How did Pugacheva really lose weight? Photos before and after

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Alla Pugacheva lost weight, which confused both her fans and people who do not have warm feelings for her. At 67 years old (turned in 2016), the star has acquired a figure that allows her to appear in public in tight jeans and short skirts, without shocking the public. A thin waist and slender legs appeared as if by magic , which gave rise to a lot of rumors and speculation, fueled by the stubborn reluctance of the thinner Pugacheva to share the secret of her, frankly, radical transformation. It is clear that the public is interested in how many kilograms the singer lost, did she restrict herself in nutrition, what kind of diet did she follow, did she play sports, and, most importantly, did an experienced surgeon “cut off” all the excess from her body? Let's try to find out the true reason for Pugacheva's weight loss, although it is already obvious that there is clearly more than one reason and is far from obvious.

Alla Pugacheva lost weight thanks to a diet

The prima donna always loved to eat, and she never hid it. Was her diet healthy? It’s unlikely, given that the singer could not change the proportions of her body, and therefore had to wrap herself in shapeless robes. Alla Pugacheva never led a secluded lifestyle and therefore there are many people who can compare her diets before, during and after losing weight. They claim that the actress radically changed her eating behavior and gave up meat and bread in favor of fish and vegetables . In addition, it was noticed that Pugacheva does not have lunch (according to her, because of the eternal time pressure) - two meals are enough for her (morning and evening), which goes against the advice of nutritionists to stick to fractional ones, up to five to six times a day, nutrition. Although, it can be assumed that water, which the singer drinks without restrictions at every opportunity, helps her not feel hungry during the day.

As for diets, the former housekeeper shared with reporters a recipe for buckwheat porridge, which does not require cooking: the cereal is simply poured with hot water and left overnight. According to her, the singer usually followed such a buckwheat diet for several days before important events and performances. In addition, Pugacheva’s version of losing weight thanks to the cucumber diet is popular: pour crushed cucumbers with kefir and season with chopped herbs - this salad is eaten five times a day with a slice of black bread. Nutritionists claim that using such mono diets you can lose weight, but since they cannot be used for more than two or three days, the return, that is, weight loss, will be insignificant, which means that Pugacheva did not adhere to any specific diet, rather, in order to to lose weight, gave preference to low-calorie dishes.

When she lost weight

Recently, Alla does not often appear in public and does not show much activity on her personal Instagram account. But on the page of her husband Maxim Galkin, not only photos of children, but also of his wife regularly appear. It should be noted that in these shots Pugacheva looks good: shorts, skinny jeans, dresses that emphasize the waist - the outfits that replaced the usual robes look appropriate and impressive.

By the way, not only haters joke about the overalls, but also the celebrity herself, leaving comments under concert photos of her ex-husband: “Philya! Give me back my robe!

After Alla had children, twins Lisa and Harry, her figure changed a lot. It has long been known that the artist suffers from diabetes and takes medication. According to her, it was partly because of them that she lost weight - a side effect.

Alla Pugacheva lost weight thanks to surgery

This is the most popular version among specialists. Having studied the photo of Pugacheva losing weight, one of the famous plastic surgeons stated that such an effect could only be achieved thanks to skillfully performed liposuction and subsequent surgical tightening of the skin on the face and body . The fact is that after sixty years of age, the skin, even with proper nutrition, is not able to shrink to its full extent. This is a reasonable explanation for why Alla Pugacheva lost weight, although it can be assumed that, most likely, the singer underwent radio wave liposuction (fat cells are destroyed by electromagnetic waves directed to the desired areas), since it does not require general anesthesia, which is unsafe for the singer.

There is also an opinion that Israeli doctors “put their hands” on Pugacheva’s body, who carried out 10 procedures for the gradual removal of fat deposits through small incisions, and each of them cost the star 500 thousand rubles.

There is an assumption on the Internet that Pugacheva’s weight loss occurred as a result of gastric banding. However, this version seems unconvincing, for the already mentioned reason of the impossibility of using general anesthesia due to heart disease.

What about sports

What about physical activity? Again from social networks we learn that the children of the star couple are very nimble and active - now the star parents clearly don’t have to get bored. Also, the Diva does not deny herself the pleasure of singing and dancing with her beloved husband. A busy life, full of movement, is perhaps another answer to the question: how did Pugacheva really lose weight?

Alla Pugacheva, who recently lost weight, came to a meeting with Oleg Menshikov, who launched his show on YouTube. The star guest admitted that as a child she was very insecure and shy, which is why she had difficulty finding a common language with her peers. And I still didn’t know how to rest at all.

But at some point I was able to rebuild myself, despite my fears, by coming in the company of guys and instilling in myself a simple truth: you are in charge, you are cool, go. Surely, it is this perseverance, self-control, willpower and the ability to force oneself to do what is needed, another secret of the star and the answer to the question: why at 70 Pugacheva looks the way she does.

Alla Pugacheva has not lost weight, but only looks thinner

A not very interesting, but still valid version is that the singer wears underwear made of high-tech material, which gives an amazing slimming effect. To confirm this assumption, photos of Pugacheva after losing weight are given, in which it is clear that the actress uses a corset to shape her waist and natural rise, and therefore enlarge her breasts. Stylists note that high heels, skinny jeans or leggings and the obligatory belt at the waist help the star look .


A huge number of people are watching all of Alla Pugacheva’s metamorphoses; it’s hard to imagine how much negativity falls on her. It looks like Pugacheva has developed a strong immunity to criticism and comments from envious people.

On her personal account, the artist does not often post her photos, but she enjoys irony.

For example, in a short video of her feet in pink slippers, Alla says: “The funniest desire is the desire to please everyone. Some people like it, some don't. We live on, joyfully and cheerfully.” Perhaps this is one of the most correct and accurate pieces of advice that is relevant not only in losing weight, but also in life.

Alla Pugacheva and lost kilograms

What the prima donna’s weight has become and whether it has changed at all is a sealed secret. She herself ignores this topic, so all that remains is to look at her photos after losing weight and make assumptions. For example, nutritionists claim that Pugacheva lost at least 15 kilograms in about two months. At the same time, completely different figures are cited on the Internet, in particular, there is an opinion that the star has lost 20, 30, or even as much as 50 kilograms! The diva herself claims that if she loses weight, it is only for the sake of the stage, although in the same interview with a KP correspondent she admits that, having gained a few kilograms, she will be able to hide them under the right clothes, so much so that everyone will be sure not of the increase, but , on the contrary, in weight loss!

What could help

If you desperately want to lose weight, look into art therapy. Some experts advise drawing what you want to eat. This advice, according to American scientists from the Catholic University of St. Bonaventure, is relevant for those who tend to regularly cheer themselves up with junk food.

The advice is quite harmless and simple for experimenting on yourself. In no case do we undertake to say that the Diva lost weight thanks to this method, but we are definitely talking about her love for mood drawings. Maxim Galkin often posts the joint work of Pugacheva and her little daughter Lisa on his social networks.

Even earlier, the star spoke about her daily and sleep patterns. Lights out after 11:00 p.m. was advised to Alla as a surefire way to improve metabolism and lose extra pounds. Perhaps it is for this reason that Pugacheva is not a frequent guest at parties and night events.

Speaking about the figure of the famous singer, one cannot fail to note her slender legs. At 70 years old, the artist can afford a tight-fitting bottom and short length. Even during periods of maximum weight, Pugacheva did not hide them from the audience. There is something to show - it’s hard to argue with that. This is where it’s worth remembering genetics. If you want your legs to look like or almost like the thinner Alla Pugacheva at 70, you should pay more attention to them today. A balanced diet, massage and physical activity can definitely bring you closer to the desired result for any heredity.

Source: Russian Look

Alla Pugacheva and her face after losing weight

Having lost weight, the singer avoided the appearance of jowls and wrinkles, which suggests the good work of professional cosmetologists. Most likely, Alla Borisovna underwent a thread lift and injections of hyaluronic fillers, which allowed her to straighten her skin and also correct the oval of her face. So the thinner Pugacheva thought through her image to the end, complementing her slimmer body with a noticeably younger face .

Unfortunately, there is a suspicion that the rapid weight loss did not have the best effect on the singer’s health, so she, feeling unwell during the Crimea Fest festival, left the event. Although it is possible that the cause of the problem is smoking, which, according to doctors, can cause complications in a person who has radically lost weight.

Today: USSR diet

On the advice of Christina, who after the birth of her daughter Claudia lost 12 kg in a couple of months, Alla Borisovna is now on a so-called salt-free diet. Salt retains water in the body, and with a salt-free diet, water leaves along with excess weight.

– Alla calls this diet “USSR”, that is, you need to exclude three “C” from the diet - salty, sweet and rich, and “P” is a fasting day. It is not necessary to keep it only on tea and water; you can make vegetable soup or puree, but it must be liquid,” Pugacheva’s best friend Alina Redel explains to StarHit. “I myself am now on this diet, although not as long and persistently as Alla - only three weeks. But I have already lost 3.5 kg.

It is necessary to completely eliminate salt from the diet only in the first week, and then the daily norm is 1 level teaspoon.

“When we dine at a restaurant with Alla, we order lightly salted dishes, for example, seafood, meat, salads,” continues Alina Redel. – But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to get your favorite salted fish anymore.

On May 21, Pugacheva gathered the whole family at the elite Luce restaurant in the center of Moscow on the occasion of the birthday of her eldest grandson Nikita Presnyakov. But even in honor of such an important event, the singer did not break her diet.

“Alla ate only vegetable salads - she didn’t allow herself anything else,” Elena Presnyakova, the birthday boy’s paternal grandmother, tells StarHit. “She had only greens on her plate, mostly arugula. She drank coffee, but only a single cup.

A little later, at Christina’s birthday, and then at Lera Kudryavtseva’s wedding, the guests were once again convinced that Alla Borisovna’s willpower was phenomenal: she was equally consistent and laconic in her choice of dishes.

Beware, deception!

What is surprising is not the fact how much weight Alla Pugacheva lost or how much weight she lost, but the fact that these metamorphoses occurred in a couple of months without the help of plastic surgery. Hundreds of women of different ages dream of such success, which was promptly taken advantage of by unscrupulous advertisers and owners of companies selling weight loss products.

And now thousands of sites publish Pugacheva’s supposedly “true” method of losing weight, inviting gullible readers to purchase the 25th frame techniques, magic berries, creams, pills and coffee that she used in her diet. The cost of such products, naturally, is fabulous, but there is no proven effectiveness. The diva has repeatedly urged her fans not to believe in this advertising.

How did Pugacheva actually lose 51 kg? bookmark 3

In 2015, Russian diva Alla Borisovna Pugacheva surprised her fans with her rapid weight loss in a fairly short period of time. At that time, there were many rumors that most likely this could not have happened without the intervention of a surgeon, because losing about 51 kilograms in a year is not an easy task.

The prima donna herself categorically denies these arguments and asks to leave them for the yellow press. Let's talk about how the famous singer actually managed to lose weight.

1980s: kefir instead of dinner

Lyudmila Dorodnova came to work for Pugacheva back in 1981. And she immediately started a notebook where she wrote down all the diets that Alla compiled herself and tested on herself in those years.

– I remember exactly the diet on which Alla quickly lost weight from 63 to 59 kg! – shares Lucy. “In the morning I prepared her a soft-boiled or fried egg, and, of course, coffee. For lunch - a piece of boiled lean meat, fish or chicken. For dinner, Alla drank kefir. In general, she loves vegetable soups, with a little bit of everything floating in the broth - zucchini, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, onions - in fact, everything is also dietary. And with Zhenya Boldin (Pugacheva’s third husband. – StarHit’s note) they had a signature soup of processed cheese with onions, mushrooms with carrots or potatoes. They came up with the recipe themselves!

That priceless notebook with diets remained in the apartment on Zemlyanoy Val - Lyusya did not take it with her when she moved with Philip Kirkorov to Filippovsky Lane.

– We had to pick her up – there are so many interesting and brilliant things from Allochka! – the housekeeper complains.

1990s: buckwheat without fire

Pugacheva’s housekeeper Lyudmila Dorodnova, known throughout the country under the name Lyusya, in those years was actually a member of the star family. “Alla is my light in the window, people like her will never be born again on any planet!” - says Lyudmila Ivanovna. For 30 years, next to Alla Borisovna, she learned all kinds of diets and healthy recipes from the hostess.

“For example, Alla told me a way to prepare buckwheat, which she always respected as a dietary product and simply adored,” says Dorodnova. – In 1996, Kristinochka shot a video for the song “Tango for Three.” Alla and Kalyasha, that’s what we call Sasha Kalyanov, watched the premiere at our house. Cook, I ask, would you like some buckwheat porridge? “Lucy, it turns out we’re cooking buckwheat incorrectly,” Alla answers. – You don’t even need to cook it so that all the vitamins are preserved! I’ll show you: pour boiling water over the cereal for 15 minutes - and the dish is ready!” I slightly modernized the recipe and since then I have prepared Allochka’s favorite buckwheat this way: in the evening I pour boiling water over it, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil, a gram of salt, a gram of sugar. I wrap the pan in newspaper, put it in a plastic bag, and cover it with a pillow on top. And in the morning I serve warm steamed porridge for breakfast and put it in a thermos for Alla with me. She only lost so much weight on this diet!

In the early 90s, Pugacheva conducted a healing course at a clinic in Switzerland and discovered a new nutrition system.

“I heard that Alla Borisovna was sent there by foreign acquaintances out of love for art and paid for her treatment. She, of course, could already afford such a trip, but agreed to a tempting offer,” St. Petersburg journalist Mikhail Sadchikov, who communicated a lot with the Diva and often went on tour with her at that time, shares with StarHit. – In those years in Russia we ate whatever we could get. Alla Borisovna recalled how she had to rediscover simple and important truths for health.

“For example, a teaspoon is not only for stirring sugar,” said the singer. – If you start drinking tea or juice this way, with a teaspoon, in small sips, and not swallowing it in a hurry, you will help your health and look beyond all praise. If I had known this secret earlier, I myself would now be confused with... a teaspoon!”

Pugacheva even shared several of her signature recipes with Sadchikov; he gave the most original one to StarHit: “Such a snack will not only save your time, but will also have a beneficial effect on your figure! Alla Borisovna calls it “Useful”: the orange is disassembled into slices from which the film needs to be removed. And then each slice is wrapped in a lettuce leaf. If you are not on a strict diet, then you can add a low-calorie sauce - many go well with orange. Fast, beautiful, tasty and low in calories."

Alla Pugacheva at the MUZ-TV award, 2013

Photo: Press service archives

1960s: goulash through the corridors

Students of the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College, where Alla studied from 1964 to 1969, laughed every time at the entrance to the dining room.

“Alla was the head of a catering center and hung a humorous menu on the doors,” recalls Pugacheva’s student friend Irina Kosmynina. - “Goulash along the corridors, chops along the ribs, tartines with nails...” On the tartines there are fish like sprats, dried out like rusty nails. And Pugacheva joked: “Guys, consider this a diet.” Although she didn’t need a diet - she was as thin as a herring. She wore miniskirts, black turtlenecks, and tied her hair in a ponytail. And she was always running around the floors, either to class or to an exam. The lunch break was half an hour. Alla and I didn’t get pies and donuts - they were taken away when we arrived. And on holidays they gathered at Alla’s shed, where her parents stored firewood. She then lived at the Peasant Outpost. There were five of us: Alla and I - she was the ringleader - Zhenya Geller, Igor Bezrodny and Natasha Silantieva, the daughter of musician Yuri Silantiev. We took port wine “777”. And they didn’t bother about snacks - they didn’t attach importance to food! After graduating from college, I did not meet Alla. Now I only see her on TV. She's gotten so slimmer lately, a mini suits her, just like she did in college. She looks amazing!


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1970s: weight loss or divorce

According to Pugacheva’s second husband, director Alexander Stefanovich, during their marriage, as soon as Alla quit smoking, she suddenly began to gain weight.

“And she was very slim, without any special diets,” says Stefanovich. – After all, we ate like all Soviet people in those years: scrambled eggs, sausages, sausage, cucumbers, tomatoes, tea and coffee. True, we were assigned to the Eliseevsky grocery store, so the products were of good quality. Alla really wanted to quit smoking, but without cigarettes, of course, she quickly gained weight. And then I took her to the Institute of Balneology on Novy Arbat for weight loss. There Alla got into shape. And then... she started smoking again and suffered: “What have I done?”

From 1976 to 1998, the Central Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy was headed by the now 80-year-old academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Vasily Bogolyubov. He, of course, did not forget the brilliant patient.

“Pugacheva lost weight with us twice, of course, I remember her, she was already popular then,” says Bogolyubov. – Our system was simple: fewer calories and more physical activity, physical therapy. The weight loss course lasted 24 days. They mainly attacked vegetables and fruits, with the exception of grapes and pears. For breakfast they gave boiled eggs, most often without yolks, oatmeal, rice less often - it contains a lot of carbohydrates. Coffee with milk or cream, a couple of teaspoons - no big deal. Vegetable soups were cooked for lunch, but once a week, for variety, the first soup was cooked in meat broth. Meat was supposed to be 50–60 grams per day; what kind of meat was not important. But I more often recommended low-fat fish, since veal has a higher calorie content. Garnish with buckwheat or whole boiled potatoes. For the third - unsweetened compote. And for dinner - boiled or steamed vegetables. The main thing is to make smaller portions and you will lose weight. Alla Borisovna was kept on this diet for almost a month. She tolerated the restrictions perfectly!

“But the funniest thing happened when Alla and I were filing for divorce in 1981,” continues Stefanovich. “The registry office told us: “There is no reason to divorce you, give me at least one reason!” Alla said: “He mocked me - he constantly tried to make me lose weight!” The woman filling out the paperwork laughed, saying, I wish I had a husband like that! Alla continued to insist: “Well, I don’t suit him with such weight!” She gave up, said that the argument was compelling, and separated us.

Secrets of losing weight

The diva devoted most of her life to the struggle for an ideal figure. Alla Borisovna used many different diets and nutrition systems. But, unfortunately, none of them brought the desired lasting result.

Cucumber Diet

The cucumber diet is Alla Pugacheva’s favorite diet. The basis of this weight loss system was an easy-to-prepare and very tasty cucumber salad. This dish easily satisfies hunger and helps saturate the body with useful elements.

We recommend reading: cucumber smoothie for weight loss

To make cucumber salad, you need very few ingredients: cucumbers, herbs and yogurt for dressing.

Cut a medium-sized fresh cucumber into cubes, mix with chopped herbs, season with low-fat yogurt. Low-fat sour cream is also suitable as a dressing. It is recommended to add any greens to the cucumbers, it all depends on your taste preferences: parsley, dill, cilantro, celery, basil, fennel, and even aromatic tarragon. It is better not to season the resulting salad with salt. Divide the finished salad into 3 equal parts and eat during lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Each meal includes a piece of whole grain bread, it is better if it is slightly dry.

  • Breakfast - a cup of coffee or tea;
  • Lunch – first serving of salad;
  • Afternoon snack – next portion of salad;
  • Dinner – all the remaining salad;
  • Late dinner (before going to bed) - a large apple (or two oranges).

You must adhere to this diet for at least 10 days. During this time, the body quickly and effectively gets rid of 4-5 extra pounds.

Herbal cocktails

Homemade herbal cocktails are another secret of the singer. The duration of this diet is 4-5 days, during which the body will “say goodbye” to 5-7 extra pounds. Alla Borisovna recommends drinking a kefir-cucumber smoothie with herbs every day. Compliance with a special regime is not at all necessary. You need to drink this drink when you feel hungry. But no less than 3 hours before bedtime.

To prepare a weight loss cocktail according to Alla Pugacheva’s recipe, you need:

  • 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir;
  • Several small bunches of chopped herbs (this could be cilantro, dill or parsley);
  • 1 medium sized fresh cucumber, finely chopped.

The cucumber drink should be prepared shortly before consumption. Since when stored in the refrigerator, the cocktail loses its beneficial properties.

The benefits of Alla Borisovna’s kefir-cucumber cocktail are beyond doubt. One-day kefir is one of the best laxatives, and greens and cucumbers are a source of vitamins and microelements beneficial to the human body. This cocktail will become your indispensable assistant during fasting days.

Fish diet

The fish diet is Alla Pugacheva’s favorite secret to healthy eating. This diet has a beneficial and gentle effect on the body. Fish is an incredibly healthy product for the body. Fish products contain polyunsaturated fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9, which provide a rejuvenating effect and are antioxidants.

Alla Borisovna loves to eat seafood: “Fish predominates in my daily menu. I start my morning with my favorite fruit and natural coffee. Throughout the day I eat baked fish (or steamed).”

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