How long to keep a clay mask on your face, how often can you do it?

When choosing a mask, it is expected that the skin will absorb the maximum of beneficial substances from it and in a short time will gain freshness, moisture, and get rid of flaking.
Express masks allow you to see the result in the first use, but regular masks require use in courses - this allows you to consolidate the desired effect. It is important to understand that an expensive or natural mask prepared at home may not provide the proper result if the application rules are not followed. Therefore, there are 6 basic rules:

  • applying masks in courses;
  • cleansing;
  • areas where masks should not be applied;
  • cleanliness during the procedure;
  • accuracy;
  • relaxation.

Remember, the effect and minimization of the risk of unpleasant consequences are guaranteed only if you follow the rules for applying masks to your face.

What are the benefits of clay for the face?

Face masks based on various types of clay are a very effective cosmetic product. They allow you to get rid of problems on your face in a short time. Colored clay does not contain toxins and has no negative side effects, the main thing is to know which clay to choose for your skin type.

Masks of different types can be used in the following cases:

  1. White. Stimulates cell regeneration and has antiseptic properties. Recommended for thin and sensitive skin. Read more about white clay here.
  2. Blue. Contains a large number of microelements. Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Helps get rid of acne. Stimulates blood circulation.
  3. Red. Relieves irritation and allergic reactions, improves blood circulation in the capillaries of the face. It is often used by women with dry skin to get rid of flaking skin. Suitable for sensitive skin. You might be interested in reading about red clay in this material.
  4. Pink. A mixture of red and white clay combines their positive qualities and has a delicate effect on the skin. Often used in anti-aging mixtures.
  5. Yellow. Soothes irritated dermis, normalizes water balance and removes toxins. Together with other ingredients it is used in anti-wrinkle masks. Has high adsorbing properties.

Advantages and disadvantages

White clay whitens the face, improving its tone and eliminating grayness. Moreover, this product is able to tighten pores and even out color, thereby making it more convenient to apply decorative cosmetics. Also, the benefits of clay include a lifting effect, which is why it is even included in some creams with a tightening effect.

As for the shortcomings, there are not many of them. The main disadvantage is that the product can dry out the skin. For this reason, when using clay, it is necessary to treat the skin with moisturizers.

How to cook properly

The positive factor of clay as a cosmetic product is that masks from it can be prepared and used at home. To prepare the mask, fine clay powder must be diluted to the consistency of sour cream. For this purpose, distilled or boiled water can be used, but most often, the cosmetic composition is prepared using decoctions of medicinal herbs, dairy products or honey. In some recipes, the powder is diluted with glycerin.

When preparing a mask at home, you need to thoroughly mix all the components included in the composition so that the finished mixture is a homogeneous mass. It should not contain lumps or hard abrasive particles that can damage the skin when applying the composition to the face.

You need to monitor the consistency of the resulting composition. If the mixture is too thick, it will harden quickly and the beneficial substances will not have time to be absorbed into the skin, and the liquid mixture will simply drain after application.

You should not use metal utensils when making a cosmetic mask. Containers made of glass, earthenware or porcelain are best suited for this purpose.


Despite the fact that cosmetic clay is a completely natural product that rarely leads to side effects and allergies, there are contraindications for use.

The main ones:

  • mechanical damage to the skin: wounds, cuts and abrasions;
  • severe inflammatory process;
  • the presence of purulent formations;
  • allergies or individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • chronic dermatological diseases during relapse.

If you have persistent skin problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor or dermatologist before making a homemade mask.

Rules for applying clay masks

In order for the mask to be most effective, the face must be properly prepared before the procedure. First, use warm water or a lotion base to remove all makeup. It is advisable to choose a lotion without alcohol.

After this, the face needs to be steamed using a compress. This allows the pores to open as much as possible, which facilitates deeper penetration of nutrients. If there are pustular rashes or inflammations on the skin, a compress should not be applied. The compress can be water or made from an infusion of medicinal herbs. For this procedure, a delicate product such as chamomile is usually used.

When applying an application, such as a L'Oreal Magic Clay mask, you need to follow some recommendations. A properly prepared mixture should have the consistency of sour cream. A mixture that is too thin may run off after application, while a thick mixture is more difficult to apply, and it will dry out quickly without having time to have a therapeutic effect. The clay composition should be evenly distributed over the face, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes.

Apply the mask along the massage lines

The clay applique can be applied with a brush or your fingers. The sponge is not used for this purpose due to its absorbent properties. You need to distribute the mixture over your face without pressure, with light stroking movements.

Do not rub cosmetic clay into the skin. Instead of a positive effect, this will irritate the epidermis.

Is it possible to apply clay to a problem face?

Clay and masks made from it are used specifically to solve various facial skin problems, eliminate defects and age-related changes, so problematic skin is not a contraindication. The main thing is the correct selection of the product for a specific problem and a specific skin type.

Cosmetic applications can be used for pimples, acne, pigmentation, wrinkles and age-related changes. Very important for the dermis of the face is the restoration of disturbed water-lipid balance, stimulation of capillary circulation and increased tone.

Chemical composition

Bleaching clay in the Caucasus, which has unique properties, and kaolin, mined from other lands, are known to people as minerals. They were created by nature itself through the process of combining aluminum oxide and silicon. But these components are not final in the list of product components. In fact, clay also contains the following elements: silicon, calcium, nitrogen, manganese, zinc and potassium. All of them are valuable for the body of every person. The lack of one of these elements negatively affects health.

How long to keep a clay mask on?

This question has a lot to do with the type of dermis and, to some extent, the type of clay used. There are the following standards for the duration of the procedure:

  1. For dry skin. Dry dermis is highly sensitive to external irritants, so the procedure time for women with this type is chosen to be minimal. Depending on individual susceptibility, the mask application time varies from 5 to 8 minutes.
  2. For fatty ones. This skin is characterized by increased density and increased functioning of the sebaceous glands. Fatty epithelium prevents the penetration of beneficial substances inside, so the mask can be kept on for up to 30 minutes.
  3. For combined. Typically, the combination dermis generally looks normal, only in some places the pores are enlarged and increased sebum production is observed. The duration of the application can last from 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. For the problematic one. Problem skin is distinguished by various defects, which can be evenly distributed over the face or form small lesions. Defects include pimples, acne and blackheads. It is better to find out the type of product for application and the duration of the procedure from a cosmetologist. Usually the composition is applied for 10-15 minutes.
  5. For age. Aging skin can also be dry or oily, so you should pay attention to this factor.

Home Recipes

Having found out which clay bleaches, it’s time to look at recipes for making home remedies. By determining the most suitable type of product, an effective composition can be prepared with it. Each mask made from white whitening clay and its other varieties has its own characteristics. These products are prepared from available components that anyone can easily purchase. It is not even necessary to purchase the components at a supermarket or pharmacy, since they are present in many homes.

How to use, how it works, how many times a week you can do it

You cannot apply the application arbitrarily, since this is a medicinal product and too frequent procedures can only cause harm.

Cosmetologists recommend using cosmetic clay masks no more than once a week. If the skin is not too sensitive, then the number of procedures can be increased to two. To obtain a positive effect, the procedures should be taken in a course. After 10-12 masks, you need to give the dermis a rest for a while, and then carry out another course.

The application provides not only preliminary preparation of the face, but also subsequent care:

What products can be applied before

Before the procedure, the face should be prepared. You should remove all makeup and wash your face with baby soap or use an alcohol-free lotion. You can make a warm compress on the skin from a decoction of chamomile or celandine.

What products can be applied after

After the mask is washed off and all its components are completely removed, you can apply a light moisturizer to your face. Since masks are usually applied before bedtime, no other products are required.

If your face turns red after using clay

This reaction can be caused by various reasons. This is increased sensitivity to all ingredients of the application, application of the composition to dirty skin or irritation from mechanical particles.

If irritation occurs, you need to do an allergy test, properly prepare your face for the procedure and apply the composition more carefully.

How to store

If the mask includes dairy products or honey, then this composition cannot be stored and the mask is prepared for one time. Clay diluted with water can be stored in a cool place at any time. Simply add warm water to the dried mixture.

Product selection

Blue and white whitening clay has an excellent effect on the skin in the following way:

  • eliminating post-acne spots;
  • elimination of freckles and age spots;
  • smoothing out the unevenness of a natural tan.

Noticeable results appear after the first session. In order to consolidate it, procedures should be carried out systematically. The most important thing is to choose a product that is suitable for your skin type: aging skin needs gray clay, oily skin needs kaolin, blue and black, combination skin needs yellow, hypersensitive skin needs red. The pink variety is considered universal, as it remarkably tones, moisturizes the skin and eliminates inflammation. Additionally, this type of clay is hypoallergenic.

Kaolin is the most effective bleaching agent. This clay is often called porcelain clay, since as a result of regular use, the face acquires smoothness and marble whiteness. But those with dry skin types should not use it, as the risk of drying out the skin even more and increasing the number of wrinkles increases.

The whitening effect is determined by the natural properties of white clay. It has an absorbent, bactericidal, and enveloping effect. This product will be ideal for those with acne spots and oily skin.

With kefir and tomato juice

An excellent option is also a mask based on tomato juice and kefir. It gives no less good results than other compounds on the list. Although the financial costs will be a little higher, the end result is worth it.

The mask is made in this way:

  1. Combine clay, kefir and juice in equal proportions in a separate container (it is best to take no more than a tablespoon of each component if the product is made for one person).
  2. Apply the prepared mixture to a steamed face and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash thoroughly, removing all residue, and then apply moisturizer to the skin.

This mask is actively used by those with dry skin types, although it is perfect for oily, normal and combination skin types.

With protein and salt

An interesting way of using food surprises all people. In this case, each component has a great effect on the skin, performing the main task - whitening the integument. The mask recipe is not that complicated:

  1. Take one egg white and beat it.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and beat the mixture again until foam appears.
  3. Pour half a tablespoon of dry clay into the resulting mass and mix again.
  4. Apply the mask to your face and leave for about 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse your face thoroughly and gently with running water.
  6. Treat the skin with a cream (store-bought or homemade) with a moisturizing and nourishing effect.

Reviews from people

Oddly enough, there are only positive reviews about whitening clay. People who have used it several times already claim that the effect is simply amazing. For many of them, just a couple of sessions were enough to eliminate the hated age spots and even hide dark circles under the eyes.

Clay with a whitening effect is actively used by both women and men. They all got unexpected results and kept them for a long time. People are pleasantly surprised that just one procedure per week is enough to maintain good skin condition.

With lemon and cucumber juice

A rather unusual recipe gives quite a good effect. Although at first glance this mixture seems completely ineffective, after the first session anyone can be convinced of the opposite. To prepare the composition you need:

  1. Combine a tablespoon of the main ingredient with a few drops of lemon and cucumber juice.
  2. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to previously cleansed skin.
  3. After 10 minutes, rinse your face with warm water.
  4. Dry the skin with a soft towel and apply a moisturizing cream to it.

With soda and talcum powder

Whitening clay also works great when combined with talcum powder and baking soda. To prepare and use the composition, you must proceed in stages:

  1. Take a tablespoon of the main component - clay, and mix with 1.5 teaspoons of soda and half a dessert spoon of talc.
  2. Mix thoroughly and add a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Having achieved a uniform consistency, apply the resulting mixture to your face, avoiding restricted areas (eyes, nostrils and mouth).
  4. After 15-20 minutes, wash with warm water.
  5. Dry the affected skin a little and apply a cream with an oily base.

No other products should be used after the procedure for two hours. This is explained by the fact that their effect can slow down or completely block the effectiveness obtained from a clay mask.

Which company's products are best to choose?

It just so happens that the popularity of models depends on the manufacturing companies. A self-respecting company will not sell low-quality products because it has a reputation.

For 2022, the leaders in cosmetology in the production of the best quality clay masks are recognized as:

  • France;
  • Italy;
  • South Korea;
  • Latvia;
  • Russia;
  • India;
  • Ukraine.

It is worth noting that Korean drugs are gaining great popularity. Buyers like the good quality of the product and the low price.

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