Diamond microdermabrasion of the face - what is it, devices, creams for enzyme micropeeling. Price of the procedure

According to statistics, every third inhabitant of the planet has epidermal defects. Aging of the body is manifested by changes in the functioning of internal organs and external signs: the appearance of wrinkles, decreased turgor and dry skin, hypermelanosis. After illnesses, injuries, and surgical interventions, scars, cicatrices, and stretch marks remain. Dermabrasion helps restore beauty - an effective cosmetic procedure that physically removes defects and launches natural skin restoration processes.

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What is diamond microdermabrasion?

Diamond microdermabrasion is a type of removal of dead skin that normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, improves blood flow, and removes deep impurities from the skin.

Diamond peeling is a superficial procedure. Its task is to renew the top layer of skin.

In what cases do patients choose microdermabrasion?

The procedure is prescribed for the following indications:

  • Resurfacing of scars, regardless of their size.
  • Evens out skin tone and eliminates pigmentation, including that left after pregnancy.
  • Elimination of traces of shallow burns.
  • Fighting wrinkles.
  • Skin smoothing.
  • Removal of postpartum stretch marks.

Pros and cons of the method

Advantages of peeling with diamond chips:

  • suitable for every skin type;
  • used on different areas of the skin;
  • complete cleansing without injury;
  • hypoallergenic, hygienic;
  • applicable on skin with acne: helps fight acne;
  • eliminates small scars, age spots, ingrown hairs;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • does not cause discomfort during and after skin treatment.

The diamond peeling procedure will not cure the skin from infectious and allergic rashes. Diamond cleaning cannot be carried out if an inflammatory process occurs in the body and skin damage. The procedure is expensive.

After microdermabrasion you cannot:

  • be exposed to the sun, wind and frost;
  • overheat the skin;
  • use alcohol products.


Cosmetologists recommend micro-exfoliation of the skin in the following cases::

  • loss of elasticity and keratinization of the skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • to increase elasticity;
  • for acne and acne;
  • to eliminate age-related pigmentation and the consequences of acne;
  • to combat fine wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle and eyes;
  • to normalize sebum production for dry or oily skin.

Before prescribing the procedure, the specialist must exclude all contraindications.:

  • diabetes;
  • active phase of dermatitis;
  • inflammatory infections, including herpes;
  • rosacea (there are more suitable cosmetic procedures to eliminate it);
  • wounds, burns and other skin damage at the healing stage;
  • intolerance to aluminum oxide.

Diamond microgrinding does not involve the use of chemicals, so there is no likelihood of allergic reactions.

This manipulation is allowed during pregnancy.

Find out what bixiplasty of hair is here, and Elos hair removal - here. A dermatologist-cosmetologist will talk about indications and contraindications in the video:

Differences between diamond dermabrasion and microdermabrasion

Diamond dermabrasion differs from microdermabrasion in the depth of impact on the skin. Microdermabrasion is the removal of the superficial keratinized layer of skin. The cleaning procedure does not cause any discomfort; the skin immediately after cleaning has a normal appearance.

Diamond dermabrasion involves a deeper cleansing of the skin pores, is used in difficult cases, causes microtrauma , the recovery period after such cleaning is 7 days, after the diamond dermabrasion procedure, the treated areas turn red and swell.

Benefits of the procedure

  • Well tolerated and painless.
    Unlike other techniques, in most cases it does not even require local anesthesia.
  • Minimal traumatic impact
    . Allowing the procedure to be carried out even with increased skin sensitivity.
  • Fast recovery
    . Microdermabrasion is not accompanied by a pronounced recovery period, so after its completion you can immediately leave the clinic and return to your normal lifestyle.
  • High efficiency
    . After grinding, small defects disappear completely, and larger ones become much less noticeable.

That is why many cosmetologists offer microdermabrasion sessions to eliminate skin defects, the results of which satisfy even the most demanding clients.

Indications for use

Diamond microdermabrasion is a type of facial cleansing technique in which the thinnest layer of the upper epidermis is removed.

Diamond skin resurfacing has the following indications:

  • dull skin color, pigmentation;
  • skin irregularities: scars, wrinkles, stretch marks;
  • contaminated enlarged pores, acne;
  • loss of tenderness of the top layer of skin;
  • initial stage of cellulite;
  • tattoos;
  • age-related changes in the skin.

Types and characteristics

Depending on the active abrasive, microdermabrasion can be:

  1. Crystalline . It is performed using powdered aluminum dioxide crystals. They act on the surface layer of the epidermis, after which they are absorbed by vacuum along with the keratinized particles.
  2. Diamond (sapphire). The procedure uses small attachments coated with crushed diamond chips. This type of grinding is considered more gentle, so it can be carried out in the most delicate places.
  3. Combined . Involves the use of aluminum dioxide with oxygen. Oxygen molecules help minimize the aggressive effect of crystalline aluminum on the skin. This procedure has antibacterial properties, the skin is restored quickly, and there are practically no side reactions.

To choose the optimal type of microresurfacing, you must take into account the condition of your skin and consult with a qualified cosmetologist.


Diamond skin cleaning cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • intolerance to the effects of diamond crystals;
  • unrestored immune defense after recent illnesses;
  • skin lesions;
  • dilated small blood vessels;

    Diamond microdermabrasion is contraindicated for rosacea

  • the presence of moles and cancerous tumors;
  • epilepsy, asthma;
  • pregnancy;
  • skin rashes caused by viruses and fungi.


With microdermabrasion, only dead skin particles are removed - there is no direct effect on the epidermis and, therefore, the development of adverse reactions is minimized.
We are talking only about procedures that are prescribed by a cosmetologist after assessing existing contraindications. In addition, microdermabrasion should be performed only on professional equipment using certified products.

Stages of implementation

Diamond facial skin cleansing is carried out in the following stages:

  1. Preparatory stage: the skin is cleansed of makeup and dirt, degreased, treated with a scrub, and steamed. Large sebaceous plugs are removed mechanically.

  2. At the main stage, the specialist treats the skin with a device that has replaceable attachments with tiny diamond particles.
  3. At the final stage, restorative creams, masks, and serums are applied to the skin.

Cosmetologists recommend microdermabrasion no more than once a week.

The usual course consists of 6 procedures. Deep wrinkles, tattoos, and serious scars will disappear after 10 procedures. To maintain the results, it is enough to repeat the diamond peeling once every 3 months.


originally used to resurface the skin to improve firmness and texture .
The procedure was also performed to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the eye and mouth areas. Carrying out a procedure for the neck and décolleté area allows you to smooth out the skin and slow down the natural aging process.

Hardware resurfacing using professional cosmetic products allows you to cope with the following skin damage :

  • scars;
  • stretch marks;
  • age spots;
  • acne marks.

However, microdermabrasion does not always treat hyperpigmentation.

Dark spots on the face with the help of grinding are possible only with increased distribution of the pigment substance in the superficial skin layer, but for deeper pigmentation this procedure will be ineffective.

Course duration

The number of sessions depends on the initial condition of the skin and the type of damage. In particular :

  1. To remove small wrinkles, even out tone and rejuvenate, up to 6 procedures are performed.
  2. To eliminate visible defects and eliminate deeper wrinkles, up to 8 procedures will be required.
  3. The course, which includes 10-12 sessions, allows you to eliminate scars, hyperpigmentation, permanent makeup, and acne marks.

The interval between sessions must be at least 7 days. Taking into account individual circumstances, the break can be extended to 14 days.

Rehabilitation period: rules for facial care and recovery

Rules for restorative skin care after diamond microcrystalline peeling:

  • immediately after diamond cleaning, the skin is moisturized with cream;
  • After moisturizing cream, apply sunscreen;
  • At first, use such creams several times a day;
  • frequent consumption of drinks;
  • avoid direct sun during the week;
  • for the first days, do not use preparations with glycolic acid and alcohol, do not visit swimming pools, solariums, gyms;
  • do not wax;
  • Do not apply decorative cosmetics to your face for a week;

  • do not use a scrub.

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Reviews. Photo

Microdermabrasion is quite popular among girls and women of all ages. Reviews confirm that the procedure is truly effective in solving a number of problems and improves the overall condition of the skin.

Patients have:

  • restoration of skin smoothness;
  • smoothing the surface of the face;
  • reduction of acne marks, acne;
  • eliminating blackheads, narrowing pores;
  • healthy glow.

If the procedure does not give the desired effect, then this is most likely due to the inexperience of the cosmetologist. To carry out effective micro-resurfacing, you need to find a qualified specialist who can determine the desired degree of impact on different areas of the skin.

It is worth noting that the procedure has a temporary effect and after a few months problems may appear on the skin.

This is due to the constant renewal of the epidermis and the accumulation of keratinized cells. To achieve the best results, microdermabrasion sessions are recommended several times a year.

Photos before and after micropeeling are presented:

Selection of peeling creams

When choosing a peeling product, the main thing you need to pay attention to is the composition of the cleansing components. It must strictly correspond to this skin type.

Peeling creams include:

  • fruit and lactic acids;
  • ascorbic, carbolic, salicylic acids;
  • resorcinol, polymers, fragrances;
  • small particles of pumice, salt, almonds, apricot kernels;
  • vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin.

It is recommended to use peelings after 15 years. The objectives of peeling at a young age: getting rid of fat, dirt and dead cells. At the age of 40, peeling creams containing active acids begin to be used.

Peeling creams have no contraindications because they contain a tiny amount of aggressive components.

For young skin (up to 25 years of age), superficial glycolic peels are suitable. Their action is aimed at painlessly removing dead skin cells, improving skin health, and slowing down aging.

From 25 to 35 years old, peelings containing fruit acids and glycolic acid are used. Such peelings fight the first age-related changes in the skin and age spots.

After the age of 35, the skin requires deeper cleansing; for this purpose, medium chemical peels are used. Such products relieve the skin of deep wrinkles, improve complexion, and promote the production of collagen and elastin.

At the age of 50 years and older, the skin undergoes serious changes:

  • deep wrinkles;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • gray complexion, pigmentation.

To combat such troubles, deep peeling is used, which destroys the first 2 layers of skin. Deep peelings tighten the oval of the face, remove wrinkles, scars and age spots.

Popular peeling creams:

  1. Lactolan Peeling Cream , the product contains vitamins and microelements, salts and lactic acid necessary for the skin. The cream does not contain hard abrasive particles, can be used on sensitive skin, acts superficially, and thoroughly cleanses the skin.
  2. Gentle Refiner Exfoliating Cream , which contains two types of unnatural abrasive particles and plant extracts. The product provides a gentle and effective cleansing of the skin from sebaceous plugs, the surface of the skin is smoothed, and a healthy complexion returns.
  3. Microdermabrasion contains salt crystals, lactic acid, and natural ingredients. A high-quality product for home use that gently exfoliates and revitalizes the skin.
  4. Cream peeling produced by MagRuss includes plant and mineral components, proteins, and chemicals to remove dead skin and deep impurities. The cream does not contain abrasive particles, is suitable for sensitive skin, and prevents fluid loss.
  5. The Vichy peeling product contains abrasive particles, jojoba extract, and vitamins to activate cellular metabolism and preserve youthful skin. The product is very gentle on the skin, so it is suitable for every type. The cream gently and deeply cleanses the skin, softens and moisturizes.
  6. The natural composition of Vinoperfect peeling cream from Caudalie effectively exfoliates dead cells, levels and smoothes the surface, and normalizes sebum production.
  7. Clinique's self-cleaning product contains smooth, non-damaging particles, natural and soothing ingredients. The cream returns youth to the skin, moisturizes and nourishes, saturates cells with oxygen, and renews.
  8. Peeling cream from GiGi Cosmetic Labs contains natural oils and stearic acid. The active components of the cream delicately remove the top layer of cells, enrich the skin with nutrients and moisture, and improve complexion.
  9. The popular Russian-made Stopproblem cream peeling with salicylic acid is suitable for any skin type, eliminates acne, normalizes the water-lipid balance, and hides spider veins. Used for superficial and mid-level cleansing of the skin.
  10. The German Janssen enzyme peeling contains fruit components and healing clay. Before use, the product is mixed with the activator and applied to the face for 20 minutes. The product effectively fights wrinkles and improves blood circulation.
  11. A variety of enzyme masks from the Danne brand : for minor wrinkles, deep wrinkles, pigmentation, anti-acne.
  12. Mirra enzymatic peeling does not contain preservatives or harmful substances and is economical. Apply to skin for 20 minutes. After application there is a slight tingling sensation.
  13. Lirene is a Polish-made enzyme peeling. The drug is packaged in bags for single use, inexpensive. Produces an exfoliating effect, tones the skin, tightens pores. Apply on warm skin.
  14. Mizon peeling contains malic and hyaluronic acids. Suitable even for hypersensitive skin, moisturizes, nourishes, and carefully removes the keratinized layer of cells.

Microdermabrasion - hardware facial peeling with instant results

Microdermabrasion is a hardware procedure for resurfacing the surface layer of the dermis. The exfoliant is abrasive microcrystals that gently exfoliate the layer of dead skin cells and cleanse the pores. Microdermabrasion is used as a deep cleansing of the skin, as well as removing scars.

Microdermabrasion – what is it and who is it recommended for?

Microdermabrasion is a gentle mechanical grinding of the surface layer of the epidermis, which has an effect similar to peeling. The purpose of the procedure is to restore the smoothness of the skin, make scars and acne scars less noticeable, and remove age spots. It is used to smooth out the skin texture not only of the face, but also of the neck, décolleté and back, as well as the hands.

The effect of one procedure will pleasantly surprise the client:

  • the number of “blackheads” will decrease, the pores will noticeably narrow;
  • the skin will become smooth and matte, the oily sheen will disappear;
  • Scars and post-acne scars will become less noticeable;
  • complexion will improve.

When asked if it hurts, we hasten to reassure you: a microdermabrasion session is absolutely comfortable.

Types of procedure

Microdermabrasion is divided into the following types:

  • Crystalline. For the peeling effect, a nozzle is used that directs abrasive particles – ionized aluminum oxide crystals – onto the skin under high pressure. This method gives a more pronounced result: it restores the smoothness of the skin, promotes deep cleansing of pores and has a sebum-regulating effect.
  • Diamond. This is the most common type of microdermabrasion, also called diamond peeling. The procedure is intended for those with particularly sensitive skin. The cosmetologist passes over the skin a nozzle coated with diamond chips, which carefully exfoliates the epidermis from a layer of dead cells.
  • Oxygen. This technique is in many ways similar to the crystalline one, however, along with the flow of abrasive particles, jets of air also enter the skin. This provides a kind of massage to the skin and reduces discomfort during the procedure.

How often can I do it and how many sessions will it take?

The optimal frequency of the procedure is once a week. For those with particularly sensitive skin, the time interval between microdermabrasion sessions increases to 1 month.

If you consider mechanical peeling as a way to eliminate cosmetic imperfections or treat acne, you will need to undergo from 5 to 10 sessions. As a maintenance procedure, a monthly visit to a cosmetologist is sufficient.

Indications for mechanical peeling

There are no age restrictions for mechanical peeling: it is allowed for clients aged 12 to 65 years. Hardware resurfacing is equally effective in treating both juvenile acne and shallow wrinkles.

Recommendations for microdermabrasion can be divided into three groups:

  • problematic skin. For clients in this group, the procedure is recommended as a means of combating acne, oily seborrhea, and comedones. The best option would be to choose crystal microdermabrasion;
  • traces of post-acne (scars, cicatrices). In these cases, diamond microdermabrasion is recommended, which, in addition to minor cosmetic imperfections, is used as a remedy for stretch marks. This group can also include those who want to get rid of age spots and freckles;
  • age category “50+”. These are clients with age and expression wrinkles, atonic skin, as well as signs of photoaging.

When can microdermabrasion be done? The most suitable time for such a procedure is a period of low solar activity. Therefore, in the summer, mechanical grinding of the skin is undesirable.

How effective this hardware procedure can be can be best shown by photographs taken before and after microdermabrasion sessions.


Microdermabrasion is one of the few procedures that are allowed during pregnancy. And, nevertheless, there are a number of contraindications to its implementation:

  • damage (scratches, abrasions, sunburn) and allergic skin rashes;
  • herpes;
  • infectious and oncological diseases;
  • reduced immunity and diabetes.

The microdermabrasion procedure is prohibited for rosacea and dermatitis. Please also keep in mind that mechanical peeling is difficult for those with thin and sensitive skin. Therefore, it is not recommended to proceed with the procedure without first consulting a specialist.

Procedure protocol

A microdermabrasion session is traditionally carried out in three stages:

  • cleansing and treating the skin with an antiseptic tonic;
  • mechanical grinding itself;
  • applying a soothing mask or cream.

At the stage of hardware exfoliation, the cosmetologist can change the attachments of the device, reducing or increasing the degree of their abrasiveness. In the case of the diamond microdermabrasion procedure, both mechanical grinding and vacuum cleaning of the skin are carried out simultaneously. Abrasive particles exfoliate dead cells, and the central cavity of the nozzle draws in impurities accumulated in the pores of the skin.

On average, the procedure lasts 30 minutes. It does not require anesthesia, as it is completely comfortable. Some clients feel a slight tickling sensation, while others relax and fall asleep during the process of hardware exfoliation of the skin.

Care after microdermabrasion and possible complications

The expected effect after the procedure is slight peeling and redness of the skin. If you observe similar phenomena in yourself, do not worry. Temporary side effects include local inflammation and abrasions. However, the disadvantages of microdermabrasion are successfully compensated by the effect of the procedure.

The first thing the client should remember is that after microdermabrasion, the skin becomes much more sensitive and vulnerable to external factors. This means that within two weeks after the procedure the following is contraindicated:

  • expose your skin to ultraviolet radiation (sunbathing on the beach or in a solarium);
  • use decorative cosmetics.

During a certain period, it is prohibited to engage in active sports: increased sweating can have an irritating effect on the skin. Scrubs and peels based on glycolic or lactic acid are temporarily prohibited.

Your task for the first weeks after the procedure is to use sunscreen before going outside, nourish your skin with moisturizers, and avoid lotions containing alcohol.

Alternative options and related procedures

This procedure can be replaced by chemical peeling, fractional laser resurfacing and dermabrasion.

Which is better - microdermabrasion or chemical peeling?

The advantage of choosing the first procedure is the minimal rehabilitation period and minimum discomfort. If the positive effect of a course of chemical peels does not appear immediately and is accompanied by unaesthetic peeling of the skin, then a few hours after microdermabrasion you can go out without hesitation. In addition, mechanical peeling is well tolerated by allergy sufferers.

Fractional resurfacing can provide more effective results, but due to its high cost, it is not affordable for everyone. And while microdermabrasion can be done without going on vacation, laser rejuvenation sessions are accompanied by a long rehabilitation period, during which the face may look extremely unaesthetic.

Dermabrasion is the same procedure of mechanical skin resurfacing, but with a deeper impact due to the high degree of abrasiveness of the attachments. Due to this factor, it is not suitable for all clients.

What is better - microdermabrasion or ultrasonic cleaning?

The purpose of these hardware cosmetology procedures varies. Ultrasonic cleaning serves to painlessly cleanse pores of dirt accumulations and activate regeneration processes in tissues. But it will not give results in solving such a problem as removing a scar. Mechanical peeling, designed to cleanse pores and even out the skin texture, can handle this.

What is mechanical peeling combined with?

As accompanying procedures, some cosmetology centers prescribe mesotherapy, facial massage, and superficial peelings. Only a qualified dermatologist can make the necessary combination.

Anna Vinkovskaya

Which devices are suitable for home use?

When choosing a device for self-cleaning your skin, you should pay attention to:

  1. Power. The higher the power, the deeper the effect on the skin. It is better to choose devices with adjustable power.
  2. Device dimensions. Facial cleansing devices should be lightweight and compact.
  3. Multifunctionality. Peeling devices with additional capabilities will not only provide high-quality skin cleansing, but also massage, tighten the oval of the face, and perform ionization.
  4. Production and price. It is better to buy devices from trusted manufacturers with a warranty card and a quality certificate.

Independent microcrystalline facial peeling is carried out using the following devices:

  • peeling device Gezatone lonic-Ultrasonic m360;
  • Gezatone Super Wet Cleaner vacuum cleaning device;
  • ultrasonic peeling device Gezatone KUS 2000;
  • multifunctional device GezatoneBeautyIrism708;
  • peeling device Galvanic Beauty SPA m777;
  • multifunctional device for home skin care LW-006;
  • Skin Doctors is a whole kit consisting of a device that works together with a scrub and a skin care cream after cleansing;
  • RoC Renewex is an electrical micro-peeling device and cream containing aluminum oxide particles.

Feelings during and after the procedure

According to reviews from most people, no painful sensations were noted during the session .
The discomfort was caused only by the pressure of the nozzles, a slight burning sensation and when the skin was pulled into the vacuum. The sensations have often been compared to those of a fever where the face is burning. For several days after the session, redness and peeling may remain on the face, particularly in the area of ​​the nose, eyes and mouth.

Recommendations for the recovery period

The absence of negative reactions and the result of the procedure depend on the correct implementation of the cosmetologist’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

In the first few days:

  • avoid direct exposure to UV rays, refrain from visiting the solarium;
  • apply cream with spf protection before going outside;
  • do not wet or peel off the crusts of scars that remain after grinding;
  • use moisturizing care products;
  • maintain a state of rest so that sweating does not increase;
  • do not apply decorative cosmetics;
  • Use filtered warm water for washing.

The rehabilitation period lasts from 3 to 7 days; if all recommendations are followed, the skin is completely restored.

Important! Since in most cases there are multiple sessions, restrictions will need to be followed until the course is completed.

Proven Botox preparations: Korean, Relatox, Dysport, Refinex, etc.

Possible adverse reactions

As with any hardware treatment of the skin, microdermabrasion may be accompanied by adverse reactions and complications. Among them :

  • skin infection (can occur if aseptic rules are not followed both during and after the procedure);
  • redness, swelling (can last up to 10 days, then disappear);
  • increased sensitivity to UV rays;
  • damage due to freezing;
  • the appearance of acne or hyperpigmentation (if such a reaction occurs, you should inform your specialist).

If microdermabrasion is performed by an experienced cosmetologist in compliance with all the rules, then the likelihood of complications is minimized.

Micro grinding cost

The price of the procedure in Moscow salons starts from 2000 rubles. The exact cost is calculated individually at the initial consultation, since it depends on the condition of the skin and the severity of the defects.

Micro-polishing at home

The following categories of products can be used for micro-grinding at home::

  • grinding machines;
  • creams with abrasive particles.

Creams are more convenient to use, but the result is less pronounced compared to the hardware method. In addition, cosmetic products need to be purchased constantly, but a device purchased once will last a long time.

Microdermabrasion kits for home use are available from the following manufacturers::

  1. Skin Doctors . Includes Powerbrasion Micro-Dermabrasion, Exfoliating Crystals Intensive Scrub and Gamma Hydroxy Scar & Pigmentation Cream. Designed for home use, its price starts from 7,000 rubles.
  2. Pristine . The device allows for diamond grinding using vacuum technology. Consists of 10 attachments for treating both keratinized and sensitive skin. The price starts from 300,000 rubles.
  3. Diamond Skin . The diamond grinding kit includes a vacuum suction device, which prevents the resulting dust from entering the respiratory tract. Price - 9000 rubles.


  1. Refinish (L'Oreal) . The set includes two types of cream. One is used for peeling, the second for aftercare. The set costs about $30, but it is only available in online stores.
  2. Expert Enzyme (Faberlic) . Allows you to quickly and efficiently get rid of the problem, does not cause complications or side effects. It is the second stage of the Radiance and Renewal program (an alternative to salon peeling).
  3. Renewing Micro-Dermabrasion Complex (Zenmed) . It consists of abrasives that help even out skin color, as well as eliminate pigmentation and scars from rashes. When ordering on EBAY it will cost about 3,000 rubles.

Watch the video about microdermabrasion at home:

Peeling at home

Diamond microdermabrasion is a delicate peeling action that can be performed at home using special devices.

Before the deep cleaning procedure, makeup is removed from the face, the skin is cleansed of dirt and degreased. Next, a special gel peeling agent is applied to the face in a thick layer.

The movement of the nozzle of the portable cleaning device is slow and light. The angle of inclination of the nozzle relative to the skin should be 45°. Problem areas of the skin are treated with the device 3 times. After completing treatment with the device, the remaining gel product is washed off with water. The skin is moisturized with cream.

Properly performed home peeling is not inferior in quality to similar salon procedures. The only downside to at-home peeling is that cleansers and exfoliators will not help remove scars.

Types of home peeling: mechanical (using electrical devices for cleaning the skin or special soft brushes), chemical (using ready-made cosmetics) and natural (self-prepared compositions using natural ingredients).

When performing deep skin cleansing at home, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Before using a chemical cleanser, conduct an allergy test and strictly follow the instructions for use;

  • any exfoliating agent is applied to previously cleansed and degreased skin;
  • peeling compositions are not applied to the skin around the eyes;
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics for several days after peeling.

Recipes for preparing facial peels at home:

  1. Mix 1 tsp. crushed orange, lemon and tangerine zest, add 18 ml of olive oil, mix, apply to the skin with massage movements, leave for 5 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  2. To prepare honey peeling cream, mix 30 ml of liquid honey with 45 ml of lemon juice, add 1 tbsp. l. bran, the composition is applied to the face for 30 minutes.
  3. Rejuvenating peeling cream is prepared from pomegranate seeds, oatmeal, honey and kefir. You will need 200 grams of oatmeal for the mask. Honey, kefir and pomegranate seeds - 2 tbsp. l. All ingredients are mixed in a blender. The mask is applied to the face for 3 minutes.
  4. For a curd exfoliating and rejuvenating mask, you will need to mix 9 ml of olive oil, 5 g of rice flour and 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese. The cream is rubbed into heated skin, left for 15 minutes, and washed off with water.

  5. You can prepare excellent anti-aging peeling creams yourself using ground coffee, adding warm honey, fruit pulp, sour cream or yogurt, and vegetable oils. The components are mixed, the mixture is applied to the face for 5 minutes.

For normal skin types, coffee and sour cream peelings are prepared with the addition of honey, vegetable oils, salt, fruit and oatmeal.

For combination skin, peelings containing sour berry juice, orange and almond oil, sugar, yolks, oatmeal, salt, honey, and clay are more suitable. Oily skin will need soap and sugar, cucumber pulp and rose oil, clay and almonds for deep cleansing. To deeply cleanse dry skin, use cottage cheese, sour cream, citrus oil and zest, strawberries, and bran.

How does the procedure work?

The manipulation does not require special training .
During the initial examination, the specialist finds out what damage the client wants to eliminate using micro-resurfacing, takes into account contraindications and individual characteristics. The cosmetologist must describe in detail each type of microdermabrasion, as well as the expected effect and recovery time.

If the patient is satisfied with everything, then he is assigned a time for the procedure. Stages of implementation :

  • Preparation . Consists of cleansing the face of cosmetics and impurities. After cleaning, a special antiseptic is applied to the face. Hair must be removed along the growth line.
  • Marking areas . The areas where sanding will be carried out are marked with a marker.
  • Local anesthesia . Typically, a freezing anesthetic spray is used. This is necessary to narrow blood vessels and tighten the skin, which improves the results of the procedure.
  • Grinding.
  • Removal of the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis using attachments of various sizes (taking into account the characteristics and degree of sensitivity of the skin in the area). The exfoliated skin is sucked up by a vacuum immediately or after the entire layer is removed.
  • The final stage . At the end of the session, the face is treated with special products (serums or creams) to increase regeneration and protect against negative environmental factors.

One session lasts no more than 60 minutes. Most of the time is spent on preparation, and sanding is done quite quickly.

If droplets of blood appear during the procedure, you should not worry - this is due to the approach of small capillaries to the surface layer of the epidermis.

Results of the procedure: before and after photos

Diamond microcrystalline peeling or microdermabrasion gives the following results:

  • immediately after the cleansing session, the skin turns a little pink, after a maximum of 2 days the natural color of healthy skin returns;
  • skin pores are narrowed;
  • the surface of the skin is smooth and soft;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is more elastic;
  • scars, scars, stretch marks become less noticeable;
  • pigmentation is eliminated;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;

  • oily shine is eliminated;
  • Decorative cosmetics apply smoothly and make-up lasts longer.

Contraindications to microdermabrasion

Although we are talking about a harmless cosmetic procedure, diamond microdermabrasion, even it has contraindications.

When you shouldn't do microdermabrasion:

  • skin damage of any severity (burns in the healing stage, microcracks, abrasions, wounds);

  • presence of warts, rosacea;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • immune system diseases;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • diabetes;
  • fungal infections of the skin;
  • individual intolerance to the drugs used;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin (tendency to allergies, excessive dryness, proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin);
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis);
  • taking medications that act to thin the blood;
  • the use of Isotretinoin (anti-acne, anti-inflammatory, antiseborrheic agent) - this drug promotes the formation of scars.

Cost of the procedure in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

Cost of the diamond micropeel procedure:

CityImpact areaPrice, rub.)
MoscowFaceup to 4000
Face, neckup to 5000
Face, neck, décolletéup to 7000
Handsfrom 1000
Saint PetersburgFacefrom 2000
Cleavagefrom 1200
Neckfrom 1000
Handsfrom 800
KrasnodarFacefrom 1500
Handsuntil 1800
EkaterinburgFacefrom 1000
Face, necklinefrom 2000
MurmanskFacefrom 1000
Neckfrom 1000
Cleavagefrom 1200
Scarringfrom 1000

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Reviews about the procedure

Anastasia, Moscow I did microdermabrasion at home myself, using the Loreal complex. Really helped get rid of pigmentation on the face. It’s a pity that it is no longer on sale, but they say that a good set has also appeared from the Clinics.

Kristina, St. Petersburg I have acne scars, I decided to remove them with this polishing. I completed 1 session for 2000 rubles and did not get any effect. The face didn't even peel off. Now I’m deciding whether to complete the course or try something else.

Regina, Khabarovsk I treated acne spots with this technique. As a result, the skin was evened out, the pores were narrowed, and overall the face began to look noticeably more well-groomed. Our price is low, you can afford it. In total, there were 7-8 sessions, each costing around 1 thousand. The spots became less noticeable, but did not completely go away.

Anya, Yekaterinburg I highly recommend home peeling from Clinic. Personally, he removed all the irregularities for me, even my friends kept asking me what I did.

Reviews about the effectiveness of the procedure

Diamond microdermabrasion is a type of removal of dead skin cells that is gentle on the skin.

Women who, among a huge variety of peelings and cleansings, choose diamond micropeeling, leave the following reviews:

  • The first procedure is quite painful; redness is observed on the skin. The redness goes away the next day. After 2 days, peeling of the top layer of skin begins. Peeling can last up to 5 days. After 5 days, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.
  • When undergoing the 2nd procedure of diamond microdermabrasion, there is virtually no pain, minor redness, and the skin does not peel off.
  • If you use diamond micropeeling to remove blackheads on oily skin, the effect after the 1st procedure will be practically unnoticeable, only the complexion will improve due to the massage effect. Acne and acne marks will go away after several treatments.
  • Diamond microcrystalline peeling is an effective rejuvenating procedure. After such delicate polishing, wrinkles disappear over time, massage stimulates collagen production. To get rid of wrinkles you will need to undergo at least 6 procedures.
  • Microdermabrasion removes tattoos from the surface of the skin and corrects stretch marks. To remove a tattoo you will need to complete a course consisting of 5 procedures. Unfortunately, stretch marks cannot be completely removed. Diamond polishing of the skin will help make them less noticeable.
  • Diamond microdermabrasion is an expensive but effective procedure; 75% of women recommend it regularly.

Devices for diamond skin resurfacing act only on the surface, without penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin. With this exposure, the risk of complications is minimized. Microdermabrasion delicately renews the skin, and when undergoing a set of procedures, it successfully combats unpleasant changes.

Author: Doroshenko E.N.

Article design: Mila Friedan

What are the types of facial microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion with aluminum oxide crystals.

This procedure involves grinding with the help of tiny crystals, which are applied under pressure to the skin through a system of special tubes. These crystals have an “abrasive” snowflake or star shape and are hypoallergenic. Penetrating into the top layer, they are fixed on the keratinized particles and, together with them, are removed with a special vacuum apparatus. The procedure does not require pain relief, as the patient only feels a slight tingling sensation. At microscopic points where the top layer of epidermal tissue is removed (“microwells”), the removed skin particles are rapidly replaced by young cells. Thus, in one microdermabrasion procedure, a double effect is carried out: polishing the upper layers of the epidermis and smoothing by stimulating the growth of new cells.

Diamond microdermabrasion.

This procedure is similar to similar systems for home use. The only difference is that with diamond microdermabrasion, the crystals work directly on the skin, removing dead cells using a special vacuum, while with aluminum grinding, microparticles are supplied under pressure through an air jet. Diamond microdermabrasion is, in fact, a more gentle method that can be used on delicate areas of the skin, since it does not injure the cornea of ​​the eyes or the border of the lips. This procedure is also called diamond peeling. Depending on the condition of the epidermis, the duration of the course can range from 3-4 to 15-20 procedures. Thanks to this resurfacing, many aesthetic imperfections of the skin are eliminated: wrinkles, acne scars, scars, loss of elasticity, stretch marks, enlarged pores, etc.

Read material on the topic: Lightening age spots

Oxygen microdermabrasion.

With this type of procedure, the effect on the skin is carried out using not only an air flow of crystals, but also oxygen supplied under high pressure. This allows for more gentle resurfacing and reduces side effects. Oxygen has a regenerating effect on damaged epithelial cells and also reduces the proliferation of bacteria, which helps reduce inflammatory processes.

Hydrodermabrasion. With this type of grinding, a double effect on the skin occurs: treatment with abrasive microcrystals and an aqueous solution containing biologically active substances.

Patient reviews

I have had skin problems for a long time - post-acne, and the scars are very visible. I decided to fight this. I was in the mood for chemical peeling, but the cosmetologist recommended microdermabrasion. The procedure is pleasant and painless. I immediately felt that my skin became more elastic, cleaner and even younger. And most importantly - no traces of inflammation, like after regular cleansing - after 15 minutes, clean, healthy skin!

Natalia, Nizhny Novgorod

I have already done two microdermabrasion procedures. The skin after it is very smooth, I would say perfect. No redness or swelling - an excellent option for those who do not have the opportunity to recover for a long period while sitting at home. I will do the procedure more than once.

Marina, Novokuznetsk

When I turned 30, I started thinking about how to slow down the appearance of the first wrinkles. I didn't even think about plastic surgery. And then the cosmetologist recommended hardware cosmetology. We settled on microdermabrasion as the most gentle method. The procedure is painless, the skin condition has noticeably improved after it. Because of my rhythm of life, it is important for me that immediately after the procedure I can return to normal life - my face did not turn red, there was no irritation. I recommend!

Katerina, Samara

Originally posted 2018-03-29 05:18:42.

Carrying out the procedure

How it goes

The impact of the diamond grinding apparatus takes from 30 to 60 minutes.

  • Preparation. The skin is cleansed and steamed with a vaporizer or cold hydrogenation products, and a gel is applied to ensure ease of gliding. This increases the susceptibility to machining.
  • Impact of nozzles. Moving along the massage lines, the cosmetologist passes the entire surface of the face, including the area near the eyes and ears.
  • Applying a moisturizing mask, cream and applying a cold compress to tighten the pores.

If there are dense comedones, first clean them out manually, and then proceed to dermabrasion.

Course duration

The effect appears after the first session, but to maintain the result, 3 to 5 procedures are necessary. This number of manipulations will improve complexion, enrich the skin, hide imperfections and increase turgor.

To get rid of small scars and scars, it will take 10 to 20 visits.

Sanding can be repeated after two to three months.

Recovery period

Despite the fact that microdermabrasion is a low-traumatic procedure, there are still several tips for the recovery period that are recommended to be followed.

First, regardless of the time of year, you need to use sunscreen. Secondly, instead of a regular day care cream, if possible, use a cream with hyaluronic acid - it will help moisturize the skin and make it elastic. As for makeup, it is not contraindicated immediately after microdermabrasion. You can also use your usual facial care products - it has been proven that the procedure improves the absorption of creams and facilitates the penetration of nutrients into the skin.

Immediately after cleaning using this method, you may encounter short-term problems:

  • skin redness;
  • spider veins;
  • minor bruising;
  • minor wounds and abrasions;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • the appearance of hypersensitivity of the skin.

Even if you encounter any of these symptoms, do not be discouraged, this phenomenon is temporary and after a few hours no traces of cleansing will remain on your face.

Since our skin is completely renewed within a month, it becomes clear that the procedure will need to be repeated to maintain the effect. But there are several recommendations that will help make your visits to the cosmetologist less frequent, prolonging the effect of cleansing.

How to prolong the effect of microdermabrasion:

  • reduce time spent in the sun, avoid direct sunlight;
  • refrain from visiting a bathhouse or sauna for 2 weeks after the procedure;
  • do not use scrubs;
  • do not use foundation for a day after the procedure;
  • Do not apply products containing acids without medical supervision.

Follow these simple tips and your skin will stay fresh and healthy longer.

Precautionary measures

Side effects can be caused by non-compliance with the procedure protocol, sterility, or an allergic reaction to painkillers. Complications are often expressed in increased body temperature, painful or uncomfortable sensations, and discharge from wounds.

More serious consequences include:

  • hyperpigmentation - darkening of the treated areas;
  • depigmentation - lightening of the epidermis due to the loss of melanocyte cells;
  • re-formation of scars.


  • oncology;
  • epilepsy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • any skin rashes;
  • violation of the integrity of the integument (wounds, abrasions, ulcers);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • rosacea;
  • herpes, psoriasis;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • ARVI, acute respiratory infections;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding.
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