Eyeliner tattoo on the eyes: before and after (photo), is it worth doing, doctors’ recommendations

Eye tattooing is becoming an increasingly popular procedure every day. Of course, girls are interested in how it is carried out and whether it has the effect that everyone is talking about. We'll talk about this in our article.

Eye tattooing is something like getting a tattoo. Special technology allows you to create a long-lasting pattern that resembles makeup. Why does the procedure attract girls? If only because they won’t have to spend a lot of time on makeup. The most common tattoo today is with shading, which is performed in different ways. Let's talk to you about the features of this procedure, what the result looks like and how much it all costs.

Shooter tattoo: is it worth it?

What is eye tattooing with permanent makeup? The technique of such makeup has been known for quite a long time. Its subtleties have been studied more than once, and many ladies have repeatedly experienced all its benefits on their own appearance. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to see all the advantages of eyeliner tattooing before and after the procedure.

With the help of tattooing, you can not only make your look more expressive, but also hide some imperfections. For deep-set eyes, we recommend arrows that are slightly widened at the end, without shading. Permanent makeup of this type needs to be complemented with light shadows, then the look will be more open.

Wide shading in combination with dark shades will suit bulging eyes. It gives them depth. If the eyes, on the contrary, are very small, an arrow that recedes slightly from the inner corner of the eye is suitable. Most often in this case, not black, but colored dyes are used.

But, unfortunately, not everyone is happy with the result. In order to make an important decision about the need for this procedure, you need to be well aware of all the possible consequences. To make makeup that won't wash off for a long time, artists inject a special dye under the skin. At its core, permanent makeup is a color tattoo. Eye tattooing refers to drawing arrows along with filling the interlash space with or without shading.

After the procedure, the woman’s gaze becomes extremely expressive. Millions of ladies achieve this every morning using cosmetics. But is it necessary to spend so much time if it is quite possible to perform the procedure just once, and the result will last for many months and years?

A professional will certainly emphasize the natural eye line. By performing such a tattoo, you can brighten the color of your eyes, visually expand them, and so on. And thanks to the arrows, it is possible to raise the corners of the eyelids so that the lady looks much younger. In the photos given in our article you can see the tattoo of arrows on the eyes before and after.


Permanent makeup of the interlash space is one of the elite procedures performed in salons by professional masters in their field. Many cosmetologists equate it with contour plastic surgery in that it can be used to change your appearance for a long time.

Prices for tattooing the inter-eyelash space vary and depend on the experience, professionalism and qualifications of the artist. Below is a table with approximate prices for tattooing by artists with different levels of training.

Master (work experience)Price of permanent makeup between eyelashesCorrection
Beginner (less than 5 years of experience)from 2000 thousand rubles.from 1500 thousand rubles.
Leading salon master (more than 5 years of experience)from 5000 thousand rubles.from 3500 thousand rubles.

Skin after the procedure

Only after the area near the eyes has completely recovered can re-correction be carried out. Healing, as a rule, lasts quite a long time, going through several stages. So after the eyeliner tattooing procedure, you need to wait a while.

Immediately after the treatment is completed, the area of ​​the face where the tattoo is applied will become too bright and inflamed. For example, if the arrows were drawn with brown paints, in the first couple of days they will look black or dark brown. The eyelids will likely become puffy. This is not at all surprising, because the epidermis was pierced in many places during the procedure. The swelling and redness will go away within four days.

When tattooing winged eyes on the eyes after the procedure, it is important to remember that the largest swelling will occur only on the second day after the treatment. Therefore, you should not be happy at all if, upon leaving the beauty salon, you do not notice any severe swelling. Starting from the second day, a black crust is formed in the area of ​​the eyelids, consisting of ichor and dye, so such a specific color will be present at the tattoo site. The crust lasts mainly for one to two weeks, then it subsides on its own.

All this time, careful care is required for delicate skin. In order to avoid scars and defects, you must follow some mandatory rules. If the swelling is very large and, in addition, causes a lot of discomfort, it is necessary to use antihistamines. These include "Tavegil" with "Suprastin". They should be taken until the moment when the symptoms completely disappear.

If the pain does not disappear after some time, you should take painkillers, for example, Aspirin or Solpadeine. It is worth noting that the condition of the skin is clearly visible in the photo of the eyes immediately after tattooing the arrows. As already noted, on the first day there is no swelling or redness as such.

As soon as ichor appears on the surface of the eyelids, it should be carefully removed with a napkin. Do not rub the skin around the eyes, pressing hard; just blot them lightly. After a few hours, the ichor will begin to turn into a kind of crust that will cover the new tattoo. At this stage, the difference between eyeliner tattooing before and after is clearly visible.

Tattoo after healing

Complete healing, as a rule, occurs only after a month. In the photos given in the article you can see what an arrow tattoo looks like before and after complete healing. Swelling and redness usually persist until healing occurs.

Even if long-lasting makeup near the eyes was done perfectly, after some time it will certainly begin to gradually disappear. When asked how long the results will last on the eyelids and between the eyelashes, experts usually talk about up to three years. So the result of tattooing arrows on the eyes after healing is generally quite stable.

However, it should be repeated after twelve months. By this point it is fading. With a new procedure, it is important to remember that not only the color needs to be adjusted, but also the shape. A woman’s facial skin usually begins to sag, so the arrows need to be raised. Many people are interested in looking at photos of eye tattoos with arrows before and after healing. And our material provides such an opportunity.


Like any type of intervention in the body, tattooing has its contraindications. Some precautions are temporary, and some reasons force you to completely abandon the cosmetic procedure.

Contraindications for diseases:

  • hepatitis;
  • HIV;
  • heart defects and diseases;
  • eye diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system, mental disorders;
  • diabetes.

Temporary contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • chemotherapy;
  • the use of medications that thin the blood;
  • viral diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • periodic cycles in women.

It is worth noting that the procedure causes temporary swelling of the eyelids, so it is not recommended to do it before an important meeting or on the eve of a party.

Swelling after tattooing

The main question that needs to be answered is to understand the very nature of the occurrence of such a factor as swelling. Unfortunately, swelling of the eyes after arrow tattooing cannot be avoided. Permanent makeup, along with tattooing, represents the formation of a completely new contour of individual areas of the face (lips, eyelids, eyebrows). They achieve this goal by introducing special coloring pigments into the surface layer of the dermis that can remain in the skin from one to five years.

The introduction is carried out using a special needle through a micro-puncture of the skin to a depth of approximately two millimeters. Such a violation of the integrity of the skin ultimately leads to the formation of swelling (edema). In the photo you can see the difference after the procedure of tattooing the arrows on the eyes before and after the appearance of swelling.

Correction and deletion

Over time, the once applied permanent may become boring or its color migrates to blue or red.

In this case, correction and removal methods are provided:

  • Removing pigment with a remover. A chemical is injected into the skin through a needle, which destroys the pigment. The procedure may consist of several sessions.
  • Lightening dye with hydrogen peroxide. An active composition is injected under the skin, which discolors the excessively bright pigment.
  • Correction by hammering masking pigment over the tattoo.
  • Laser tattoo removal. The effective procedure does not leave burns, but is expensive and is carried out in several sessions.
  • Tattoo removal by electrocoagulation or heat treatment with liquid nitric acid. After the procedure, burns remain and a recovery period is required.

The same methods are applicable for correcting tattooing if the result is unsatisfactory.

Causes of intense swelling

So, what is the main reason for the fact that swelling after tattooing lasts longer than the prescribed few days? In fact, there are quite a few factors for this phenomenon, including:

  • The presence of low quality pigment used for tattooing.
  • Increased skin sensitivity along with a tendency to swelling after various interventions.
  • Allergic reactions to pigments or to the anesthesia process.
  • Introduction of infection into the body.

All of these reasons (except for the very last one) lead to the appearance of non-dangerous, but very unpleasant, prolonged swelling. Persisting for several days or weeks, it usually causes a lot of all sorts of unpleasant sensations, forcing a woman to look for ways to combat such negative manifestations.

Eyelid microblading: does it hurt?

Before microblading, a painkiller must be applied to the selected area in order to prevent possible pain in advance.

If a girl knows that she has a low sensitivity threshold, she can ask the specialist to add more anesthesia so that she definitely does not feel pain.

As a standard, eyelid microblading is not painful, as it has a gentle effect on the layers of the epidermis thanks to the manual work of a specialist.

Many clients tolerate the session completely without anesthesia, if this is not their first time, knowing that it will not cause them any discomfort.

How long does swelling usually last?

Based on the information provided, we can conclude that the appearance of slight swelling in the eye area is considered one of the options for a completely normal reaction of the human body. The skin on the face itself acts as a catalyst for this phenomenon, because it is characterized by maximum sensitivity to such aggressive effects.

It is necessary to remember that swelling of the eyelids after tattooing normally lasts up to one day (this can be a maximum of two days). As a rule, they are expressed extremely weakly, more like a slight swelling. Swelling occurs within a few hours after the procedure. It is worth emphasizing that after a few hours it may begin to decrease and slowly disappear.

Of course, there are numerous reviews from patients online that after the eye tattoo procedure, swelling persists for a whole week or even one month. However, in this case, it should be noted that there is a significant abnormality in the reaction, along with the presence of any error in performing the procedure on the part of the specialist or during rehabilitation on the part of the client himself. Next, let's talk about how to care for the wings of your eyes after tattooing.

Materials and tools

The tattooing procedure is the process of introducing dye into the lower layers of the skin by piercing the epidermis with a needle installed in a professional instrument.

The procedure requires compliance with sterile conditions, the use of disposable needles and equipment of the worker in accordance with national standards.

The master must perform the work wearing disposable sterile gloves and a mask, which he unpacks and puts on in the presence of the client.

The work uses pigments, the colors of which can vary depending on the type of appearance, eye characteristics and client preferences.

Basic colors for tattooing the lower eyelid:

  • black;
  • dark brown;
  • blue-black;
  • dark grey;
  • black-green;
  • light brown;
  • Navy blue;
  • blue;
  • grey.

How to care for your eyes after tattooing?

As part of the care, the surface is treated with a Chlorhexidine solution twice a day. It is sold in absolutely every pharmacy and is much cheaper than various ointments and gels. This should be done with a cotton swab. At the same time, you should refrain from treating with peroxide, as it will significantly lighten a recently made tattoo. You should also refrain from immunostimulating drugs that have a local effect, such as Bepanten ointment. They provoke the process of the body’s rejection of the pigment, and the new eyeliner may acquire gaps or fade significantly, leaving an extremely unsightly mark in the eyelid area.

As part of eye care after tattooing the arrow, the crust should not be torn off or wet very intensively. It must come off on its own, otherwise there is a risk of developing scars or any gaps of dye near the eyes after complete healing. Dyes adhere extremely poorly to scars, and repeated treatments can have unpleasant consequences, for example, excessive yellowness.

You should also avoid baths and saunas. This can contribute to a strong softening of the surface of the eyelids, and the skin will thus peel off ahead of time. Moreover, you should not sunbathe for a month, as the dyes near the eyes begin to fade. And immediately after sunbathing, clients risk getting a completely different color. Thus, when tattooing the arrows of the eyes, post-procedure care is extremely important. If the rules have not been followed, quite often you have to repeat the procedure. Next, we’ll figure out what to apply to the eyes after tattooing the arrows.

What should you apply to your eyes after a tattoo procedure?

It is imperative to use certain medicinal ointments suitable for the eyelids and eyes. Typically, tetracycline ointment is recommended. And when the tattoo is just done, you need to immediately drip Visine, which will prevent your eyes from turning red and protect you from infection.

You can prevent the appearance of edema using boric acid compresses. In the summer, it is better to protect your face with sunglasses or hats, carefully ensuring that bacteria, along with sweat or dust, do not get on the skin damaged by the machine during micropigmentation.

In winter, you need to make sure that the crusts do not cling to hats, scarves and sweaters. Such care will allow you to preserve your arrows much longer and avoid negative consequences. Now let's discuss the procedure for re-performing tattooing.

Repeated tattooing

Inadequate care for new, long-lasting makeup is only one of the main reasons for correction. The rest include:

  • The factor of an inexperienced master. The biggest danger occurs when eye tattooing is done by a bad specialist. Due to his inexperience, he may simply choose the wrong pigment if the arrows are not black, or draw uneven lines. Or a specialist may introduce pigment too close to the surface, creating asymmetry. All this can be corrected either by some other master, or given a chance to correct your mistakes by the same one who made them. There are situations when the working surface begins to swell too quickly for a person while working. Because of this, the master may miss a small area. It is better to familiarize yourself with the photos before and after eyeliner tattooing in advance.
  • The influence of individual characteristics. No matter how much effort is spent on quality care, a banal feature of this or that person can ruin the entire effect. The body of some people is very successfully able to reject various pigments from the dermis of the eyelids. The whole point is the immune system, which removes foreign bodies or, in other words, dyes. It is quite possible that during repeated correction it is necessary to make the tattoo a little deeper compared to the first time. In addition, for many people, clear contours begin to seem to float. They definitely need to be touched up, otherwise they will look like runny makeup.

Who is it suitable for?

If you take into account the essence of the service, you can make a list of cases when it is recommended to perform it:

  1. The girl wants to save time on daily eyelid makeup. In addition, she will be able to save money on decorative cosmetics for the eyelids, since in the coming year there will be no need to use them.
  2. In addition, not everyone knows how to draw arrows beautifully or apply shadows correctly, which is why the service will be a way out of the situation in this case.
  3. The client is often in non-standard conditions when ordinary makeup cannot be maintained in its previous, neat form. The appearance of eyelid microblading is not affected by external factors, so you can count on the fact that you will always look well-groomed.
  4. The girl has natural eyelashes that are light or sparse. There is a technique by which the paint is applied along the eyelash line, which is why they visually look raised and highlighted.

Women may have other reasons for eyelid microblading; these are not required to be disclosed. However, if you tell the master about your preferences, he will be able to come closer to fulfilling them.

Doctors' recommendations

Usually the masters themselves warn about existing recommendations and contraindications. But it would be a good idea to visit a doctor before such a procedure. Doctors do not recommend tattooing in the following cases:

  • If you have diabetes and pregnancy.
  • Against the background of skin lesions in the form of burns, exacerbation of herpes, inflammation, conjunctivitis, and so on.
  • During menstruation.
  • If you have hepatitis, AIDS, HIV or epilepsy.
  • When the body is prone to scarring.
  • In case of poor blood clotting.
  • Against the background of exacerbation of any chronic disease.

Eyeliner tattooing in before and after photos can look good. But in real life, the result of the procedure can be disappointing. Therefore, before deciding on such makeup, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Permanent makeup is becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Many women who did it for the first time return to such masters again after several years. This procedure is distinguished by its nuances and contraindications, but with proper preparation it permanently saves a woman from having to put on makeup every morning. Those who are interested in this opportunity can view the before and after photos of eye tattoos with arrows, which are given in our article.

Is permanent shading painless?

The use of anesthetics provides almost complete pain relief. Eye tattooing with shading is performed only after the anesthetic gel or ointment has completely taken effect. While the tattoo specialist is working, the eyelid remains closed, and the patient's sensations can be comparable to tickling the eye. If the patient's pain threshold is high, the drug can be applied twice per session.

If the very thought of touching your eyelid with a needle causes panic, before visiting the salon you are advised to take sedatives such as valerian.

Many people fear damage to the cornea of ​​the eye as a result of accidental blinking during tattooing. This is excluded, since the tattoo specialist securely fixes the eyelid with one hand until the makeup is completed.

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