Xeomin, 50 units, lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for intramuscular administration, 1 pc.

The drug "Xeomin" is produced by the international company Merz Aesthetics, which is part of the Merz Pharma Group with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main (Germany).

Xeomin from Merz is approved by the FDA - Food and Drug Administration (USA).

Ingredients: botulinum toxin type A, human serum albumin, sucrose.

Xeomin is an injectable drug purified using special technology for the correction of facial wrinkles with proven clinical effectiveness.


Consultation with a cosmetologist in MedicCity. A specialist examines the patient's face.

2 Consultation with a cosmetologist in MedicCity. A specialist examines the patient's face.

3 Consultation with a cosmetologist

According to the advertising slogan, Xeomin is a drug that gets rid of wrinkles, not facial expressions. How is this ensured: the active substance has a low molecular weight, therefore it acts selectively: exclusively on the desired muscle. Thanks to this, facial expressions are preserved in full.

The effect of Xeomin appears 2-3 days after the procedure, the effect usually increases on 7-12 days.

A gradual decrease in the effect of injections occurs by 3-4 months.

Botulinum therapy with Xeomin

There are now many botulinum toxin preparations on the pharmacological market, and it is difficult to sort through this abundance. What is good about Xeomin: the drug does not contain complex proteins, which minimizes the risk of side effects and addiction even when used on a regular basis.

In neurology, this injection is prescribed for the treatment of blepharospasm, spastic torticollis, and muscle spasticity after a stroke.

The main area of ​​application of Xeomin in cosmetology is the face. Wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, as well as the lower third of the face, are best treated.

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It is noteworthy that the drug preserves the liveliness of facial expressions: when treated with Xeomin, the mask effect inherent in some older drugs is absent. Thanks to these qualities of the drug, reviews of Xeomin on the Internet are predominantly positive.

In the fight against hyperhidrosis, Xeomin injections are practically not used due to the weak ability of this drug to diffuse.

Composition and properties

The main active ingredient of Xeomin is sterile lyophilized botulinum neurotoxin type A.

Protein impurities that act as preservatives and are characteristic of the composition of Botox and Dysport are absent in Xeomin. This minimizes the risks of allergies to foreign proteins to zero. Due to the absence of protein inclusions in Xeomin, injections do not provoke transient side effects such as hyperemia and swelling, so they can be considered a “lunch break procedure.”

The second feature of the drug Xeomin in comparison with its predecessors is its low molecular weight - 150 kDa. It allows you to regulate the activity of even the smallest and thinnest facial muscles (for example, Xeomin successfully corrects “rare” horizontal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose that arise due to strong squinting of the periorbital area when laughing).

Xeomin has a low degree of diffusion. Migration of the drug into neighboring tissues is reduced, so side effects such as excessive drooping or raising of the eyebrows in the case of Xeomin are virtually eliminated. After injections, “live” facial expressions are preserved to the maximum extent.

To correct facial wrinkles, Xeomin requires less than Botox, and, moreover, Dysport. Accordingly, the cost of the procedure is automatically reduced in comparison with analogues. However, the duration of action of Xeomin is shorter - it works for up to 3-4 months. It is permissible to repeat injections no more than 2 times a year.

The risk of developing addiction or aversion to Xeomin is extremely low. The effect of injections with systematic use of the drug does not decrease or change.

Xeomin: advantages and disadvantages

Xeomin, unlike Dysport and other products, does not require special storage rules and can be kept at room temperature.

The drug also has disadvantages: Xeomin can cause pain when administered, and its duration of action is not very long.

Xeomin: indications for use

The following areas are subject to correction:

  • crow's feet around the eyes;
  • eyebrow ptosis;
  • “rabbit” wrinkles on the back and wings of the nose:
  • “purse-string” wrinkles on the lips;
  • eyebrow wrinkles;
  • horizontal forehead wrinkles;
  • cords on the neck;
  • fuzzy oval face.

1 Xeomin injections in MedicCity

2 Xeomin injections in MedicCity

Contraindications to the procedure may include diseases and conditions such as:

  • individual allergic reaction to the drug;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • age under 18 years;
  • increased body temperature;
  • any acute disease;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • malignant diseases.

Botulinum therapy is a serious medical procedure that must be performed by a specialist with higher medical education and appropriate training! Remember: Xeomin and its analogues in the wrong hands can harm your health and beauty!

At MedicCity, procedures with botulinum toxin preparations are carried out by highly qualified cosmetologists who know everything about youth and beauty. With us you are in good hands!

general information

Xeomin injections are made on different areas of the face, as well as in the décolleté area. The most popular procedure is the injection of the drug into the forehead and eyebrow area.


On average, about 28-30 units of the drug are required for the forehead .
One unit of the drug costs around 250-300 rubles. Depending on the required number of units, the entire procedure can cost 8,000 rubles or more. After the administration of Xeomin, transverse and longitudinal folds in the forehead area are smoothed out, facial features are softened, and the gaze becomes more open.

After injections, many patients cannot frown or give a stern expression to their face . The effect of the drug becomes noticeable after a few days.

The greatest cosmetic effect appears 15-17 days after injections. The result in the forehead area can last from several months to six months.

Between the eyebrows

To correct the eyebrow area, 20 units of Xeomin are required . The cost of the procedure depends on the amount of the drug used and can range from 4,500 rubles and more.

After the procedure, the area between the eyebrows is noticeably smoothed, pronounced wrinkles and folds are eliminated. Xeomin acts quite quickly - the result appears already 4-5 days after the injection. The effect lasts for 3-7 months , after which the procedure is repeated.

Regular administration of botulinum toxin preparations keeps the muscles in a relaxed state, the formed wrinkles are smoothed out, and new ones do not appear . After just a few procedures, the bad habit of wrinkling your forehead will disappear, and the problem will be eliminated without the help of the product or with a smaller dose.

If the wrinkles in the forehead and eyebrow area are very deep, injections alone may not be enough. Perhaps the cosmetologist will recommend contouring using fillers.

Xeomin injections into the forehead, eyebrows and corners of the eyes

Cosmetologist Olga Stryukova performs the procedure of injections of botulinum toxin Xeomin into the forehead, between the eyebrows and the corners of the eyes (periorbital zone).

Today we have Inna at our reception. Inna is a wonderful young patient. But, nevertheless, she has already begun to find some small wrinkles that she would like to get rid of in order to preserve the freshness and beauty of her skin for a long time. We will offer Inna a botulinum toxin therapy procedure . The new drug incobotulinumtoxin type A.

This drug is being launched on our market. The drug differs fundamentally from the previous generation of botulinum toxin in that it does not contain complexing proteins.

Why lately my choice most often falls on the drug Xeomin? Because, as I already said, this drug does not contain complexing proteins.

I'll explain what it is. When a botulinum toxin drug containing complexing proteins enters the body, antibodies are formed in response to its administration, which subsequently, when the botulinum toxin drug enters, react at certain time intervals to contact with this drug. And this antibody reaction can reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. We seem to carry out the procedure in the usual volume, introduce the usual number of units, but the patient does not see the same effect.

This does not happen with Xeomin. Here we can safely carry out repeated injections at short intervals. The minimum time interval after which injections can be repeated is 2 months. After 2 months, if we are correcting some delicate areas, for example, the periorbital area, in order not to relax the muscle too much, we use minimal doses of the drug. The patient notes a decrease in muscle activity and notes a good cosmetic effect. And after a short interval of time we can repeat this procedure in order to maintain beauty and freshness all the time.

— Inna, please tell me, have you had experience using botulinum toxin before? - No, I didn’t have such experience, but since I noticed some small wrinkles, I decided that it was better to come early and fix them.

It’s absolutely true that the botulinum toxin therapy procedure is a preventive procedure . And most importantly, start performing it on time, because the procedure is absolutely safe. This procedure has absolutely no recovery period. It may be suitable for socially active patients. It can be done within a few minutes, for example, during a lunch break, and at the same time continue with your normal activities.

Botulinum toxin injections have a dose-dependent effect; they have a temporary effect. And I want to immediately dispel the myths of patients who are sometimes afraid that something irreversible will happen to them. No, these injections are completely controlled. In our patient at rest, we can already note the formation of vertical wrinkles in the glabella area, outlining horizontal wrinkles in the forehead and a fine network of wrinkles in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes. Here's a stripe. Do you see? Small stripe. Do you see?

Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly treat the skin with an aqueous antiseptic solution. Now we will do this and move on to the markup.

The drug Xeomin is the latest generation incobotulinum toxin , free from complexing proteins. The drug is produced. It comes in 100 unit and 50 unit bottles for ease of use. protects all its products. There is always a batch number on the packaging, which can be checked on the company’s website. You can also check on the company’s website whether the doctor you are performing the procedure with has permission to work with such botulinum toxin. Everything for the safety of the patient.

The convenience of this drug also lies in the fact that it is stored at room temperature, so all kinds of errors during transportation are excluded. The ambient temperature may be more than 25 degrees, but nothing happens to the drug. The diluted drug is stored on the refrigerator shelf at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees for 24 hours. Unused medication is always discarded.

After cleansing and preparing the skin, we move on to the next stage, marking . To do this, we ask the patient to show facial activity. We ask the patient to frown. There is no increased activity in the area between the eyebrows, so we inject it with a minimum number of procedures.

- Please raise your eyebrows. We see the activity of the frontalis muscle. And try closing your eyes a little. And the activity of the orbicularis oculi muscle.

We made markings in order to determine for ourselves the points of proposed injections . A certain amount of the drug is injected into each point. This also depends on the severity of facial wrinkles, depends on the anatomy and structure of the periorbital region. Particular attention should be paid to whether the patient is prone to swelling. For patients with a tendency to swelling, minimal doses of botulinum toxin are used so as not to provoke this condition.

The bottle is sterile. It contains botulinum toxin dry matter. The rubber membrane is covered with a protective cap on top. The cap is opened immediately before dilution. And we inject 2 milliliters of saline solution into the bottle. By shaking the bottle a little, the drug is ready for use.

Why is the drug Xeomin still very often used in our practice? Because it is important for the doctor to understand the degree of diffusion of the drug, i.e., with a single injection, over what area the drug spreads. This is very convenient for local work with specific muscles, which is why Xeomin has clearly controlled diffusion. It is somewhere in the range of 1 to 1.5 cm. This allows us to accurately inject the drug into the desired muscle.

I would also like to note that a frequently asked question from patients is: “Do botulinum toxins have a systemic effect on the body?” Because this issue has been controversial for many years, and I have heard different points of view on this matter. I want to note that when administered, the drug acts in a strictly limited area. It does not penetrate into the systemic bloodstream, but, nevertheless, we do not recommend these injections for patients during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The drug is taken from the vial into insulin syringes with a non-removable needle. For each zone, we draw up the drug again and again with a new syringe. The so-called interglabellar area or glabella area, it will require injections at 3 points. The frontal or forehead area will require injections at 5 points. And the area of ​​the corners of the eyes or the periorbital zone - we will inject it into 2 points.

- Please take a comfortable position. Frown, please. The patient practically does not feel any pain during the procedure; sometimes there may be micro-hematomas, but they are absolutely minimal. Let's relax. Let's frown one more time. And we relax. We frown. The procedure is performed without anesthesia because it is not painful. We frown. Frown one more time. Fine.

After we have given the injections , we ask the patient to do facial exercises. This is necessary so that the drug shows its activity against motor neurons as soon as possible. Please frown 20 times. We recommend that patients perform this exercise every 30 minutes after injection for 4-5 hours. And the very next day we notice the first results of muscle relaxation. We evaluate the result of the procedure on days 14-17, by which time the muscles relax completely. And if some muscle contractions remain, then we can additionally correct this area with a small number of units of the drug.

We injected 13 units in the area between the eyebrows Work with this zone has already been completed. Now we will move on to working with the frontal zone. We ask our patient to raise her eyebrows as high as possible. Great. Let's relax. Also, please raise your eyebrows. Great. Raise your eyebrows one more time. The patient may feel the injections as a slight tingling sensation. Once again, please raise your eyebrows, Inna. Sometimes it happens that low-lying wrinkles remain a little after injections. And we can further correct them in 14-17 days. Raise your eyebrows again, please. And one more time. Fine. There may be a slight drip of bleeding, but pain at the injection site sometimes remains for several days.

Now we will move on to injections in the outer corner of the eye . We ask our patient to close her eyes tightly. We see increased activity of the orbicularis oculi muscle in the outer corner area. We will inject directly into the area of ​​high muscle activity.

Let's relax. Now we will inject in the area of ​​the lateral corner of the eye. As a rule, this is where the maximum number of wrinkles is. We work in this area without any fear of causing swelling in the patient. We ask the patient to smile. And close your eyes a little. We see that there is high muscle activity here. We will perform injections directly in this area.

We will make exactly the same symmetrical injections on the opposite side in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes. Please close your eyes. We see the maximum number of wrinkles. Let's relax. And we make injections directly in this area. Our final injection was in the outer corner of the eye.

Now we will ask the patient to work a little with the frontalis muscle. Please raise your eyebrows. And do this 20 times, lowering and raising your eyebrows. Let me remind you that such gymnastics is done for more active contact of botulinum toxin with muscle motor neurons. And we will also ask the patient to work the orbicularis oculi muscle. Please close your eyes 20 times. And now we have completed the procedure. The patient's face still looks beautiful. The procedure did not leave any traces. Let me remind you that in the glabella area we used 13 units of Xeomin, in the frontal zone we used 10 units of Xeomin and in the area of ​​​​the outer corners of the eyes we used 8 units. The total number of units for this patient in the upper third of the face was 31 units.

Now the patient does not see any changes on his face. Starting tomorrow, Inna will notice that the forehead area is becoming smoother and that fine wrinkles are disappearing. It is important that she chose at the right time, when the wrinkles had not yet gone too deep. If the wrinkles in the forehead or between the eyebrows, or the eyes are already quite deep and they are very noticeable at rest, then after the botulinum toxin therapy procedure, after 14-17 days, we offer our patients to additionally correct the remaining wrinkles with preparations based on hyaluronic acid fillers. And then we achieve absolute results.

The whole procedure, including consultation, took us no more than half an hour. After the procedure, we always give the patient strict recommendations . The most important thing is to avoid thermal contacts after the procedure, i.e. we do not recommend visiting the sauna for 2 weeks, and we also do not recommend active sports for 3-5 days. If this is yoga or Pilates, that is, those sports activities that do not increase body temperature too much, then we allow the patient to do such activities. But if these are cardio workouts, then it is better to avoid them for 3-5 days after the procedure. It is also not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages on the day of the procedure.

Before the procedure, we always ask the patient if he is taking any medications. What could be the reason for our refusal? If the patient takes anticoagulant drugs in large quantities, this can lead to increased bleeding and the formation of bruises and hematomas. If the patient takes large quantities of B vitamins, which are stimulating vitamins that accelerate the regeneration of nerve fibers, then the effect of botulinum toxin therapy will be extremely short. Because stimulation with B vitamins from outside leads to the rapid growth of new axial processes, and the muscles begin to contract with the same force. This is fundamentally important for us.

We also always ask patients whether they have had any preventive vaccinations. We do not recommend injections of botulinum toxin therapy within a month after vaccination. We also find out whether the patient is taking any immunostimulating drugs or antiviral drugs. Because, despite the fact that not much research has been carried out at the moment, but from our practical skills we note that taking antiviral drugs, taking immunostimulating drugs, he also provides a short-term effect of botulinum toxin therapy.

— The procedure was absolutely painless. The needle hurts much more when the injection is given.

After the first procedure, we always strictly recommend that the patient undergo a follow-up examination after 2 weeks . During this examination, we evaluate whether the correction was carried out adequately, we record for ourselves whether the patient noted any negative aspects, perhaps there was pain after the procedure, perhaps there was incoming swelling during the period of formation of the effect. All this is recorded in medical documentation. And the next procedure is recommended to the patient after 3-6 months depending on his need.

Everyone always sees for himself how much he needs to repeat this procedure. On average, a patient comes to our clinic for such injections 3 times a year.

Currently, the botulinum toxin therapy method is routine in the practice of a cosmetologist.
Previously, we gathered a group of patients who came on a certain day. The vial was opened and injected by the patient. Now, I can say that more than one or two bottles are opened during the day, i.e. the procedure is very popular among patients due to its safety, due to the lack of rehabilitation and due to its excellent effect. This allows girls and men to be confident, smile and rejoice without wrinkles! Be the first to watch new videos!
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