How to reduce expression lines on the face and around the eyes

From a certain age, every woman begins to notice various cosmetic defects in the mirror, which are commonly called age-related changes. An example is fine wrinkles and skin creases localized around the mouth, eyes, and forehead. Initially, this defect appears as barely noticeable fine lines, but over time the wrinkles deepen and become pronounced.

Small wrinkles appear first in women with thin, dry skin and an asthenic body type. An insufficient level of natural hydration of the skin, a small amount of subcutaneous fat, combined with excessive tanning and incorrectly selected daily care products, become the first causes of the formation of a network of wrinkles. In cosmetology, this type of aging is usually called fine-wrinkled: ladies belonging to this morphotype rarely encounter deformation of the oval of the face and drooping tissue, but skin creases and folds become their main problem. As a rule, the first age-related changes in owners of thin, dry and sensitive skin begin to appear after 25 years, and in the future the situation only gets worse. Therefore, measures aimed at correcting such defects should be taken as early as possible.

Causes of facial wrinkles

The formation of facial wrinkles is associated with the motor activity of the facial muscles. Since the human face is not a frozen mask, emotions are expressed with the help of facial muscles and thousands of unconscious micromovements are performed. The corresponding areas of the skin are involved in this continuous motor flow. Up to a certain age, our skin is elastic and after muscle contractions immediately returns to its original state. But over time, the collagen content in the skin decreases and, accordingly, its elasticity decreases. So, in places where the skin is subject to frequent deformation, creases appear, that is, facial wrinkles. The more active facial expressions, the higher the likelihood of wrinkles appearing.


To determine the most effective methods of maintaining beauty and health, you need to learn how to determine the type of aging of facial skin. This will determine what to pay attention to when preventing and restoring the skin. One of the most negative factors is considered to be an excessive amount of UV radiation. Therefore, it is so important to systematically protect the dermis in the summer.

Without proper care, wrinkles, spider veins, and exacerbation of dermatosis may appear. To avoid this, try not to go outside in the middle of the day during the greatest solar activity, move your walks to the morning or evening. You can learn more about how to combat aging facial skin caused by ultraviolet radiation and consolidate the resulting effect from a cosmetologist or dermatologist. To prevent harmful consequences, exogenous photoprotectors are used that screen light. Another group includes organic compounds that can absorb ultraviolet rays.

Types of facial wrinkles

The most common places where the problem is observed first and most often are the forehead and areas around the eyes. Expression wrinkles on the forehead are divided into horizontal and vertical. Those who often raise their eyebrows upward develop clearly defined horizontal lines on their forehead. Those who like to put on a frown form an interbrow fold. In fact, we make many involuntary movements, forming an individual pattern of facial activity. Therefore, the appearance of a certain type of wrinkle does not always correspond to a specific emotion. The pattern of wrinkles around the eyes also forms differently. The greatest impact on thin and delicate skin here is the habit of squinting, reacting to sunlight, or trying to see something better. As a result, “crow’s feet”—a network of fine wrinkles—appear in the corners of the eyes. Nasolabial folds can also be classified as facial wrinkles, but facial expressions are not always the main reason for their appearance. Of course, the personal picture of the formation of facial wrinkles is influenced by the types of facial activity.


Loss of moisture in many cases has extremely negative consequences if it occurs regularly and provokes chronic dehydration. It is necessary to achieve retention of a certain volume of moisture in the deep and superficial layers of the epidermis. The stages of aging of different types of skin of the face and body, where cosmetology can still stop negative changes, do not differ much.

Some people argue that you can get by with external measures without following the drinking regime. Actually you can't. If the amount of fluid is insufficient, the body will begin to quickly slagging, disturbances will occur in the gastrointestinal tract, which will immediately affect the condition of the skin.

Types of facial activity

According to M. Mayo's classification, there are 3 types of facial activity: 1. Normokinetic (a person cannot always control his facial expressions, but can completely relax his facial muscles if desired. At rest, there are no facial wrinkles); 2. Hypokinetic (a person has good control over the activity of the facial muscles and wrinkles only when he wants to. At rest, his facial wrinkles are completely smoothed out); 3. The hyperkinetic type does not allow its owner to relax his face. In such a person it is constantly tense, so facial wrinkles soon turn into deep static furrows).

How to slow down skin aging

The first piece of advice is to get as much rest as possible. To do this, the daily routine is reviewed, sufficient time is allocated for sleep, which should be complete. It is advisable not to have a heavy dinner, turn off the TV and other devices an hour before going to bed, spend evening self-care and tune in to the positive.

In your diet, you need to give priority to foods with a high content of vitamins A, B, C, E, and take mineral complexes 2-3 times a year. Hardware procedures will help increase tone, work out deep layers, which stimulates blood circulation and improves cellular metabolism.

Methods for correcting facial wrinkles

Botulinum toxin injections are considered the gold standard in the correction of facial wrinkles. The drug is able to interfere with the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers, which allows them to relax over a long period of time.

The tactics of botulinum therapy are determined by the type of facial activity of a person. Thus, the most pronounced and prolonged result will be achieved in hypokinetics. The effect of the procedure will last for a year. Normokinetics will also receive a pronounced result from botulinum therapy, but not as long-lasting (6-9 months). In the case of hyperkinetics, botulinum toxin injections will be ineffective, since reinnervation of blocked facial muscles will occur within 3 months. For this reason, and also because with such activity of the facial muscles, complete smoothing of the skin relief will not occur, it is recommended to supplement botulinum therapy with contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic fillers. This combination anti-aging therapy allows you to get a more pronounced result of rejuvenation by filling the skin crease with filler, and also prolong the effect of botulinum toxin. To prepare for the correction of facial wrinkles, it is recommended: • 3 days before the procedure, avoid taking antibiotics and medications that prevent blood clotting; • give up alcoholic beverages and smoking one day before; • on the day of the procedure, exclude sports activities and heavy physical labor. To combat expression wrinkles, the Evolution clinic widely uses contour plastic surgery, laser rejuvenation and various types of lifting. Contour plastic surgery helps to get rid of facial wrinkles using injections of drugs based on hyaluronic acid.

Laser rejuvenation allows you to remove superficial and moderately expressed expression wrinkles. The most advanced “cold” Picosure laser available in our clinic makes the procedure guaranteed to be effective and absolutely safe. Ultrasonic SMAS facial lifting using the Doublo device, by heating the deep layers of the dermis, acts directly on the muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS), which is fundamentally important for the formation of the facial contour, the condition and functioning of the surface layer of the skin. The procedure eliminates ptosis, sagging and sagging skin, making the skin young and toned.

RF face lifting using the 3 MAX device gives excellent results in the fight against wrinkles due to the deep penetration of radio frequency waves. Using radio wave radiation, controlled heating of the inner layers of the skin occurs, thereby achieving a sustainable lifting effect and, as a result, smoothing out wrinkles. Plasmolifting brings success without side effects or allergic reactions. This is because the magical transformation occurs with the help of plasma isolated from your own blood. That is, they will take some blood from your vein. Then the plasma will be obtained in a centrifuge. Next, our experienced and qualified specialist will inject the plasma under the skin using microinjections. It is extremely rich in platelets, which contain growth hormones that accelerate skin cell renewal. The result is an even complexion, elimination of wrinkles and improved skin quality. To choose the most suitable correction method for yourself, book a consultation with us by calling +7 (495) 126-10-79 . Depending on your age and individual characteristics, our specialist will choose the optimal work strategy and prescribe the necessary procedures.

Theories of skin aging

The mechanisms of age-related changes are quite complex and have not yet been sufficiently studied. In scientific circles, it is customary to divide molecular genetic theories into two large groups. The first included hypotheses about hereditary factors, the second - about the accumulation of mutations at the cellular level. It will take decades to develop and prove one of the points of view, but you can learn about it in general terms and take into account for practical application some postulates in the fight against premature decline.

Telomere theory

It appeared thanks to the research of the American scientist L. Hayflick. According to his findings, fibroblasts are capable of dividing up to 50 times, partially shortening at the same time. At a certain point, the cells lose this property and die. Confirmation was the discovery of the enzyme telomerase, which ensures the constant completion of shortened telomeres in tumor, stem and germ cells, which thereby become practically immortal. This has become an interesting contribution to the explanation of the aging process of the skin of the face and body.

Elevation (ontogenetic) theory

In the middle of the last century, the scientific community was shocked by V. M. Dilman’s bold assumption about the existence of a special regulatory mechanism responsible for age-related changes. It is understood that this is a continuous and inevitable series of transformations that are a side process of the development of the organism. This model has opened new horizons in the prevention of a number of hereditary and acquired diseases.


It proves the genetic programming of age-related changes. Scientists stated that along with the processes of destruction, there is creation, but of completely different proteins and other elements, which leads to the development of pathologies.

Free radical theory

According to the ideas of scientists D. Harman and N.M. Emanuel, put forward almost simultaneously in the middle of the last century, it is reactive oxygen species synthesized in mitochondria that become the causes of the development of most serious diseases, including impaired brain function, weakened immunity, cataracts, and oncology. According to them, nature has developed effective protective mechanisms, such as the action of antioxidants. A person receives them with food. The required daily amount has also been determined, which is quite achievable with a balanced, balanced diet.

Error catastrophe theory

American researcher and scientist M. Szilard has a hypothesis that radiation significantly reduces life expectancy. This, in turn, is a factor that affects skin aging and contributes to its fading. Over time, the DNA repair system wears out, and in combination with the accumulation of undirected mutations, it leads to a natural decrease in vitality and reserves. At the same time, there are no descriptions of individuals who were not exposed to radiation, which leaves the hypothesis at the level of a probable explanation without an extensive evidence base.

Apoptosis theory

Proposed by V.P. Skulachev. Based on the process of cell death, which was pre-programmed. Destruction can be caused by infection with a virus or mutation. Through death, an element unsuitable for functioning is eliminated. The activity is significantly different from necrosis, in which there is violent damage due to external factors. In this case, the cellular material is reused to build new structures.

Self-massage to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles

It is impossible to completely prevent the occurrence of facial wrinkles using self-massage, but moving this event into the distant future is quite possible. There are a great many massage techniques. We will focus on self-massage of the face along massage lines, since it has proven itself well in practice. Massage lines, also known as Langer's lines , are areas where the skin is most elastic and subject to the least stretching. This means that by acting on these lines, we will definitely not cause any harm to the skin. And the benefit will be to improve blood circulation and lymph flow, which will lead to an increase in the overall tone of the facial skin. If the skin is in good tone, there will be no wrinkles. Visual diagrams of massage lines are easy to find on the Internet. Here we give a brief description of their location. On the forehead. The lines go from the bridge of the nose to the temples, parallel to the brow ridges. Nose. From the tip of the nose along the back of it to the point between the eyebrows. Eyes. Upper eyelid - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. The lower eyelid is the opposite, from outer to inner. Cheeks. From the wings of the nose and corners of the mouth to the ears. Practice self-massage. Sooner or later it will not be enough and then we are ready to come to your aid and use the entire arsenal of capabilities available in our clinic.

Natural cosmetic

We hope it is already obvious to everyone that no creams or masks can smooth out wrinkles if you do not fight the root of the problem and remove muscle tension. But in combination with facial gymnastics, properly selected skin care will help remove fine wrinkles and reduce deep ones.

We advise you to pay attention to natural remedies that fight wrinkles. We check that there are eggs, milk, cream, and kefir in the refrigerator. We buy carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, lemons, bananas, and grapefruits from the vegetable gardener. Honey, oils, cereals, yeast, and various herbs (chamomile, mint, yarrow, etc.) will also be useful. And we mix (of course, we focus on recipes). The simplest options for anti-wrinkle masks are cucumber slices or a gauze napkin soaked in strongly brewed green tea. Keep on face for 20-30 minutes. Don’t forget to cleanse your skin before the mask, and after the procedure, apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream.

For oils, we recommend trying Beauty 365's Squalane (light sugarcane oil), which is rich in vitamins and nutrients. It smoothes out small wrinkles on the face, just apply it with massage movements, or even better, do a massage with it using Beauty 365 vacuum MIRACLE cans. They erase wrinkles like an eraser: they increase blood flow and launch the process of elastin and collagen production!

Do you want something unusual? Try the Beauty 365 Relaxing Eye Pad. This pad contains flax seeds, which when heated gently release an oil that helps fight wrinkles. Bonus: the scent of lavender that fills the pillow.

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