Unsuccessful eyebrow tattoo. Photos before and after, how to fix it with and without shading

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  • 05-05-2021
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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Permanent makeup is not a one-time, lifelong process, as many women assume. Firstly, everyone needs a primary correction, since even with proper care of eyebrows, wings and lips, the color will not be bright and lasting enough. Secondly, everything has an expiration date and tattooing is no exception. If you don’t update it, it will gradually “go away”. We’ll talk about when and how to correct the permanent later in the article.

How to recognize a bad eyebrow tattoo?

Often photographs of craftsmen demonstrate impeccable work. The photo shows an eyebrow with an ideal shape, beautiful color, even shading or hairs drawn like natural ones. This captivates and makes women decide again and again to take a rash act.

Why photos look perfect, but the result does not live up to expectations:

  • The photograph is taken immediately after the work is completed, when the damaged skin shrinks in response to injury and clear lines or perfect powder are obtained.
  • The fresh pigment added has the perfect color. But it can change after 3 weeks.
  • The photo shows only one eyebrow, but does not show whether the shape of the eyebrows matches the person’s face type and color type.
  • The pigment applied during the first session is visible in the photograph, but it is not clear into which layer of the skin it was applied. This becomes clear after the crust comes off. If the paint only gets into the top layer, it will come off along with the dead epidermis.
  • A photo of one eyebrow is not indicative, since the second eyebrow may be asymmetrical.

An example of an unsuccessful eyebrow tattoo
Tattoo artists, knowing the entire list of problems, warn in advance about the need for correction and about a whole list of precautions that must be observed before and after the procedure. Perhaps the cup of coffee you drink in the morning will cause your eyebrows to turn out unattractive. How to understand that a tattoo was done incorrectly?

Signs and descriptions below in the table:

Uneven distribution of pigment over the surface of the eyebrow.This is a consequence of the unprofessionalism of the master, whose movements have different forces. In some places the color turns out darker, in others there is no pigment at all.
Blurred eyebrow outlineIt is formed as a result of improper use of a tattoo tool and the application of pigment to different depths.
Fast color changeThis effect is observed when using cheap pigments or due to improper tattoo application. If the skin bleeds during the procedure, the chemical dye is mixed with the iron-containing pigment of blood breakdown and a bluish tint is obtained.
Broken lines instead of straight hairsThe unprofessionalism of the master leads to the fact that when making an incision, part of the paint gets into the dermis, and part into the epidermis.
Inconsistency between eyebrow shape and face type and overall appearanceDrawing the ideal shape of an eyebrow according to the principle of the golden ratio using a ruler and compass leads to the fact that a person’s face and its expression changes beyond recognition and brings psychological discomfort.

Correcting a failed tattoo by a non-professional artist can lead to more disastrous consequences. Thus, it is very difficult to repeat the contour of a failed hair using a cutter. In this case, you will get another scar and a thick, shapeless stripe.

Consequences of an unsuccessful tattoo

Before you decide to undergo the procedure, you should clearly understand what tattooing is. Permanent makeup is akin to a tattoo. If paint is applied to the skin tissue, it remains there forever. Tattoos do not disappear without a trace. Although less saturated dyes are used for facial tattooing, the principle remains the same.

With all the promises made that the effects of tattooing will disappear in 5 years, it is worth knowing that this will not happen. The original appearance of the contour will change and the color will turn into a bluish or red shapeless spot.

Unsuccessful eyebrow tattooing (photos are presented later in the article) and “victims” of permanent fashion can be seen everywhere. Those who cannot or do not want to endlessly make corrections are forced to paint over the consequences of an unsuccessful tattoo or walk around with unnaturally shaped blue eyebrows.

Consequences of an unsuccessful tattoo:

  • Unevenness of pigment, discontinuity of contours.
  • Asymmetry of eyebrows (their shape or location).
  • The color does not match the originally stated color.
  • A blurred eyebrow contour instead of the promised clear line.
  • Scar formation after microblading.


  • I've been getting my eyebrows tattooed since the summer. I really like it and it didn’t hurt at all. But I don’t have my own eyebrows, so I was forced to get permanent ones. If mine were normal, I would have thought about it.

  • A friend got a tattoo. And all at once - lips, eyebrows, and arrows. But she likes to look provocative. She still puts on makeup at the same time. Although, when she’s wearing makeup, she still looks okay, but without makeup she looks like a painted doll.
  • I've had a tattoo for 9 years now. The only thing is that it’s lighter, but it looks natural. Mom made it using the hair technique - it’s impressive. I recommend.
  • Oh, can you imagine, I got a brown tattoo, but it turned out to be black with a blue tint. The master was not good and started blaming me for it. Like this is the metabolism in the body. The color turned out so dark that other specialists refused to correct it. You have to suffer and reduce with a laser. I regretted it a hundred times.
  • I like permanent. I did it twice. There is no need to steam in the morning.

When can the situation be corrected?

Experts recommend coming for the correction procedure after 1 month, when the dead layer of the epidermis comes off and the result appears. When you contact a certified permanent makeup specialist, you are likely to get a good result.

It is better to correct the color and fill bald spots with pigment in the first correction sessions. The master can lighten too dark pigment, tint the eyebrow, evening out the color.

If the problems are more serious (asymmetry, inappropriate shape) or you want to part with the body image, you can turn to professionals at any time for advice and further removal of low-quality tattoos. It is recommended to contact certified specialists so as not to worsen the result.

Recommendations from experts

Before making a correction, you should consult a competent specialist and consider your decision. Unsuccessful eyebrow tattooing (photos and reviews from women confirm this) can be corrected and get the desired result. But this may require time and an integrated approach.

If the tattoo is fresh, it can be removed using gentle methods and new contours can be applied. The old permanent is removed with a laser.

This process takes a long time. The most dangerous thing, according to experts, is trying to remove permanent makeup at home. In this way, you can cause irreparable damage to your appearance.

In a week

The shape of the scabs is not very pleasant to look at. From this moment on, you cannot dry, rub, or steam your eyebrows: just wait until all the dry areas fall out by themselves.

During this period, baths, saunas and solariums are necessarily excluded. When tightening the skin, lubricate the tattoo with cosmetic Vaseline, be sure to dry it, do not rub it.

Although it looks sloppy

Looks like all the color is gone but you have to wait

Sometimes you really want to scratch, but if you accidentally touch a fresh scab, the pigment will not take root in its place. We recommend pressing gently—very gently—with your finger where it itches. It will be easier.

Correction and removal methods

The beauty industry is a vicious circle. Having decided to do one procedure, others will certainly follow. So, in response to an unsuccessful tattoo, two options are given: adjusting the result or removing it. Both options are painful and expensive.


If the problem is only in color saturation, a specialist will solve this issue by injecting hydrogen peroxide under the skin. It is strictly not recommended to do this procedure on your own.

The process of an in-office lightening procedure goes like this: a cosmetologist uses a syringe to inject hydrogen peroxide under the skin to the depth of pigment injection. Peroxide partially breaks down the dye, reducing its saturation.

At home, you can try to lighten your tattoo using castor oil. It will take a long time, but it is safe for the skin and will strengthen the eyebrow hairs. Another home option is clarification with iodine or celandine. These substances cause skin burns, they must be used very carefully and if there is the slightest doubt, refuse this procedure.

Chemical agent

Unsuccessful eyebrow tattooing (photos and reviews indicate the effectiveness of the methods) is removed using chemical removers. These are active substances containing metal oxides, benzoic acid, n-propanol.

Sequence of the procedure:

  1. The surface of the skin is degreased and treated with an antiseptic.
  2. An anesthetic gel is applied to the tattoo site.

  3. Using a tattoo needle, a chemical is injected under the skin to break down the pigment.

The advantage of this method is that it can be used on a fresh tattoo. It is applied precisely and does not damage clean skin. Using a remover, you can partially remove the pigment by adjusting the shape. The disadvantages are that chemical components can cause allergies, severe peeling and crusting.

You should not agree to use a powerful remover that involves removing paint in 1 session. The skin may become seriously burned and scars may remain on the face.

The procedure requires compliance with precautionary rules, such as:

  • Before the procedure, do not drink alcohol or medications that affect blood clotting.
  • do not eat foods that increase blood pressure;
  • do not visit the sauna or steam bath;
  • do not be in the sun;
  • Do not tear off the crusts of dead skin particles.


If you translate the name, you get “skin resurfacing.” This method is used to lighten tattoos. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely remove the pigment. Resurfacing, or removing the top layer of skin, is done with a rough sea salt scrub. This is a painful procedure that must be performed regularly for 3 months.

To prepare the scrub, take salt (sea and food) in equal proportions and mix with a small amount of water. The skin is treated with laundry soap and the area where the permanent is applied is scrubbed for 20 minutes. In this case, you should be careful not to get salt on the mucous membranes of the eyes.

After the procedure, inflammation and abrasions remain. Therefore, damaged skin should be treated with healing agents at least 2 times a week. It is not safe to use such methods without the supervision of a specialist.


Unsuccessful eyebrow tattooing can be removed using electrocoagulation. This is the effect of electrical impulses that break down the tattoo pigment. Photos of women who tried this method confirm the effectiveness of the technology.

The procedure looks like burning a layer of skin using a heated electrode. Therefore, after electrocoagulation, a burn forms on the skin. Along with its high effectiveness, this method has the disadvantage that after exposure to electric current it takes about 1 month to restore the appearance of the skin.


Cryotherapy is a method of exposing the skin to liquid nitrogen. Very low temperatures of liquid nitrogen cause local freezing and subsequent tissue death in the treated area. After processing the tattoo, the pigment comes off with a crust.

The procedure does not take long. The site of exposure is anesthetized with novocaine. After the procedure, the skin must be treated 1-2 times a week with wound-healing agents, protected from ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes (visiting a sauna) and aggressive environmental conditions.

Laser removal

The most popular, effective and expensive method for removing the consequences of an unsuccessful tattoo is laser therapy. The essence of this method is the splitting of pigment through exposure to a light beam of a certain intensity.

The most popular is the neodymium laser. It is effective in removing all types of eyebrow tattoos (powder spraying, microblading, classic tattooing). Laser removal can be used for partial correction or complete removal of an unwanted result.

The procedure is painful and expensive. Please note that complete tattoo removal may require 3 or more procedures. The number of impacts depends on the depth of the pigment and the freshness of the tattoo. A gap of 1 month should be strictly observed between sessions.

The most difficult thing to remove is an old tattoo caused by an unknown dye. It happens that when a laser is exposed to paints containing metals, the color of the tattoo does not disappear, but changes to the radically opposite (green, red).

The temperature of the laser is not so high as to cause skin burns. Therefore, if the procedure is performed correctly, the skin is not damaged. But if skin care conditions are not followed after the procedure, inflammation and crusts may form. They should absolutely not be torn off, so that scars do not form later.

Applying a new coating

After a bad experience, it is difficult to decide to repeat the procedure again. However, there are cases where this is vital from an aesthetic point of view.

In what cases is eyebrow tattooing done:

  • complete absence of natural eyebrow hair;
  • noticeable bald spots;
  • eyebrows too thin.

To avoid making a mistake again, you need to provide for everything down to the smallest detail. Before going to a permanent makeup studio, you should carefully study the features of your face, existing techniques and possible consequences.

To choose the right eyebrow shape, it is recommended to visit an eyebrow shaping specialist. He will correct the natural shape of the eyebrow and make a temporary tattoo using natural henna. After wearing temporary tattoos, you can evaluate whether this form is suitable and whether it provides psychological comfort.

What do you need to know before starting home lightening?

Removing eyebrow tattoos is quite difficult. Before this procedure, you need to think about all the consequences, and only then apply permanent makeup.

The effectiveness of detatouage directly depends on the brightness of the pigment and the density of the pattern. Thus, shadow makeup can be made to disappear almost completely, but hair makeup can hardly be completely removed. He can only turn pale.

The speed and painlessness of the procedures are also related. The faster you plan to finish the job, the more damage will be done to the epidermis and the higher the likelihood of complications. At the same time, oily skin tolerates lightening much easier than dry skin.

If, when using the described products, you encounter redness, burning, or severe inflammation of the skin, you should interrupt the procedure until the epidermis is completely healed. A nourishing cream will help alleviate the condition. In severe cases, you may need to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist. If you act carefully, you can correct permanent makeup defects at home.

Color correction to correct a bad tattoo

One of the methods for correcting an unsuccessful tattoo, when the shape of the eyebrows is asymmetrical, or different in thickness, or has acquired an unexpected color, is color correction. The pigment is affected locally using a special chemical corrector.

Correctors have different colors, which when combined with the color of the tattoo gives a natural shade. So, when you apply an olive corrector with the addition of yellow to a blue tattoo, you can get a gray or light brown tint. A yellow or orange corrector can help get rid of blue eyebrows.

The sequence of the procedure is as follows:

  1. The area for color correction is prepared: treated with an antiseptic and anesthetic gel.
  2. With an integrated approach, part of the dye is removed with a remover. Then the shape and color of the eyebrows are corrected by adding pigments.

  3. The chemical composition is introduced under the skin using micropunctures.

What should you not do if your eyebrow tattoo is unsuccessful?

Unsuccessful eyebrow tattooing (photos and descriptions of possible consequences are described in the article) can be caused by the unprofessionalism of the artist or the reaction of one’s own body.

If the expected result does not coincide with reality and you want to urgently take some action, it is recommended to read these tips:

  • You can’t go to the first salon you come across to remove the consequences of unsuccessful permanent makeup. You can do even more damage and then you will have to correct the consequences with the help of plastic surgery clinics.
  • Next steps should be carefully considered. Study existing correction methods and choose the most gentle one.
  • Consult with a competent, certified permanent makeup specialist on possible actions in this situation. Study manipulation techniques, the number of procedures required and their consequences.
  • Avoid removing tattoos on your own. Illiterate use of chemicals can cause unexpected reactions in the body: from changing the color of a tattoo to deep burns and facial disfigurement. Severe allergic reactions that are life-threatening may occur.

The desire to always be attractive and spend less time on makeup brings women to beauty salons to create ideal eyebrow shapes using tattooing. Very often the result obtained does not coincide with the ideal. A clear indication of this are photographs of unsuccessful experiences obtained when applying permanent makeup.


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Publication from Novy Urengoi (@master_v_nur) June 16, 2022 at 12:14 PDT

This correction is done using cotton or linen thread. The thread is tied and twisted on the fingers according to a certain pattern, due to which two loops are formed with a knot in the middle. This way, several hairs are captured at once, and they are abruptly removed.

Expert opinion: unlike tweezers, threading is done much faster. The thread removes all excess hair, even fluff. The procedure is hygienic and hypoallergenic. Ideal for thick and overgrown eyebrows. But there is one drawback: the hair to be captured by the thread must be at least 4 mm.

Victoria, accountant: “I usually plucked my eyebrows with tweezers. When I first tried trading, it was more painful. But I had to endure less. The process takes much less time. In addition, all the fluff goes away, so correction can be done much less frequently.”

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