Azelaine peeling: a review of the best remedies for getting rid of pimples, acne and rosacea

In matters of deep cleansing of the skin and exfoliation of dead cells and keratinized layers, acids play a leading role. Azelaine peeling is one of the favorite options for chemical cleansing, which can not only correct age-related skin imperfections, but also cope with rosacea, rosacea, and acne on the face. Cosmetologists recommend using products with azelaic acid for patients with problematic and sensitive skin for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Let’s look further at the benefits and features of the azelaine procedure.

Benefits of azelaic acid for skin

Azelaic acid is a faithful assistant and doctor for problematic and oily skin prone to acne and acne. The chemical compound is also called nonanedioic acid and belongs to the category of carboxylic acids. The active component is obtained biochemically, by oxidation of linoleic and oleic acid.

Despite the chemical nature of its appearance, azelaic acid has medicinal and beneficial properties, is widely used in the production of medicinal creams, gels, and is also very popular in cosmetology for cleansing and healing the skin.

The benefits of azelaic acid and its difference from other chemical cleansers are as follows:

  • relieves inflammation (after the procedure, painful redness goes away faster, reducing the risk of their occurrence in the future);
  • has an antibacterial effect, especially against Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes;
  • deeply cleanses pores, preventing the appearance of comedones, blackheads, and sebaceous plugs;
  • normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • actively fights folliculitis, post-acne, age spots, evens out and whitens the complexion;
  • neutralizes toxins thanks to its high antioxidant properties;
  • acts as an excellent antiseptic (relevant for acne, acne);
  • improves tissue regeneration, renewal, increases skin turgor and tone.

Attention! Azelaic acid is not used on its own. Additionally, the peeling composition includes mandelic, lactic, salicylic or glycolic acids. The complex effect of chemical compounds provides a more pronounced and lasting effect.

The azelaic substance is present in small amounts in skin cells, so acid cleansing rarely causes complications.

For the preparation of cosmetics, nonandioic acid is used in a concentration of 1–20%. For peeling, cosmetologists use solutions with a higher content of chemical compounds (up to 30%). In this case, burning and tingling may occur, accompanied by slight redness.

What is azelaine peeling?!

Azelaine peeling is a subtype of superficial chemical peeling for gently cleansing the skin and resolving some dermatological problems. The main component of the composition is natural azelaic (nonandioic, 1.7-heptane dicarboxylic) acid, which belongs to the group of dibasic saturated carbon compounds and is obtained by oxidative ozonation of oleic or linoleic acids, and is also found in wheat and barley. The substance normalizes metabolic processes and restores the cellular structure of the skin.

The essence of the procedure

Products with azelaic acid affect the skin simultaneously in several directions:

  1. Deeply and gently cleanses. Penetrating deep into the epidermis, acid molecules dissolve the bonds between dead cells, stimulating their easy and rapid removal.
  2. Whitens skin. Azelain particles block the activity of melanocytes, which provoke melasma and other types of pathological hyperpigmentation. This helps even out the tone and prevent the appearance of age spots.
  3. Completely eliminates acne, rosacea, and other dermatological problems. Nonandioic acid has high bacteriostatic activity. It will be destructive for Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis. Regular use of the product helps reduce the number of problematic elements and reduce the risk of their occurrence after therapy.
  4. Refreshes, eliminates greasy shine. Acid particles stabilize the work and secretion of the sebaceous glands, help to establish self-cleaning of the mouths of the glands, prevent clogging of pores and the appearance of comedones.
  5. Restores the “breathing” of the skin, improves tone and elasticity of fibers, smoothes wrinkles and slows down the aging process. After azelaine peeling, the skin is more sensitive to active serums and nourishing creams. They quickly absorb beneficial components, thereby increasing the effectiveness of cosmetic products and improving the quality of the skin.

Cosmetologists recommend using azelaine peeling for rejuvenation only in combination with other cosmetic procedures. One cleansing can only give a superficial and short-lived effect of youth, freshness, nothing more. You can reinforce and enhance the achieved result with microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, and deep acid peeling.

It is recommended that the procedure be performed by a highly qualified cosmetologist, although peeling at home is also possible. But keep in mind that home cleansing cannot guarantee the declared effect, plus it increases the risk of developing side effects and complications.

You can purchase an exfoliant in an online store, from your cosmetologist or in professional cosmetics stores. Don’t forget to pay attention to whether the seller has the appropriate documentation confirming the quality and originality of the product, and to make sure that the packaging is intact and that the expiration date has not expired.

Some girls take a big risk when purchasing concentrated azelaic acid at the pharmacy. Incorrect dilution proportions lead to burns, prolonged redness, and dry skin.

Note! Ready-made cosmetic products for peeling have a balanced composition and are supplemented with emollient additives, so the process of acid exposure is easier to control. But they are more difficult to buy (many manufacturers work only with cosmetologists), and the cost will be rather high.


With this procedure, the active substances work only within the stratum corneum of the epidermis. It belongs to gentle technologies. The technique is recommended for use on young problem skin to get rid of the following problems:

  • acne;
  • post-inflammatory erythema;
  • solar lentigo;
  • actinic keratosis;
  • moderately manifested photoaging;
  • pigment dyschromia.

Recovery after such a procedure is not required; immediately after it you can go about your planned activities. But its effect does not last long.

For superficial peeling, the following products for acne and acne on the face can be used:

  • 30-70% AHA;
  • cocktails including alpha and beta hydroxy acids;
  • salicylic acid with a maximum concentration of 20%
  • 5-10% retinoic acid;
  • Jessner's solution;
  • phytic acid;
  • 15% TCA.

Indications for use

Cosmetologists prefer to prescribe azelaine peeling to clients with dermatological problems and oily skin types, although the procedure has no restrictions on the type of skin. In most cases, indications for acid exposure are:

  • acne in adults, adolescents;
  • rosacea, demodicosis;
  • folliculitis and manifestations of ingrown hairs in the skin;
  • acne, seborrhea and dermatitis of any degree;
  • rosacea (vascular spider veins on the face);
  • comedones, blackheads;
  • excessive production of sebaceous secretions;
  • pathological hyperpigmentation, melasma;
  • signs of photoaging, including those caused by prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • expression lines, age wrinkles;
  • dullness, grayness of complexion.

Azelaine peeling is often used to prepare for complex cosmetic procedures for skin rejuvenation (microcrystalline dermabrasion, laser treatment).

The procedure has no age restrictions. Peeling will be useful in adolescence or adulthood, if there are appropriate indications.

Skin cleansing results

If you do everything correctly , the results will be as follows:

  • you will be cured of skin ailments;
  • wrinkles will be smoothed out;
  • the skin will tighten a little;
  • problematic pigmented areas will lighten.
  • Age spots fade, but one procedure is not enough.

The procedure does not produce a noticeable result for the purpose of treating acne if the disease is not caused by bacteria. But the changes will still be positive.

Azelaic acid successfully fights, first of all, against viruses and bacteria, which quickly multiply when exposed to favorable conditions and provoke skin problems.

Peeling effectiveness

Expecting an instant transformation and cure of problems on the face, many patients are very disappointed after the peeling. One procedure is not enough to solve the problems; course therapy is required.

The number of peelings is determined only by a cosmetologist after a detailed analysis of the condition of the skin. As a rule, these are 5–12 procedures, once every 1–1.5 weeks.

The effect of therapy lasts for about 6 months, after which the course is repeated. A significant advantage of azelaic acid is that it is not addictive, so it is suitable for long-term use.

After a course of acid exposure, you can expect the following changes:

  • the greasy shine of the integument is replaced by a healthy glow;
  • skin tone is evened out;
  • the number of problematic, inflamed elements is significantly reduced;
  • the face becomes clean, without blackheads;
  • the skin becomes more elastic, elastic, tone and turgor increase;
  • the face looks fresher, younger.

Actions of azelaine peeling

  • Anti-inflammatory - reduces painful rashes and prevents redness from recurring in the skin and hair follicles.
  • Sebum regulating – normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing acne and enlarged pores.
  • Keratolytic - stimulation of exfoliation of the stratum corneum, inhibition of keratinocyte growth and cleansing of pores.
  • Antiseptic - stopping the spread of harmful microorganisms - fungi and bacteria, preventing infection of the skin.
  • Whitening - regulation of the distribution and production of melanin.
  • Antioxidant - neutralizes toxins and free radicals.
  • Renewing - normalization of microcirculation processes and strengthening of blood vessels.
  • Regenerating and rejuvenating - restoring cell division, stimulating barrier structures, increasing tone, reducing wrinkles and evening out tone.

Course of procedures

The basic duration of sessions is 5-12 procedures with an interval of 1 time every 7-14 days. The technique can be repeated after 2-4 months, depending on the condition of the skin and the goals being achieved. Maintenance course - once every 6-8 months.

Side effects

Immediate (2-4 weeks after procedure):

  • Dry skin after azelaine peeling is a natural reaction to the action of the peeling. It is removed with soothing gels, masks with aloe, collagen, and chamomile extracts.
  • Swelling is an expected manifestation of the composition. Corrected with moisturizing preparations with antioxidant substances.
  • Exacerbation of herpes infection - occurs due to individual characteristics or incorrectly collected anamnesis. Controlled by prescribing antiviral drugs.
  • Attachment of a secondary infection - manifests itself due to non-compliance with recommendations or violation of antiseptic rules during the procedure. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed.
  • An allergic reaction is a response mechanism to the penetration of azelaic acid in the absence of a preliminary sensitivity test. Antihistamines and local regenerating substances are taken.
  • Erythema is post-peeling redness of the skin, which is observed within 2-3 hours. In case of persistent manifestations, procedures are carried out to normalize microcirculation in skin cells.
  • Hyperpigmentation is a rare undesirable manifestation that occurs when the steps of the procedure are not followed.
  • Exacerbation of acne is a possible consequence, which disappears on its own 2-3 months after peeling. Additionally, anti-inflammatory gels (Skinoren, Kuriosin) are prescribed.

Persistent (4-10 weeks after using azelaine peeling) - keloid scars, depigmentation - occur due to internal disruptions in the body, incorrect medical history, and ignoring the recovery period. Restorative drugs and procedures are used.

Rehabilitation period

  • Do not apply decorative cosmetics for 24-48 hours.
  • Do not visit the bathhouse, swimming pool, sauna, or solarium for 14 days.
  • For 5-14 days, use light texture care products to moisturize.
  • For 7-15 days, cleanse the skin with milk, foam with aloe extract, collagen, chamomile.
  • Apply regenerating and restorative components for 3-5 days.
  • For 5-10 days, do not carry out aggressive procedures: scrubs, polishing.
  • Always use sunscreens with an SPF of 30 or more. For example, cream block for tanning and age spots, SPF 45.

Ready-made drugs

Choosing a peeling product is the first step on the path to perfect, healthy skin. For the average user, it can become an insurmountable barrier, thanks to the diversity and richness of the range of drugs with azelaic acid. In this case, it is better to trust the experience and opinion of your cosmetologist. Let us note several products that cosmetologists trust and use in their work.


MediDerma is a well-known Spanish brand of professional cosmetics, loved by cosmetologists for its high quality products and loyal pricing policy. The company offers a whole line of products for azelaine peeling. With their help, you can get rid of melasma, hyperpigmentation, acne, stagnant post-acne spots and a number of dermatological diseases, smooth out fine wrinkles, even out skin color and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Important point! Mediderm peels can be used individually, but to quickly solve the problem, you should adhere to a complex effect.

They differ in composition and acidity. All products are universal, suitable for any skin type and age. Designed for salon procedures. The depth of impact is also controlled by the number of layers applied.

Azelak M. Peeling contains azelaic (15%), salicylic (18%) and mandelic (10%) acids, camellia extract. pH level 1.0. Used for face, neck. Mediderma peeling costs about 7,350 rubles per 60 ml.

Azelac RU . The peeling product contains, in addition to azelaic acid (20%), mandelic (10%), phytic (5%) and ferulic acids (2%), 4N-butylresorcinol (5%). pH level 1.0. Area of ​​application: face, neck. The price of a package (60 ml) is 7800 rubles.

Azelac exfoliating gel . The active components of the peeling are azelaic acid (20%) and lactic acid (3.5%), thistle extract (2%). pH level 2.5. Area of ​​application: face, neck. The cost of a 100 ml package is 10,890 rubles.


Bioplasma Azelaic Peel from GiGi (Israel) is a gel-based azelaic peeling. The product contains a complex of acids (azelaic, malic, glycolic, tartaric, citric), extracts of algae, plankton, and olive oil. The cosmetic product is suitable for all skin types, provides deep and delicate cleansing, heals and rejuvenates the skin.

Peeling gel is applied to cleansed skin in a thick layer for 5–10 minutes and accompanied by a light massage. The exposure time depends on the degree of sensitivity of the skin and is adjusted individually.

The total cost of the product is 7680 rubles, volume 200 ml.


According to the manufacturer, Simildiet professional cosmetics (Spain) do not cause side effects and have no contraindications. In other words, absolutely universal.

Azelaic facial peeling Peeling Azelaico has a gel texture and contains azelaic (20%), salicylic (2%) and lactic (3%) acids, arnica extract (5%). pH level 3.14.

The product delicately removes dead skin layers and ensures deep penetration of nutritional components into the deep layers of the skin. Indicated for folliculitis, rosacea, hyperkeratosis, oily seborrhea, acne, comedones. Recommended for those with oily and problematic skin.

Performed in courses of 5–7 procedures with an interval of 10–15 days. Apply the product to cleansed and prepared skin. The exposure time is determined individually (before the appearance of hyperemia). Then the composition is neutralized, and a peeling treatment is applied to the face.

Cost - 6200 rubles, volume 60 ml.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

I perform azelaine peeling more often as a preparatory stage for a deeper cleansing of the epidermis. As an independent procedure, it gives a good preventive effect only on clean, healthy skin. If there are cosmetic problems, then I carry it out only in combination with other types of cleaning.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

You need to understand that any chemical peeling is a reaction between skin cells and a solution, which results in the destruction of the surface layer of the epidermis and cellular renewal.
It is important to choose the chemical composition in accordance with your skin type so that it copes with the assigned tasks. Azelaine peeling is one of the few compositions that is suitable for all types of epidermis. It gently exfoliates the stratum corneum and almost never causes side effects. Azelin peeling is popular among cosmetologists. With its help, you can thoroughly cleanse the skin and prepare it for more serious procedures.

This procedure helps eliminate problems such as pigmentation, acne, etc. And for this you don’t have to go to a cosmetologist, since there are products for sale for home use.

Preparing the skin for the procedure correctly

To prevent acid exposure from resulting in complications and a long rehabilitation period, it is important to properly prepare the skin for the procedure. What is meant?

  1. Choose a first-class clinic, beauty salon. Your health, the outcome of the cosmetic procedure and the speed of skin restoration largely depend on the professionalism of the cosmetologist.
  2. Visit a cosmetologist. A detailed study of the problem and the characteristics of the skin will allow you to choose the optimal type of cleansing, peeling agent, frequency and amount of exposure required.
  3. Even if you decide to do peeling yourself at home, a visit to a cosmetologist is mandatory.
  4. Identify contraindications and conduct an allergy test to rule out irritation, allergic rash and other complications after peeling.
  5. Take care of skin hydration. Use creams with a small content of fruit acids 2 weeks before peeling. This will soften the upper layer of the epidermis, ensuring a deeper and more uniform effect of the azelaine product.
  6. 2-3 days before cleansing, check how the skin reacts to azelaic acid.
  7. There is no need to plan or fine-tune therapy until early spring or late autumn. Nonandium peeling can be performed even in summer.

Important point! It happens that for some reason the client was unable to properly prepare the skin for the procedure. In this case, the acidic agent is kept for a minimum time; in subsequent sessions, the duration of exposition is increased.

Types of azelaine peeling

By the nature of the impact.

  • Classic - exfoliation of the top layer of skin for a superficial effect.
  • “Dry” - dehydration of the outer layer of the epidermis with subsequent removal of peeling in the form of a film for a median effect.

According to the form.

  • Gel - for uniform and external distribution of components in tissues.
  • Aqueous-alcoholic - for deeper skin effects.

Multi-acid all-season gel with azeloic acid is presented in the MESOMATRIX OILY BALANCE non-invasive carboxytherapy system.


Exposure to the nonandium composition is carried out in a strictly specified sequence. Deviation from the instructions may result in burns or poor results. Please ensure that the cosmetologist prints out the product in front of you and enters its data into the patient’s record. It would be useful to verify the suitability of the drug and the availability of a certificate.

The algorithm for performing acid exposure is as follows:

  1. Remnants of makeup are removed from the face. A soft cleanser (foam, milk, lotion) with glycolic acid 3% helps the cosmetologist remove particles of sweat and properly prepare the skin for exfoliation.
  2. To protect sensitive areas (near the eyes, surface of the lips and corners of the mouth) from the aggressive effects of acid, cream is applied to them. Its composition necessarily contains silicone derivatives and other chemical components that block acidic effects.
  3. If necessary, the cosmetologist prepares the peeling product by mixing it with an antiseptic liquid in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer. The acid concentration is 15–30%.
  4. The prepared composition is distributed evenly over the surface of the face using a brush or pipette and rubbed into the skin with light massage movements. At this moment, the patient may feel a slight tingling, slight burning sensation. The massage should be stopped when the fingers stop sliding over the skin. The exposure time depends on several factors: the concentration of the product, its acidity, skin characteristics and the wishes of the client.
  5. Some manufacturing companies recommend applying several layers of exfoliant to ensure a deeper effect. In this case, the first layer of the product is applied, left for 1-2 minutes, then the next one is applied.
  6. To neutralize and remove exfoliant residues, the cosmetologist uses distilled water or a neutralizer offered by the manufacturer of the peeling product used.
  7. Your face may turn slightly red during cleansing. Special masks and serums will help soothe the skin, saturate it with important microelements, vitamins, nutritional supplements for quick recovery and prevent the appearance of spider veins on the face. The bioconcentrate is applied to the patient’s skin and is not washed off for 6 hours.

The entire cleansing process with azelaic acid takes 20–30 minutes. At the end of the peeling, the cosmetologist discusses possible side effects and rules for skin care during the post-peeling period, and sets a date for the next appointment. The patient recovers home.

Stages of azelaine peeling

  1. Consultation and examination - collecting anamnesis, identifying contraindications, designating a treatment regimen.
  2. Preparation - use of moisturizing creams with 5-10% AHA acids to adapt and smooth the skin 10-14 days before the start of the course.
  3. Sensitivity test - applying an exfoliant to the crook of the elbow for 30 minutes to detect allergic manifestations.
  4. Cleansing before peeling - removing impurities using milk or foam with natural moisturizing ingredients.
  5. Degreasing - rubbing with lotion with 3% glycolic acid to enhance penetration of ingredients.
  6. Protect mucous membranes, lips, and corners of the eyes with special preparations containing petroleum jelly or silicone polymers to prevent acid from entering vulnerable areas.
  7. Peeling - treatment of the skin with 15-30% azelaic acid with pH 1.8-3.0 in 1-3 layers by massaging for 5-10 minutes from the periphery to the center: forehead, temples, cheeks, chin, eyelids, nose, nasolabial triangle. The exposure time and number of layers may vary depending on the type of preparation.
  8. Removing the composition with cool water.
  9. Applying soothing agents - licorice extract, retinol, vitamin E and sunscreen.

Healing period

After superficial peeling with nonandioic acid, patients' faces appear pinkish, without pronounced traces of acid exposure. Restoration of the skin after exposure to acid takes up to 2 weeks. At this time it is recommended:

  • provide sufficient hydration to the skin, use softening and nourishing products of light texture (fluids);
  • refuse cosmetics with abrasive and aggressive chemical particles;
  • constantly protect weakened skin from sun exposure, choose sunscreens and lotions with SPF 30 and higher;
  • if necessary and on the recommendation of a specialist, use regenerating ointments, gels (Bepanten, D-panthenol);
  • to prevent herpes rashes, the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs;
  • do not visit baths, saunas, swimming pools, postpone active sports;
  • avoid direct sunlight on the face;
  • Until complete recovery, forget about tanning and going to the solarium;
  • The cosmetologist provides additional recommendations and referrals for restorative procedures on an individual basis, in the presence of side effects and complications.

Attention! Cosmetologists strongly recommend using post-peeling products of the same brand as the peeling. This will provide complete skin care and speed up healing.

Instructions for use (5 steps)

Peeling is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Before peeling, you must thoroughly cleanse your face of dirt, makeup, and degrease the epidermis.
  2. Apply 1 thin layer of product to skin. Distribute using rubbing movements until your fingers stop slipping.
  3. Azelaic acid should not be allowed to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, or eyes. Wait until completely dry and apply the 2nd layer.
  4. If necessary, the composition can be distributed pointwise, only on problem areas. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. If your skin is sensitive, areas with white spots may appear. This effect can be neutralized by immediately rinsing with cold water.
  5. After cleansing the skin of the composition, dry it with a towel and apply moisturizing, softening, sunscreen cosmetics (creams, lotions).

Cost of the procedure in the salon

It is better to entrust any chemical peeling to professionals. Many years of experience in performing peelings, confident, quick and clear actions of the cosmetologist are the key points in achieving high results and problem-free recovery.

The price of peeling in different beauty salons, clinics, and medical centers can vary significantly. This is due to the brand and cost of the drugs and cosmetics used.

To a lesser extent, the price of the procedure is influenced by the rating and location of the clinic, the quality of the cosmetologist, and additional services. The estimated cost in Moscow is 2–3 thousand rubles per session.

Before and after photos

For comparison, photographs of problem skin are shown before chemical exposure to azelaine and after a course of 10 procedures.

Features of carrying out at home

Azelaine peeling at home can also be performed, the procedure is identical to the salon one. But you must consider the possible risks of complications. You also need:

  1. Before carrying out the procedure, seek advice from a cosmetologist; the presence of contraindications, even if the cleaning is performed correctly, can end sadly.
  2. Purchase a peeling product with a gentle composition, an acceptable pH level (above 3.0) and a low concentration of acidic components.
  3. Carefully study the instructions from the manufacturer and follow them unquestioningly.
  4. In case of severe discomfort or burning of the skin after applying the composition, without waiting for the specified exposure time, immediately neutralize it and rinse it off.
  5. Provide sterile conditions, act quickly, without fuss.

The effect of a home procedure in most cases differs from professional use and is less pronounced. The reason for this may be an incorrectly selected composition or exposure time of the drug. Therefore, the first peeling should be done only by a cosmetologist.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

The question often arises about the length of time azelaine remains on the skin of the face. Cosmetologists identify several factors that should be taken into account when choosing how long to keep the components of azelaine peeling and what concentration to use.

Determining factors include:

  • Presence/absence of preliminary preparation of the person;
  • Sensitivity threshold of the patient's skin.

In the absence of a prepared surface or a high predisposition of the dermis to irritation, it is suggested to use a gentle composition with a low percentage of acidity for a short time (3-4 minutes). Subsequently, the concentration and time can be gradually increased. The maximum permissible acid percentage is 30%. The upper limit of the time frame is 10-15 minutes.

Precautionary measures

Despite the delicacy of the effect and therapeutic effect, the exfoliation procedure has a number of limitations.


The main contraindications include:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding (lactation period);
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • inflammation of the integument, except for cases specified by the indications for cleaning;
  • herpes in the active stage;
  • fresh tan;
  • open wounds, abrasions, damage to the skin in the treatment area.

The relative restriction for performing the procedure is age under 18 years. If indicated, the doctor, after a detailed analysis of the problem, may prescribe peeling for medicinal purposes.

Exfoliation is performed all year round, but do not forget about protection from sunlight even in cloudy weather.

Side effects and complications

Side effects are unusual for azelaine peeling. Violation of the protocol for preparing and carrying out the procedure, neglect of contraindications can provoke the following unpleasant phenomena:

  • feeling of tightness, excessive dryness of the skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • tissue swelling in the affected area;
  • infection of the integument, exacerbation of acne, seborrhea;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • allergic reaction to the drug (rash, irritation, itching);
  • persistent erythema;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • formation of keloid scars.

The appearance of one of these phenomena should alert you and become a reason to contact a specialist. Self-medication can be harmful and make the problem worse. Only a cosmetologist prescribes appropriate treatment and corrects skin care.

How much does peeling cost at the Doctor Grshkyan clinic in Moscow?

Superficial peeling

Procedure namePrices
Azelaine peeling4500
Argipil peeling4500
Glycolic peeling4500
Almond peeling4500
Milk peeling4500
Back peeling7000
Salicylic peeling5000
Enerpeel Neck6000
Enerpeel Hands5500
Enerpeel MA (Almond)5500
Enerpeel El4000
Enerpeel El Plus4000

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that exfoliation with azelaic acid is recommended for problematic and oily skin, those with normal and combination skin types are in a hurry to use it. All this thanks to an impressive list of advantages.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • gentle and deep cleansing of the epidermis without peeling or usual post-peeling effects;
  • has a therapeutic effect, is indicated for demodicosis, seborrhea, acne and other dermatological problems;
  • acts in several directions simultaneously (cleanses, normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, evens out facial tone and skin texture, revitalizes);
  • has a short rehabilitation period;
  • side effects rarely occur;
  • can be performed at any time of the year, even in summer;
  • is not addictive;
  • has a minimum of contraindications and restrictions;
  • can be done at home;
  • perfectly prepares the skin for complex cosmetic procedures (for example, diamond or laser resurfacing), increasing their effectiveness;
  • acceptable price.

Surprisingly, the procedure has no disadvantages.

Advantages of azelaine peeling

  • Versatility - carried out for any phototype.
  • All-season - does not increase skin sensitivity to sunlight.
  • Highly effective with repeated use - no pathogenic microorganisms resistant to peeling.
  • Atraumatic and delicate impact.
  • Availability and ease of use.
  • Activity and safety.
  • Short recovery period.
  • Well tolerated - azelaic acid is a natural substance for the body.


  • Course methodology.
  • There is a risk of side effects.
  • Low effectiveness for severe and progressive skin defects.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Professionals continue to recognize the effectiveness and gentleness of the effects of azelaic acid. Products from well-known manufacturers GIGI, MediDerma, Simildiet delight cosmetologists and patients with a high therapeutic effect and the absence of side effects.

There are a few more significant advantages of azelaine: it is easily neutralized with water and combines well with other cosmetic programs.

Cosmetologists recommend using azelaine peeling not only on the face, but also to treat inflamed areas and acne on the back.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling

(from English to peel - to cleanse, remove the skin) can rightfully be called one of the most popular cosmetic procedures.
The main task of any chemical peel is to exfoliate the surface layer of skin cells in order to activate/start renewal processes. During the procedure, solutions of acids - chemical exfoliants - .
The effectiveness of the use of acids is due to their plasticizing effect: they break down the protein bonds between epidermal cells and thus promote their desquamation. In addition, chemical exposure stimulates reparative processes, which leads to the activation of fibroblasts and an increase in the synthesis of collagen and other components of the dermis. The composition and therapeutic capabilities of modern chemical exfoliants have been significantly expanded , since most drugs are multicomponent and contain several active, functionally complementary acids, as well as vitamins and various extracts. This means that the same peeling can be equally effective for treating acne, eliminating hyperpigmentation or dry skin, and for the purpose of rejuvenation, etc.

Types of chemical peeling

Depending on the intensity of penetration of chemical exfoliants into the epidermis, peeling procedures allow for therapeutic “aggression” at three levels: superficial - to the depth of several layers of keratinized cells, middle - to the entire thickness of the stratum corneum, and deep - to the depth of the entire layer of the epidermis - to the border basal layer of membrane and papillary dermis.

  1. Superficial peeling is the most gentle; it does not lead to serious disorders of the epidermal system, and therefore does not require subsequent rehabilitation. This peeling can be performed on any skin type. True, the effectiveness of this procedure depends on a whole range of factors: the chemical agent itself and its characteristics (type of acid, concentration, pH), the thickness of the patient’s stratum corneum, exposure time and individual skin sensitivity. Of course, the starting point is the skin type and the nature of cosmetic defects, which must be eliminated with the help of chemical exfoliants.
  2. Medium peeling - usually performed in mature and old age or in patients in the treatment of acne (blackheads) and post-acne, scars and scars, as well as stretch marks. The penetration of the constituent ingredients of the peeling solution occurs deeper and their concentration is higher than with superficial peeling. The range of tasks solved by this peeling is much wider. The medium peeling procedure allows you to normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, smooth out already formed wrinkles and age spots that have appeared not only on the face, but also on the neck and arms. Medium peeling requires pre-peel preparation of the skin. The recovery period after the procedure can range from 5 days to 10 days. During this period, proper skin care is necessary.
  3. Deep peeling is the most aggressive and often causes intoxication of the entire body. This procedure uses acids and other active ingredients that penetrate deeply into the skin. The procedure is painful and is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. After it is performed, the patient experiences significant discomfort. The recovery period can take from several weeks to 6 months.

With the introduction of modern laser technologies, the need for deep chemical peeling has completely disappeared.

An alternative to it currently consists of laser peels and laser skin resurfacing. Such laser procedures are several times more effective, and at the same time are much less traumatic, do not require anesthesia, and do not cause intoxication. And most importantly, they are very controlled in terms of effectiveness and rehabilitation time - no more than 1 - 8 days. In our clinic, laser peeling and laser skin resurfacing procedures are carried out using a modern professional ablative erbium laser of the latest generation, Fotona SP Dynamis .

  1. Retinoic (yellow) peeling should be considered separately, since its mechanism of action is fundamentally different from other chemical peels. Retinol and its derivatives in the peeling composition do not lyse intercellular proteins and do not destroy skin cells, but primarily have a stimulating effect. The protocol for retinoic peeling can be either superficial or medium.

Before and after peeling

It is important to remember that chemical exfoliants - acids - are, first of all, chemically active agents, therefore, upon contact with the skin, they can cause neurogenic inflammation - as a response to irritation of nerve endings in the epidermis, and inflammation/burn - as a reaction to irritation of sensitive skin fibers by a caustic substance .

Therefore, given the wide variety of modern chemical peels, the high activity of their components and wide functionality, we recommend that such procedures be carried out under the supervision of specialists!

The safety of using chemical peels in our clinic is guaranteed by highly qualified specialists and compliance with a standardized protocol for the peeling procedure, which includes four mandatory stages: pre-peel skin preparation, peeling itself, acid neutralization and post-peel care.

The doctors at our clinic have more than 20 types of professional chemical peels in their arsenal. The table shows the most popular and effective:

Peeling Indications
HOLY LAND (Israel) ALPHA-BETA with Retinol Professional Peeling (ABR) Lifting. Acne. Post-acne. Scarring. Folliculitis. Ingrown hair. Lymphatic drainage. Alignment of skin color and texture.

(Autumn, winter, spring). Surface. Fine-plate peeling for 2-3 days, complete rehabilitation for 3-4 days.

ALPHA-BETA with Retinol DEEP CLEAN PEEL (ABR) Atraumatic cleaning. Acne, post-acne. Lifting.

Alignment of skin color and texture.

(Autumn, winter, spring). Superficial-medium. Fine- and medium-plate peeling for 2-3 days, complete rehabilitation for 4-5 days.

ALPHA COMPLEX Rapid Exfoliator Atraumatic cleaning. Stimulating massage.

Preparation for other peels. Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp. Peeling for home use for acne and post-acne. Procedures during pregnancy.

(All season). Surface. Virtually no peeling. There is no rehabilitation.

DMK (Danne Montague-King)


Quick Peel Lifting. Alignment of color and relief. Improving microcirculation. Immunomodeling effect. Improving metabolic processes.

(All season). Surface. Surface. No peeling. There is no rehabilitation.



MANDELAC PEEL M Acne of mild to moderate severity. Folliculitis. Rosacea. Depigmenting action.

(All season). Superficial-medium. Fine-plate peeling for 2-3 days, complete rehabilitation for 4-6 days.

MANDELAC exfoliating gel Dermal melasma. Photo- and bioaging. Acne of mild to moderate severity. Suitable for normal sensitive skin.

(All season). Surface. Virtually no peeling. There is no rehabilitation.

MANDELAC PEEL L Hyperpigmentation. Melasma. Fading skin.

Preparation for laser resurfacing, medium and deep chemical peels. Used for skin tolerant to mandelic acid.

(All season). Superficial-medium. Fine-plate peeling for 2-3 days, complete rehabilitation for 4-6 days.

SALIPEEL S Acne (I-IV degree of severity). Seborrheic dermatitis. Rosacea. Folliculitis.

(Autumn winter). Median. Medium- and large-plate peeling on days 3-4. Complete rehabilitation 6-8 days.

SALIPEEL SP Folliculitis. Acne, post-acne. Rosacea. Psoriasis.

(Autumn winter). Median. Medium- and large-plate peeling on days 3-4. Complete rehabilitation 6-8 days.

MELASPEEL J2 (Jessner peel) Acne, post-acne. Photoaging. Chronoaging. Striae.

(Autumn winter). Median. Large-plate peeling on day 3-4. Complete rehabilitation 8-10 days.



Mandelic Acid Peel Suitable for the eye area. Antibacterial action. Depigmenting action.

(All season). Surface. Virtually no peeling. There is no rehabilitation.

Lacticpeels Intense hydration. Stimulation of microcirculation. Strengthening metabolic processes. Stimulation of collagen and elastin synthesis. Restoration of the skin's protective barrier, intensive nutrition.

(All season). Surface. Virtually no peeling. There is no rehabilitation.



Retinoic peeling Signs of skin aging of various etiologies. Hyperpigmentation, chloasma. Hyperkeratosis, follicular hyperkeratosis, keratomas, ichthyosis. Problem skin, seborrhea, acne. Restores extracellular structures of the dermis. Pronounced whitening effect.

(Autumn, winter, early spring). Superficial-medium (effect as from the median). Fine- and medium-plate peeling for 2-3 days, complete rehabilitation for 5-7 days.



Rose de Mer (Coral peeling) Hyperpigmentation. Acne, post-acne (infiltrates, scars, stagnant spots, etc.). Enlarged pores. Scarring. Stretch marks. Hyperkeratosis. Premature skin aging.

(All season). It is used according to two protocols: both superficial and superficial-median. Medium- and large-plate peeling on days 3-4. Complete rehabilitation 6-8 days.


(Lab. Innoesthetics,


ME LINE Intimate Therapeutic peeling for the correction of hyperpigmentation of intimate areas.

(All season). Superficial-medium - a pronounced effect of remodeling the underlying layers of the skin with minimal trauma to its surface!!! No peeling. No rehabilitation.


(General Topics, Italy)


(salicylic peeling)

Non-inflammatory and inflammatory forms of acne. Seborrhea. Actinic hyperkeratosis. Photo- and chronoaging.

(Autumn, winter, early spring). Superficial-medium (effect as from the median). Fine-plate peeling is possible for 2-3 days, complete rehabilitation is 1-3 days.


(neck, décolleté, elbows)

Hyperpigmentation. Actinic keratosis. Photo- and chronoaging.

(All season). Superficial-medium – a pronounced effect of remodeling the underlying layers of the skin with minimal trauma to its surface!!! No peeling. No rehabilitation.


(back of hands)

Hyperpigmentation. Actinic keratosis. Photo- and chronoaging.

(All season). Superficial-medium - a pronounced effect of remodeling the underlying layers of the skin with minimal trauma to its surface!!! No peeling. No rehabilitation.

The chemical peeling procedure is carried out exclusively by qualified dermatocosmetologists using certified products. As a rule, to obtain optimal results, such procedures are carried out in courses.


Only an experienced doctor can determine what type of peeling a patient needs, based on the condition of the skin, the degree of the defect that needs correction, the absence of contraindications to a specific type of procedure and the season of the year.

Before and after results

  1. Peelings
  2. Almond peeling “Mediderma”

    3200 rub.

  3. Salicylic peeling "Mediderma"

    3900 rub.

  4. Azelaine peeling "Mediderma"

    3100 rub.

  5. Hycolic + salicylic combined peeling “Mediderma”

    4300 RUR

  6. Glycolic peeling 50-70% “Medexfol”

    3100 rub.

  7. AHA peeling “Holy Land” + care

    3800 rub.

  8. ABR- peeling, “Holy Land” face + care

    3900 rub.

  9. ABR- peeling, back “Holy Land” + care

    5800 rub.

  10. AHA + ABR combined peeling, face “Holy Land”

    4500 rub.

  11. AHA + ABR combined peeling, back “Holy Land”

    8500 rub.

  12. Trichloroacetic peeling "Medexfol"

    6300 rub.

  13. Coral peeling, face “Christina”

    5200 rub.

  14. Coral back peeling “Christina”

    7200 rub.

  15. Retinol peeling ICP “Martinex”

    8700 rub.

  16. PRX-T33 peeling

    4200 rub.

  17. PRX-T33 (face + neck + décolleté)

    7500 rub.

  18. Enzyme peeling Lactolan “Holy Land” + care

    3600 rub.

  19. Enzyme peeling “Danne” + care

    4800 rub.

  20. Depigmenting peeling M.E.Line for intimate areas + home care, brightening.

    14200 rub.

  21. Depigmenting peeling Enerpeel NECK

    3100 rub.

  22. Jessner Peel

    3800 rub.

  23. Purges
  24. Manual cleaning “Holy Land”

    4200 rub.

  25. Manual cleaning "Danne"

    5300 rub.

  26. Manual cleaning “Christina”

    5200 rub.

  27. Combined manual cleaning “Enerpeel SA”

    3200 rub.

  28. Combined cleaning “Holy Land”

    4500 rub.

  29. Combined cleaning “Danne”

    5700 rub.

  30. Millium removal

    350 rub.

  31. Cares
  32. Care for oily and combination skin using Danne products

    5300 rub.

  33. Lifting care using “Danne” preparations

    6150 rub.

  34. Correction of facial contours using Danne preparations

    5800 rub.

  35. Correction of rosacea using Danne preparations

    5500 rub.

  36. Pigmentation correction using Danne products

    5400 rub.

User reviews

Finding patient reviews about the procedure is difficult. Not everyone decides to perform peeling for problem skin on their own, plus the cost of professional products is quite impressive. There are also no negative opinions about peeling with azelaic acid.

In conclusion, I would like to note that azelaine peeling is a simple and effective way to solve skin problems such as acne, folliculitis, acne, and rosacea. To guarantee success and cure the disease, it is important to choose an experienced cosmetologist and follow his recommendations. By performing azelaine peeling at home, you risk aggravating the situation.



“I make an appointment for peeling every 2 weeks.
My skin is oily, my pores get clogged quickly, so without professional facial cleansing, inflammation and acne quickly appear. I have already done peelings based on lactic, trichloroacetic, and salicylic acid. I decided to try azelaic one. Before carrying out azelaine peeling, I studied reviews from cosmetologists for a long time.

On the one hand, they say that the procedure is safe, but on the other hand, it is not effective enough. In general, I really liked the effect. I decided to buy myself an azelaine peel and carry out the procedure at home.”


“Azelaine peeling has positive reviews, so I decided to undergo the procedure.
He dealt with my age spots after acne after 5 procedures. They have brightened and are now almost invisible. And the skin has become noticeably cleaner. I plan to repeat several more courses.”


“I recently discovered how gentle azelaine peeling is on the face. It is gentle on my sensitive skin. The procedure does not cause any particular discomfort, and the recovery period is very short.”

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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