How to get rid of expression wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead, near the mouth?

One of the most important conditions for maintaining youth and beauty for as long as possible is careful facial skin care. This process, of course, includes the fight against expression wrinkles. They can appear near the eyes, around the lips, on the forehead - depending on your luck. (Or rather, unlucky?)

Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of expression lines. And “ProfAesthetics” knows all these methods and knows how to apply them perfectly!

Prevention: proper diet, sleep, skin care

Before moving on to describing ways to eliminate wrinkles, it is worth saying a few words about how to prevent them from appearing longer. The secret lies in several points.

1. Proper sleep pattern

That is, at least 7-8 hours. There are those who need even more time to fully recover - this is individual.

2. Food

Try to include fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals, and fatty fish in your diet. And minimize sweets and starchy foods. It is also important to drink the required amount of fluid daily - preferably water or green tea.

3. Regular physical activity and walks in the fresh air

We are not talking about striving for some unprecedented sports records. But moderate exercise a couple of times a week is a good prevention against premature wrinkles.

This may seem strange. It would seem, how, for example, are squats related to smooth skin around the eyes? But everything in our body is interconnected. A healthy, strong body has more reserves in order to maintain all organs and systems in good condition.

4. Skin care

Finally, don't forget about face creams that are suitable for your skin type. It is recommended that you start using them regularly during your teenage years. Remember that different creams are suitable for different age groups.

All of these measures will help you look and feel better. And we're not just talking about smooth and beautiful facial skin. Such things improve the tone of the body as a whole - and the hair looks more beautiful, and the weight is normalized, and menstruation occurs on time and without pain.

We strongly advise you to take care of yourself! All this is very easy to do even at home. However, if the problem has already arisen, “duck’s feet” have appeared around the eyes, noticeable horizontal wrinkles, nasolabial folds have deepened - here we are no longer talking about prevention. This requires treatment.

Symptoms of skin aging

Age-related changes in facial skin depend on many factors: genetics, nutrition, environmental influences, aging of the body. The exposed areas of the skin are the most vulnerable: on the face, neck, and hands, the elasticity of the tissues gradually decreases and wrinkles appear.

After 40 years, the symptoms of skin aging become more obvious:

  • the skin is loose, its elasticity noticeably decreases;
  • pores expand and become pronounced;
  • wrinkles in the eye area are more noticeable;
  • the skin in the chin area sags, the oval of the face “floats”;
  • nasolabial folds become deeper;
  • the face looks swollen and puffy.

These skin changes develop gradually, but can become noticeable literally in an instant. Proper facial care for a woman over 40 will help slow down the aging process of the skin and keep it looking fresh longer.

Main types of injection correction

Gradually we reached more powerful products available only in the salon.

Expression wrinkles are called “expression wrinkles” because they are formed from excessive work of the facial muscles. In young people, the skin in the projection of the facial muscles quickly straightens out, but with age, in place of the skin folds, “creases” of the skin are formed, which become deeper over the years. Therefore, it is logical to slightly calm the work of active muscles. Botulinum toxin preparations have been used for this for decades; drugs such as Botox, Dysport, Xeomin are considered the gold standard of cosmetology for solving this problem. The effect is already in a week!

To improve the quality of skin in areas with expression wrinkles, mesotherapy works well. A dermatologist and cosmetologist will help you choose the composition of the drug. It is injected with a thin needle to a depth of 1-2 mm, covering the entire surface of the facial skin after preliminary anesthesia with a special external cream. If hyaluronic acid predominates in the preparation, this is biorevitalization.

When both of the above methods have already been completed and the trace of the wrinkle is still visible, the depression can be filled with a special “soft” hyaluronic acid and contour plastic surgery can be performed.

To improve the quality of the skin, plasma therapy (or “Plasmolifting”) can also work well; the essence of the method is the introduction of one’s own plasma obtained from the patient’s blood by centrifugation. In addition to stimulating skin cells, plasma is nourishing and immunostimulating. The result is smooth, brightened, tightened skin without wrinkles.

Do you want to get a quick effect that is noticeable to the naked eye? Then you should turn to various types of injections that smooth the skin.

ProfEstetika offers:

  • mesotherapy;
  • contour plastic;
  • biorevitalization;
  • plasmatherapy.

All these methods involve the introduction into the deep layers of the skin using injections of certain compounds. It could be some specially selected cocktail of nutrients. Or even your own blood, pre-treated in a special way.

Your doctor will tell you which specific method of injection correction is right for you. But all of them are highly effective and provide quick results - which is why women all over the world love them very much.

Aesthetic medicine

Everyone knows that there are procedures that can rejuvenate the skin and remove wrinkles on the cheeks. But what treatments are effective for deep wrinkles on the cheeks?

  • peelings. They remove the dead layer of the epidermis and stimulate tissue regeneration. There are several types of peeling - mechanical (the upper keratinized cells are exfoliated using a device with attachments), physical (laser resurfacing, ultrasound, which provides a rejuvenating effect), chemical (acids are used here, which stimulate cell renewal);
  • injections. Here they talk about special fillers that can remove wrinkles and smooth out unevenness. Botox is most often used; it blocks nerve endings, prevents facial muscles from moving, and ensures that traces are invisible. Hyaluronic acid injections are considered effective. This substance is found in the tissues of the human body (epithelial, connective). It is hyaluronic acid that is responsible for keeping the skin elastic. As a woman gets older, synthesis decreases. Protein injections not only replenish the insufficient amount of hyaluron, but also smoothes the relief, improves the epidermis and its structure;
  • ultrasonic cleaning. Here ultrasound affects the skin. This procedure is characterized by the absence of pain, which is why many women resort to performing it. After such cleansing, the skin not only becomes even and smooth, but wrinkles on the cheeks are also removed. If they are deep, they will not be so noticeable;
  • plastic surgery. This method is considered the most radical. In women over 45 years of age, deep deformations occur in the epidermis and require radical methods. Many people undergo procedures such as lifting or surgical tightening.

A cosmetologist will help you get rid of deep wrinkles on your cheeks. The most important thing is that the procedure is carried out by a professional. He will help determine the cause of wrinkles, tell you which procedure will be most effective in your case and avoid serious consequences.

Hardware procedures for removing facial wrinkles

This group of procedures is aimed not so much at eliminating crow's feet, deep nasolabial folds and other similar troubles, but at improving the condition of the skin in general. Smoothing out wrinkles, however, also occurs in the process. This means that the effect of hardware methods is more global and durable than, for example, injections. But less fast - although 70 percent of our clients notice improvements after the first sessions.

In cosmetology, hardware methods based on physical effects on tissue are also widely used. The effect from them is not as fast as from injections. Often more than one course is required, as well as supporting procedures. The combination of injections and hardware techniques works especially well.

“ProfAesthetics” has in stock a whole list of hardware methods for working with skin:


This procedure is based on a directed high-pulse light flux that penetrates all layers of the dermis, right down to the deepest. And it provokes more intensive work of skin cells with the subsequent production of collagen and elastin. Because of this, the skin becomes more elastic, smoothes out, and pigment spots disappear. That is, photorejuvenation triggers the natural mechanisms of your body.

RF lifting

RF lifting is a method that works on the basis of radio wave stimulation and also triggers the body’s own regenerative reserves. When choosing a method, it works due to approximately the same biological principle as photorejuvenation. Both of these methods of how to remove expression wrinkles and make facial skin more attractive, both methods are suitable as they stimulate more intense production of collagen and elastin. Only RF lifting uses other physical principles to work - here electromagnetic waves are used.

Microcurrent therapy

As you can easily guess from the name, this therapy is a local effect on the skin using pulsed current. Depending on the selected parameters, currents can act superficially to stimulate the dermis; more deeply - to stimulate the facial muscles, as well as drain subcutaneous fat. The result is smoothing of wrinkles, reduction of swelling, and a clearer oval of the face. In addition, microcurrents are widely used during post-surgery, installation of threads, injection procedures accompanied by the appearance of hematomas. Bruises resolve much faster. The decongestant effect of this procedure is also indispensable after botulinum toxin injections, if swelling under the eyes suddenly develops temporarily.

Non-injection mesotherapy (electroporation)

Conventional mesotherapy is the introduction of nutrients into the deep layers of the dermis through injections. Microcurrents - stimulation of facial muscles and blood vessels using current. Electroporation is a “two in one”, a combination of both of these methods.

In practice, it looks like this: a special hydrogel mask is applied to your face, containing active substances selected taking into account your characteristics, a cream for wrinkles around the eyes or mouth. Then electrodes are connected to the mask, and when exposed to electrical impulses, the substance from the mask is delivered to the deep layers of the dermis. And, in parallel, your cells and tissues are stimulated, increasing their tone and triggering regeneration. After such exposure, the cream against wrinkles around the eyes or mouth works especially effectively.


The instrument of this procedure is a device with many microneedles, which make injections at a high speed (several hundred thousand punctures per minute) to a small depth (from 0.1 mm to 0.5 mm). As a result, He performs mechanical stimulation of the skin, which can even be called “microtrauma,” stimulating the production of its own collagen. The microchannels from the punctures receive active substances applied to the skin during the procedure. These microchannels are then closed. One of the undeniable advantages is painlessness and absence of bruises. The result is radiant skin even after one procedure!


The effect of this method of stimulating facial skin is absolutely similar to microneedling (its simplified modification). Here, too, there are a lot of small needles that penetrate the upper layer of the dermis and deliver nutrients there, deep down. And, at the same time, they stimulate tissues to recover more intensively on their own. The difference between microneedling and a mesoscooter is the tool needed for this procedure - in the first case, it is quick and painless, in the second case, manual treatment of the facial skin is done with a special roller, which takes longer and feels stronger.

What happens in the skin after 40 years

1. Disruption of fibroblasts.

Decrease in numbers due to a decrease in their proliferative activity.

A decrease in their activity and, as a consequence, a decrease in their synthesis of the main components of the dermis: collagen fibers, elastin fibers and hyaluronic acid.

Partial loss of sensitivity to growth factors.

2. The destruction of the structural elements of the dermis - collagen and elastin fibers - is activated under the influence of enzymes - matrix metalloproteinases.

3. Violation of cellular renewal - the cell cycle slows down, the differentiation of keratinocytes is disrupted, and their size increases. The ratio of ceramides and other skin lipids changes, which leads to disruption of the skin barrier function.

4. Disruption of melanocytes due to activation of the enzyme tyrosinase in response to stimulation by aggressive external factors. And during menopause, due to a drop in the amount of estrogen, which leads to the appearance of melasma.

5. Impaired blood circulation due to a decrease in the number of venules in the papillary layer of the dermis due to a lack of heparin production by mast cells of the dermis (has angiogenic properties).

Chemical peeling as a means of combating wrinkles

You are probably familiar with peeling. This is the removal of the upper layer of the epidermis with all the excess that has accumulated on it and indirect stimulation of the deeper layers. Particularly effective for removing age spots, acne, dead, excess dead skin cells.

It would seem, what does wrinkles have to do with it? The fact is that this very effective cleansing procedure simultaneously triggers natural regeneration processes. And the skin becomes more elastic - small wrinkles are smoothed out, and large ones become less noticeable. Therefore, peeling can also be called a means of combating age-related and facial imperfections.

How to overcome wrinkles on the cheeks?

How to remove deep wrinkles on the cheeks? There are different methods that will help improve the appearance of your skin and remove wrinkles on your cheeks:

  • charger. If you do light exercises, it will help smooth out those grooves that are on the surface and prevent new ones from forming. The cheeks can very rarely be tense and always remain relaxed. Therefore, with the help of facial gymnastics it is important to increase muscle turgor;
  • massage. This therapy will help reduce cheek wrinkles. Massage is particularly effective on fine wrinkles. Massage therapy will help remove vertical and transverse wrinkles. The main thing is that it is carried out by a specialist;
  • homemade masks. Their goal is to saturate the skin with oxygen, restore water balance, moisturize the skin and gently exfoliate the skin. Most often, ingredients such as gelatin, honey, yolk, yeast, and oatmeal are used for masks.

Anti-wrinkle cosmetics: creams, masks and serums

In addition to all of the above, one cannot fail to mention home care and salon treatments using highly active ingredients on the skin. Treatments include sequential application of creams, serums and masks combined with facial massage. The effect is stronger after superficial peeling or scrubbing. Ingredients with a lifting effect on the surface layers are used, as well as peptides (for example, argillerine) that have a relaxing effect on facial muscles, similar to Botox. The main thing in choosing a cream for facial wrinkles or a mask is to use professional products prescribed by a cosmetologist and their systemic use.

However, there are some nuances here too:

  • the product must be purchased not in mass market stores (they are not active, they are suitable for everyone, but they solve individual problems and tasks)
  • prescribed in a strictly defined dosage and at a certain time of year
  • After using professional cosmetics, you always need sunscreen with a high protection factor
  • A cream, serum or mask for facial wrinkles must be modern, i.e. include peptides, hyaluronic acid, growth factors, microelements, vitamins and have good penetrating ability.

In general, the best serum for expression wrinkles is the one that your doctor recommends, taking into account your personal characteristics.

Massage to keep facial skin toned

You can do facial massage and warm-up yourself, without the help of a specialist. Although the hands of a master, of course, will cope with the task better. A facial massage performed professionally can also work wonders; it gives: lifting, drainage, tones the tissues, and when performed using a special product with active ingredients, it adds the effects of nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

The main thing is to use a non-comedogenic product, then the procedure is not contraindicated for oily skin.

Causes of wrinkles on the cheeks

Before you undergo any procedures or use any products, you need to determine the cause of this defect. Deep wrinkles on the cheeks appear not only as a result of age-related changes. Other factors influence their occurrence:

  • bad habits. We are talking about alcohol, smoking, they cause the skin to suffer and its condition worsens. In addition, less major proteins, elastin, and collagen are produced. These elements are responsible for the skin and its elasticity;
  • excessive emotionality. If a woman expresses emotions and at the same time her facial expressions are very bright, then this negatively affects the muscles of the cheeks. After some time, bends appear on smooth massage lines;
  • excess weight. If a person is overweight, then the muscles lose their tone and the frame sags. Sudden weight changes have a very negative effect on the skin;
  • heredity. There is no way to prevent the appearance of such wrinkles;
  • external environment. Is the air around you dry and filled with dust? The result is dehydration of the body, early aging;
  • ultraviolet. The sun causes epidermal cells to become depleted;
  • abuse of cosmetics. If a person constantly uses makeup, then he must provide his skin with careful care.

How to use a massager correctly

All massagers have general rules that must be followed if you want to get noticeable and quick results.

Read the instructions

before use. Each model has its own characteristics that can affect the result. Carefully read the recommendations and procedure diagram before starting it.

After this, prepare the skin for massage


  • Completely remove makeup from your face, both decorative and skincare.
  • Wash your skin thoroughly.
  • Steam your face.
  • Apply cream or special cosmetics for a specific type of massager (except vacuum - for it the skin must be clean).
Type of massager Cosmetics
MechanicalLotion Desincrustant
VacuumSkin must be clean
UltrasonicUltraclean control Ultraclean sense
MicrocurrentActive facial gel with caviar extract
MultifunctionalContact gel for RF correction Active facial gel with caviar extract for EMS

Follow the sequence of movements
during the massage - chaotic movements will not give the desired effect. Guide the massager according to the instructions. Movements should be smooth without putting too much pressure on the skin.

There is a pattern of massage movements that is suitable for any device:

  1. The first movement occurs in the direction from the chin to each ear in turn.
  2. The next one is from the lower lip to the ear along the cheekbones.
  3. Next - from the right temple to the nose, from the nose to the left temple.
  4. Then move from the middle of the forehead to each temple in turn.
  5. Afterwards, from the inner corners of the eyes to the temples and back.
  6. The last movement is to treat the sinuses.

The duration of one procedure usually does not exceed 10–15 minutes.

It is best to massage a few hours before bedtime - in the evening and at night the skin recovers better and more actively.

How often can I use it?

Facial massage with a massager does not need to be done too often. 3 times a week is enough. On average, it is recommended to spend 1 minute on each area of ​​the face. The main thing is not to overdo it, follow the recommendations and carry out the procedures regularly. This way you will notice the result faster.

Reinforcement of purse-string wrinkles with mesothreads

The thread reinforcement technique is aimed at smoothing purse-string wrinkles and strengthening the skin above the upper lip. Mesothreads are inserted parallel to the lip contour. They prevent the skin from folding. Gradually, the threads dissolve, and instead of them, their own collagen frame remains, providing a lasting effect. In one procedure, 5 threads are installed on the left and right.

Mesothreads are inserted with microneedles, which are guided by a guidewire or cannula. Excess tissue is moved from the defect area to the surface of the threads, the skin is tightened. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, and lasts about 15 minutes. The effect is comparable to a surgical lift; it lasts up to 5 years.

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