Rejuvenation of the area around the eyes. How to remove wrinkles around the eyes

An expressive look is considered one of the characteristics of a beautiful, well-groomed appearance. Unfortunately, the inevitable age-related changes are incompatible with a beautiful, attractive look. The good news is that these changes are, in most cases, easy to correct. The same can be said about congenital or acquired deficiencies.

Modern aesthetic medicine offers a wide number of ways to solve this problem. You can resort to the services of both a cosmetologist and a plastic surgeon. The final correction method will depend on a number of factors, such as the severity of the changes or the overall condition of the skin. The choice of the optimal technique remains with the medical specialist, who, however, takes into account all the wishes of the patient.

Correction techniques

Eyelid contouring is most often understood as cosmetic procedures. It is possible to restore the lost freshness of the skin using several types of cosmetic manipulations, for example, by injecting fillers or inserting threads under the skin. These procedures are quite easy and do not require a long rehabilitation period. But this type of correction is not suitable for everyone.

If the changes are very pronounced, the patient will be recommended the help of a plastic surgeon and a full-fledged surgical operation - blepharoplasty. Surgical correction allows you to cope with even the most severe wrinkles, sagging tissue and other changes associated with age. Blepharoplasty is also indicated for a number of congenital defects or those resulting, for example, from injury.


Eye contour surgery cannot be done if the patient:

  • Rehabilitation period after surgery
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding period
  • Oncological diseases
  • Fever
  • Diabetes
  • Drug therapy is being carried out
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Endocrine system diseases
  • Individual intolerance to drugs.


The most common reason for seeking the services of a cosmetologist or surgeon is, of course, age-related changes. The first changes begin to appear at the age of 25. From this moment on, the skin begins to gradually lose elasticity and firmness, loses freshness and tenderness. The eyelids sag, and the first wrinkles appear around the eyes. The older a person gets, the less elastin and collagen the body produces, which affects the condition of the skin.

Eyelid contouring is an effective method of combating age-related changes.

Contour plastic surgery will help to cope with a number of problems. It is recommended for patients with complaints such as:

  • formation of facial wrinkles,
  • the appearance of crow's feet,
  • dark circles and bags under the eyes,
  • drooping eyelids (ptosis),
  • hyperpigmentation and more.

Indications for the procedure are predominantly aesthetic in nature and dictated by the patient’s desire to get rid of certain external defects. In rare cases, an acquired or congenital feature may be an indication. For example, drooping eyelids due to the anatomical structure of the eye area, interfering with normal vision, are also an indication. But in such situations, blepharoplasty is usually recommended rather than cosmetology.

What is the price?

Contour plastic surgery in Moscow is a popular manipulation. The price range is wide. Remember: the result depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the quality of the filler. Do not skimp on health and beauty, contact licensed clinics with a good reputation. At Dr. Listratenkov’s clinic you will be offered fillers:

  • "Surgiderm" produced by the French company Corneal.
  • "Belcontour" from the Swiss pharmaceutical concern Hyal Intertrade SA

Both patients and plastic surgeons respond positively to the drugs. The prices for these fillers are quite high. Your doctor will tell you how much facial contouring costs. The price is affected by the complexity of the operation, quantity, and type of filler.

Preparation for procedures

In order to obtain an ideal result upon completion of the procedure, the patient must properly prepare for the procedure. The preparation process is similar for both cosmetic and surgical procedures. One to two weeks before the scheduled correction date, you must stop taking blood thinning and hormonal medications. In a few days, eliminate spices, reduce the consumption of salty and spicy foods.

It is also strongly recommended to give up cigarettes and alcohol so as not to complicate your recovery. Three days before plastic surgery, it is advisable not to use cosmetics and facial care, in particular peeling. It is better to postpone playing sports until after rehabilitation.

Stages of the procedure

At the preliminary interview, the doctor discusses with the patient the conditions and methods of performing the manipulation. After which he examines problem areas, collects anamnesis, identifies existing contraindications, and selects the appropriate filler for correction. Procedure diagram:

  1. Preparation for injection:
  2. — cleansing the skin of cosmetics and disinfecting the work area;

    — creation of marks at the injection sites of the modeling composition;

    - application of local anesthetic and application for 20 - 40 minutes;

    — removal of excess anesthetic cream.

  3. Modeling: filler is injected into the targeted points using a thin needle or cannula. The drug is administered slowly, in small doses. This allows it to be distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the nasolacrimal groove.
  4. A light massage of the area helps the gel disperse throughout the tissues and achieve the most aesthetic result.
  5. Applying an anti-inflammatory or skin soothing product.

A regenerating mask after the procedure helps relieve hyperemia and swelling of the tissues of the nasolacrimal groove. The stage of recovery is individual for each client and depends on the characteristics of the body. On average, this period ranges from 7 to 14 days.

How does plastic surgery work: cosmetology

A common correction option in cosmetology is the injection of filler drugs. In most cases, the basis for the drug is hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for skin elasticity and moisture saturation. The choice of drug is made only by a professional cosmetologist; you are not allowed to prescribe the drug yourself.

An experienced specialist injects the drug with a syringe with a thin needle through several points according to pre-designated markings. The depth of input depends on the volume and complexity of the problems that need to be eliminated. The procedure does not take much time and is performed under local anesthesia. As a rule, several sessions in a cosmetology salon are necessary for complete elimination.

Cosmetic eyelid surgery most often consists of filler injections.

How do fillers act on the body?

The basis of all fillers used in our clinic is hyaluronic acid. This substance is related to our skin - normally the human body produces it itself. Therefore, the drugs are not perceived as something foreign, they help nourish the tissues, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

If we talk about the cosmetic effect, then fillers allow you to fill the missing volume - for example, if after severe weight loss your eyes have sunken or the nasolacrimal groove has become too pronounced. When hyaluronic acid is injected into an area where there are wrinkles and folds, the drug literally “pushes” them out from the inside, filling the voids formed due to age-related reasons or too active facial expressions.

How is plastic surgery done: surgery

If the patient has been recommended blepharoplasty, then this plastic surgery takes place in the operating room under the supervision of an experienced surgeon. Like a cosmetologist, the surgeon first applies markings. During the marking operation, small incisions are made through which excess skin and fatty tissue are removed. The tissues are then fixed in their new position. The surgeon applies stitches and a sterile dressing.

Another access option for surgical correction is transconjunctival, in which work is carried out through incisions in the inner mucosa of the eye. This method is characterized by complete invisibility of postoperative traces. But don’t think that the classic technique will leave visible scars - with this method, the incisions are made in the natural crease of the eye and therefore are also unnoticeable to others.

Sulcus correction with fillers in Moscow and their varieties

Dermal fillers are gel-like preparations that are injected under the skin of the furrow with special needles to correct wrinkles, folds and atrophic scars. All compositions have a stabilized structure, which allows them to retain their shape for a long time and not spread. They are introduced where it is necessary to add volume and even out the relief.

All products for contour modeling of the nasolacrimal trough with fillers are divided into two groups:

  1. Biodegradable.
  2. These are hyaluronic-based fillers, which are destroyed over time by the enzyme hyaluronidase and removed from the body by the lymphatic drainage and urinary systems. If there is a reaction to the injection or the client is not happy with the result, there is always the opportunity to destroy the filler and remove it from the body. The most popular brands: Juvederm, Stylage, Perfectha Derm, Perlane, Restylane and others.

    Hyaluronic acid

    - a polysaccharide similar to that which is naturally found in almost all human tissues. It does not cause allergies and is not rejected by the body. The substance is an active stimulator of collagenogenesis and a strong humectant (attracts water molecules several hundred times its own weight). After its administration, the production of fibrillar proteins increases, which contributes to the formation of an additional natural framework that maintains the dermis in a taut state.

  3. Biosynthetic.
  4. Artificially created products that have no analogues in living organisms. All drugs are biocompatible and allergic reactions are extremely rare. Before release into the retail chain, they undergo dermatological control. Such fillers include formulations based on lactic acid, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres, and purified animal collagen. Famous brands: Evolence, CosmoDerm and CosmoPlast, Sculptra, etc.

The client’s appearance changes almost immediately after the fillers are injected into the sulcus area. During the correction process, substances are injected into the areas of skin gaps, thereby filling the resulting “voids.” As a result, creases are straightened, and the skin becomes smooth and even.


Regardless of the type of procedure, after completion the patient must follow a number of simple rules in order to get an excellent result. This includes prohibitions on physical activity, visiting baths and saunas, as well as solariums. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation and thermal procedures during the recovery period should be limited to the maximum to avoid the formation of noticeable scars or complications.

Also, at first, you should avoid manipulations associated with aggressive effects on the skin - chemical peeling, exfoliation, scrubs, etc. Do not rub the skin around the eyes. In the first 1-3 days, depending on the type of correction, you should not wash your hair. After the intervention, swelling and bruising will persist for several days - these are normal phenomena. But for any complications that deviate from the norm, you must contact your specialist as soon as possible.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Presence of age-related changes and/or wrinkles, furrows
  • “Floated”, asymmetrical oval face
  • Wrinkles in the eyelid area and corners of the eyes
  • Nasolabial folds of different depths
  • Changing the shape of the nose, restoring the volume of the cheekbones and chin
  • Elimination of asymmetry, changing the shape/volume of lips
  • Decreased skin tone, enlarged pores
  • Skin defects (atrophic scars, including stretch marks, post-acne)
  • Various types of atrophy of facial and body tissues.

Benefits of contouring

  • Comfort . When performing contour plastic surgery, local anesthesia is used, and the patient experiences virtually no pain. Sometimes anesthesia is not required at all;
  • No age restrictions;
  • The procedure takes only half an hour, and the changes become noticeable immediately, because injections of hyaluronic acid make up for the lack of volume ;
  • Lasting results that can last up to 2 years; Taking this into account, the price for contour plastic surgery of the lips and face, in terms of the duration of the effect, is very profitable
  • Since lip and facial contouring is a non-surgical method , the rehabilitation process after the procedure takes much less time than in the case of surgery.
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