Is it possible to make your own face mask at home?

The facial film mask has become a popular cosmetic procedure; in salons it is offered in various interpretations, since its effectiveness cannot be ignored. However, this procedure can be carried out at home, you just need to know how to properly prepare the composition. A film mask is an excellent way to deeply exfoliate, rejuvenate, nourish and moisturize the skin; its properties are multifunctional and allow women to receive a whole list of positive effects on the epidermis in one procedure.


What woman doesn't love face masks? Which one loves the process of washing off the mask from the skin? What if the water is suddenly turned off? One can only guess what logic the authors of the mask-film were guided by, but today the beautiful half of humanity sincerely thanks them. After all, thanks to such a cosmetic product, the process of beauty procedures has become simple, convenient and like a game. Almost like in advertising!

The peculiarity of the film mask lies in its structure: when it dries, the mass becomes thin, without breaking into pieces, while the layer remains intact.

Disadvantages of conventional means . Conventional masks (such as those made from clay) require constant moisture during application or reduced drying. Otherwise, the composition on the skin becomes dry, brittle, dries out and tightens the skin. It becomes difficult to wash it off; when removing the mass, the residue ends up on the hard-to-see part of the face and hair roots. Particular difficulties await lovers of non-waterproof mascara: they have to wash off the mask so that water does not get on the eyelashes.

Advantages of films . The miracle mask, losing water, will turn into a thin translucent film. It is easy to remove from the skin without water. Eye makeup does not suffer at all. You can create such masses at home, using quite commonplace components that are easy to find in any home.

Expensive salon or inexpensive home

Any matter should be entrusted to a professional. The mask in the beauty salon will be carried out correctly and in compliance with all necessary conditions. But if, due to some circumstances, the salon is currently unavailable, a film mask is recommended - the procedure is simple, easy to prepare and absolutely accessible to everyone. Gelatin, egg and activated carbon are products that can be purchased everywhere at a reasonable price.

Gelatin will supply the skin with natural collagen and stimulate the production of this component in the cells, activated carbon will cleanse the pores and add elasticity, tone and smoothness, the egg will supply nutritional components and moisturize, give the dermis a rest and eliminate irritation.

If desired, various fruits are added to the gelatin mask, but their effect in this case is secondary, and the main components in any case remain the three listed above.


Homemade film masks have a more pronounced drying property. At the same time, they can also have a combined effect (nutrition, cleansing, whitening).

  • The most impressive masks are for girls and women with oily, combination skin, enlarged pores and blackheads.
  • This is a kind of soft peeling; this mask is more delicate than a scrub. As such, it may be suitable for dry skin.
  • Good news: to cleanse, the mask can be applied to problem areas (for example, nose, cheeks, chin, bridge of the nose) or to the entire face.
  • To whiten, cover your entire face. When using paraffin as a base, the mask will be comparable to spa treatments.

More articles on skin care: What is hydrolate and why is it needed? Why is ferul peeling called Hollywood peeling?

How to prepare for application?

The mask must be applied to clean skin without makeup. It is recommended to wash your face with warm water, and if possible, use a warm compress. The best option is to steam your face in advance using a steam bath.

All this is done so that the pores on the face open, and the application of a film mask gives the maximum effect.

You need to apply the product using a special hard brush in several layers. The thicker the applied layer of film, the easier it is to remove. You need to apply the mask and also remove it in one direction – from bottom (from the chin) up (towards the forehead).

The mask is best applied in a semi-liquid state. If the consistency of the product is too liquid, the container with the mixture can be placed in the refrigerator for 3-5 minutes.


If your facial skin is “decorated” with spider veins and is prone to rosacea, then a film mask will not work. It is based on partial mechanical action, which is not recommended for such a problem.

For the same reasons, thin and sensitive facial skin does not always tolerate a mask. It is believed that film compositions have deep penetration into the dermis, therefore they can stimulate the production of collagen, and can contribute to overdrying. To cleanse, it is enough to use the mask once a week.

What effect do such remedies have?

A film mask is one of the few cosmetic products, the results of which become obvious the first time. The product provides a comprehensive effect:

  • thoroughly cleanses the skin, removing all blackheads, dried acne, peeling,
  • provides deep hydration of the upper layer of the skin and saturation with oxygen,
  • tones the facial skin and evens out its color by compensating for the lack of collagen,
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, removes excess fat from the face, reduces various inflammations.

The main ingredients of film masks are:

  • a source of natural collagen, gelatin, which provides a visible tonic and rejuvenating effect,
  • egg white, which serves as a source of nutrition for the skin and tightens pores,
  • activated carbon, which, when penetrated into the pores of the skin, helps to “pull out” dirt and reliably gets rid of blackheads,
  • herbal infusions and green tea, providing a calming and tonic effect,
  • vegetable and fruit juices, which are an excellent source of vitamins.

You should choose the composition of the film mask taking into account the characteristics of your skin. For example, adding activated carbon to a film mask makes oily skin almost flawless, but can seriously dry out overly dry facial skin.

How to apply and remove correctly?

  • Before applying the composition to your face, remove makeup from the surface being treated; it is useful to use a soft washing gel.

Scrubs and peels with abrasive particles are not suitable for cleansing: the remnants of the epidermis will “cling” to the mask and will not allow the pores to be cleaned.
You can pre-steam the skin, including using special face masks.

  • You can apply it with your fingers or a special stick or brush.

The layer should not be too thin so that it can form a film when drying. There is also no need to apply generously: the mask will take a long time to dry, dry out and strongly pull at the edges of application. A layer of 1-2 mm would be optimal. This way the mask will evaporate moisture evenly and quickly, adhere to pore secretions and be easily separated.

When applying, avoid the area around the eyes, leave a gap near the hairline and eyebrows: removing the remnants of the mask from the hairs can be difficult.

  • Keep the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes.

Relax your facial muscles to avoid facial wrinkles. Enjoy silence and peace. You can check drying with your fingers: lightly touching the mixture on your face with your fingertips, check its dryness.

  • If the composition is not wet and does not stick to your hands, then you can remove it.

To do this, carefully lift the edge of the mask and gently pull up from the bottom.

There is no need to make quick and sudden movements: the film will tear, making it more difficult to separate.

  • After removing the residue, treat the skin with tonic or lotion and soften with face cream.

After the film mask, you can apply a mask that “closes” the pores. Clay compositions serve well for this purpose. That is, the film mask is good both on its own and in combination with other procedures.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Alas, film masks, like any other homemade or store-bought cosmetics, have contraindications. Cosmetologists do not recommend resorting to the described remedy:

  • owners of dry, thin and hypersensitive dermis;
  • if there are tumors of various types in the area of ​​intended treatment;
  • if there are open wounds on the face;
  • if the capillaries are located close to the surface.

In the absence of contraindications, you can quickly and painlessly put your face in order, restore its youth and blooming appearance.


An excellent base for a film mask can be obtained from gelatin, protein mass and paraffin.

Paraffin mask

Paraffin helps smooth the skin, refresh the complexion, and improve microcirculation.

The product purchased at the pharmacy can be melted in a water bath, brought to a liquid state and applied to the face with a brush at a tolerable temperature. Paraffin retains heat for a long time.

You can add honey, aloe juice, and other ingredients to it. After cooling, gently cleanse the skin and carry out subsequent care. There may be slight redness that goes away quickly.

The mask should not be very hot, but only tolerable so that there are no burns.

Egg masks

Egg and protein masses are applied in several layers. Lightly beaten egg whites are applied to the skin; when the first layer dries, a second layer is applied over it. For convenience, it is recommended to use a paper napkin: this makes it easier to remove the mask. The napkin applique is made on the wet first layer. Protein masks quickly tighten the face and dry out.

Gelatin film mask

To obtain nutrition and whitening, a gelatin mask is supplemented with various components.

First option

  • ½ crushed activated carbon tablet (1/2 teaspoon of white or blue clay) mixed with gelatin (1/2 teaspoon),
  • pour a teaspoon of warm water (milk),
  • microwave for 15 seconds
  • the resulting thicken is left on the face.

Coal and clay are excellent absorbents that draw out dirt well and disinfect the surface.

Second way . You can mix gelatin with water or milk (1:1), also heat it in the microwave and use. You can add ½ teaspoon of honey to the mixture.

Third variation . Recipes with fruit and vegetable filling are effective:

  • for 100/120 ml of juice or puree, 1 tablespoon of prepared gelatin (it must be soaked first),
  • the mixture is placed in a water bath and stirred until the gelatin crystals are completely dissolved,
  • immediately after this, the mass is cooled for about half an hour and then applied to the skin.

Instead of juice, you can use herbal decoctions. Herbs and fruits should be selected according to your facial skin type.

  • Tomato, citrus, currant, and cucumber variations are suitable for fatty foods, while cranberry, watermelon, and apricot variations are suitable for combined ones .
  • Dry skin prefers peach, carrot, apple, strawberry and cabbage compositions.

Cabbage, tomato and citrus will help whiten the skin, and carrot juice can give a red tint: do not overexpose this mixture to the skin!

After gelatin masks, the skin may turn slightly red for a short time.

The right choice is the key to success

It is not easy to choose a procedure that is necessary at the present moment. Having sensibly assessed the availability of the necessary ingredients, you also need to meticulously study the condition and parameters of your skin and decide what effect is currently needed. A real woman believes that there is no limit to perfection, but you still shouldn’t abuse procedures.

  • The egg mask film is recommended for double application; it will take a little longer, but will give the best result in removing blackheads. It is removed quite easily and the effect is noticeable.
  • A gelatin face mask is recommended in case of tired skin or the need to urgently tidy it up before an important event after a rather tiring day at work. It is indispensable if you need to look irresistible and fresh, while preparing, making and removing it is quite easy.
  • A fruit and vegetable mask with gelatin can be dictated by the presence of a particular fruit or vegetable in the refrigerator. The choice you make will bring tangible results immediately after the procedure, because the mask is not without reason called rejuvenating.
  • The use of activated carbon is justified in cases where the cleansing procedure has not been carried out for a long time, and can even be recommended as a prelude to fruit and vegetable film to enhance the effect of the latter. When properly prepared and applied, any mask should be fairly easy to remove.

The difference between a home first aid kit and a tube

Store-bought masks have their advantages. This is convenient storage, dosage, mild effect.

The disadvantages are peculiar:

  • It is difficult to use “to the last drop”, poor quality or incomplete cleansing of pores.
  • Store-bought products do not have a combined effect; they should definitely be supplemented with other skin care products.
  • The most effective film masks and strips for cleansing the skin of the nose and T-zone are sold in portions or small packages. More money is spent per application than when making it yourself.
  • Available "economical" tubes are versatile and balanced. The result is not impressive, because the product does not run out for a long time, the bottle dangles in the cosmetic bag and causes sadness from the mismatch of expectations and reality.

The advantages and disadvantages of homemade masks are standard:

  • Preparing the ingredients and mixing means spending time on preparation.
  • The unaesthetic appearance during the procedure is more than compensated by the result.
  • You can always change the composition to suit your skin condition and choose the most relevant option.

Review of professional masks

Even at home, we rarely have enough free time to prepare masks for blackheads with our own hands. Fortunately, many cosmetic companies have taken care of solving this problem.

Any homemade mask is somewhat inferior in effectiveness to professional products with natural ingredients. This happens because the components in purchased drugs are selected in such a way as to enhance each other’s actions.

We offer a small list of effective masks :

  1. Japanese film Shiseido Revital Refening Mask. This preparation makes the skin ideal, it contains natural herbal extracts, suitable for daily use;
  2. Herbal Clean Remover Nose Pore Mask with natural Chinese herbs. This very unusual product costs $1 for 6 packets, it is black and very painful to remove, but believe me, there is nothing more affordable and effective yet;
  3. Another representative of the East is “Secrets of Lan” cosmetics. This is a Chinese company, it is most convenient to buy drugs of this brand in Russia in bulk, cheap and cheerful. We recommend taking the entire complex for blackheads at once;
  4. Clean&Clear gel mask. There’s no need to say much here, the most famous company for people with problem skin, easy to use and affordable;
  5. the highly advertised Mat Respose, it is recommended by doctors on TV, but unfortunately, it does not always live up to expectations;
  6. MIZON Let Me Out Byebye Blackhead 3-Step Kit is a complex against acne and blackheads, Korean cosmetics, relatively cheap, can be found in the Republic of Belarus and Russia;
  7. instant cosmetics Lumene. So we are approaching elite products, hypoallergenic, helps with inflammation, really cleanses the skin, costs above average;
  8. Fleur De Sante is good French cosmetics, a worthy alternative to luxury products, you can buy it in the online store, delivery within Russia is free;
  9. Avon. At one time, Avon Clearskin products became a godsend for those suffering from pimples and acne, but, unfortunately, for many, the skin gets used to this cosmetics, and then it is very difficult to move away from it, and you can only order through an agent (or become an agent yourself);
  10. Patches against blackheads from Tiande, Vichi and others src=»» class=»aligncenter» width=»550 ″ height=”393″[/img] Plaster with acne
  11. An exfoliant mask with fruit acids removes the top problematic layer of skin rather than cleanses it. Works on the principle of fruit peeling;
  12. Choco Latte Black Fresh against blackheads is a natural, affordable and quite effective mask, it is a quick-acting remedy;
  13. for mature skin, “Botanical Effects” from Mary Kay helps adult women solve the problem of acne and blackheads;
  14. Garnier gel for blackheads and pimples. It is advisable to use together with other products in the series, but is also suitable for independent use;
  15. “Markell “No Problems” is a mask-scrub for problem skin, contains rather large abrasive particles, will not help with acne;
  16. Holika vegan mask and cleansing balm for blackheads. These products provide deep cleansing of the skin, the effect is noticeable immediately. Tip: a matte napkin is useful for removing it;
  17. anti-blackhead foam “Propeller”. Very gentle product, helps sensitive skin.

Any of the above masks may act differently on different facial skins. The remedy is suitable for some, not for others. We invite you to discuss issues of compatibility between different skin types and cosmetic products.


The condition of the skin and our own assessment of each of us is very different from the opinions of professional cosmetologists. Different criteria are taken for evaluation, so not everyone likes the film mask. There are several reasons:

  • with dry skin, we expected clearer and smoother skin after the procedure;
  • for oily and combination skin, I wanted a matte porcelain finish without additional procedures;
  • incorrect use of components and composition of the mixture: warm or cold water instead of hot, cooled paraffin will no longer give the desired result.

When using the mask for a course with the obligatory observance of daily cleansing, nutrition, and moisturizing of the skin, the effectiveness is high.

It is worth remembering that masks should not only be cleansing. Diversify your facial care with nourishing and caring ingredients. Drink more water, watch your diet and lifestyle. The condition of facial skin is always the sum of all factors. So listen to your feelings and love your skin. Pamper yourself with masks and beauty treatments!

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The best face film masks from the mass market

A film face mask purchased at a pharmacy must match your skin type; it is advisable that its action is aimed at solving the problems that you have. The following products most often appear in Russian tops:

"Gold Mask Cream Pack" from the manufacturer Ramosu . This is an alginate film with gold, created from natural ingredients. Here are the ingredients included:

  • colloidal gold;
  • pearl powder;
  • silk amino acids;
  • chitosan;
  • collagen.

The product effectively acts against wrinkles, increases the elasticity of the dermis, and stimulates regenerative processes in all layers.
"Cucumber and Tea Tree" from AVON .
On cosmetic websites you can read many positive reviews about the product, which is applicable to any skin type, which is rare. In addition to cleansing, the combination of tea tree and cucumber tones the surface of the skin, making its color healthy and fresh. Regular use of the cosmetic product allows you to even out and tighten the surface of the face. Black charcoal mask Black Clean from Vitek . Declared by the manufacturer as a product designed to solve oily skin problems. Judging by the reviews, the Belarusian drug actually provides deep cleansing of the epidermis. The pores narrow and the skin begins to breathe. The formula created by the Belarusian manufacturer allows you to remove dead cells along with sebaceous secretions. Oxidants and toxins come out of the epidermis. With regular use, acne and post-acne disappear, pigmentation disappears. The product does not dry out the skin, as the unique formula makes it possible to maintain hydrobalance.

The pharmacy range of mask films is not limited to the above. In the tops you can also see the “Calendula and Rosehip” product from Green Mama, “Shining Gold” from the already mentioned Avon, the pore cleansing product “Elizavecca” and much more. You can choose the optimal care product.

You will learn how to make a black mask from the presented video:

Treatment time – a little more than a quarter of an hour

But when is the best time to perform the procedure? Experts advise:

  • from morning to 10 am is the best time for any camouflage;
  • midday is the best time for cosmetics on oily skin;
  • from fifteen to eighteen - you’ll just waste your time. The body is apathetic to actions with it;
  • 18-23 – for cleaning and nourishing the epidermis;
  • an hour before midnight is the ideal time for moisturizing and nourishing masks.

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