post-acne scars, but it is quite possible to significantly reduce their visibility.

Thanks to this exfoliation, the following improvements can be achieved:

  • remove shallow wrinkles;
  • even out tone and relief;
  • increase elasticity and tone;
  • normalize fat content;
  • get rid of excessive dryness.

Professional opinions

Products from a unique Russian brand are recommended for use in getting rid of skin problems in both women and men. However, are Alpika cosmetics so good? Reviews from cosmetologists indicate that professionals highly appreciate the products of this brand. Experts confirm the good effect of using natural products, which, in addition to high quality, also have quite reasonable prices.

However, manufactured cosmetics sometimes receive less than flattering reviews. Thus, sometimes experts make claims that liposomal products produced only a slight moisturizing effect on the skin, causing the client to be dissatisfied with the work of the professional.

Popular brands

The modern market is represented by a wide selection of multi-acid cleaning compositions from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Below are the most popular ones.


Alpika line of cleansers (Russia):

  • Peeling with mandelic acid 5%. Contains: mandelic, tartaric, malic, succinic and citric acids. pH level - 2.8. Volume - 30 ml/50 ml. Cost - from 1,700 rubles.
  • Peeling with succinic acid 15%. Contains three active components: succinic, fruit (malic, citric, tartaric, grape) and glycolic acids. pH level - 2.8. Volume - 30 ml/80 ml. Price - from 1,600 rubles.
  • Peeling Lactobionic Green 5%. Acids in the composition: lactobionic, malic, tartaric, almond. Volume - 30/80 ml. Cost - from 1,800 rubles.

Alpika serums have a complex effect on the skin. They allow you to regulate the depth of penetration of the cleansing mixture and the intensity of peeling of the epidermis. The action of the active components is aimed at restoring natural processes and cell renewal, gently exfoliating dead skin cells, and whitening the skin.

The procedure is carried out in courses - 5 sessions with an interval of 7 days. To maintain the results, peeling is done once a month.


The range of popular Russian cosmetics is represented by peeling gels:

  • "ANY-Time Contro" for all skin types. Ingredients: mandelic, lactic, salicylic acids. Cost - from 1,100 rubles.
  • "KERATO-Skin Control" for any skin type. Contains: salicylic, lactic, glycolic, citric, malic, tartaric acids; extracts of apple, lemon, grape, sugar cane, blueberry fruits. Suitable for all skin types. Price - from 1,100 rubles. The drug can also be used to prepare the skin for medium peels.
  • "REPARE-Skin Control" for dry and sensitive dermis. Active components: glycolic, succinic, gluconic acids, L-carnitine. Cost - from 1,200 rubles.
  • "OILY-Skin Control" for oily skin. Contains: lactic acid, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, niacinamide. Cost - from 1,300 rubles.

Cleansers contain natural ingredients and are intended for home and professional use.

Gels are produced in 100 ml bottles. Each woman can choose the appropriate cocktail depending on the desired result.


This is a step-by-step professional complex of means that enhance each other’s effects. It includes:

  • Pre-peeling makeup remover cream. Contains: fruit acids, vitamin E, wheat germ oil. Volume - 300 ml. Cost - from 400 rubles.
  • Facial exfoliant cream with soft granules and active fruit ingredients. Volume - 200 ml. Contains: fruit acids, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, wheat germ oil. The cream contains synthetic granules that give a scrubbing effect. The product ideally prepares the skin for subsequent exfoliation. Cost - 450-500 rubles.
  • Peeling serum. Active ingredients: glycolic, lactic, citric acid. Volume - 300 ml. Has a pronounced lifting effect. Cost - from 700 rubles.
  • Neutralizing tonic is a soft gel that prepares the skin for the completion of the procedure. Volume - 200 ml. Cost - from 500 rubles.
  • Post-peeling protective cream SPF 15 - nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Volume - 200 ml. Price - from 500 rubles.

Exfoliation with the Belita complex is carried out in a course of 10 sessions (once every three days), then, to maintain the result - once every 1-2 weeks.


Almond peeling booster from MIRRA contains the following components: mandelic, glycolic, lactic acids, propylene glycol, azeloglycine, hydroxyethylcellulose, benzyl alcohol, glyceryl laurate.

pH level is 1.9. Volume - 50 ml. Cost - from 600 rubles. The product can be washed off with water, without using a neutralizer.

Effective and effective drugs are produced by the brands Ericson, Cleopatra, Mesopharm, GIGI, Christina, NOVACID.

Reviews of women using Alpika multi-acid peelings

“An excellent product is 5% lactobione peeling from Alpika. It is intended specifically for home use, therefore it is safe and effective. The main thing is to follow the instructions for the drug; it is not at all complicated. The effect of using this composition makes me very happy. Another excellent product is the Alpika regenerating mask, created for use after chemical peels. It perfectly restores the skin and moisturizes it. I also carry sunscreen, which you can also choose from the arsenal of products from Alpika. Still, chemical exposure can provoke hyperpigmentation, so you should take care of protection from the sun.”

Ksenia, 30 years old

“I purchased a 5% almond peeling from Alpika to reduce inflammation and acne in a teenage child, but it turned out that I started using it myself. This remedy removes inflammation just perfectly. It is, of course, impossible to remove acne with such a small concentration of acids, but there are still positive results. I recommend it to everyone, ideal for home use.”

Margarita, 40 years old

“I really like the 5% lactobione exfoliant. I started using this peeling not so long ago, but I noticed the effect already after the 2nd use. The skin is smooth, inflammation has disappeared, the pores have narrowed. It’s great that it’s possible to purchase such an excellent product for home use.”

Christina, 25 years old


The exfoliation procedure takes place in several stages:

First stage. Cleansing the face of cosmetics and dirt. For this purpose, special compounds are used. Treating the skin with an antibacterial tonic.

Second phase. Apply peeling and spread it with a brush, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. The specific time of action of the mixture is determined by the cosmetologist. When carrying out the procedure at home, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Third stage. Removing residual composition using a neutralizer. Under no circumstances should acid-containing products be washed off with water, as this can cause serious burns.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The rule is known from a school chemistry course: when diluting, you cannot add water to the acid. If water instantly boils in a test tube, the steam will throw drops of acid out, then when water reacts with acid, burns will form on the skin to the depth of penetration of the acid. In some cases, deeper than the subcutaneous tissue.

At the end of the procedure, a soothing mask and moisturizing and nourishing cream are used.

Skin care after peeling

Although this procedure does not require a serious rehabilitation period, it is still necessary to follow some rules to consolidate the effect and prevent complications. The rules are extremely simple: for several weeks you need to treat your face with a moisturizer suitable for your type to replenish lost moisture, and use sunscreen before going outside. If you do not protect yourself from active ultraviolet rays, peeling can result in burns and age spots.

In addition, for a week after the procedure, it is better to limit visits to the sauna, solarium, beach and pool. A normal skin reaction to such a procedure will be slight redness and peeling - this way dead cells are removed. If you carry out the procedure according to the instructions and follow the rules of post-procedure care, you can achieve a positive result without consequences.

Precautionary measures

To avoid negative consequences and to obtain maximum results, it is worth considering the following points:

  • before carrying out peeling at home, it is better to consult a cosmetologist;
  • immediately before applying the composition you need to undergo a test for possible allergies;
  • if a strong burning sensation occurs during the action of the mixture, it is better to immediately remove it from the skin;
  • 2 weeks before the planned exfoliation, it is better to avoid sunbathing, visiting the sauna and swimming pool.

Side effects

Since peeling has a mild effect, it does not cause side effects. However, it is worth considering that some components may cause allergies.

Therefore, cosmetologists recommend doing a special test: apply a little composition to the back of your hand and wait.

If there is no reaction, you can safely exfoliate. If severe burning, redness or other negative aspects occur after the procedure, you should contact a professional salon or clinic.


The facial cleansing procedure using multi-acid peeling is contraindicated if:

  • there are skin diseases, inflammations, infectious rashes;
  • the woman is pregnant or is breastfeeding the baby;
  • have diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms;
  • there are cardiovascular pathologies or blood diseases.

If the above problems exist, the use of a multi-acid mixture is categorically not recommended.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

A prerequisite for using peelings from Alpika is compliance with safety rules during the work process. Also, before applying, you should carefully read the list of contraindications for the procedure. These include:

  • skin inflammation;
  • scratches, wounds and abrasions on the face;
  • diabetes;
  • herpes;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • heart diseases;
  • Intolerance to peeling components.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists on forums actively share opinions about multi-acid cocktails for cleansing the epidermis. They call the main positive aspect quick results and high efficiency. Professionals note that products with a mix of active ingredients help solve a number of cosmetic problems, and a wide range allows you to choose a product for any skin type.

Series for professionals

Liposomal cosmetics "Alpika" includes about two hundred products intended for use in wellness centers and beauty salons.

This range is presented:

— mesomasks with peptides, reservatrol and bioactive hyaluron, intended for rejuvenation; — products for hardware and manual skin cleansing; — enzyme and acid peels; — plasticizing bandages and alginal masks; — gels used for hardware cosmetology; — products for problem skin and treatment of rosacea; - preparations for eliminating cellulite and for body shaping; - means for thalassotherapy.

Collagen Bio line

Professional cosmetics "Alpika" presents a new series of Collagen Bio cosmetics. This includes a cream and face mask, as well as a non-injection meso-cocktail.

The products in the series contain bioactive collagen, which replenishes the lack of amino acids and activates collagen reserves in the intercellular space.

Products are indicated for dry and dehydrated skin. Recommended for lethargy, poor complexion and loss of skin tone.

The active substances here are:

  • Liposomal structure of collagen. It triggers the renewal of cellular tissue from the inside. Stimulates protein synthesis and collagen growth in tissues. Tightens the dermis and fills wrinkles.
  • Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate. It is the basis for the synthesis of proteoglycans, which, interacting with water molecules, create a matrix with collagen molecules.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Considered a strong moisturizer. Retains moisture inside cells. Activates collagen synthesis in the skin. Inhibits cell aging.

The maximum result is obtained by using this line of courses in spring and autumn. Duration of use is 1-3 months. Improvements are observed on the 21st day of use. The dermis becomes more elastic, firm and soft. The cream and meso-cocktail are used daily, and the mask is used 1-2 times every seven days.

Hardware cosmetics

Russian cosmetics "Alpika" includes hardware gels for intensive skin care in its range. They are not addictive, are characterized by a prolonged action and do not force the skin to wear out, that is, they do not stimulate its hidden reserves.

These drugs are represented by the Cell Renovation series. They easily penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. Ideal for beauty treatments in the salon. Hardware is divided into three categories, these are:

  • products designed to cleanse the epidermis are usually used before main procedures;
  • medicinal cosmetics used during the session give a certain effect and have nourishing, moisturizing properties;
  • preparations aimed at consolidating the result, protecting the dermis from the negative effects of the environment and prolonging the achieved cosmetic result.

Products in each category have their own unique composition. Their competent combination provides effective and comprehensive care for the skin of the face.

The importance of liposomes in Alpika cosmetics

Alpika products (cosmetics) were created by the work of scientists and very creative people. Able to work in the deep layers of the skin without the use of invasive procedures. It has long-term results and has a cumulative effect.

All Alpika cosmetics are based on liposomes. These membrane structures are similar to human cell membranes. They are bubbles, the inside of which is filled with biologically active components. Capable of retaining various substances in the inner layers of the skin.

The human cell is surrounded by a membrane through which many substances cannot penetrate. It consists of lipids, inside of which there are protein compounds that can form pathways for transporting useful substances through the membrane. Lipids, connecting to each other with special threads, create a bimolecular lipid vesicle. When liposomes are filled with active substances, their aqueous part reaches the cavity of the vesicle, and the oil extracts are combined with each other into a single shell.

This liposome membrane prevents the destruction of the encapsulated substance in the internal environment of the human body and helps to gradually release the active substance. This significantly prolongs the healing effect of cosmetic products.

Bilayer vesicles, which are created artificially from plant sunflower phospholipids, are used as raw materials for liposomes. They contain acids important for the protective functions of the skin, these are linoleic and linolenic.

Liposomes are very small in size, which allows them to easily penetrate into cells. Therefore, liposomal cosmetics, unlike other products, act not on the surface of the skin, but inside its layers. Such creams have a pronounced moisturizing property due to the ability of liposomes to deliver water inside the cells and form a protective film on the surface of the dermis that prevents premature loss of moisture. Thus, it is possible to achieve long-lasting hydration.

This cosmetics does not cause an allergic reaction and relieves inflammation. The natural composition of the products saturates the dermis. Stimulates regeneration, normalizes the water-fat balance of cells and creates favorable conditions for the normal functioning of the epidermis.

Reviews of Alpika cosmetics for the face say that the products are economical, have a pleasant consistency, a light aroma and are quickly absorbed. Does not leave behind sticky residues.

Facial cleansing

Liposomal cosmetics "Alpika" receives reviews from professionals as a highly effective product intended for use in beauty salons. However, to enhance the impact of some drugs, experts recommend using them at home. Thus, for daily skin care, women can use multi-acid peelings from the Alpika brand. These products contain fruit acids, which allow you to rejuvenate, evenly cleanse and moisturize the skin (especially dry skin).

Instead of peeling, cosmetic milk from the Alpika brand can be used. It will perfectly cleanse dry skin, give it elasticity and firmness, while increasing its self-regulation. All this can be done by the blue cornflower, chamomile and linden extracts contained in the milk, as well as wheat germ oils and vitamins C, E and A.

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