All options on how to make an exfoliating foot mask

A layer of dead dry particles of the epidermis constantly forms on the feet, and if there is no proper care for this part of the lower extremities, a crust will form very quickly. It not only spoils the appearance of the heels and makes it impossible to wear “open” shoes, but in especially advanced cases it causes discomfort and pain while walking.

You can solve the problem at home with the help of various homemade products for the care of the lower extremities.

Exfoliating foot mask at home

Before studying and choosing a specific recipe, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of the procedure:

  • The composition of a homemade mask should not include ingredients that can cause allergies. If a person has a history of inadequate body reactions to food, house dust and any other irritants, then you should pay special attention to the natural components of the product.
  • Before applying the mask, your feet should be thoroughly cleaned and steamed . This is done using a regular bath: the feet are immersed ankle-deep in moderately hot water and kept there for 10 - 20 minutes (as long as the temperature holds). For the bath, you can use decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage), soda or saline solution.

  • To ensure the full effect of the exfoliating mask, it is recommended to wear cotton socks while applying it . And after the procedure, the treated feet are lubricated with a moisturizing or nourishing cream for the lower extremities.

  • Foot care should be carried out regularly, so homemade masks can be used daily to get a quick effect. Subsequently, such procedures are carried out 1 - 2 times a week constantly.

There are several recipes for homemade foot masks, each of which has an exfoliating effect, simultaneously softening the skin and exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties.

We recommend reading the article about chemical peeling at home for different parts of the body. From the article you will learn about the features of peeling at home, indications and contraindications for it, as well as how to do peeling for your arms and legs yourself. And here is more information about the remedy for cellulite at home.

With dairy products

In many professional foot skin care products you can find lactic acid in the composition - it not only has a softening effect, but also acts as a peeling agent, which means it can exfoliate all dry particles of the epidermis.

This acid is found in any dairy product; you can use them to prepare several foot masks, and they will have the same effect as professional line cosmetics. The most effective options:

  • With kefir. It is advisable to take either sour milk (natural method with

    room temperature), or store-bought kefir, but with a high percentage of fat content.

You need to mix 200 ml of fermented milk product with 10 g (1 teaspoon) of kitchen salt and 100 g of oatmeal, crushed into cereal.

The finished mixture is applied to the previously cleaned and steamed skin of the feet, the top is wrapped with cling film (tightly, but not tightly, so as not to interfere with blood circulation) and socks are put on. After an hour and a half, you can wash off the product, cleanse the treated skin with pumice and rinse with warm water.

  • With sour cream . This product should also be high in fat; finely ground corn grits or consumed ground coffee are added to it. The components are taken in arbitrary quantities, but the result should be a homogeneous mass with small abrasive particles.

This mask is applied for only half an hour; you don’t have to wrap it with cling film and socks on top, but experts recommend not excluding this manipulation. After this mask with sour cream, you do not need to use pumice - the softened scales of the epidermis are easily washed off with warm water.

  • Milk formula . Kefir, sour cream and whole milk are mixed in equal proportions; in this composition you can extinguish baking soda - this component is taken at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of mixture. The finished mass is applied to clean, steamed feet or left in a wide/deep bowl and the feet are lowered directly into it so that they are immersed up to the ankle joint.

Milk peeling for legs
The procedure lasts 3 hours, after which the lower limbs are rinsed with warm water and treated with a nourishing cream. If a milk formula mask is applied to the skin of the feet, they should be covered with cling film and cotton socks.

Well, the simplest mask : whole milk + freshly prepared applesauce. The components are taken in equal proportions, the mass is applied to the feet and wrapped, the procedure takes 1 hour. The results in the form of the absence of a crust of dry particles of the epidermis and delicate skin of the heels will be visible after the first time.


Most often, a decoction of medicinal plants is used for herbal foot masks with an exfoliating effect, but multicomponent formulations can also be used. The following recipes are considered the most popular, easy to use and effective:

  • Calendula + string + celandine . These herbs are taken in equal proportions, crushed and added to apple-orange puree, the amount of which should be the same as the volume of plant materials. Fruit puree is prepared by grinding the pulp of oranges and apples in a blender.

Calendula and succession
Apply the prepared composition to the feet in a fairly thick layer and leave for 40 - 60 minutes. Then everything is washed off with cool water and treated with moisturizer. It is highly advisable to use fresh herbs to prepare this home remedy, so this procedure is optimal for the summer period.

  • Aloe juice + corn flour . These ingredients are taken in such quantities that the result is a homogeneous, creamy mass. It is applied to the problem areas of the feet in a layer of at least 1 cm, covered with cling film on top and cotton socks are put on.

Aloe juice and corn flour
Aloe juice is prepared from the lower leaves of the plant, which are first kept in the freezer for 2 - 3 days. The procedure takes only 15 minutes. A mask is considered an “ambulance” when you need to get your legs in order in a very short period of time.

But in general, experts recommend applying the product to the feet once a week for 30-50 minutes . This recipe is optimal for those who have cracked heels - aloe juice has a powerful anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

  • Celandine . You will need fresh leaves and stems of this plant, which are crushed into pulp. The amount of raw material is determined individually, but it should be enough to cover the feet with a layer of 0.5 - 1 cm.

This is a night mask, therefore, after applying a paste of fresh celandine to your feet, you need to wrap everything in cling film or cellophane, and put on thin cotton socks on top. In the morning, feet are rinsed with warm water and lubricated with a moisturizer.

  • Plantain + burdock . You need to take 2 parts of plantain leaves and 1 part each of burdock and green onions, mix everything, put the resulting mass on a gauze napkin. It is applied to the feet, fixed on top with a bandage, and insulated in the classical way.

The procedure takes at least 1 hour; you can leave the product on your feet overnight. If dried plant materials are used to prepare the mask, then it is combined with a small amount of kefir, sour cream or natural yogurt.

With cereals

Rice, buckwheat, corn grits and oatmeal can be successfully used to prepare exfoliating foot masks, but they must first be ground in a blender or coffee grinder. The effect of the procedure will be similar to the result of deep cleansing of the skin - peeling; there will be no trace of dried particles of the epidermis. The most popular compositions of such products include:

  • Rice + calendula decoction . The components are taken in such quantities that the “output” is a mushy mass. A decoction of calendula flowers is prepared according to the classic recipe: 1 tablespoon of raw material per 250 ml of water, boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. If the skin of the feet is excessively dry, then boiled calendula flowers can be used when preparing the mask.

Calendula decoction
Apply a thick layer of the mask to the feet, you can lightly massage the skin. Everything is wrapped in cellophane on top and socks are put on. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night, and rinse everything off with warm water in the morning, but the minimum time is 3 hours.

  • Rice + kefir + vegetable oil . The last ingredient is heated in a water bath until warm, kefir and rice grains are added to it in proportions of 2: 1: 1.5. The mass is thoroughly mixed and ground into a homogeneous paste with tiny abrasive grains.

The mask is applied to the feet for only 30 minutes; for the first 5 minutes, you need to actively massage the skin in a circular, rubbing motion, focusing on the heel area.

  • Oatmeal + nuts + kefir . The flakes are ground into flour, any nuts crushed into fine grains are added to them (almonds should be preferred) and kefir (can be replaced with sour cream) in a ratio of 3:1:2, respectively.

The composition is applied to the feet for only 20 minutes; there is no need to organize “greenhouse” conditions for it. After washing off the mask with warm water, you need to treat the surface of the skin with pumice and lubricate it with moisturizer.

With Aspirin

A recipe for such a drug with a drug exists in only one version. It is highly effective, so it is used only once a week, but constantly. A mask is prepared from:

  • 10 Aspirin tablets;
  • 10 ml of clean water;
  • 10 drops of lemon juice.

The tablets are crushed into powder, to which liquid ingredients are added. The result will be a mushy, rather coarse abrasive mixture. The mask is applied to the feet in an even layer, everything is covered with cling film on top and cotton socks are put on. The procedure takes at least 3 hours, but it is better to leave the product on your feet overnight.

With salt

Such remedies cannot be used in case of existing injuries on the feet, but if there are shallow cracks, they will heal very quickly, and inflammatory processes have no chance of developing. The simplest, but very effective options include:

  • Orange + sea salt . You need to grind a large citrus fruit into a pulp (the peel is first removed), add 1 tablespoon of finely ground sea salt to it.

The resulting mass is applied to problem areas of the foot and left for 15 - 20 minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm water, and the skin must be lubricated with moisturizer.

  • Tomatoes + salt . First, tomato puree is prepared by chopping fresh, peeled tomatoes. To 100 g of the main component add 50 g of table salt (ordinary kitchen salt), mix everything. The mask is applied to the feet and left for as long as possible.

If there are small wounds on the skin surface, then salt products can corrode them, in which case a burning sensation and discomfort will appear. There is no need to be a hero - the mask should be quickly washed off with warm water. Salt products with an exfoliating effect are used for foot care no more than once a week.

With coffee

A mask with this product can be used for any damage to the skin of the feet, but if there are cracks in it, they will turn dark. Experts recommend using this product in the cold season, when your feet are covered with socks and stockings.

An exfoliating mask is prepared from ground natural coffee and sea salt (2 tablespoons each), cinnamon powder (1 tablespoon) and vegetable oil (you should give preference to olive oil). The last ingredient is added to the dry mixture in such an amount that the result is a homogeneous paste-like mass.

Apply a mask with coffee for only 15 minutes, then cleanse the skin with a pumice stone and wash with warm water. At the end of the procedure, you should lubricate your feet with moisturizing cream.

Foot mask to remove rough skin

The most effective foot mask that will remove rough skin is considered to be made on the basis of lactic acid. At home, this component can only be obtained from fermented milk products, which are used as the basis for the preparation of products. What to use:

  • Sour cream mask – great for excessively dry skin on the feet. Finely ground coffee or corn grits are added to the main product in such an amount that the “output” is a fairly thick mass. It is applied to the skin of the feet, distributed evenly in a thick layer and left for 30-40 minutes.
  • Kefir mask - can only be used if there are no cracks or any other damage to the skin. Kefir is mixed with coarse salt and oatmeal (they are first crushed into grits). The result should be a thick mass, which is applied to the feet. Cover everything on top with cling film, put on socks and wait 60 minutes.

You can also speed up the process of exfoliating skin particles from your feet with masks based on medicinal plants:

Ingredient for the mask Preparation Time the mask is on your feet
Celandine You need to take it fresh, grind it in a mortar and apply the resulting pulp to problem areas.

Before the procedure, all the skin around the hardened lesions is lubricated with a fatty cream or cosmetic, vegetable oil - this is necessary to prevent burns.

no more than 15 minutes
Plantain Green onions and wheatgrass are added to the leaves of this plant - all ingredients are taken in equal quantities. The pulp is laid out on a bandage or gauze and applied to the feet, fixed, and socks are put on top.

If the skin is rough and cracks begin to appear on the frost, then you can use other, more “aggressive” means.

minimum 1 hour
Aspirin based mask 10 tablets need to be crushed into powder, add warm water to them in such a volume that a paste is obtained.

If there are no cracks on the surface of the feet, or they are shallow, then you can add lemon juice from half a citrus fruit to the mask.

20 minutes
Coffee mask You need to mix ground/drinked coffee, cinnamon, sea salt in a ratio of 5:1:2, respectively, add vegetable oil (olive, sunflower) to the mixture in such an amount that the mixture takes on a mushy appearance.

Apply a thick layer of the mask to your feet; you can wrap your feet in cling film and put on socks.

30-40 minutes

This mask is very effective, but it has a significant drawback - existing cracks can turn brown.

Masks against rough skin should be applied to the feet at least 3 times a week, it is better to do this daily. After the procedure is completed, the product is washed off the foot, the loose particles of the epidermis are removed with a pumice stone, then the skin is treated with a moisturizer.

Watch this video on how to do aspirin peeling for feet:

Caring for sweaty feet

Not everyone knows what profusely sweaty feet are. On the one hand, this feature is not a pathology and does not require treatment, on the other hand, it causes a lot of discomfort. People with very sweaty feet are not sick, but they do need help, because the constant presence of sweat leads to an unpleasant odor, the growth of bacteria and foot fungus. The shoes of a person with sweaty feet absorb odors, making it impossible to get rid of them, even by changing socks daily and using special odor sprays.

Cosmetic companies have developed a special talc for the feet, which reduces the activity of the sweat glands. A little later, sprays with a cooling effect appeared on the market. They not only stop the work of the sweat glands, but also give a feeling of freshness for a long time. Such products are especially popular among men who wear closed shoes not only in winter, but also in summer. This applies in particular to office workers who are forced to comply with a dress code: wear formal suits and closed shoes.

Foot mask with honey

Masks with honey for feet are a unique product that moisturizes, soothes and nourishes the skin of the feet. They can be used for cracked and rough skin, to moisturize excessively dry dermis, as a preventive measure for the development of these problems in the summer. The most effective are:

  • Honey + apple . You need to grate one fruit without peeling it on a fine grater and mix it with 2 tablespoons of liquid honey. Add 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil to the finished mass, but it is better to take olive oil. The product is applied to the surface of the feet, you can also treat the ankles with it. From above, everything is wrapped in cling film and insulated. The procedure takes 30 minutes, after which everything is removed and washed off with warm water.
  • Honey + kefir . Combine liquid honey and thick kefir in equal quantities, mix and add 5-10 drops of lemon juice to the mixture. The mask is used according to the classic principle: applied to the surface of the feet, covered with cling film and insulated. Leave the product on your feet for at least 1 hour. This composition perfectly softens rough skin, but you should not use it if you have cracked heels.
  • Honey + oatmeal . Oatmeal is ground into cereal and mixed with sour cream (2 tablespoons per 1 tablespoon, respectively), everything is mixed and left for 15 minutes to swell. After time, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 5 drops of lemon juice into the mass. The finished mask is applied to the feet and ankles, everything is wrapped in gauze. The procedure takes 30-40 minutes; during this period, the legs should be slightly elevated above the body.

Honey is a hyperallergenic product, so before use you need to make sure you are not allergic to it. The listed products can be used for a long time in foot care, but not more than once a week.

How to choose shoes if you have problems with the skin of your feet?

  • Make sure your shoes don't move around or put pressure on your feet.
  • You should not buy sandals, pumps or ankle boots with heels or stilettos with a height of more than 6.25 cm.
  • Not only the heel, but also the flat sole has a negative impact. Love for sneakers and ballet shoes can lead to club feet, chronic pain, and deformation of fingers and joints.
  • When choosing, make sure that your shoes are not too narrow. In such shoes, the foot is most often subject to friction, which leads to corns and calluses.

The French believe that rough skin on the feet is a sign of laziness. Do not forget about proper care of the most sensitive and less protected areas - clean, nourish and moisturize them daily. Then you will not be bothered by the problems of coarsening of the feet, the appearance of cracks, fungus and other troubles associated with lack of attention to the feet.

Many people believe that natural ingredients are the best way to deal with dryness and flaking. I agree with this, but note: they are especially effective not in those formulations that we make ourselves, but in medicinal cosmetics that have a complex effect:

  • Relieving fatigue and feeling of heaviness.
  • Intensive hydration and nutrition.
  • Increases elasticity and strengthens blood vessels.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Softening particularly rough areas.
  • Healing.

I advise you to try liposomal products - they contain plant extracts, oils and vitamins for impeccable lightness of your legs, healthy and soft skin of your feet and heels.

DrynessAvocado oil helps restore dehydrated areas, preventing the appearance of corns.
Roughness and cracksThe vitamin complex with panthenol protects against damage and has a healing and regenerating effect.
FatigueLavender and laurel oils relieve puffiness and relieve the feeling of heaviness.Pro Quick view
225 ml

Foot masks for the night

At night, foot masks are made to soften the skin of the feet and prevent the formation of cracks. Experts recommend applying them 2-3 times a week, after thoroughly cleaning the feet from dust, dirt and already roughened/exfoliated particles of the epidermis. The following remedies will be effective:

  • Potato-flax mask . You need to put thoroughly washed potato peelings into a pan and add flax seeds to them (2 tablespoons of flax per 500 g of the main ingredient and 500 ml of water), cook everything over low heat for 40-60 minutes. The result should be a slimy mixture, into which the feet are dipped and kept there for 15 minutes.

The mass is crushed with a blender and applied to the feet, covered with cling film on top and socks are put on. In the morning, all that remains is to wash off the mask with cool water and cleanse the skin of the softened layer of rough epidermis.

  • Mixture of oils + honey . 2 teaspoons of any foot cream (thick) are combined with 2 tablespoons of liquid honey, 4 teaspoons of olive or any other vegetable oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil (can be replaced with mint) and half a teaspoon of vitamin E solution (from ampoules). The finished mass is rubbed into the previously cleansed skin of the feet, thin socks are put on top, and if there are cracks in the heels, then wool socks are also worn.

The mask is left on your feet until the morning, after which it is washed off with warm water. Be sure to lubricate your skin with moisturizer after using this product.

  • From fresh zucchini . This mask will be especially effective in the spring, when the body lacks vitamins, the skin of the feet begins to crack, becomes excessively dry and rough. Peeled vegetables are grated on a fine grater or crushed in a blender - you should get a puree from which excess juice is squeezed out. Vegetable or cosmetic oil is added to it - olive, flaxseed, peach and others.
  • The finished product is placed on gauze and tied to the feet, leaving overnight. In the morning, the mask is washed off with cool water, the skin is cleaned with a gentle washcloth, and then treated with moisturizer.

If your heels already have cracks, you can apply fresh cabbage leaves crushed into a juicy puree to them overnight. This “compress” is fixed with cling film or bandages, and socks are put on top. You can combine cabbage leaf with a mask of salicylic ointment (2 teaspoons), fatty cream (1 tablespoon) and granulated sugar (1 teaspoon). First, a prescription product is applied to the skin, then a cabbage application is applied.

Watch this video on how to make a mask for smooth feet at home:

Moisturizing foot masks at home

The simplest moisturizing foot mask at home is based on any vegetable oil: you just need to lubricate previously cleaned and steamed feet with it, put on thin socks on top and lie under the blanket. 1 hour is enough for the skin to become soft and elastic, but it is better to wait until the morning. For such a mask you can use olive, sunflower, flaxseed, pumpkin, corn and other oils.

Greater effect can be achieved if you use complex recipes. For example, a combination of a fatty fermented milk product with the yolk of a chicken egg and honey would be excellent - the mask will solve the problem of excessively dry skin. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities, the procedure takes at least 40 minutes, you can leave the product overnight.

Another universal recipe is orange eggnog: beat 2 eggs with a fork or whisk with 300 ml of orange (grapefruit) juice. Then a cotton pad or gauze cloth is moistened in the mixture, and the mask is applied to the feet and ankles. You need to perform 3 “approaches”, waiting until the previous layer dries. Everything is washed off 20 minutes after the last “pass” with the product.

Fermented milk products also have an excellent moisturizing effect, which can be used in “pure” form or in combination with vegetable oils and honey. It is highly advisable to leave such masks on the feet overnight - the moisturizing effect will be pronounced, even existing rough skin will simply come off in “layers” because it will soften.

Moisturizing foot masks can be used 2 times a week, if you are prone to cracked heels - 3 times a week. If there are small cracks between the fingers and active peeling is detected, then you need to visit a dermatologist - these are signs of a progressive fungal disease. With such a diagnosis, treatment will be completely different.

If cracks appear on your feet, and all recommendations for caring for problem areas do not give a positive result, then you should seek help from a doctor. It may be necessary to add vitamins to the moisturizing composition to nourish the skin with useful substances.

How to care for your feet

The skin on the soles of our feet is the driest part of our body. In addition to the fact that there are no sebaceous glands, the skin of the feet contains many sweat glands. Most of the time, your feet not only receive a lot of stress from walking and running, but they also sit in shoes that can vary greatly in quality of materials, comfort and condition. With age, the skin of the feet becomes significantly rougher and loses moisture, becoming even more vulnerable. All this often leads to various problems with the skin of the legs, which most often appear on the feet.

The most basic rule for caring for the skin of your feet is foot hygiene. Feet should not only be washed and cleaned regularly, but also try to be kept dry. To do this, you always need to choose comfortable and high-quality shoes, which also need to be kept clean not only on the outside, but also on the inside - even if those around you won’t notice it, your feet will thank you. A healthy microflora of your legs and feet will help you avoid many diseases and unpleasant cosmetic problems, but any problem is easier to prevent than to fix.

In addition to the obvious rule about washing your feet, you must not forget about moisturizing. In addition to the general tendency of the skin on your feet to become dry, you should not forget that soap can also dry out the skin, and therefore it needs additional moisturizing - at least some areas of it. Use a special foot cream to care for your feet and nails, spreading the product over your legs, avoiding the skin between your toes - this area should always remain dry. Using light massaging movements, distribute the cream from fingers to ankle. If your feet are tired during the day and you want to let them rest even more, it is recommended to use cool foot baths before applying the cream. It is worth remembering that the water should be cool, not icy - it is enough that the water temperature is several degrees lower than your body temperature. Immerse your legs in the pelvis up to ankle level and wait 5-10 minutes - this procedure will give your legs lightness and relieve tension and fatigue.

It is best to apply the cream in the evening, when you don’t have to rush anywhere and have the opportunity not only to let the cream absorb, but also to let your feet rest and relax with the help of the cream and a light massage. This remedy helps fight fatigue and swelling of the legs, normalize metabolism, improve blood circulation and saturate the skin cells of the legs with oxygen. You should apply products and massage your legs, moving from bottom to top, and not vice versa: during the whole day spent on your feet, blood and fluid in the body constantly rush down due to gravity, and a massage from the fingers to the knees can disperse the blood and help not only with the condition of the legs , but also improve vascular health:

  • Using your thumbs, press on the center of the foot, knead the arch in a circular motion, gently massage the heels and balls of the feet below the toes;
  • Rub your feet with vigorous movements until a surge of warmth flows to your feet;
  • Knead the space between your toes and the toes themselves by moving them vigorously. While the arches of the feet and ankles are almost constantly in motion while walking, the toes, especially when wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes, are often practically immobilized and compressed by the toes of shoes or other footwear. Every part of your body requires movement to function properly, so don't forget to stretch.

Paraffin foot masks

A paraffin foot mask can be performed at home (the main ingredient for it is sold in pharmacies), the algorithm for the procedure is:

  1. Wash your feet in warm, almost hot water. Rub the skin first with a towel, then with your fingers - a light massage will ensure a rush of blood to the upper layers of the dermis.
  2. Heated paraffin (this is done in a water bath) is applied in 4 thin layers with a brush, you can use a silicone one. Each subsequent layer is superimposed on the dried previous one.
  3. The feet are covered with cling film and wrapped in a towel. You can take a horizontal position and rest for 15-20 minutes.
  4. After the specified period of time, you need to remove the frozen paraffin with a silicone spatula, wipe your feet (do not wash!) and lubricate them with a rich nourishing cream.

You can melt the paraffin in a water bath for a few minutes. If the skin of the feet is too dry, then a small amount of cocoa butter is added to it, and the dermis is wiped with a tincture of calendula flowers before applying the product.

The paraffin mask is done 3 times a week for 1 month, after which you can take a break or abandon it. This type of care provides:

  • moisturizing and smoothing the skin;
  • warming the skin in deep layers;
  • dilation of blood vessels;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • complete supply of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells;
  • disappearance of convulsive muscle twitching after a hard day;
  • mild analgesic effect in the presence of cracks and scars on the surface of the feet.

If the skin of the heels is too rough, then you should add a small amount of vegetable or cosmetic oil to the paraffin mask, and for long-term non-healing cracks, the “salvation” will be a combination of paraffin and a concentrated decoction of chamomile and calendula flowers.

The care in question is the best option for getting rid of corns and calluses. There is such a powerful improvement in the condition of the skin of the feet that there is no need for regular use of scrubs, moisturizing and nourishing masks.

Paraffin foot masks also have contraindications for use:

  • varicose veins - even if an operation was performed for this reason and obvious improvements are noted;
  • any diseases of the heart and vascular system;
  • diabetes.

Watch this video about how the paraffin therapy procedure for feet works:

Benefits of Exfoliation

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to the benefits of exfoliation is that it helps prevent ingrown hairs. This is true. But its usefulness is much greater.

Even if you don't need to remove ingrown hairs, exfoliation will still be beneficial for your skin.

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells. The skin of our body regenerates daily, leaving behind dead cells. And since the body itself cannot cope with the removal of these cells, it needs help.

Peeling allows you to give your skin a bright, healthy look.

What the exfoliation process does for the skin:

  • removes toxins from the skin;
  • gives a more youthful and healthy appearance;
  • enhances the penetration of creams, moisturizers and ointments.

Exfoliation is also recommended for those who have dry skin on their feet.

Exfoliating foot sock mask

Positive results when using home remedies to solve the problem will appear only after 2 to 3 weeks of use. If you want to get the fastest possible effect, then you should use a sock mask. Contains:

  • salicylic acid;
  • acids of organic origin;
  • fruit extracts;
  • extracts of medicinal herbs.

Using a sock mask is very easy: first, wash your feet in warm water, then wipe them dry - and you can put on the mask. The feet are covered with ordinary cotton socks on top, which will ensure the tightest possible fit of the complex exfoliating agent.

The procedure takes 2 hours, but a particularly intense effect of separating exfoliated areas of the epidermis will be observed only after 3 to 4 days. In this case, the feet are simply washed with warm water and lubricated with moisturizer. The use of pumice is strictly prohibited!

The sock mask is aggressive, so such deep exfoliation of epidermal particles can be carried out once every 3 months. And as a supportive “therapy” you can use homemade products.

What it is

Exfoliating foot masks in the shape of socks are at the peak of popularity. These unique modern products quickly solve the problem of unsightly heels, making them soft and tender. The result is achieved due to the presence of special acidic ingredients, plant extracts and nourishing oils in their composition. Thanks to this, the skin regeneration process is reduced to two weeks.

To avoid making a mistake in your choice, we recommend a short overview of the most popular products from well-known companies:

  • Judging by the reviews, domestic exfoliating Floresan foot mask in the form of socks much cheaper, but no less effective than foreign analogues. It contains a complex of hyaluronic, glycolic and salicylic acids, which is supplemented with nourishing extracts of papaya and apple.

  • Korean exfoliators Skinlite foot masks in the form of socks very popular among ordinary consumers and among professionals. With their help, rough, cracked skin, corns and calluses go away within two weeks. In addition to the main set of acids, they contain natural plant and fruit extracts.

  • Another Korean exfoliator Letual foot mask differs in a slightly slow action, but high-quality results. Contains a standard set of acids and caring plant extracts. It can also be purchased in the form of pedicure socks.

Prevention of the problem

To minimize the risk of rough skin on your legs that requires frequent caring procedures, you should follow the preventive recommendations:

  • wear only shoes that are suitable in size and volume;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • periodically undergo examination by a dermatologist for timely detection of a fungal infection;
  • regularly carry out hygiene procedures - washing feet, steam baths;
  • use specific nourishing and moisturizing foot creams on a daily basis.

We recommend reading about masks after peeling. You will learn about why additional care is needed after peeling, as well as homemade recipes for face masks. Here's more information on how to reduce pores on your face.

Homemade exfoliating masks and mask socks will be an excellent alternative to expensive salon treatments. With regular use of the products, you can safely count on healthy, soft and clean skin of the feet without cracks.


In order not to make a mistake when choosing an exfoliating foot mask, it is useful to read various reviews of some of them.


I have been using Japanese Sosu peeling products for a long time. But rave reviews from friends about cheap Korean socks with Skinlite exfoliating foot mask determined my choice. I tried many of them, and the results were very pleasing.

Expert's comments: It is clear that consumers want good and less expensive peeling, and here the price and quality of Skinlite socks pleasantly surprises.


I regularly order excellent quality care cosmetics through the Letual store, such as a black face mask, a chic Chocolatte body wrap, moisturizing masks for the care of dry hair and, lately, of course, socks for pedicures. I recently tried their new option for foot peeling at a tempting price. I’m very pleased, but the skin took longer to peel off and I had to wear closed shoes.

Expert's comments: The proposed remedy is quite effective, but slow-acting.


At first I used Bon Voyage pedicure socks from Letual, but for my corns and calluses I needed something tougher. Therefore, I switched to Floresan, which better eliminates my problems.

Specialist comments: According to consumer reviews, the composition of Bon Voyage Agiotage peeling socks from Letual is softer and less aggressive than many peeling products, so they must be selected individually.

Useful video

Watch the video about exfoliating Japanese pedicure:

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