What is eyebrow tattooing and how to do it, techniques and types

Permanent makeup today is one of the most sought-after and popular cosmetic procedures. Micropigmentation will hide existing imperfections, age-related changes, and give the face expressiveness and attractiveness. In order for the result of the procedure to bring joy and meet your expectations, you need to prepare for cosmetic tattooing: the procedure is associated with trauma to the skin.

Specialists at Ola beauty centers will definitely advise on the preparation and implementation of permanent makeup. The work is performed by top cosmetologists. No pain and with excellent results!

What is the difference between tattooing and permanent eyebrow makeup?

These procedures are popular among women who do not want to spend a lot of time and decorative cosmetics in order to achieve an ideal appearance. There are several subtleties that determine the difference between tattooing and permanent eyebrow makeup. These include the components used, the depth of administration and the duration of the result.

  • Permanent makeup means the use of natural pigments, a small depth of introduction under the skin (0.5 mm). It turns out that this is long-lasting makeup, the effect of which lasts 3-5 years. The exact duration of the result is influenced by the woman’s age, eyebrow care after the procedure, and the professionalism of the performer.
  • Tattooing involves introducing chemical components to a depth of 1-1.5 mm. The results last a lifetime.

Apart from these details, permanent makeup and tattooing are similar, so many people mistakenly combine these procedures into one. To avoid confusion, here's what you need to remember: permanent makeup is long-lasting makeup that is performed using micropigmentation, and permanent makeup is a color tattoo.

Photos of eyebrow tattoo before and after

Preparation for permanent makeup and eyebrow tattooing

Tattooing and permanent eyebrow makeup involve penetration under the skin, and such penetration requires serious preparation. It is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, since the effect of the procedure lasts a long time and you need to be confident in your desire. It is optimal to visit your doctor before the procedure to clarify the absence or presence of contraindications. In case of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, severe dental diseases, acute inflammatory processes, epilepsy, or individual intolerance, the service must be refused.

Infographics: rules for preparing for tattooing

Specialists at the eyebrow tattoo studio conduct a preliminary consultation, where they warn about contraindications. If no obstacles are identified on the path to beautiful eyebrows, you can begin preparing for permanent eyebrow makeup (or tattooing).

  1. You must stop having eyebrow correction within two weeks. They do not need to be plucked or painted for the master to see their natural shape and color.
  2. A week before the appointed date, abstain from alcohol.
  3. On the eve and on the day of the procedure, tea and coffee are added to the list of prohibited drinks.
  4. The use of blood thinning medications such as aspirin is not recommended.

Following these recommendations before the procedure will ease discomfort during the process and healing after it.

Preparing for the procedure begins with finding a good master. It’s best to search through recommendations and reviews. It is useful to look at a portfolio to evaluate a specialist’s skills. You should not be shy to ask questions of interest: tension increases due to the unknown. It is important to clarify whether the master has completed any courses on permanent eyebrow makeup, what experience he has and what techniques he understands.

If possible, it is advisable to adjust the date of the procedure so that it coincides with the middle of the menstrual cycle. On critical days, sensitivity to unpleasant sensations increases.

How is eyebrow tattooing and permanent makeup done?

The course of the procedure depends on the type of tattoo (more about the types below). Here are the stages of permanent eyebrow makeup and tattooing, common to all types. After lengthy preparation, during which it is necessary to abandon eyebrow correction and certain products, the client comes to a specialist who, taking into account her wishes, draws a sketch. This is the last stage when you can make changes, so you need to pay attention to it.

When the sketch of the eyebrows before permanent makeup or tattooing is approved, the artist administers anesthesia and begins introducing pigment. The work lasts 1-3 hours depending on the complexity.

Infographics: stages of tattooing or permanent eyebrow makeup procedure

Tattoo correction

Fashionable eyebrow tattooing or permanent makeup requires correction, that is, reintroduction of pigment under the skin. The master checks the result of the procedure and refines uncovered areas if any. You should not neglect visiting a specialist again, since problems discovered a month after the procedure are easily solved.

It is not necessary to have your eyebrow tattoo corrected by the same artist in the same salon. If the initial result is not satisfactory, you can contact another studio. Here are signs that eyebrow correction after tattooing is required:

  • The outline is distorted and there are visible gaps on the surface.
  • I don’t like the resulting shade: it’s too light or dark.
  • The pigment is unevenly distributed.
  • The width is uneven, the tips and corners are drawn imperfectly.

Before and after photos will help you evaluate the results of eyebrow tattooing. When compared, the discrepancy between expectation and reality becomes noticeable.


Before performing permanent eyebrow makeup, you should consult a doctor, as the procedure has the following contraindications:

  • diabetes mellitus and other chronic diseases;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • taking analgesics, aspirin and some other drugs;
  • menses;
  • diseases of viral etiology (hepatitis, HIV);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • individual intolerance to coloring and other components;
  • mental disorders;
  • cancer;
  • skin diseases;
  • rehabilitation period after surgical operations;
  • epilepsy, asthma.

The day before the procedure, you should refrain from caffeine, alcoholic beverages and smoking.

Types of eyebrow tattoo

Powder spraying (shading)

One of the most popular hardware methods of permanent eyebrow makeup, in which the pigment is shaded in the upper layer of the skin without a clear outline. Powder spraying helps provide the eyebrows with a natural look and creates the effect of makeup done using shadows and a cosmetic pencil. It is this type of permanent makeup that has received the most positive reviews.

The advantages of this technique are:

  • durability of the result (up to 2 years);
  • relative painlessness of the procedure;
  • the ability to choose the color of the pigment and regulate its intensity;
  • rapid restoration of the skin after the procedure;
  • short duration of the procedure (about 1.5 hours).

Hair method

This method is so called because of the type of drawing used by the master in his work. He draws each imaginary eyebrow hair according to a template, giving it a certain length, thickness and direction.

With European technology, all hairs are the same length and lie in the same direction. In the case of the eastern version, you have to use maximum skill to imitate eyebrow arches almost exactly similar to natural ones. Eyebrows look lifelike after such permanent makeup. This permanent eyebrow makeup is done using a special machine. The result can be seen in the photo and it lasts about 5 years.


A direction that came to Russia from Asia. To apply pigment, a brush with multiple sharp needles is used. It all comes down to the fact that the epidermis is scratched and dye is injected through the incisions. As a result, the illusion of fuller eyebrows is created.

Some experts, in order to enhance and prolong the effect, try to introduce the pigment deeper. It's just too painful. And the dye in the deep layers of the skin can behave unpredictably. As a result, the client risks developing bluish or unnatural gray eyebrows. Dermatologist Brian Chen

It is worth clarifying that for the first time after the procedure, tattooing and microblading are practically indistinguishable. The difference appears after the skin heals, when the dye is finally fixed. Microblading looks bright only for 5-6 months, and then it fades and begins to blur. While the tattoo remains unchanged for up to 5 years. A repeat procedure is required after 18-24 months.

Henna eyebrow tattoo

The use of henna is considered biotattooing, and this is an option for those who do not want to endure the discomfort of punctures. The technique of doing permanent makeup with henna differs from other methods. This is a surface painting without punctures, but only with light scratching.

The effect of this natural eyebrow tattoo lasts up to 6 weeks. Minimal post-procedure care is required. You just need to avoid getting moisture on your face for the first 24 hours. Thanks to such pleasant differences, henna coloring is becoming more and more popular.

Watercolor eyebrow tattoo

The watercolor technique of eyebrow tattooing is based on combining two techniques: shading and hair. The technique involves applying pigment without drawing an outline, adding expressiveness, volume and shade. The result looks natural and impressive.

Permanent makeup with watercolors lasts a long time and does not require constant use of decorative cosmetics. Due to the lack of a clear contour, the eyebrows look natural. The pigment is introduced to a shallower depth of the skin than other techniques, so there is less discomfort and recovery occurs faster.

Shadow eyebrow tattoo

Shadow shading gives the eyebrows a brighter and richer look. The technique is divided into three methods. Shooting is now rarely used, since eyebrows after the procedure look too pretentious and unnatural. Shadow pigment is an eyebrow tattoo technique that provides natural darkening of certain areas of the eyebrows. Soft shading means introducing pigment into the spaces between natural hairs.

Comparison of before and after results

The purpose of permanent eyebrow tinting is to improve their appearance. Regardless of which form was chosen, the result must be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • width and length do not exceed the desired ones;
  • natural look;
  • there are no stains or gaps left;
  • the contour is smooth, well guessed;
  • the pigment has not acquired an unnatural shade;
  • eyebrows are symmetrical.

In the photo you can see what permanent eyebrow tinting looks like, successfully performed by a cosmetologist.

Eyebrow tattoo procedure

Most often, women get eyebrow tattooing in the following cases:

  • they are not satisfied with the natural shape of their eyebrows;
  • hairs are too sparse or growing in the wrong direction;
  • there are scars and other defects on the face that need to be hidden under paint.

The procedure for applying permanent makeup is performed as follows:

  • The client and the artist agree on the shape, color and technique of applying permanent makeup. Please note that the coloring pigment is taken several tones more intense, as it will lighten over time.
  • The skin in the eyebrow area is cleansed and disinfected. Then, the master applies the preferred shape of the eyebrows with a pencil, and, if the client is satisfied with everything, begins work, performing local anesthesia. To do this, masters use sprays or injections.
  • Next, using a device with a needle, pigment is introduced under the skin to a depth of 0.8 to 1.5 mm, according to the chosen method of eyebrow tattooing.

As a rule, eyebrow tattooing takes from 60 to 90 minutes. The duration of the procedure is determined by the volume and complexity of the work.

Before deciding on the procedure to get an eyebrow tattoo, girls should know about the contraindications:

  • potential allergies to dyes or anesthesia;
  • the presence of chronic diseases requiring regular use of medications;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • too sensitive skin with close blood vessels.

Attention: a few days before the procedure, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic and coffee drinks, as well as eat fatty and spicy foods. Because this may negatively affect the pain relief procedure. Also, a few days before getting a tattoo, you should not take aspirin or take antibiotics.

Proper eyebrow care

Despite the fact that the tattoo is not a tattoo, it must be taken care of in the first weeks after the intervention, otherwise its appearance may change for the worse.

Immediately after the procedure

Swelling and redness of tissues is a normal reaction to tissue damage. You may experience some discomfort after the anesthesia wears off. The blood released to the surface forms crusts that protect the skin from mechanical injuries and temperature changes. Healing underneath occurs naturally.

A few days later

In the first week, it may seem that the color of the pigment is too bright, but as the skin gets used to the new condition, it will change. At this stage, inflammation and an allergic reaction are possible.

After complete healing

Normally, swelling, redness and crusts disappear within 2 weeks. The final correction is carried out a month after the first procedure. The technician must check the result of the work to schedule a follow-up visit. He will correct the contour, fill in the existing gaps, and achieve the desired tone in different areas.

What not to do

You should not touch your eyebrows until they have healed completely: rub with a washcloth, paint, scratch. For a week, the application site must not be wiped with any liquids other than alcohol-free disinfectants. You should not visit the sauna or gym, because... sweat eats away damaged tissue.

Fresh permanent makeup should be protected from direct sunlight and frost to avoid burns and complications.

Preparing for eye tattooing

Basic preparation recommendations:

  1. Decide on your preferences. Explain to the master in advance what you want to get in the end. During the preliminary consultation, the master will make a sketch of the arrows, taking into account all the wishes.
  2. Remove eyelash extensions. If you have eyelash extensions, you will have to part with them until the eyelid tattoo is completely healed. It is recommended to remove eyelashes 1-2 days before the manipulation. During this time, the skin will have time to return to normal.
  3. Remove contact lenses. In order not to provoke complications, the lenses will also have to be removed before the procedure and not worn for several more days. It is also better not to use glasses.
  4. Do not perform any cosmetic procedures on the eyelids. These include: eyelash curling and lamination and others. 3-4 days before tattooing, procedures on the eyelids are prohibited.

Before the procedure, decorative cosmetics must be removed from the eyelids.


Tattoo: for whom

  1. For those who, due to illness or injury, have completely or partially missing eyebrows;
  2. For those who are not satisfied with their own eyebrow shape/thickness/color;
  3. For those who want to save on eyebrow cosmetics;
  4. For those who don't want to do makeup every day;
  5. For those who, due to working conditions (humid, hot environment), are not suitable for conventional cosmetics.

How healing occurs day by day

It is extremely important to avoid mistakes in caring for the tattoo area. Follow these step-by-step recommendations:

  1. On the first day, the skin looks swollen and irritated. Drops of lymph and blood are released, which can be carefully blotted with a napkin or cotton pad. Ask your specialist to recommend remedies that relieve these symptoms to make the process easier. Allergies and pain may occur. If the unpleasant sensations cause severe discomfort, it is allowed to take an anesthetic. It is necessary to disinfect tattoos with alcohol-free solutions every 3 hours.
  2. On the second day the swelling subsides. The wounds dry out and crusts begin to appear. At this point, the eyebrows appear too dark due to the fact that the pigment is partially released with the ichor. Treatment is carried out with an antiseptic and healing ointment.
  3. On the third day, when the eyebrows are completely covered with crusts, you can carefully wash your face without scrubs or a washcloth. Damaged skin remains protected by crusts and is less vulnerable.
  4. Until the seventh day, itching occurs, which accompanies proper healing. You should still avoid touching your forehead and eyes. The crusts begin to fall off, and if they are accidentally removed and a wound forms, it is necessary to treat the injured area with an antiseptic.
  5. In the second week, the skin recovers and you can start using cosmetics. Clear contours of the eyebrows appear, it becomes clear how correctly the pigment is applied.
  6. After the 14th day and until the 30th, healing is completed naturally, the color is finally formed, the contours become softer. All defects are corrected during subsequent correction.

Contraindications and possible consequences

There are many reasons for and against tattooing lips and eyebrows, reviews of girls who regularly perform the procedure confirm this. Let's look at the main pros and cons.


  1. You can quickly correct the incorrect shape or color of this facial feature, which will immediately make you more beautiful and interesting;
  2. Thanks to permanent makeup, you can hide scars or alopecia;
  3. This is a great way to save time on morning makeup.


  1. Prolonged healing. As with a tattoo - at least 2 weeks. Moreover, all this time it is necessary to ensure proper care of the damaged area of ​​skin;
  2. Many contraindications;
  3. Does eyebrow tattooing or shading hurt? No, rather unpleasant, although given the difference in pain threshold, some girls write about severe burning and discomfort;
  4. There is a chance to end up with an unscrupulous master and completely ruin the form;
  5. After tattooing, hairs grow much slower, sometimes they even begin to actively fall out.

In addition, eyebrow tattooing has contraindications. It should not be done if you have blood or metabolic diseases. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure during pregnancy (although here, the main role is played by the issue of safety and hygiene, rather than a categorical prohibition). You cannot conduct a session during a cold, menstruation (it will be painful), exacerbation of chronic skin diseases or the presence of acute infectious inflammatory processes.

Is it possible to get a tattoo for pregnant and lactating women?

A separate point on which doctors do not agree. Some point out the possible harmfulness of the dye and anesthesia and the painfulness of the procedure, which can cause uterine tone and lead to miscarriage. Others consider this to be reinsurance, but just in case, they still do not recommend getting a tattoo in the first trimester of pregnancy.

In addition, due to hormonal imbalances, the dye may behave unpredictably - it will fade quickly or give an unexpected shade. In this case, laser correction will have to be performed.

Is it possible to get a tattoo during menstruation?

There is no direct prohibition, but:

  • During menstruation, a woman's number of leukocytes in her blood decreases. This increases the risk of infection;
  • during this period, sensitivity increases, and cosmetic procedures seem more painful;
  • Hormonal changes can affect the durability and color of tattoos.

The best period for permanent makeup procedure is five days after the end and no later than a week before the start of menstruation.

What is the most natural looking eyebrow tattoo?

It is believed that the hair technique looks most natural. It is indicated for:

  • sparse hairs;
  • thin eyebrows that merge with the skin of the face;
  • asymmetrical eyebrow shape;
  • partial or complete absence of hairs;
  • presence of scars on the face;
  • a pronounced contrast in the shade of hair and eyebrows.

Powder makeup also looks natural. It is suitable for girls whose eyebrows grow correctly, but want to make them more neat and rich.

If hair growth is sparse, it is better to choose the shot method. This option is more suitable for business ladies working in offices.

To make your eyebrows look like real ones, you need to choose the right coloring pigment:

  • for blondes, gray and light gray shades are chosen;
  • brown tones are more suitable for owners of golden hair;
  • brunettes and brown-haired women should opt for dark gray or brown colors;
  • girls with red or brown hair will suit a terracotta palette;
  • Dark gray shades are selected for gray hair.

Important: for eyebrows to look natural, the shade of paint on the eyebrows should differ from the color of the hair on the head by only one shade.

As can be seen from all of the above, modern technologies give lovely women an excellent opportunity to emphasize their natural beauty in the most beneficial way.

Thanks to the wide variety of eyebrow tattooing techniques, every girl will be able to choose the best option for herself, which will favorably highlight the advantages of her face and, if necessary, hide minor defects. With permanent makeup, you will always feel at your best and will be able to charm men with an incomparable look.

Now you know what types of parchment eyebrow makeup there are, and the master will tell you which type is best for you. The main thing is to choose a good and experienced specialist.

Should I tattoo my eyebrows?

Advantages of eyebrow tattoo:

  • with powder spraying – natural look and soft shading;
  • with the hair technique - the ability to fill sparse eyebrows, lack of solid color;
  • minimum pain;
  • longevity.

Cons of eyebrow tattoo:

  • paint may change shade;
  • need for correction;
  • unpredictability of the result;
  • redness, swelling and scars - with sensitive skin or insufficient qualifications of the specialist;
  • complicated removal procedure.

Possible complications

There are some risks:

  1. Infection. This happens if unsterile needles and other equipment are used.
  2. Granulomas. The human body may perceive the introduction of ink as a foreign body. This leads to the formation of nodules.
  3. Scarring.
  4. Allergy.


Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • high cost - eyebrow tattooing is not available to everyone;
  • unpleasant, often painful sensations that accompany the procedure, the possibility of allergic reactions to anesthetics;
  • slower growth of your eyebrows, sometimes their loss; with regular procedure, hair growth may become uneven;
  • the possibility of obtaining asymmetrical or unnatural-looking eyebrows with a non-professional approach; in this case, additional costs for correction may be required.

How much does permanent makeup cost?

It is difficult to pinpoint the price of eyebrow tattooing. In different beauty salons it is different, which affects:

  • execution technique;
  • the amount of dye used;
  • professionalism of the performer;
  • prestige of the salon;
  • cost of analgesic drug;
  • region.

On average, the price tag for hair-type eyebrow tattooing or using the microblading technique will range from 3 to 6.5 thousand rubles. Correction will cost 2 times less. Powder technology is much more expensive - 8-15 thousand rubles.

Tattoo removal

How to remove eyebrow tattoo if the result disappoints you? There are several ways to correct unsuccessful permanent makeup:

  • Laser. Gradually evaporates the surface layers of the dermis and destroys pigment to a depth of 5 mm, this is the most effective way.
  • Color correction. Designed to solve simple errors, fill gaps in lines, etc.
  • Tattoo Remover. A special chemical composition applied over the design that neutralizes the effect of the pigment. Requires regular use and does not immediately produce positive results.


  • https://princessovna.ru/brovi/tatuazh/
  • https://womenshealth.su/kosmetologiya/tatuazh/tatuazh-brovej/
  • https://www.cosmo.ru/beauty/makeup/permanentnyy-makiyazh-brovey-chto-eto-takoe-i-skolko-on-budet-derzhatsya/
  • https://gidtattoo.ru/permanentnyy-makiyazh-brovey
  • https://plastichno.com/cosmetology/permanentnyj-makiyazh-brovej
  • https://tatueskiz.ru/useful/vidy-tatuazha-brovey.html
  • https://www.beautyinsider.ru/2017/02/28/tatyag-brovei/
  • https://www.LadyWow.ru/tatuazh-brovej.html
  • https://okosmetologii.ru/lico/tatuazh/brovey.html
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