Lip care after tattooing: tips and tricks

Issues discussed in the material:

  • The importance of lip care after tattooing
  • Possible complications in the absence of proper lip care after tattooing
  • Lip care after tattooing by day
  • Lip care after tattooing in the first days
  • Lip care after tattooing in the first 10 days
  • Lip care after tattooing using pharmaceutical ointments
  • Frequently asked questions about lip care after tattooing

Taking care of your lips after tattooing is extremely important not only to preserve the results for a long time, but also to avoid unpleasant consequences. During the procedure, a coloring pigment is injected under the skin using a thin needle. Manipulations injure the skin, which means there is a risk of infection and the development of inflammatory processes.

With proper care, the damaged area heals quickly. The most painful period is the first days after the session. The final result depends not only on the professionalism of the specialist, but also on proper care after the procedure, on how carefully the recommendations that we give in the article are followed.

The importance of lip care after tattooing

Despite all the advantages, lip tattooing is a traumatic procedure; moreover, it involves the introduction of pigment: the body must get used to the foreign substance and restore damaged tissue. This takes time. But it is problematic to cover the lips with a bandage or make them motionless - they are involved both in communication and in the process of eating. In addition, many people involuntarily grimace, lick or bite their lips, and this complicates rehabilitation.

The recovery period involves:

  1. Taking antiviral drugs to prevent the development of herpes (tattooing can trigger it).
  2. Measures aimed at restoring the delicate skin of the lips damaged by punctures and enhancing its protection from infections.
  3. Protecting the lips from contact with any objects after the anesthesia wears off, taking painkillers if necessary (swelling, itching and pain are possible, and during the period of crust formation - a feeling of tightness, dryness and discomfort).

The final result largely depends on how you take care of your lips at home after tattooing.

How is healing going?

Immediately after the procedure, the treatment area swells. Over time, the swelling subsides on its own. It does not cause significant discomfort. Clients also report moderate pain. The specialist will recommend an anesthetic drug to relieve it. In the first day, in addition, numbness of the lips may persist. This is due to the use of an anesthetic drug.

On the second day, the numbness disappears, the pain weakens, and the swelling begins to subside. By the third day, lips may itch and peel.

Possible complications in the absence of proper lip care after tattooing

Through the lips, especially if there are wounds on them, it is easy to become infected with infectious diseases, in particular herpes. As you know, 90% of the population has this disease in a latent form - as soon as the immune system is weakened, the virus makes itself known through blisters in the mouth area. If you do not take a course of antiviral drugs for prevention before tattooing, herpes will most likely appear after the procedure. The appearance of blisters on the lips during the rehabilitation period is fraught with the risk that the contour will eventually become uneven, and the paint in the area affected by the virus will form spots.

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To prevent illness, start taking acyclovir (or similar drugs that suppress the development of herpes infection) 3-4 days before the session. Therapy continues for 2-3 days after the procedure. If blisters do appear, treatment is also carried out with ointments (creams) with an antiviral effect.

Lip care after tattooing must be taken very seriously: follow all the cosmetologist’s instructions, adjust your diet before the procedure, and then be careful, take care of your lips, treat them with moisturizers and antiseptics.

Features of care in winter and summer

At different times of the year, eyelid skin care has its own characteristics.

Important! In summer, you need to wear sunglasses , since the tattoo will fade from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, regardless of how much time has passed since the procedure.

To maintain healthy skin, you can take vitamins D, E and A or multivitamin complexes containing them.

Fatty creams and ointments are not used, and swimming in open water is strictly prohibited for a month.
In winter, first of all, you need to take care of your immunity , since any colds will also provoke inflammation in the eyelids.
For this you also need to take vitamin complexes.

Lip care after tattooing by day

In the first days after tattooing, lips look completely different from what is ideally imagined. They are swollen, too bright, often with an uneven contour. But within a week, these consequences of the procedure disappear. The lips heal completely in about a month, but recovery time may vary depending on the characteristics of the body, skin type, quality of work and coloring materials used, accuracy of following the specialist’s recommendations and other factors.

In general, the healing process proceeds as follows:

  1. At the end of the procedure, the color of the lips becomes more saturated, especially after shading. Your lips will remain numb for several hours. At this time, it is not recommended to smoke, drink or eat. Due to swelling, asymmetry of the mouth may appear. It should go away in a few days. It is possible that ichor may be released - lips should be blotted with a cotton pad soaked in Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. During the day, treatment with Bepanten or Boro-plus cream is required. Antiviral drugs, for example, Gerpevir, are also prescribed.
  2. The second day is characterized by increased swelling of the lips. They still exude ichor, but crusts are already forming. We must ensure that they do not dry out. Lips are treated with antiseptics or bactericidal compounds, and a product with a regenerating effect is regularly applied.
  3. On the third day after tattooing, the lips still have an unclear contour and uneven coloring. Care procedures must be continued.
  4. On the fourth day, there is usually a decrease in swelling, and the skin begins to recover. The healing process is accompanied by itching, crusts form, which must be lubricated with special products, but under no circumstances should they be peeled off.
  5. The fifth day is characterized by the falling off of crusts, as a result of which the skin on the lips becomes very sensitive. She still needs careful care, especially moisturizing with special products. Excessive pallor of the lips may appear, but this should not cause concern.
  6. From days 6 to 14, it is necessary to continue caring for your lips after tattooing using restorative medications. Over two weeks, the color will gradually become more even and saturated.
  7. Over the next 14 days, the skin on your lips should completely recover. She still needs to be looked after using protective products, as well as balms with vitamins. At this time, you need to go for a consultation with a tattoo artist so that he can evaluate the healing process and the result obtained, and also carry out correction.

Important! Lip care after tattooing should begin from the first day.

General recommendations for recovery

In conclusion, we provide general care recommendations based on the questions women most often ask:

  1. On the first day after the procedure, you can eat, but you will have to do it through a straw. Stock up on straws with a 4-5 mm opening in advance. For food to pass through it, a liquid consistency is necessary. Consume broths, yoghurts, fermented baked milk, kefir, and juices.
  2. To prevent bacteria from accumulating in your mouth, you need to continue brushing your teeth. Use a reduced amount of toothpaste. Since you won’t be able to open your mouth wide due to the crusts, replace the brush with a child’s brush. It is smaller and more convenient. Brush your teeth gently, without touching your lips.
  3. If permanent makeup was done in the warm season, you should not go outside without UV protection. Ultraviolet light can “burn out” part of the pigment, preventing it from taking root in place. Use colorless balms with SPF, applying them every time before leaving the room.

Although the sight of flaky, crusty lips can hardly be called seductive, some are interested in the issue of kissing. Cosmetologists prohibit patients from kissing for 1.5-2 months while the recovery process is underway.

Lip care after tattooing in the first days

At first, after tattooing, your lips will be swollen and swollen - this is a natural reaction, no need to panic. After a couple of days, the swelling, as a rule, subsides, and a crust appears - it should not be peeled off. At first, the color of the contour will look uneven, but during the regeneration process, in about 5 days, the shape will be restored, and after a month you will be able to see the lips you dreamed of in the mirror!

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A good effect directly depends on the correct implementation of recommendations for lip care after the procedure. If you strictly follow the instructions, the recovery will be faster, the result will be better and will last for a long time.


  • wash your face correctly and carefully;
  • carry out antiseptic skin treatment;
  • use wound healing and regenerating agents;
  • Provide regular lip care.

You should wash your face with clean boiled water . Ordinary tap water is not suitable for hygiene procedures. It may contain microbes and chemicals that, once in the wound, can cause inflammation. It is also not recommended to use ordinary soap during the healing period of the lips - it is replaced with an antibacterial gel with a neutral pH. You can also wipe your face with a mild cosmetic milk or lotion.

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Caring for eyebrow and lip tattoos requires mandatory disinfection over the next 8–10 days. Until swelling and inflammation disappear, the lips are treated with “Miramistin” or “Chlorhexidine”: the solution is used three times a day, wetting the lips with it in the morning after breakfast and washing, during the day and in the evening.

The named products are very similar, but “Chlorhexidine” can cause a burning sensation, and it also comes in an aqueous and alcohol solution - for those with sensitive skin, it is better to use formulations that do not contain alcohol.

How long does it take for skin to heal?

It is difficult to say exactly how many days it takes for a tattoo to heal, as it depends on many factors:

  1. Depth of pigment introduction. The deeper the artist injected the dye under the skin, the longer the recovery period will last. The same dependence is with the amount of pigment. The result of the contour technique will heal faster than the result of the 3D method, since in the first case much less pigment was used, due to the fact that in the contour technique only the contour of the lips is outlined.
  2. Having herpes. This problem will increase the healing time of the lips, since inflammation will not allow a crust to form and fall off quickly. To speed up or avoid herpes, you need to use antiviral drugs in the lip area.
  3. Your compliance with the instructions and tattoo care instructions that the artist prescribed for you after completing the procedure. Follow the directions to see results faster.

The standard healing time for damaged skin is 20 days. But in individual cases it can increase to a month, or decrease to two weeks.

In the first week, the skin changes, then it heals on its own. This is not visible to the girl, but the lips are recovering from damage, healing ointments can contribute to this, the woman herself should take care of this.

Lip care after tattooing in the first 10 days

If you want the healing process to go faster, and the result after a month of rehabilitation does not disappoint you, listen to the recommendations that are relevant in the first 10 days after the procedure:

  • do not use powder, lipsticks, glosses and other decorative cosmetics for lips;
  • refrain from peeling, lifting, and introducing Botox on the face;
  • do not use napkins when wetting the skin and wiping the mouth - it is better to do this with soft cotton swabs or pads;
  • Do not peel off the crusts or comb your lips under any circumstances; if itching occurs, lubricate them with a special cream;
  • postpone trips to the pool, bathhouse and sauna until complete healing;
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  • do not sunbathe on the beach or in a solarium, avoid direct exposure to sunlight;
  • in summer, do not go outside without treating your skin with sunscreen; in winter, beware of low temperatures;
  • refrain from physical impact on your lips - do not rub them, do not kiss, etc.

Despite the advantages, tattooing also has contraindications. Before the session, a consultation with a cosmetologist or attending physician (if you have chronic diseases) is necessary. The quality of the procedure and safety largely depend on the professionalism and experience of the specialist, the materials he uses, and their cost - make sure that the chosen salon has everything in order.

At home

Lip tattooing done at home has a number of advantages over the procedure offered in beauty salons:

  1. Possibility of choosing a makeup palette that matches your appearance. Beauty salons use a standard set of tattoo inks.
  2. A more responsible attitude of the master to work, who needs to develop his own client base without relying on advertising and the status of the salon.
  3. Comfortable environment of your own home.

Lip care after tattooing using pharmaceutical ointments

The duration of the lip healing period after permanent tattooing depends on proper care, in particular, on the regular use of ointments and creams with a healing effect. They should be applied to the lips after treatment with an antiseptic and before going outside, continuing to do this even when the tattoo has healed - for preventive purposes.

What drugs are most often prescribed?

  1. "Bepanten." A drug based on dexpanthenol. Promotes rapid healing of damaged tissues. Thanks to the alcohol included in the composition, Bepanten has an additional antimicrobial effect. Excipients (lanolin, beeswax, almond oil) moisturize and nourish the skin. You can use the product every three hours, avoiding contact with eyes.
  2. Panthenol” A drug whose action is aimed at eliminating inflammation, helps tissues recover, and softens the skin. Apply 2-3 times a day.
  3. "Boro-plus." Thanks to the herbal components with an antiseptic effect, the cream helps relieve inflammation, accelerates wound healing, moisturizes and softens the skin. Apply three times a day. Can also be used after tissue restoration for lip care.
  4. "Hydrocortisone." A drug with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects, helps relieve swelling, reduces itching and burning, and has a hypoallergenic effect.

During the rehabilitation period, lips often dry out, which can cause cracks and penetration of germs. To prevent this from happening and to shorten the recovery time, damaged skin must be treated with the above mentioned products.

How long does makeup last on lips?

It is very difficult to accurately answer the question of how long lip tattoo lasts. The durability of makeup is influenced by several factors:

  1. Age. The older the client, the longer permanent makeup lasts. With age, skin cells are renewed less frequently, resulting in coloring pigments remaining under the skin longer, maintaining the original appearance of makeup.
  2. The color of the pigment. Light, delicate shades lose their intensity faster than darker ones - any of them lasts noticeably longer than light ones.
  3. Skin type. With oily skin, tattoos wear off faster than with dry skin.
  4. Care. Proper care has a big impact on how long permanent makeup will last.
  5. External factors. Lips are an open area of ​​the face that is exposed to negative environmental influences at any time of the year and day, which negatively affects the durability of the coloring pigment. Lip color lasts longer for those who are minimally exposed to environmental influences.

On average, lip tattoo lasts from 2 to 5 years.

Before carrying out the procedure, you should weigh the pros and cons, carefully study the list of contraindications for the procedure, and find a specialist with high professional experience. It is important to remember that although lip tattooing is a cosmetic procedure, it is still a surgical process that has its consequences and requires subsequent careful care.

Frequently asked questions about lip care after tattooing

After the procedure of permanent lip tattooing, many questions arise about how to care for them. Let's answer the most common ones.

  1. When can you eat? You don’t have to go hungry: you can eat on the day of the procedure, but only through a straw (food should be liquid). You will have to stick to a gentle regimen for 2-3 days until a protective film appears on your lips and your skin gets stronger.
  2. Is it possible to wet your lips? Not allowed during the first three days.
  3. How to brush your teeth? Be extremely careful, using a small (or perhaps a child's) soft brush with a minimal amount of paste, or better yet without it at all: you must not allow even a drop of paste to fall on your healing lips. To avoid cracks, it is advisable to lubricate the drying skin on the injured area with a special compound like Cicaplast Gel B5 from La Roche-Posay before cleaning.
  4. Is it possible to smoke? According to the rules - no. A cigarette, in contact with the wound surface, will injure it, which can open access to microbes.
  5. Is it possible to kiss? You can’t: firstly, it’s so easy to cause infection and provoke inflammation, and secondly, it’s painful - your lips need to recover from recent stress. You'll have to do without kissing until it heals.
  6. When can you paint your lips? After 14 days, not earlier , despite the burning desire to use lipstick to hide pale lips after the crusts come off. It’s better to be patient so as not to spoil the result of the tattoo.
  7. Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women to get tattoos? Not allowed: pregnancy is a contraindication to the procedure. In addition, the pigment in this state may not take root.

If you want your skin to heal faster and the effect to last longer, strictly follow all the rules for caring for your lips after tattooing. The result obtained largely depends on this.

What products are used for care

For care you need professional-level cosmetic treatments, not decorative cosmetics. Among the medications prescribed by doctors after permanent makeup are the following.

What products are used for care1Nutritic Lips, La Roche-Posay840 ₽
2Buttermask for Lips, Kiehl's2 300 ₽
3Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask370 ₽
4Cicaplast Lips, La Roche-Posay530 ₽

Nutritic Lips, La Roche-Posay

Rating: 4.9

Balm from France is intended for dry, rough skin and chapped lips. Suitable for women with particularly sensitive skin. Provides intense hydration, softness, and makes lips soft. When applied, it does not leave a shiny film, there is no sticky effect. Additionally protects delicate skin from cold.

Thanks to shea butter, the process of replacing old cells with new ones accelerates. Vitamin E gives elasticity. Biolipids eliminate skin dehydration.

Buttermask for Lips, Kiehl's

Rating: 4.9

This is an overnight mask. It has a powerful restorative effect, since it lasts 6-8 hours while a person sleeps. Contains mango butter to smooth out wrinkled lips. The second component is coconut oil. It is saturated with fatty acids, so it nourishes the skin, making the epidermis soft and tender.

Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask

Rating: 4.8

The overnight mask contains beta-glucan minerals. They form a dense, moist film on the surface of the epidermis and saturate the lips with moisture throughout the night. The composition includes a complex of extracts from 4 berries, thanks to which the skin replenishes its supply of vitamins, becomes elastic and smooth. The mask is applied in a thick layer before bedtime and removed with a napkin in the morning. Dead cells are removed along with it.

Cicaplast Lips, La Roche-Posay

Rating: 4.8

The cosmetic product is used after tattooing for accelerated regeneration and protection. Shea butter replenishes the skin's mantle and eliminates irritation. MP lipids create a durable protective layer that prevents bacteria from penetrating wounds. Due to numerous punctures with a needle, the skin becomes very inflamed, and panthenol immediately has a calming effect. There are no parabens or fragrances in the composition, which means there will be no allergic reaction on sensitive lips.

Unseen circumstances

If you see that the recovery process is being delayed or there are serious deviations from the norm, urgent measures are required. If swelling and redness do not go away after 4-5 days, you should consult a doctor.

Most often, this situation is caused by an allergic reaction to the dye. Then the dermatologist will prescribe antihistamines and indicate what remedies can be used to eliminate the symptoms. Most often prescribed are Suprastin, Tavegil and other allergy medications. For topical use, use Hydrocartisone ointment. Cold compresses are used as an additional remedy for swelling.

In cases where redness and pain do not go away, it is necessary to get tested for infection. If infection occurs, more serious treatment with antibacterial drugs will be required.

Against the background of reduced immunity, herpes can develop in areas of the damaged layer of the dermis of the lips. Preventive measures will help counteract the development of the virus. To do this, during the first 7 days they take antiviral drugs: Gerpevir, Acyclovir, Valtrex and others. While the healing process is underway, the course must be continued. If manifestations of herpes become noticeable before tattooing, reschedule the procedure until the virus is eliminated. You should not self-medicate; be sure to consult a doctor for qualified advice. The doctor will be able to choose a treatment that will not reduce pigmentation.

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