Alla Pugacheva before and after plastic surgery - how the singer has changed

Biography of the artist and photographs in childhood

Alla was born in 1949 in Moscow, and her parents were front-line soldiers. The girl’s mom and dad went through the Great Patriotic War, where they met, and in 1946 the lovers got married. Since the artist was born in the first years after the war, the girl felt the difficulties of that time.

Despite the fact that the parents of the future star were quite far from creativity and art, Alla was drawn to music. The girl was sent to the nearest music school, and her mother made sure that Alla spent at least 3 hours a day at the piano.

Even before Pugacheva graduated from eight years of school, she already had a diploma from a music school. Creative activity and music entered the girl’s life, and therefore Alla entered the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music School in the conducting and choral department. Thus began the brilliant career of the now well-known Alla Pugacheva.

Photo of singer Alla Pugacheva before plastic surgery:

Alla Pugacheva lost weight thanks to a diet

The prima donna always loved to eat, and she never hid it. Was her diet healthy? It’s unlikely, given that the singer could not change the proportions of her body, and therefore had to wrap herself in shapeless robes. Alla Pugacheva never led a secluded lifestyle and therefore there are many people who can compare her diets before, during and after losing weight. They claim that the actress radically changed her eating behavior and gave up meat and bread in favor of fish and vegetables . In addition, it was noticed that Pugacheva does not have lunch (according to her, because of the eternal time pressure) - two meals are enough for her (morning and evening), which goes against the advice of nutritionists to stick to fractional ones, up to five to six times a day, nutrition. Although, it can be assumed that water, which the singer drinks without restrictions at every opportunity, helps her not feel hungry during the day.

As for diets, the former housekeeper shared with reporters a recipe for buckwheat porridge, which does not require cooking: the cereal is simply poured with hot water and left overnight. According to her, the singer usually followed such a buckwheat diet for several days before important events and performances. In addition, Pugacheva’s version of losing weight thanks to the cucumber diet is popular: pour crushed cucumbers with kefir and season with chopped herbs - this salad is eaten five times a day with a slice of black bread. Nutritionists claim that using such mono diets you can lose weight, but since they cannot be used for more than two or three days, the return, that is, weight loss, will be insignificant, which means that Pugacheva did not adhere to any specific diet, rather, in order to to lose weight, gave preference to low-calorie dishes.

Plastic surgery of a star - photo of Pugacheva before and after plastic surgery

It is difficult to name the exact number of plastic surgeries performed, since Alla tries to avoid such questions about how she looks from journalists. However, in the latest photos in which the woman poses for photographers, you can once again be convinced that the star has undergone plastic surgery.

It is worth noting that even professional specialists do not try to calculate how many times Pugacheva had plastic surgery. At the same time, many noticed at what age the diva began to seek help from beauty injections. So, based on the assumptions of many people, we can conclude that the singer became addicted to aesthetic transformations 30 years ago.

Eyelid surgery

Not every representative of the fair sex younger than the described star can boast of the absence of bags under the eyes or wrinkles. In this regard, many fans of Alla Pugacheva suspect that the singer resorted to transconjunctival plastic surgery of the lower eyelids.

After this, the woman may also have resorted to blepharoplasty in order to get rid of sagging skin and noticeable age-related changes. It is worth noting that any other cosmetic intervention would not disguise aging skin so well.

Alla Pugacheva after eyelid surgery:

Skin tightening

After crossing the threshold into the fifth decade of life, there is an urgent need to combat age-related changes, since at this time the skin loses its elasticity. As a result, the skin on the face, eyebrows and neck begins to sag, which spoils the lady’s image.

There are many types of facelift that the diva could resort to. So, for example, she could well have done a circular lift, after which only a small scar remains behind the ear. It cannot be said that it was an unsuccessful plastic surgery, since after it the oval of Alla Pugacheva’s face changed very much for the better.

In addition, fans of the pop singer think that she could also undergo plastismoplasty, which helps get rid of a double chin and make the skin on her neck noticeably younger. Another procedure called chin liposuction can boast a similar effect.

Changes in cheekbones and nose shape

The public's interest is also aroused by the line of a woman's cheekbones, even despite the fact that in her youth she could not boast of pronounced cheekbones.

Some experts claim that Pugacheva could have had a lift, after which the age-related sagging disappeared. And special gels or compositions could help give shape to the cheekbones.

In addition, some claim that the presenter could have resorted to rhinoplasty. After all, it is impossible to achieve such a thin back and narrow wings of the nose without the help of a qualified specialist.

Alla Pugacheva – photo in 2022:

Figure plasticity

It would be stupid if Alla Pugacheva only did facial plastic surgery, forgetting about age-related changes in her body. In addition, it is worth noting that a woman’s figure and sudden weight loss often becomes the most discussed topic in the media. However, some are convinced that the star lost weight due to certain health problems, while others believe that plastic surgery also helped her with this.

Experts believe that the first surgical intervention on Alla’s figure was liposuction. In addition, they also believe that this was not Pugacheva’s last plastic surgery. At the same time, it is worth noting that the presenter admitted that she is struggling with diabetes, which is why she cannot resort to serious surgical interventions.

Photo by Alla Pugacheva and Galkin:

This did not stop the lady on her way to an ideal figure, and therefore, instead of classic liposuction, Alla had radio wave liposuction. In this case, instead of a scalpel, electromagnetic waves are used, which the surgeon directs to excess fat layers. But, after performing the described procedure, the skin tone decreases significantly, and therefore additional lifting may be required.

In addition, numerous small operations aimed at removing fat could also be the cause of weight loss. Some even claim that there could be over 10 of them, and their total value exceeds several million rubles. However, you should not believe this theory, since the star has a large number of contraindications to general anesthesia, without which it is impossible to perform the presented procedure.

In addition to the above, some fans also believe that Alla Pugacheva could see a doctor to get rid of cellulite and other age-related changes, since they are not visible in the photographs. But, attentive people understand that a beautiful figure on set can also be due to the correct angle and high-quality processing.

Valery Leontyev

Do not forget that Valery is a very elderly man! For 71 years old he is in phenomenal shape. But his skin is characterized by elastosis - increased extensibility, so it is clearly visible that blepharoplasty and lifting have been done more than once.

Valery clearly went too far with the volumetric modeling of his face. The singer once had expressively pumped lips, but now he has apparently “blown them away.” Although, perhaps, he even cut it out and did cheiloplasty, since the lips are somewhat deformed and there are articulation defects.

The result of plastic surgery

The Russian pop star almost never discusses involvement in surgical changes in appearance. At the same time, in comments on social networks, the singer indirectly stated about possible operations, in connection with which fans can only guess about what operations the singer had done.

In addition, it is worth noting that the reason for the change in the woman’s appearance could have been a change in image, since Alla replaced shapeless robes with jeans and dresses that emphasized the dignity of her figure.

Also, the reason for such a long youth of the lady could be the age difference with her lover and the appearance of small children.

It should also be noted that the woman changed her stylist and cosmetologist, which could also affect her appearance.

Useful video

Watch the video about what plastic surgeries Alla Pugacheva performed:

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Personal life of a star

The girl first married in 1969 to Mykolas Edmundas, who was a circus performer from Lithuania. The young people met at a variety and circus school. In this marriage, the couple had a daughter, Kristina Orbakaite. But, unfortunately, the marriage broke up after 4 years of marriage.

Then Alla also married director Alexander Stefanovich, and the marriage lasted 3 years. The star’s third husband was Evgeniy Boldin, a producer. The couple dated for a long time before getting married. In addition, Alla Pugacheva also had an affair with Philip Kirkorov.

And in 2001, Pugacheva met Maxim Galkin, with whom the woman continues to build happiness together to this day.

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