Should I have my face cleaned by a cosmetologist? Pros and cons of all types of cleaning


We take a unique approach to skin care. Because we understand one important basis for achieving results. If you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail. For us, skin prep is the most important step to successfully transforming your skin. Our results confirm this. By preparing your skin with a starter facial and our cosmeceutical products. Not only will your skin survive our advanced treatments, but it will also give you the skin you've always dreamed of.

The best care and cleansing products

Those who have been unsuccessfully trying to find a great facial skin care product. Which eliminates skin concerns and delivers the look and results they are hoping for. Undoubtedly, they may experience great disappointment.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Cleaning is preceded by preparation of the facial skin. Disincrustants are applied to it - these are lotions or creams that loosen the skin and comedones. After this, the cleaning itself is carried out directly using a spatula through which ultrasonic waves pass. An ultrasonic acoustic wave creates a vibration massage of the skin at the cellular level.


It removes dead skin cells well, stimulates blood flow, enriches the skin with oxygen, tones the epidermis, and improves cellular metabolism.


Cleaning is superficial; deep-seated comedones are not removed.

Where to get facial cleansing in Moscow

Sometimes no amount of makeup will solve lingering problems. When facial skin constantly repeats the same old problems that spoil your appearance. Good news for those looking for the best care in Moscow! The point is that you have found a salon that brings more to its clients than any other.

Here at the cosmetology clinic, we are unique in our industry. Because we are a local independent business. With passionate, highly qualified, incredibly experienced and knowledgeable cosmetic dermatologists. When it comes to facials, we offer a multi-layered approach to exfoliation (cleansing the facial skin). Detoxification and reversal, combined with a well-deserved relaxing time-out with the following procedure:

  • Steaming for the face
  • Signature facial treatment
  • Age-related facial intervention
  • Signature + Tinted Facial Treatment
  • Laser facial treatment
  • Deep thermal facial treatment

Causes of blackheads

Blackheads are pores clogged with oil and dirt. The comedone shaft is hidden deeply, and only a point or tubercle is visible on the surface (if the comedone is closed). The color change occurs due to oxidation processes of the pore contents.

People with oily or combination skin often face this problem.

The prerequisites for the appearance of blackheads are:

  • improper diet and diet - it has been noticed that problems are aggravated due to the consumption of fatty, dairy, carbohydrate products;
  • inappropriate facial care - to ensure that sebum leaves the pores unhindered, it is necessary to carry out exfoliating procedures;
  • neglect of hygiene rules - high-quality rinsing of cosmetics is a prerequisite for a clean, well-groomed face;
  • use of comedogenic products for facial care - these are products containing talc, mineral oils, silicone;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract - an increased volume of toxins is excreted through the skin, since the digestive tract cannot cope with this function - in this case, you should consult a gastroenterologist;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking - metabolism deteriorates, as a result of which the pores become clogged;
  • hormonal imbalance - in adolescence, hormone instability is caused by puberty; in adulthood, the impetus for the formation of blackheads is pregnancy or menopause.

Important! Salon facial cleansing can only remove acne and comedones that have appeared, but after a while, if the causes of their occurrence are not eliminated, they will form again.

Our facial treatments give the best results

Blemish-free skin is what we all want, but it takes a lot to achieve it. Also, if you continue to work on it for a few months. You can't expect her to stay the same. Everyday pollutants that are in the air get trapped in the pores of our skin every day. Therefore, for people who care about their skin, we recommend cosmetic procedures once a month. When choosing a facial cosmetic procedure, you should inquire about removal. This process deeply cleanses your skin and removes buildup immediately. Which so often cause facial breakouts and persistent inflammation. Nobody likes blackheads that are caused by oil and dead skin cells getting trapped in the hair follicles. They are notoriously difficult to remove, and many people make the mistake of trying to remove them at home. Trying it at home may do more harm than good. This can spread bacteria and make the situation worse and almost always results in scarring and tissue damage. Instead, when you undergo a facial treatment at the Strogino cosmetology clinic. You can count on the best skin care treatments in Moscow. We thoroughly cleanse your skin using professional extracts during your facial. And we use antibacterial treatments to prevent any rashes on the face. This way, your pores and skin will be ready to use the highly effective products we use. The immediate result is healthy, attractive and flawless skin. Facial skin cleansing.

Combined cleaning

A combination of mechanical and ultrasonic cleaning procedures. Mechanical cleaning is carried out on particularly contaminated areas of the skin. The main cleaning is carried out using ultrasound. This is perhaps the most effective and at the same time gentle skin procedure. The cosmetologist carefully examines the skin and determines how many procedures will be needed and on which areas of the skin to perform mechanical cleaning.


Individual approach, thorough facial cleansing.


The procedure may need to be repeated.


We don't just provide treatments—we provide customized skin care services designed to achieve your best skin. Our confidence comes from the extensive list of satisfied and repeat clients we have treated over the past 7 years. And also from the fact that each of our certified skin care therapists. Has a deep understanding of the ingredients in the products we use. And what they do for your skin. Moreover, they all received the highest qualification of medical sciences in Russia, or a higher diploma in the field of cosmetology.

If you want to take advantage of the best cleansing facial treatment in Moscow today, make an appointment at the Strogino Cosmetology Clinic. We look forward to finally achieving the perfect treatment (facial cleansing) for your unique skin soon.

Facial skin cleansing

What type of cleaning to choose

Determining the appropriate type of facial cleansing depends on the skin condition and health of the patient.

Mechanical cleaning

face is suitable for those who have oily skin with non-inflamed acne and clogged pores. It is contraindicated for people with dry skin, brittle blood vessels or the presence of diseases - eczema, furunculosis, asthma.

Ultrasonic cleaning

more gentle, and also smoothes out fine wrinkles. Also used for oily skin and clogged pores. Not recommended for those who have undergone facial surgery, including plastic lift. Contraindicated in the second half of pregnancy.

Vacuum cleaning

Recommended for combination skin with large pores, blackheads and severely clogged sebaceous glands. Contraindicated in chronic diseases and viral skin infections.

Only a cosmetologist can determine exactly what type of cleaning you need. Therefore, be sure to listen to the advice of experts. Go through a regular facial cleansing procedure, and your skin will glow and delight you.


How to achieve maximum results from facial cleansing?

Preparation and consistency are the key to lasting and quick results. Your skin therapist will guide you through a skin journey that, combined with continued use of your recommended skin care products, will ensure that you get the most out of each treatment for your best skin.

Can I use other treatments to improve my results?

Certainly. We have a selection of additional treatments that can be combined with a facial. To solve skin problems and cleanse the face - rashes on the face, blackheads.

  • Our LED light therapy comes in three therapeutic wavelengths. Kills bacteria, accelerates healing and stimulates cells that defy aging.
  • The cold therapy mask soothes and soothes red, inflamed skin.
  • Microcurrents and high frequency remove problematic stagnation.
  • Our clients love adding a neck, décolleté or back of their hands to every facial. To achieve maximum results and receive additional care.

How will advanced facials benefit my skin?

In combination with effective cosmetic skin care. Our advanced facial treatments will soften and smooth fine lines and wrinkles. Exfoliate thickened, damaged skin while moisturizing and strengthening the skin. Eliminating blemishes on the face and preparing it for our corrective procedures.

How often can I get an advanced facial?

Facial cleansing can be done every week or once a month, depending on the desired results. If you take care of your skin, then one facial product every month. When combined with your prescribed skin care regimen, it will support your results. Clients with recurring breakouts or excessive sun damage will require a series of treatments. Facial treatments at weekly intervals to quickly achieve your skin goals. Likewise, clients wishing to change their complexion will be advised of a more targeted skin program. Consisting of an extended and specialized set of procedures.

How can I save my results?

A monthly advanced facial treatment along with your prescribed care products. It will not only help maintain the results achieved, but also improve them. Find out which of our programs will quickly transform your skin.

Who should not undergo complex facial procedures?

Most of our advanced facial treatments include active elements such as skin exfoliation. LED light therapy and microdermabrasion, which have corresponding contraindications.

If you have any of the following contraindications:

  • Light-induced epilepsy / seizures / migraine,
  • Claustrophobia,
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Sunburn, your therapist will adjust your treatments to suit your skin's needs.

If you are unwell or have active herpes on your face, transfer the procedure to your face.

Which advanced facial treatment is best for me?

Not sure which procedure will suit your skin type. But will it allow you to achieve the desired results? Our Discovery Facial is an interactive, hands-on skin consultation. Where your skin therapist will discuss your skin goals. She will select an individual approach to facial care, eliminating doubts. Book your Discovery Facial Treatment here by clicking the button below.

What will my skin look like immediately after an extended facial cleansing procedure?

Your skin usually becomes healthy and glowing. And slightly reddened for several hours after the facial. If you have removed pimples on your face, we highly recommend using a cold mask. To quickly soothe red and swollen blemishes.

Do I really need to prep my skin for an advanced facial?

We understand that other clinics may treat your skin when it is simply not ready. But we are not just another cosmetic skin clinic. We believe in achieving amazing, long-lasting results and this can be achieved through skin prep. Our starter facials were designed this way. What if your skin is not prepared with our cosmeceutical products. You can still start your facial immediately. Do a facial cleansing, a set of procedures to remove blackheads.

Which of your advanced facial treatments are safe for pregnancy?

Most of our advanced facial treatments can be tailored to suit everyone. So that they are safe throughout pregnancy, with some exceptions. If your face includes any contraindicated products or items. Your therapist will replace appropriate complementary therapy, eg: extracts, individualized antioxidant infusion. Cold treatment mask. Additional massage or even including your neck or décolleté for complete immersion and relaxation.

What if I book a facial that isn't right for me?

During your appointment, your therapist will assess the condition of your skin. And will prescribe treatment according to your needs. A free consultation with a cosmetologist will help you choose the most suitable facial procedure. For your skin type and skin problems. In addition, you can visit our site about skin problems. To determine which treatments are best for your skin concerns. If you're having trouble deciding which treatments are best for your skin problems. Booking a Discovery treatment with one of our skin therapists ensures your skin goals are achieved. With the help of a treatment program and medicinal cosmetics, professional facial cleansing will be flawless.

What is extraction?

Extraction is the manual removal of bumps and pimples from underneath the skin. It includes; inflammation, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, rashes and milia. Extractions help detoxify and smooth the skin, they also allow it to heal faster and prevent the pink, brown or jagged scars that breakouts often leave behind. After removal, temporary swelling may appear, which usually goes away within 24-48 hours.

Some irregularities cannot be removed by extraction, but may be suitable for laser removal.

Blackheads and acne complex of procedures.

Atraumatic cleaning in a cosmetologist’s office

To perform an atraumatic cleansing procedure, we recommend using the unique Pumpkin Peeling from the professional brand DermaQuest.

Pumpkin peeling basic DermaQuest

Performs the function of atraumatic cleaning, dissolves sebaceous plugs and cleanses pores.

  • Indicated for combination and oily skin types, without hypersensitivity and damaged barriers and without a tendency to redness and irritation.

Peeling composition

The basis of the peeling is pumpkin pulp, enriched with various active ingredients.

  • Pumpkin pulp 40% is a source of natural AHAs, Vitamin A, enzymes, pyrogens and antioxidants. Keratolytic and steaming effect, lymphatic drainage and improvement of microcirculation.
  • Salicylic acid 2% - dissolves comedones, antiseptic, reduces sebum production.
  • Lactobacilli and pumpkin enzymes 3% - enzymes loosen the stratum corneum and break down both sebum on the surface of the skin and the comedones themselves. Lactobacilli process the substrate into lactic acid - cleansing and restoring the natural moisturizing factor.
  • Sweet Orange stem cells – skin rejuvenation, firming and smoothing. Activates the synthesis of type IV collagen.
  • Vitamin E – antioxidant effect.
  • Lactic acid 3% – moisturizes, has a mild keratolytic effect, restores the barrier function of the skin.
  • Glycolic acid 3% - in this percentage works for hydration, as an antiseptic and a light keratolytic.

Why is pumpkin peeling so effective at dissolving even the densest and largest blackheads?

How does DermaQuest Pumpkin Peel work?

  • Has a steaming effect - activates blood circulation, helps to expand pores and soften the contents;
  • Dissolves blackheads - a special composition of acids and enzymes penetrates the pores and dissolves sebaceous plugs and keratinized scales;
  • Loosens and delicately exfoliates dead skin scales from the surface of the skin;
  • The composition includes natural vitamin A from pumpkin pulp - regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, slows down the formation of new blockages;

Thus, pumpkin peeling is not only an atraumatic cleansing of the skin, but also the prevention of subsequent contamination and filling of pores.

Benefits of Pumpkin Peeling

The procedure is atraumatic , without irritation or peeling, and can be performed even in summer - all-season peeling;

• Does not require preliminary preparation and restoration of the skin after the procedure - the client continues to live a full life without falling out of society;

Instant result - immediately after the procedure, clean, healthy, tightened skin, as they say, “at least for a date.”

How often to perform atraumatic cleansing with pumpkin peeling

The course is selected by a cosmetologist; on average, 3–5 procedures are performed once every 10 days. In the future, to maintain the pores in a cleaned state, 1 procedure per month is enough.

a video with the stages of performing Pumpkin Peeling and the results by following the link .

When to see a cosmetologist

The decision to cleanse your face of blackheads from a cosmetologist is made individually. Self-cleansing often leads to exacerbation of acne due to poor sanitary conditions. And the lack of tools and lack of knowledge of the correct technique for removing comedones leads to the formation of scars and wounds. Knowing this, you should contact a cosmetologist immediately as soon as the appearance of your face is no longer satisfactory, and cleansers and masks do not give the desired effect.

Types of salon cleaning for blackheads

The salon procedure is aimed at eliminating external contaminants: the keratinized upper layer, acne, comedones, and stimulating blood circulation. If you are interested in which facial cleansing is the most effective, then it is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Each type has indications and contraindications. The method of eliminating blackheads should be selected by a cosmetologist after analyzing the condition of the face. But if the client himself chooses which facial cleansing is best done in the salon, it is necessary to study the features of each type of procedure.


This technique is especially suitable if the skin is porous and oily.

Indications for the procedure:

  • comedones (white and black);
  • acne without inflammation.


  • herpes;
  • eczema;
  • boils;
  • rosacea;
  • hypertension;
  • dry, sensitive skin;
  • period of menstruation.

The necessary tools are a Uno spoon (contraindicated for sensitive skin) and a Vidal needle. All instruments must be sterile, which is why the procedure should be carried out by a cosmetologist. However, despite all precautions, there is a risk of secondary infection.

Disadvantage of mechanical cleansing: high pain.

Progress of the procedure. The procedure is carried out under good lighting. The master’s task is to ensure that the pores do not close, otherwise the procedure will begin to cause serious discomfort.

When the face has steamed, the cosmetologist removes the softened horny layers without affecting the inflamed areas, and then begins deep cleaning using a Vidal needle and an Uno spoon. Afterwards, the skin is disinfected with infrared light, a liquid with anti-inflammatory properties, such as hydrogen peroxide, and also applying masks with a calming effect. Cryomassage is recommended.

The duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes, after which the pores close on their own. Further cleaning becomes painful, so either a new steaming compress is made or the procedure is postponed to another session.

Mechanical cleansing is considered an outdated technique, but it allows you to thoroughly clean your face when hardware methods fail. It is used as a complement after other types of cleansing.


To carry out the procedure with a vacuum, you need a suction cup tool, which, under the influence of negative pressure, sucks in the contents of the pores. The appropriate attachment is selected according to the client's skin type. This procedure rarely injures the epidermis and does not cause pain or recurrence of inflammation. However, sensitive skin may experience bruising.

The indications are the same as for mechanical facial cleansing.


  • inflamed acne;
  • rosacea;
  • dermatitis;
  • dry, sensitive skin.

The vacuum method of facial cleansing will not help with deep, old blackheads, so it is complemented by regular manual or mechanical cleansing.

Progress of the procedure. The suction cup moves around the surface of the face in a circle. From time to time, the instrument is sterilized in antiseptic. As a result of these actions, blood circulation improves, the skin becomes more toned, acquires a healthy color, and lymphatic drainage improves.

Note! Cleansing is carried out only after steaming.

After the procedure, the pores are closed by applying soothing agents.

Duration – 15-20 minutes.

Home vacuum devices are available. However, they are inferior to professional devices in terms of functionality and efficiency.


This is not exactly cleaning if you compare the technique with other options. However, thanks to laser treatment, regeneration processes are launched in the skin and its outer layers are renewed.

Indications for the procedure are:

  • pimples with and without heads;
  • comedones;
  • acne;
  • enlarged pores.

Contraindications include:

  • exacerbation of acne;
  • menstruation period;
  • allergy to laser;
  • herpes;
  • diabetes;
  • neoplasms.

This is a complex procedure. Its essence is that the laser “evaporates” the upper layers of the epidermis, as a result of which the outer layer of cells is then renewed. While some types of procedures can be carried out at home, laser cleaning at home is contraindicated. It must be performed by a specially trained cosmetologist.

Progress of the procedure. Before treatment, an anesthetic cream is applied. And then they begin to cauterize the skin with a laser with a working surface of 1.5x1.5 cm.

The duration is from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Laser cleaning should not be overused; it is carried out once a month, or even less often.


As the name suggests, a galvanic current is applied to the face during the cleansing process. The procedure is painless as a weak current is used. In rare cases, it is felt as a tolerable tingling sensation, and in some cases it is not felt at all.

This is a highly effective procedure that can get rid of deep, old stains, so it is recommended instead of manual cleaning as it is less traumatic. Thanks to electricity, sebaceous plugs dissolve and are brought to the surface, sebum turns into soap, which is removed by a cosmetologist after the procedure.


  • increased fat content;
  • acne and comedones;
  • post-acne;
  • wrinkles;
  • seborrhea.


  • dryness and sensitivity;
  • pregnancy;
  • vitiligo;
  • neoplasms;
  • dermatitis;
  • presence of pacemakers and electrical implants.

Note! As a result of galvanic cleaning, impurities are removed, blood vessels are strengthened, tone is increased, blood flow and metabolism are stimulated.

Progress of the procedure. A conductive gel is applied to the face. Then the cosmetologist takes a device equipped with an attachment with electrodes. He moves this attachment over the surface of the face in a circular motion. If you use any cosmetic medicinal preparations together with galvanic cleaning, then under the influence of electric current they penetrate much deeper than usual.

After the procedure, the relief is evened out, so the effect is comparable to peeling. There is no need to close the pores, just remove dirt and apply your usual care products.

Duration of procedure: 20 min.

Depending on the frequency of galvanic cleaning, different effects may be observed. If you carry out the procedure no more than once a month, the skin will dry out, which is optimal for high oil content. But if the procedures are abused, sebum is produced more intensely.

How to prepare your face for cleansing

Modern salon facial cleansing requires careful step-by-step preparation before the procedure. Cosmetics must be washed off, the face is cleaned with special products, for example, gel, foam for washing, and wiped with lotion. If the pores are very clogged, then apply a mask. The face is steamed with a vaporizer or pore-expanding products are applied - warming creams, a paraffin mask.

Important! You cannot steam your face if you have rosacea, thin epidermis, or asthma.

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