Sugaring on the face: reviews, how to do it, before and after photos

Beautiful, well-groomed hair is not only a luxurious decoration for a girl, but also a symbol of femininity, attractiveness and temptation.
But when they begin to appear in unwanted places, they cause discomfort and bring a lot of trouble to their owners. If there is increased hair growth on the legs, then you can still come to terms with this, but if they are present in the area of ​​the chin and upper lip, a real problem arises. To solve this problem, it is advisable to use sugar hair removal. It is not uncommon for facial sugaring to be performed right at home. In a salon or beauty center, the procedure is less traumatic, because The cosmetologist knows the correct techniques for applying and removing sugar paste. The products themselves are not home-made, but special cosmetic formulations. However, there is discomfort. If you want skin clear of hair, then you can try a worthy alternative - ELOS or alexandrite laser.

Factors that promote hair growth in these places can be different:

  • endocrine disorders, when there is a predominance of male sex hormones (androgens) over female ones (estrogens);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • stressful situations;
  • unfavorable environmental factor.

If the reason for hair growth lies in health problems, then simple removal will not bring long-term positive results. It is necessary to consult an endocrinologist, therapist, or gynecologist. Only an integrated approach to this issue will bring you closer to the desired result.

Is it possible to do sugaring on the face?

Often, the appearance of facial hair in women occurs with the onset of puberty. With hypersecretion of male sex hormones, hairs are also observed on the face of women. Typically, hairs can be seen on the skin of the chin, above the upper lip area, and near the ears.

Men use a razor to remove facial hair. However, this method of depilation is not appropriate for women. After a few hours, stubble appears, which can only adorn men.

Accordingly, hair removal methods should be used to eliminate unwanted facial hair in women. Unlike depilation, tactics allow you to remove hairs along with the root, which will ensure smooth skin for several weeks.

Important! Unfortunately, hair removal does not completely eliminate facial hair growth in women. However, regular treatments gradually affect hair structure and growth. Hair becomes thinner and grows much slower.

Sugaring remains one of the preferred methods of facial hair removal for women. The skin of a woman's face is a delicate and sensitive area. Using sugaring allows you to maintain softness of the skin, eliminate dead particles and get rid of unnecessary hair.

Preparation for the procedure

Sugaring makes a number of demands on the condition of the skin on the face - the adhesion of the paste depends on this. Here are some preparation tips :

  • The day before the procedure or the day before (if the session is scheduled for the morning), treat the skin on your face with a light scrub. It will lift the hair shafts and make it easier to remove follicles.
  • For 2-3 days, stop using fatty creams, face oils and oil-based masks.
  • Do not wear makeup on the day of the procedure - you will still have to wash it off before sugaring.
  • Immediately before the session, treat the skin with a degreasing lotion, which will remove particles of sebum.
  • Some specialists advise lightly steaming the epilation area before applying the paste. You can hold your face over a container of hot water for a few minutes or apply a cloth soaked in hot water.

Immediately before using the sugar product, the skin is powdered with cosmetic talc. It removes droplets of moisture invisible to the eye and improves contact of the paste with the hair.

You don’t need to be too zealous with talc, otherwise the paste will become clogged with tiny powdery particles and refuse to stick to the body.

Pros and cons of facial sugaring

The popularity and prevalence of the procedure among women is due to its many advantages when comparing sugaring with other techniques. Among the most significant positive aspects, cosmetologists and sugaring masters name:

  • High efficiency and effectiveness. Typically, the procedure must be repeated after 2 or more weeks.
  • Economy and budget. Women have the opportunity to remove facial hair at home. In this case, you can use store-bought pastes or use mixtures you prepare yourself. Thus, you save money on visiting beauty salons.
  • Naturalness and harmlessness of sugar pastes. Classic pastes contain sugar, lemon juice or acid, and water. Often, mixtures are enriched with various useful components. To prepare the paste, you can use bee products and herbal infusions.
  • Minor discomfort during the procedure. Many women associate hair removal sessions with severe pain due to hair removal from the root. When sugaring, sugar paste is applied against hair growth, which ensures deep penetration into the follicles. At this stage, women may experience discomfort. The mixture is then removed along the hair growth, which minimizes discomfort. You should also take into account the comfortable temperature of sugar pastes, which is about 38 °C.
  • Ensuring regeneration processes. Sugaring helps remove dead skin cells, which triggers renewal processes. Thus, the skin gradually rejuvenates. Sugar nourishes the subcutaneous tissue, making it silky and smooth.
  • Low risk of inflammation and irritation. It is known that sugar is not a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic flora. This guarantees the safety of the hair removal technique.

Sugaring has a small list of contraindications, which are often temporary and reversible. Many of the contraindications are conditional.

One of the significant disadvantages, which often forces women to look for another method of hair removal, is the need to grow a certain length. A minimum length of 3 mm is required for adequate adhesion between the sugar paste and the hairs.

If you have shorter hair, the procedure will not be effective. The paste will not be able to capture hairs or will tear them off. Often, when hair length exceeds 7 mm, women experience pain. In this case, it is recommended to cut the hairs first.

Attention! The optimal length for the sugaring procedure on the face is 5 mm.

Less significant disadvantages of the woman’s technique include:

  • the need to conduct sessions several times to achieve the desired result, which lengthens the total duration of the procedure;
  • the appearance of irritation if the recommended technology is not followed.

Sometimes during sugaring, specialists encounter sticking of the paste, in which it cannot be evenly distributed over the skin. The disadvantages also include covering small areas with the product, which also helps to increase the duration of sugaring. However, this drawback applies more to leg hair removal.


Girls and sugaring masters note that this type of facial hair removal is not suitable for everyone. You should refuse the procedure if you have:

  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • inflammations and wounds on the skin.

It is also not recommended to epilate your face with sugar in hot weather. There is a high risk of inflammation and acne. But what is noteworthy is that facial sugaring can be done even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Which sugaring is best for the face?

During sugaring, a specialist can work in different techniques, the choice of which depends on his skills and the localization of the affected area. These techniques do not affect the duration of the effect, which on women’s faces usually lasts up to 4 weeks.


In the process of manual technique, the master does not use additional devices, working exclusively with his hands. This means that the sugar paste is applied and removed from the skin using your hands. The algorithm of actions implies the following sequence of actions:

  • a piece of caramel is kneaded with your fingers;
  • the mass stretches along the skin against the hair growth line;
  • the skin in the area of ​​influence is stretched;
  • the paste comes off sharply in the opposite direction (along the hairline).

Attention! The same piece of paste can be used several times until the color and plasticity change.


The method is identical to the manual technique. During the sugaring process, the master applies the paste and removes it using a plastic, metal or wooden spatula. The spatula technique has certain advantages:

  • uniform distribution of composition;
  • speeding up the session by capturing large areas;
  • reducing the load on the master’s hands.

Attention! To work in spatula technology, a specialist must have the appropriate skills.


This method is similar to epilation with strips impregnated with wax. However, waxing is done in the opposite direction when the strips are applied and removed.

As part of the bandage technique, you need to use strips of fabric and paper. The facial sugaring procedure for women includes:

  • applying the paste against the hairline;
  • smoothing the bandage in the same direction;
  • sharp tearing of the bandage along the hairline with simultaneous fixation of the skin.

Typically, the bandage technique is used by beginning craftsmen due to the ease of its execution.

Removing antennae

Sugaring is great for removing hair above the lip, as it slows down growth and makes its structure much thinner and weaker. In addition, the effect lasts for a long time.

Both bandage and manual techniques are suitable. How to do facial sugaring correctly:

  1. Heat the required amount of paste and knead it in your hands.
  2. The mass is applied above the lip and smoothed against the growth of the mustache. Then it breaks off with a sharp movement of the hand in the direction of growth.
  3. Clean your face from any remaining mixture and treat with a soothing lotion.

Sugaring recipes for the face at home

The success of the procedure largely depends on the sugar paste used. Experts recommend using store-bought formulations due to the presence of the required consistency. If desired, you can make your own sugar paste.

Medium density paste

In a saucepan you need to mix sugar (250 g or 15 tablespoons), water (25 ml or 2 tablespoons), lemon juice (20 ml or 4 teaspoons). Lemon juice can be replaced with acid (a quarter of a small spoon).

Place the pan on low heat to give the pasta plasticity and cover with a lid, stir after 5 minutes. After the same amount of time, the composition is mixed again and left to simmer without a lid.

After 10 minutes, the paste acquires an amber hue, which indicates its readiness for use. To check readiness, you can try stretching a small amount of the product.

The finished paste should be poured into a container and tightly closed to preserve its working properties. The composition can be used for its intended purpose after it has reached room temperature.

Composition with herbal decoction

When depilating the face with sugar paste in women, you can use a decoction with medicinal herbs. To prepare it, pour 250 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of dry herbs. After 15 minutes, the broth is diluted with water (1 to 2). The resulting product is used to prepare classic pasta instead of water.

Compatible with other cosmetic procedures

The face is more often than others exposed to a variety of cosmetics and procedures. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex are interested in whether it is possible to do sugaring on the face in combination with other cosmetological techniques. Indeed, sugar hair removal is not compatible with all procedures. Sugaring is allowed after:

  • chemical peeling – after 7 or more days;
  • laser facial resurfacing – after a year;
  • tattooing - a week before or 2 months after;
  • solarium and beach – 1-2 days before and after;
  • deep peeling – after 3 days.

How to do facial sugaring correctly

Sugaring of the face for women involves the use of sugar paste during depilation. Caramel has a thick consistency and a temperature of up to 38 °C. The mixture is applied against hair growth. After the hairs stick, with a sharp movement, the caramel is removed from the skin along the growth line. The benefit of sugaring is the removal of hair follicles.

Due to the weak adhesion of the paste and skin, the painful sensations are not intense. This is why sugaring is often recommended for facial hair removal in women. For example, chin sugaring is popular among women.

It should be borne in mind that during the procedure there is a risk of microtrauma, which is often invisible. By violating the integrity of the skin, necessary moisture is lost. This leads to dry skin in women.

In order to minimize the risk of unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparatory stage. Before manipulation, you should use a scrub to remove dead particles from the skin and ensure reliable adhesion of hairs and paste.

Immediately before the procedure, the face is cleansed and steamed to open the pores and make the session easier. The skin is treated with Chlorhexidine, and talc is applied against hair growth. It is this product that lifts hairs and helps reduce pain in women.

If a woman has a high pain threshold, before sugaring her face, she can take a painkiller, for example, Ibuprofen. There are preparations for external use (Emla, Lidocaine).

Important! You should not plan facial sugaring during menstruation in women. The optimal period is the first week after the end of the critical days.

Sugaring is carried out in accordance with the chosen technique. Sugaring the face with a spatula in women at home is rarely done.

A few more questions

Salon patients who sign up for sugaring and women on the Internet often ask questions about the nuances of the sugar depilation procedure:

  • Why does hair appear earlier than after the prescribed 3-6 weeks? Relax, this does not mean that your hair growth has accelerated or that you have excess facial hair. While you are just switching to sugaring, this is possible. The fact is that each of the hairs on the body goes through several stages of development: from birth to death. The first procedure removes hair that is in the stage of growth and development, while the nascent vegetation has not yet reached the length required for sugaring. Therefore, within a week after depilation, new hairs may appear on the face. On average, you will need to do about 4 treatments before you can remove all the excess hair in one go.
  • How to relieve pain? The use of anesthetic creams reduces discomfort. And an hour before the procedure, you can take an Ibuprofen or Aspirin tablet.
  • Is it possible to do sugaring during menstrual periods? Menstruation is not a limitation for this hair removal method. But you can refuse the procedure if your pain threshold decreases at this time.
  • Are cosmetic procedures and sugaring compatible? Scrubbing is prohibited one day before and one day after sugaring. Chemical peeling is also not compatible with sugar depilation. If you have undergone acid exfoliation, you should wait 6-9 weeks before removing hair.

If you have completed a course of chemical peeling procedures, then you should postpone sugar hair removal for 6–9 weeks

Sugaring is an affordable method of depilation. The skin of the face most of all needs such a delicate method of removing unwanted hair. However, for sugar depilation you will have to wait until the extra hairs grow back. But if you follow all the rules of the procedure, the result will be lasting, without side effects or consequences.

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Facial care after sugaring

After cleansing your face with sugaring, adequate skin care is required, which will help prevent various unpleasant complications. The procedure ends with treating the face with a cream with a moisturizing effect. It is important to apply the cream several times during the day to prevent dry skin in women.

After a few days, you need to remove dead cells with a scrub. This procedure also prevents ingrown hairs.

In the next 24 hours after removing facial hair with sugar paste, women should not:

  • visit the beach, pool or sauna to prevent infection;
  • actively engage in sports that promote intense sweating and the proliferation of pathogenic flora;
  • expose your face to insolation, which can cause the appearance of age spots.

When performing hygiene procedures, you should not use cosmetics that dry out the skin, such as soap.

Little tricks

These helpful tips and tricks will help you perform facial sugaring correctly:

  • If you are working with previously prepared pasta, do not heat it all at once. You need to transfer the sugar to a smaller container, this will help control the temperature of the composition. It is better to reheat the paste again than to overheat it and get burned.
  • Do not use a paste that you have already used to remove hair during another procedure. Even if the product remains externally clean, it still contains skin particles, microhairs and bacteria.
  • If the mixture remains liquid for a long time, you may have heated it for too long. This is not difficult to fix: the mass must cool down, and an ice bath will help speed up the process.
  • Too high a temperature and humidity in the room where sugaring is carried out can cause the sugar mass to remain liquid for a long time. Then you need to choose a cool day for the procedure or cool the skin before depilation using an ice pack.
  • Be sure to check the temperature of the sugar before applying it to your skin to avoid burns.

The paste can be heated in the microwave: it will take very little time

Never add water to sugaring paste, otherwise the composition will become unusable. Keep all sugar depilation devices dry and there should be no moisture on the skin.

Precautionary measures

Sugaring on the face requires women to follow important rules. It is known that before using sugar paste for facial sugaring, you need to heat it to a maximum of 38 ° C. Exceeding this indicator can cause a burn.

The paste for sugaring the face is applied to the skin and removed after a minute. Otherwise, a pronounced adhesion of the product to the skin occurs, which can cause pain.

When epilating the face of women, special attention should be paid to adherence to technology. Adequate preparation of the face for the procedure and careful care after sugaring are essential.


I used to remove hair with wax. The result was good, but the removal process itself was too painful for me. I decided to try sugaring because it is similar to waxing. I was surprised, but my skin became much softer after using it. Otherwise the result is almost the same. There are discomforts during the procedure, but they are much weaker than from wax. I was satisfied with sugaring; I have been using this method for more than a year.

Anastasia, 24 years old, Moscow

I always just plucked my eyebrows. Then a friend recommended sugaring, because it has a longer effect. I wouldn’t try it myself - I’m too afraid of the pain. The pain is mild, which is a definite plus. I consider the main disadvantage to be labor intensive, because a lot of time is spent on preparation. My skin became inflamed after the procedure, so I had to apply ice. The result may be good, but it's not worth it.

Nelly, 29 years old, St. Petersburg

I read about sugaring in a women’s magazine, I have a lot of hairs above my lips, I tried to remove them using different methods, but some don’t really help, others are very painful. I decided to try it. At first I looked in the store, but there were so many manufacturers there that I simply couldn’t choose. I also didn’t like the fact that most of the pastes contained something artificial, so I cooked it myself. Everything worked out. The result is worth it: silky, hair-free skin. I recommend.

Kristina, 22 years old, Smolensk

Possible consequences of facial sugaring

Sugaring for the face, performed at home, can provoke various unpleasant consequences. In most cases, they are associated with the use of low-quality paste, as well as violation of the necessary rules and requirements.

The consequences of sugaring the beard and other areas of the face for women include:

  • Local redness of the skin. This symptom is associated with a rush of blood to the skin during the removal of the paste.
  • Red dots. When hairs are removed, there is a rupture of the capillaries that feed them, which leads to the appearance of small red spots.
  • Ingrown hair. Sometimes the hair follicle is not removed, but only changes its position. In this case, it may begin to grow downward or sideways.
  • Pimples. Often, purulent elements are a complication of ingrown hairs or caused by infection.

To eliminate these consequences, you can apply ice (cosmetic) to the skin. Damaged skin is soothed with Bepanten.

Experts' opinion

Most experts believe that sugar depilation is the best way to remove hair from facial skin. Cosmetologists give this assessment of sugaring thanks to the following arguments:

  • the product is natural, which means there are no allergic reactions on the delicate skin;
  • Possibility of depilation of any areas of the face. Hairs can be removed with sugar paste from the ears, sinuses, etc. Therefore, not only women, but also men often resort to sugaring;
  • short duration of the procedure;
  • With each new depilation, hairs practically disappear from the surface of the skin.

How much does sugar hair removal cost?

The price for facial sugaring in a salon will depend on the location and prestige of the epilation room. As a rule, in the capital the price tag is 30-50% higher than for the same procedure in the provinces. The price list includes specialist services, the cost of paste, post-care cosmetics, antiseptics and other consumables. These include disposable spatulas, gloves, sheets, napkins, etc. Salons set the cost for one area of ​​the face - you should focus on the price tag of 250-300 rubles. Thus, if you plan to perform sugaring of your mustache and eyebrows at the same time, get ready to shell out 500-600 rubles. And if your chin also needs epilation, the session will cost at least 750 rubles.

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