Vacuum hydropeeling Hydra Feschl hydrafacial. What is this procedure, description, devices, price

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Hydrafacial hardware cleansing is a unique innovative technology for comprehensive skin healing that has an excellent effect. The procedure is carried out using the HydraFacial MD® vacuum device, which has no analogues. The method is based on an integrated approach and combines 5 procedures in one. In one session, cleansing, treatment, moisturizing, rejuvenation, and skin healing are performed.

The procedure is very gentle and gentle. It does not injure tissue and is suitable for sensitive skin. Hydrovacuum peeling is a universal and safe procedure that is suitable for a large number of patients and gives maximum results that are visible after the first procedure.

A person before undergoing the HydraFashel procedure:

The procedure is based on the complex effects of vacuum and cosmetic serums. It is carried out in stages, each stage strengthens the effect of the previous one. At each stage different nozzles are used. The procedure complies with all hygiene standards and uses individual disposable nozzles.

Thanks to vacuum action, HydroPeel® nozzles gently massage the skin without injuring it. Vortex-Fusion® vortex cleaning helps to open pores and subsequently clean them. As a result of exposure to vacuum, blood microcirculation improves and the process of its rejuvenation is naturally launched.

To enhance the rejuvenation effect, serums are used, which are also fed into the nozzle. The active ingredients of the serum penetrate into the layers of the skin and have an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and nourishing effect. During the procedure, the skin is gradually renewed, cleansed, nourished and moisturized, ultimately making it clean, radiant, smooth, toned and fresh.

Description of the vacuum facial peeling procedure itself

Hydrafacial hydropeeling is performed using a special Vortex-Fusion technology, which includes 6 stages of action on the skin that have a healing effect. The method is based on a combination of mechanical exfoliation, saturation with unique serums and vacuum stimulation.

Today, Hollywood cleansing has become a popular procedure in Russia, thanks to its amazing effect. Our medical center successfully practices vacuum peeling sessions using innovative HydraFacial MD equipment, which allows for deep reading and skin rejuvenation.

At all stages of treatment, patented HydroPeel nozzles are used in combination with unique serums that are developed and produced in our own laboratory

in Moscow.
is carried out step by step, each stage enhances the other and has its own characteristics.

Stages of the procedure:

  • Exfoliation (detachment).
    At this stage, soft exfoliation of hardened skin particles occurs and sebum is removed. Then a multifunctional serum is applied to the skin. As a result of exposure, the pores open, and the skin at this step is ready for subsequent cleaning and care.
  • Peeling.
    The next stage is facial cleansing using acid peeling to remove impurities and sebaceous secretions from the skin. This stage combats problematic inflammatory rashes. At the end of the treatment, serums containing glycolic and salicylic acids are applied, which easily penetrate the skin pores.
  • Extraction (extraction).
    At this stage, the skin is gently cleansed using a vacuum using an extraction attachment. Vortex-Fusion® vortex cleansing gently cleanses the deep layers of the skin. To enhance the effect, a serum component is used to restore its microflora.
  • Skin treatment and rejuvenation.
    To carry out this stage of the procedure, a transparent nozzle and ampoule serums are used, which are selected individually, depending on the age characteristics and condition of the skin. The purpose of this stage of the procedure is to combat signs of aging and skin problems. Stimulation and restoration of skin structure.
  • Hydration.
    At this stage, a transparent nozzle is used, (detoxification) removes toxins from the skin tissue, as well as saturates and nourishes it with serums with hyaluronic acid, peptides and antioxidants. The action of serums has a beneficial effect on the skin, slows down the aging process, restores the structure of the skin and improves its functions: color, density, elasticity.
  • Strengthening and prolonging the effect.
    At this stage, the effect of the procedure with the use of professional care products is consolidated and enhanced.

Vacuum hydrafacial cleaning is a highly effective painless procedure used in modern cosmetology giving 100% results. As a result of exposure, even problematic skin with its inherent inflammation and clogged pores will look great.

Feedback on effectiveness

2 out of 10 women do not see significant changes on their face after the procedure; they only note the absence of dryness and redness. But others confirm that the procedure is effective in combating skin imperfections and perfectly transforms the appearance.

Women also note that it is impossible to achieve the result of young and tightened skin with the help of creams and masks, and vacuum hydropeeling is an effective rejuvenating procedure that improves the properties and appearance of the skin. Hydropeeling Hydra Feschl appeared a long time ago, and in recent years it has become increasingly popular. Developers and innovators are constantly improving this process.

Many salons now have the opportunity to order an individual vacuum attachment for your skin type, which allows you to most accurately target imperfections and improve the performance of the epidermis, which means transforming a woman’s face.

One of the main advantages noted by clients is that there is no inflammation or redness of the skin after the procedure.

You don’t have to change your plans for the day and sit at home! Patients note that after the procedures, makeup lies smoothly on the face and does not require the use of special products that prepare the skin. The effectiveness of this cosmetic method was appreciated not only by the recipients of the service, but also by the cosmetologists themselves.

The vacuum hydropeeling procedure allows you to individually approach the patient’s problem or shortcomings and assure him of a successful result. All attachments are sterile and the client has no doubt about using it for other patients. Reviews of modern devices and their numerous awards help to win the patient over to the procedure and trust the doctor.

After cleaning the pores and eliminating imperfections, the skin does not begin to excessively secrete sebum and fight innovations. Which is also considered a big plus in comparison with other methods of skin improvement.

The patented technology of Hydra Feshl has proven itself due to its effectiveness and the absence of a rehabilitation period. The technology includes the entire range of facial rejuvenation and cleansing procedures. The number of procedures is determined by a specialist, but to see the result, it is enough to undergo just one procedure.

Article design: Oksana Grivina

Benefits of the Hydra Feshl facial:

  • Sterility and safety.
    Disposable consumables are used for each patient. The attachments are packaged in a blister and are opened in front of the patient. This eliminates the possibility of infection.
  • Instant effect.
    Already after the first procedure, a significant rejuvenating effect is visible, the skin becomes smooth, clean, moisturized, and tightened.
  • Painless.
    The skin is subjected to minimal impact and some redness may occur after the procedure, but this will disappear quickly.
  • No rehabilitation required.
    The procedure is carried out on the day of treatment not in a salon, but in a specialized clinic; after it is completed, you can begin the normal rhythm of life.

Preparing for the Hydrafacial procedure

The procedure does not require special preparation, but there are still recommendations that must be followed before it is carried out. A week before the procedure, do not perform any cleansing, peeling, or injections.

At your appointment, tell the doctor about past illnesses, possible allergies, medications you were taking at the time of the procedure, as well as previously performed cosmetic procedures. After consultation, the doctor can perform a Hydrafacial session immediately, or set a date for you at a time convenient for you.


Contraindications are identified during consultation and examination by a doctor. More often, tests are not required, but in case of any doubt, the specialist will suggest taking the necessary tests and additionally visiting related specialists.

Vacuum hydropeeling Hydra Facial is not prescribed for:

  • oncological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the body, for example, herpes;
  • mechanical damage to the skin.

In all of the above cases, hydropeeling procedures can lead to complications and worsen the patient’s condition. Therefore, during the initial consultation, the doctor must be aware of the patient’s condition.

What effect can be expected from the vacuum hydropeeling procedure?

Due to its versatility, facial hydropeeling (Hydrafacial) is suitable for almost all patients. Depending on your skin condition, you may need a course of treatment. Our specialists will select an effective program for you individually.

To maintain healthy skin and its flawless appearance, it is recommended to repeat the procedure once a month if necessary. After all, even the most flawless skin without systematic cleansing and care can quickly lose its healthy appearance.

Regular skin care will keep it youthful and radiant. Significant effect

you will see after
the first session:
the skin will become tightened, radiant, clean, smooth, its tone will become more even and color will improve. Below you can see the results of satisfied patients:

How long does the result last?

Vacuum hydropeeling Hydra Feshl is a course procedure. For the result to be successful and fixed on the skin, you need to undergo from 5 to 10 procedures.

The interval between sessions is 6-9 days.

After completing the first course of procedures, the cosmetologist schedules a monthly visit to the clinic. After the results are consolidated, vacuum hydropeeling can be performed no more than 2 times a year. That is, the shelf life of the result varies individually, but on average it is 6 months.

Results BEFORE and AFTER facial cleansing:

The cost of the Hydrafacial procedure in Moscow and detailed prices at the Novikov clinic

In our clinic we adhere to the principle: accessibility and excellent quality. Prices for the Hydrafacial procedure
at the medical center are the most affordable in Moscow.
You can attend the initial consultation with our specialist for free. The price list, which is presented below, indicates the list of services and the scope of hardware facial cleansing; the price may depend on the condition of your skin, as well as on the use of additional types of services and cosmetics.

Initial consultation0 rubles
Program update5,500 rubles
Deep cleansing program6,500 rubles
Half an hour to perfection7,800 rubles
Rejuvenation program6,950 rubles
Launch program7,250 rubles
Recovery/rehabilitation program6,100 rubles

Peeling PRX-T33


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In our work we use:

  • Certified innovative equipment made in the USA
  • We work using patented Vortex-Fusion technology
  • We approach each client individually
  • We guarantee the safety of all procedures performed
  • We use only disposable consumables

The serum that we use during the vacuum peeling procedure is developed and manufactured in our own laboratory

The hydrafacial hardware cleaning technology has gained popularity around the world and has been awarded many prestigious awards in the field of cosmetology. Now the salon treatment procedure is available to you too.

Visit Dr. Novikov's medical center and feel the effect of a unique procedure for yourself. You can sign up for a consultation by phone number: +7 (495) 694-56-59. Or take advantage of the online registration option and get a free consultation from our experienced specialist.

Possible complications

If the vacuum hydropeeling procedure is carried out by a competent specialist using modern equipment, then complications do not appear. Undesirable consequences can occur when contraindications have not been taken into account (for example, herpes, skin tumors).

The doctor should be informed at the first consultation about:

  • emotional state of a person (mental disorders, nervous state);
  • the presence of diseases, such as diabetes;
  • taking medications and other medications.

These conditions can lead to undesirable results from the procedure - bruising, deterioration of the patient's condition.

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