Christina peeling soap - is professional care possible at home?

Problematic, porous skin causes a lot of trouble for its owner. Unhealthy color, redness, pigmentation, painful acne - observed with the oily type. Regular care, under the supervision of a cosmetologist, allows you to achieve an even tone and flawless texture. As a result, acne is observed less frequently and intracellular processes are normalized. But you can also use professional products at home, in particular, for mechanical peeling. Active components remove keratinized epithelium, sebaceous plugs, and toxins. Pores are noticeably narrowed and pigmentation is whitened.

Kristina peeling soap is used not only for the face, but also for the body with rough areas - in the décolleté area, elbows, knees. Israeli cosmetologists have created a unique product based on sea corals. Delicate cleansing and restoration of nutrition processes and microcirculation allows you to notice an external transformation after the first session.

General description of the product

Professional cosmetics from the Israeli brand Christina include the use of Dead Sea gifts for face and body care. The Rose de Mer line was no exception: a special technology for freezing the ingredients and then drying them allows you to preserve all the active elements without preservatives.

The components of peeling soap cleanse and remove keratinized epithelium, normalize lipid synthesis, and strengthen thin capillaries. The product is used to eliminate pigmentation, polish relief, and treat acne. As a result of superficial peeling, pores are noticeably narrowed and an even color is restored without redness or pigmentation.

Indications for use

Christina Rose de Mer soap is recommended for those with oily, normal and combination skin. The main purpose of the product is cleansing, but, thanks to its unique composition, it is also indicated for eliminating skin problems:

  • acne and its consequences;
  • pigment spots, regardless of the reason for their appearance;
  • uneven skin tones;
  • vascular manifestations (rosacea, etc.);
  • scars;
  • enlarged pores;
  • decrease in firmness and elasticity of the integument.

Peeling soap is a good way to maintain tone and prevent cell aging. The procedure helps to increase the protective properties of the skin.

Enlarged pores

Soap composition

Peeling includes the following active components:

  1. Sodium palmate, olivate, castorate are salts of fatty acids of palm, olive and castor oil. They are active soap ingredients that absorb dirt, toxins, and sebaceous secretions. They do not cause irritation and are used to gently cleanse irritated dermis. The elements are of natural origin, through saponification of oils.
  2. Glycerin acts as a stabilizer and increases the effectiveness of the components of the composition. Retains moisture and protects covers from aggressive environmental factors.
  3. Polysorbate-80 is a surfactant that ensures cleansing and uniformity of the cosmetic product. It has a moisturizing effect and soothes irritated dermis.
  4. Sea sponge - perfectly cleanses, removes keratinized epithelium, gets rid of excessive fat, restores the density and elasticity of the integument. Effective for the prevention and treatment of acne.
  5. Coral powder - provides relief polishing, helps to cope with post-acne marks. Improves microcirculation, strengthens thin blood vessels. Helps accelerate regeneration processes and skin rejuvenation.
  6. Silicon dioxide - whitens age spots, restores healthy complexion. It has a peeling effect, gently polishes the skin, removing dead skin cells, sebaceous plugs and other impurities. Antiseptic properties help prevent inflammation.
  7. Seaweed - removes toxins and oxidants from the skin, saturates cells with nutrients. Perfectly tightens sagging skin thanks to its lifting properties. Normalize lipid synthesis and help narrow pores.

When should you not peel?

Any product has its contraindications. It is important to know about them:

  • The procedure cannot be performed if the integrity of the skin is damaged.
  • During the course of viral diseases (acute stages).
  • It is not recommended to do peeling while taking vitamin A and its derivatives.
  • If a herpes rash is visualized.
  • Intolerance to one of the components.
  • You cannot use a cosmetic product when your body temperature is elevated.
  • Peeling is not recommended by doctors for women who are preparing to become mothers.

Peeling effectiveness

The results of using rose de mer can be assessed after the first session; a noticeable transformation occurs after a month of regular use. Cosmetologists recommend repeating the procedure 1-2 times a week. Too frequent use can disrupt the hydrobalance, reduce the immune parameters of the dermis, and lead to dryness and premature aging. After using peeling soap the following is observed:

  • narrowing of pores;
  • deep cleansing of the skin;
  • decreased secretion of glands;
  • relief leveling;
  • reducing the severity of pigment spots.

In what cases is peeling indicated?

The procedure is performed to treat any severity of acne, regardless of its location.

Peeling can eliminate stretch marks, scars, and blemishes.

Prevents the appearance of acne marks.

The procedure is recommended for those with enlarged pores.

Experts recommend peeling to remove hyperpigmentation, regardless of etiology.

The session is carried out in order to eliminate sun damage to the skin (loss of elasticity, excessive dryness, keratosis).

Coral peeling is recommended when signs of premature aging appear.

Rules of application

Carrying out the procedure at home and in the salon differs not only in the effect, but also in the principle of action. Soap used at home acts only on the surface layers, removing dead epithelial cells.

Professional peeling Rose de Mer affects the middle layers of the dermis, which allows you to cope with pigmentation and significantly smooth out the relief. But even when used independently, there is a general improvement in the condition of the skin, it is possible to get rid of comedones, acne, and restore an even, healthy tone.

Instructions for use:

  1. Before first use, test for an allergic reaction.
  2. Clean the skin from makeup, moisten with water.
  3. To achieve a better cleansing effect, you can steam your face with a hot towel.
  4. Dip the soap in warm water for half a minute, then create foam.
  5. Distribute the foam on your face along the massage lines.
  6. Rub thoroughly for 2 minutes, following the massage lines. The eyelid and mouth area should be avoided.
  7. Rinse with water, blot excess moisture with a napkin.
  8. After completing the procedure, it is recommended to apply moisturizer or sunscreen.

Note! When washing your face, you may experience a burning or tingling sensation; these are natural reactions to the peeling composition. You cannot rub your face directly with the bar; only foam is used for cleansing.

It is recommended to use 1-2 times a week in the evening, in combination with acne treatment and oily skin care.

What is peeling?

The skin consists of two layers. These are the dermis (internal) and epidermis (external). A special membrane consisting of many cells connects these layers. The body continuously undergoes a regeneration process. Old cells die. New layers are formed. This is how the skin is renewed.

But when this process is disrupted or slowed down, the epidermis withers. And stimulation of cell renewal leads to skin rejuvenation. This is exactly what the Rose de Mer peeling is designed for. This cosmetic product has a targeted effect on removing the stratum corneum. The word “peeling” itself comes from the English language. It is translated as “exfoliate.”

Healing period

After peeling, the face looks reddened and may feel tight and dry. The manufacturer recommends using a moisturizing toner and cream for quick recovery. To speed up regeneration, you need to follow simple rules:

  • do not rub the skin, limit touching for several hours;
  • Do not use comedogenic cosmetics for several days;
  • Before going out, apply a protective agent with a high SPF factor;
  • During the course you cannot sunbathe or visit a solarium;
  • Maintaining water balance will help speed up the recovery process; you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

This type of peeling can be used by socially active people; after use there is no peeling, and the very next day there are no traces of the procedure left. An excellent way to regularly gently cleanse to achieve a professional effect.

Post-peeling care

The cleansing procedure is accompanied by minor trauma to the integument. Therefore, the skin will require restorative care.

  1. For the first 24 hours, you should not touch your face or wash your face. If tightness causes pain, you can carefully apply Panthenol cream.
  2. On the 2nd day, you are allowed to wash your face with lukewarm water acidified with lemon juice. Inflammations are treated with the same cream.
  3. On the third day, peeling of the skin is typical, but hanging fragments cannot be torn off. Light care continues.
  4. For the next 2 days, when intense peeling occurs, a rich cream is applied to the skin and a gentle massage is performed. The resulting pellets are removed with cotton pads.

During the entire recovery period, you should not use cosmetics with an aggressive composition. You should ignore visiting swimming pools, beaches, solariums, and baths. If you need to go outside, apply sunscreen to your skin.

Where to buy and how much does peeling cost?

You can purchase Christina soap peeling in many cosmetic stores, as well as place an order online. To avoid buying a fake, you should check the expiration date, compliance with the information on the packaging and the official website, and the presence of a certificate. It is better to contact well-known suppliers who, if questions arise, provide complete information and user support. Cost 55 gr. — 2400 rubles, you can also purchase post-peeling protective cream from the Rose de Mer series, price — 2800 rubles.

Is the procedure done in salons?

Cosmetologists successfully use peeling soap for professional care. The procedure is prescribed for oily, thick, problem skin; in rare cases, it is used for dry, sensitive skin.

Only a specialist, after assessing the condition of the skin, can recommend the use of the program and include additional care products. A pronounced effect is observed after visiting a cosmetologist, who selects the optimal system of procedures to solve individual problems.

Home care can also bring the desired result. But to restore oily, problematic or dehydrated skin, using one product is not enough.

Daily systematic cleansing, moisturizing, toning, periodic use of masks and scrubs will normalize the condition of the dermis. A cosmetologist can select the optimal products during a consultation, depending on your skin type.

The salon offers 2 types of coral peeling, superficial and medium. It is prescribed to eliminate pigmentation, get rid of stretch marks, stretch marks, treat acne of any degree, and rejuvenate the skin. The cost of a session is from 2000 rubles, the quantity is determined individually, on average the course consists of 5–8 procedures.

Stages of coral peeling

To achieve the effect, only one procedure is rarely enough, although a single coral peeling provides a significant renewal of the upper layer of the skin. Professional cosmetologists recommend at least 4 sessions with an interval between them of about 6-8 weeks for oily thick skin and after 3 months for other skin types with EPi 1.

At the first stage, a composition is prepared, including powder from old and young corals and a special activator from an extract of algae, sea salt, and minerals in a ratio of 1:2. The resulting mixture is applied in a uniform layer to the treated area, excluding the area around the eyes. Using massage movements, the skin is exposed for 2-4 minutes for superficial treatment and 5-10 minutes for medium peeling.

After this, the client must be given a wet compress to prevent the mixture from drying out and left for 10-15 minutes. At this time, an active process occurs, accompanied by tingling, pinching, and burning.

Then the dirty green composition is washed off with cold water using gauze or damp sponges. Sometimes cosmetologists use serum with hyaluronic acid: “beauty balls” have a soothing effect on the skin.

At the last stage, a protective gel is applied to consolidate the result and a protective cream that helps cope with the redness of the skin, softening and providing an antimicrobial effect.

You can treat only one zone in one procedure; the next zone is started after 1 week. Ask the client about the sensations and whether you are rubbing the peeling composition with the same force.

The procedure must be performed with gloves.

The coral peeling procedure in the beauty salon is completed, but the active process will last another 4-5 days. On the first day, the skin acquires a reddish-brown tint, tightness appears, and in many cases pain when touched (burning sensation).

After 2-3 days, a film forms and the top layer of skin begins to crack and peel. Scales of various, sometimes quite large, sizes fall off on their own within 4-5 days; they cannot be separated independently. Many cosmetologists offer patients to undergo a procedure for exfoliation and skin regeneration on the 5th day after coral peeling.

There may be a slight shift in time, because the skin has different degrees of oiliness and thickness of the epidermis, due to which it reacts differently to the procedure.

Precautionary measures

Soap peeling has a gentle composition and can be used from 12 years of age. Effectively removes impurities, fights excess oily secretions, perfectly tightens pores and evens out color. It can also be used in summer only at home. If the course is carried out professionally, it is still better to postpone the procedure for the period from October to March.

It should also be used with caution by people with thin, sensitive dermis. Application can lead to dryness, dehydration, and deterioration of the general condition of the skin. Before use, it is recommended to test for a possible allergic reaction. It is also possible to carry out during pregnancy, in the absence of intolerance to the components of the composition.


  • individual reaction;
  • dry, thin skin;
  • inflammation;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • open wounds, burns.

Complications after use:

  • dryness, peeling;
  • dehydration;
  • rosacea;
  • increased inflammation;
  • feeling of tightness.

Side effects in most cases are observed when used incorrectly . Often users use a bar rather than foam for soaping. The application time is also important; massage is permissible for no more than 3 minutes.

Important! The product is designed specifically for problematic, porous, teenage skin. Use for combination, normal, dry skin must be agreed with a cosmetologist.

To achieve the desired result of clean, radiant skin, comprehensive care is required using tonic, cream, post-peeling foundation with a high SPF protection factor.

Are there any contraindications?

Despite the fact that soap peeling is soft and gentle, there are a number of women who are recommended to use other compositions to clean the dermis. Basic prohibitions on use:

  • viral or infectious diseases at the peak of exacerbation;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • injuries to the dermis (burns, fresh cuts, cracks);
  • health problems that have caused weakening of the body (postoperative condition, high temperature, pressure surges);
  • herpes outbreak;
  • treatment with vitamin A-based medications;
  • allergic reactions to any components of the drug.

There are no side effects after proper use and no restrictions. The only thing that can be observed is increased dryness of the skin and flaking.

Description of analogues

You can also find alternative professional cosmetics products. Mukunghwa Hardwood Charcoal Scrub Soap from a Korean manufacturer is affordable and has a similar operating principle.

The composition includes soap base, charcoal, camellia oil, AHA acid extracts. Used to remove keratinized epithelium, sebaceous plugs, and narrow pores.

Unlike rose de mer soap, it is used for daily cleansing of dirt. A cosmetic product with charcoal belongs to the mass market line, so the main tasks of peeling - removal of pigmentation, post-acne, rejuvenation - are not fulfilled.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before purchasing soap for professional care, you should visit a cosmetologist. Only a professional can recommend an effective product, depending on the condition of the skin. You should also know about the features of the product before making a purchase.


  • effective for oily, problem skin;
  • copes with acne acne;
  • provides professional results at home;
  • natural composition;
  • Possibility to use in summer;
  • economical consumption.


  • high price;
  • When used on dry, thin skin, side effects are possible.

Types of Rose de Mer peelings

In the line of soaps from Christina, 3 effective means for gentle peeling have been developed. They differ in the quantitative ratio of components and additives, which causes their different effects on problem skin.

Peeling with vitamin E

Tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant that accelerates regeneration processes. In addition to it, the composition contains vitamin A, salts from the shores of the Dead Sea, crushed algae and an extract from medicinal herbs growing in Brazil.

The product is white with a greenish tint and packaged in a plastic container. Designed for superficial cleaning of the epidermis. Soap peeling gently exfoliates old skin, improves color and evens out the texture of the face, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands and increases the elasticity of the dermis.

Coral peeling

Sold in the form of a dark powder. In this composition, coral chips are supplemented not only with Dead Sea salts, but also with minerals, vitamins, plant acids and proteins. Coral soap is intended for medium peeling.

The procedure not only provides a renewing effect, but also has a therapeutic effect on the treated areas of the skin. Rose De Mer coral peeling successfully copes with advanced stages of acne and eliminates traces of rosacea.

Soap peeling

Rose de Mer soap is a chocolate-colored “puck” with a rough surface (due to the presence of coral chips and sea salt in the structure). Peeling particles are supplemented with an extract of Brazilian plants and ground algae.

The purpose of the product is superficial gentle peeling. Soap is also recommended as a preparatory procedure before mid-cleaning. Gives a lasting effect for all the above indications.

Rose de Mer

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts share their experience of using it and write about the effectiveness of this product. In practice, many are familiar with the Christina brand; many years of experience prove the effectiveness and safety of the products.

The cosmetologist describes the properties of peeling soap and indicates the natural composition.

The cosmetologist writes that when using Christina’s soap for dry skin, the problem can worsen; it is intended for thick, oily skin.

The review indicates the consistency of price and quality, as well as the effectiveness of the professional line.

Patient reviews

After applying peeling, there are mostly positive opinions. The professional line of cosmetics is of high quality.

The review describes coral peeling in the salon, discomfort during the procedure, but amazing results after.

The user writes about the effectiveness of the product, but the high price.

The participant advises to try the effect of the soap; the product helped her brother cope with problem skin.

The review compares the effects of soap with pumice, but lacks any effect.

Soap peeling “Rose de Mer: reviews from women”

Well, finally, we have reached the most objective source of information about product quality. After all, it is always interesting to know the opinion of those people who have already tried the effect of the peeling in question. What do lovely ladies say about this cosmetic product?

It is worth noting that the girls’ reviews are not as clear as those of the professionals. Some of them sincerely admire the results after using a product such as the Rose de Mer peeling. Photos of the condition of the skin before and after the procedure confirm the veracity of their words. Indeed, many girls were satisfied with the result. They note that the pores gradually narrow and acne fades after the first session. They are also pleased with the convenient form of production of the product. After all, peeling is produced in the form of a small bar of soap. You just need to lather it and apply the mixture to your face.

Some girls have developed their own method of using the product. They do not recommend that those with overly sensitive skin treat it directly with a block. If you carefully apply the foam with your hands and gently massage for several minutes, then after the procedure you can avoid excessive redness and peeling.

There are also negative reviews. The girls note that they did not notice any special effect. Although they note that they performed only one procedure.

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