Plasmolifting for the face: what kind of procedure is it, pros and cons, before and after results

The plasma lifting procedure is based on the use of the properties of blood plasma platelets. Platelets, as structural elements of blood, not only control the process of blood coagulation and the formation of blood clots (thrombi), but are also carriers of special proteins that can stimulate restoration processes in cells. Plasmolifting is based on the principle of autoplasma therapy - treating a person with his own blood plasma.

Beneficial components are released from blood plasma - proteins, hormones, vitamins, which, together with platelets, contribute to the restoration and renewal of tissues. If at first the method of extracting blood plasma was focused on dentistry, recently plasma lifting has been used more and more often in cosmetology, restorative therapy and other areas of medicine.

  1. The procedure requires blood sampling from the patient (about forty milliliters). As a rule, this is a small volume of blood that will not have a negative effect on the body, but, on the contrary, will enhance hematopoiesis.
  2. After blood is collected, it is centrifuged due to the fact that different blood cells have different weights and densities. This helps separate them from the blood.
  3. During the procedure, only high-quality test tubes are used that are capable of qualitatively separating platelet mass with plasma from red blood cells and leukocytes.
  4. During the procedure, the patient’s own plasma is used, which ensures the absence of adverse reactions - allergies, rejection.

Plasmolifting for the face, what kind of procedure is this?!

Plasmolifting for the face is the most natural and natural procedure with which your skin will rejuvenate.
The procedure involves injecting the patient's blood plasma under the skin of the face. In fact, everything doesn't look as scary as it sounds. You will not be covered in your blood. Only plasma contained in the blood will be used for injections. With age, tissue regeneration both deteriorates and slows down. The older a person is, the slower his regeneration is. This is what aging is all about. Wrinkles begin to appear, facial skin becomes less elastic and smooth, and the overall condition of the skin worsens. You can speed up the process of tissue regeneration with the help of such injections.

In fact, using your own blood for rejuvenation has been practiced since the seventies. It was then that plasma was first used for rejuvenation. Plasma has a good effect not only on the skin of the face, but also on hair, bones and joints. Platelets are able to release substances that help speed up cell division and make it more intense. Platelets know where they need to act, they are activated precisely in those areas where problems are present. The effect of such an injection is strictly targeted.

To manufacture the drug, the patient's venous blood is needed. The entire procedure requires very little - only about 60 ml of venous blood. A special centrifuge is used to separate plasma from the blood. After the blood has passed through the machine, it is separated from the plasma. The plasma itself in its pure form is used for the procedure. With the help of plasma lifting, small wrinkles can be reduced; after the injection, the skin will become more elastic and radiant, pigment spots will disappear, skin color and tone will become more even and healthy.

There are no painful sensations. The entire procedure will take approximately an hour.

People often confuse plasma lifting and autohemotherapy. However, during autohemotherapy, pure blood is injected into the muscles; it is not separated from the plasma. This injection can boost the patient’s immunity. When plasmolifting, only plasma is used and is administered intradermally. It does not treat diseases, it is a cosmetic procedure.

Typically, for best results, several injections are required, given once a week.


  • Contour plastic
  • Mesotherapy
  • Biorevitalization
  • Collagen therapy
  • Botox
  • Plasmolifting
  • SPRS therapy
  • Laennec
  • Curacen
  • Plasmolifting
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Plasmolifting hair
  • Prices

Plasmolifting or PRP (platelet rich plasma) technology is one of the most modern and popular methods of skin revitalization today. It has found application in various fields of medicine: in dermatocosmetology - to accelerate regeneration and rejuvenation, in trichology - to combat hair loss, in dentistry - to treat periodontitis and in implantology. The technique was developed by Russian scientists: Professor R.R. Akhmerov. and Candidate of Medical Sciences Zarudiy R.F. Today it is popular in other countries (Great Britain, Japan, Spain, etc.)

The essence of the invention

Injection therapy is based on the rejuvenating effect of platelet-rich blood plasma (PRP). These blood elements contain large amounts of serotonin, histamine, adenosine triphosphates, and glycolytic enzymes. Platelets play an important role in blood clotting and also produce special proteins that stimulate cell division and reproduction.

Renewed blood plasma is capable of:

  • enhance tissue healing;
  • activate the processes of formation of hyaluronic acid, collagen fibers and elastin;
  • stimulate metabolism, saturate cells with oxygen.


Service codeState guarantee Processing areaCost, rub.
A11.01.003NoFace6 500
A11.01.003NoNeck6 500
A11.01.003NoHands6 500

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Video procedure

Photos "before" and "after"


The main indications for plasma lifting are the first signs of skin aging:

  • facial wrinkles on the face, neck, décolleté;
  • static wrinkles;
  • decreased skin turgor;
  • pale, tired face.

Injection technology is also effective for eliminating dry and dehydrated skin, peeling, and treating acne. It is used for preventive purposes: to prevent photoaging and stretch marks. Plasmolifting of hair is indicated for alopecia, dry and oily dandruff.

About the procedure

The rejuvenation procedure is carried out after eliminating contraindications.

It consists of several stages:

  • Collection of material. The procedure requires from 10 to 50 ml of blood from a vein; subjective sensations are no different from a standard blood test.
  • Blood purification. It is produced in a special centrifuge, where the blood is separated into leukocytes, erythrocytes, and plasma. The result and pain of the procedure depend on the quality of cleaning. The platelet count should increase 5-8 times.
  • The introduction is carried out using the mesotherapy method using the finest needles under the influence of topical anesthesia.

All manipulations are carried out on an outpatient basis, the duration of the procedure is about 40-50 minutes. Immediately after plasma lifting, there is slight redness and swelling of the skin. Within 7-10 days, these phenomena disappear on their own, the patient can evaluate the first results of rejuvenation: the face acquires a healthy color, becomes more elastic and toned, and expression wrinkles disappear. The full course consists of 2-3 procedures, the interval between sessions is 4-6 weeks. The cosmetic effect lasts up to a year.


Like any cosmetic procedure, plasma therapy is associated with certain risks. The main complication is blood infection at the first stage (during sampling). The ingress of harmful bacteria can cause an inflammatory process not only on the face, but also on other internal organs. The injection technique is similar to mesotherapy. Failure by the doctor to comply with the rules for performing injections threatens the formation of hematomas and prolonged hyperemia of the skin. In our clinic, treatment is carried out using disposable blood processing equipment, which eliminates the possibility of infection.

In our clinic, the plasma lifting procedure is performed only by certified specialists who have received the appropriate certificates.

Our certificates



Our clinic accepts patients with dermatopathologies! To avoid complications during plasma lifting, the pathological process must first be treated, after which injections can be performed! More details

Plasmolifting results before and after photos

After plasma lifting, you will immediately notice how refreshed your facial skin is. The color became more saturated, and the skin felt much more elastic to the touch. If the procedure was carried out on the hair, then hair growth is restored and hair loss is reduced. To make the procedure even more effective, you can add various beneficial substances to the plasma, such as vitamins, biopeptides, and other beneficial substances.

Here is a photo of the result of facial plasma lifting before and after the procedure.

When pure plasma is injected under the skin of the face, there can be no negative effects or allergies, since the plasma is taken from your own body. The areas where plasma was injected may temporarily become slightly red and swollen.

In general, you don’t need to prepare much for plasma lifting. However, some recommendations are better to follow. Do not eat 4 hours before the scheduled time of the procedure, completely eliminate alcohol and minimize the intake of fatty foods as much as possible. Before taking blood, drink more water, maybe sweet water, such as tea. If you have previously had herpes, it is better to tell your doctor right away. After you have been injected with plasma, you should not use cosmetics, and it is also better not to visit a swimming pool with a sauna or bodies of water. All this can cause infection at the puncture sites. If you want healthy, good-looking skin, then plasma lifting is what you need.

Plasmolifting in cosmetology

In this area, plasma lifting has received almost the widest application compared to others. It is no secret that cosmetology is one of the most expensive branches of medicine, therefore innovations in cosmetology are especially valuable for patients. With the help of plasma lifting, doctors managed to replace a series of cosmetic procedures that have a high risk of complications after the procedure.

Plasmolifting in cosmetology is a lifesaver for those who are desperate to restore the beauty of their appearance with expensive procedures. In cosmetology, plasma lifting solves the following issues:

Plasmolifting for hair treatment

Of particular note is the use of this technique in the treatment of alopecia. Platelet autoplasma injected into the patient’s skin prevents the death of hair follicles and “switches” them from the loss phase to the growth phase. Microcirculation improves, pathogenic microflora is suppressed, and nutrition of the hair follicle is activated. There is an increase in hair growth, a cessation of the process of hair loss, and an improvement in the quality of the hair shaft. Hair gains shine, elasticity and thickness. Plasmolifting of the scalp is the procedure of choice for oily seborrhea and dandruff.

Features of plasma lifting in gynecology

The first step of the procedure is to collect venous blood from the patient from the cubital vein using a catheter. As a rule, 45-60 ml is enough. The blood is placed in special tubes that contain heparin and separating gel. They are installed in a centrifuge and the desired rotation speed is selected. After 5 minutes the test tube is removed. Thanks to the separation gel, a layer of supernatant, i.e., separated autoplasma, is already clearly visible in it. It is taken out with a syringe and administration begins immediately.

It is extremely important that only specially designed tubes and centrifuges are used to obtain plasma.

The plasmolifting procedure itself is not associated with severe pain, even if anesthesia is abandoned. But to ensure the patient’s comfort during the procedure, an anesthetic gel or spray is first applied to the treatment area. Its effect appears within 5-10 minutes.

The procedure is performed on a gynecological chair. The doctor treats the affected area with an antiseptic and begins injections. They are carried out with syringes with special needles of small diameter and length. In this case, its main task is to introduce autoplasma as close as possible to the site of pathological changes. Therefore, there are several methods for performing plasma lifting in gynecology:

  • Subepithelial intracervical injection. The technique is used to treat cervical pathologies. It requires the use of mirrors to expose the treatment area and consists of introducing plasma under the mucous membrane over the entire visible surface of the cervix with the formation of small papules. In nulliparous women, injections are performed in a circle around the external os of the cervical canal. For patients who have given birth, injections are given in 2 rows along the anterior and posterior lips of the cervix. One procedure requires about 2-4 ml of plasma. The method is indicated for the treatment of exocervicitis, erosion, atrophic changes in the cervix.
  • Paracervical administration. The technique consists of performing injections through the lateral vaults of the vagina in the area behind the cervix. Initially, the cervix is ​​exposed with the help of mirrors and fixed with bullet forceps, which facilitates the manipulation. With their help, the doctor carefully moves the neck slightly to the right and injects 2-2.5 ml of plasma in one injection, and then to the left and performs a similar injection. The method is indicated for salpingoophoritis, metroendometriosis, hormonal disorders, and infertility.
  • Intrauterine or intracavitary administration. The technique involves inserting a sterile catheter into the uterine cavity through the cervical canal and injecting 1.5-2.5 ml of the patient’s blood plasma. After 5-7 minutes, the woman can get up, get dressed and return to everyday activities. With congenital narrowness of the cervical canal, its expansion can be carried out. The method is used to treat metroendometriosis and infertility.
  • Subepithelial vaginal insertion. The technique consists of making numerous small papules through targeted injections of autoplasma under the mucous membrane on all surfaces of the vagina, including the G-spot area. In this way, about 3-4.5 ml of plasma is injected. The technique is used for atrophic changes in the urogenital tract, leukoplakia, kraurosis or lichen sclerosus, and the need to increase tactile sensitivity of the genital organs.
  • Subepithelial injection of autoplasma into the external female genitalia. The essence of the method is similar to the previous one. In the same way, injections are performed using the papular technique under the mucous membrane of the external genitalia. First of all, the doctor works with the labia minora, then moves on to the skin of the labia majora and perineum. In general, about 3-4.5 ml of autoplasma is injected during one procedure. The technique is used to correct atrophic changes in the external genitalia and solve aesthetic problems.

After plasma lifting, women are advised to refrain from visiting swimming pools, solariums, baths, saunas, heavy physical activity and sexual activity for 2-3 days.

How to obtain plasma for Plasmolifting?

Plasma is obtained from the patient’s own blood by centrifuging the blood in special Plasmolifting tubes. Numerous studies have shown that the necessary therapeutic effect is possible only with the use of high-quality, highly purified plasma. Such plasma can only be obtained using tubes specially designed for this method, containing sodium heparin and adsorption gel. Heparin is a natural anticoagulant and allows you to keep the resulting venous blood in the required condition for further processing. The adsorption gel, in turn, during centrifugation, adsorbs red blood cells and low molecular weight fatty acids. Thus, both of these important components make it possible to obtain highly purified plasma.

According to indications and to enhance the effect, vitamins, microelements, amino acids, vascular preparations, and hyaluronic acid can be added to the autoplasma.

Description of the procedure and technique of plasma lifting

Youth is in human blood. Plasmolifting is an injection therapeutic and rejuvenating revitalizing procedure: platelet plasma from the patient’s blood is injected under the skin in problem areas. The plasmolifting procedure is an improved form of autoplasmotherapy - plasma treatment technology.

Benefits of plasma lifting

  • autoplasma is isolated from the patient’s blood without contacting the external environment
  • autoplasma is used without adding additional components other than heparin. This ensures safety and minimal risk of rejection, side effects, allergic reactions
  • painlessness and absence of a long recovery period
  • versatility - widely used in medicine
  • the rejuvenation effect occurs after the first session and lasts for at least two years

How does plasma lifting work?

The facial plasmolifting procedure involves injections of the patient’s own platelet plasma. Plasma contains blood proteins - growth factors and is capable of activating the work of body cells and stimulating the process of tissue repair. Replenishes the lack of moisture and oxygen in aging skin. After the first procedure, irritation and peeling disappear, the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers is activated, the skin becomes elastic, and the oval of the face becomes clear.

Protective systems are activated, and the skin more effectively resists the aging process. She becomes young not only in appearance, but begins to function as young. It is worth noting that the fundamental difference between this method of rejuvenation is the activation of skin renewal mechanisms, stopping the aging process

Plasmolifting results

The skin becomes more toned and smooth, its natural rejuvenation occurs, elasticity increases, aging slows down and dark circles disappear under the eyes, complexion improves immediately after the first session.

In terms of external effect, the procedure is compared with surgical superficial face lifting. However, its main advantage is the absence of surgical intervention. One of the unique effects of plasma lifting is that the skin begins to “glow” from the inside, becoming velvety, soft and smooth.

It is worth noting that the results of the procedure depend on the patient’s health, skin, and age. The sooner plasma lifting is carried out, the faster positive changes will occur and the fewer procedures you will have to undergo. The effect lasts up to two years. You can evaluate the results by studying the photos before and after plasma lifting

Several sessions may be needed to obtain a lasting effect. The course is prescribed to each patient individually. Specialists at Rednor cosmetology centers provide such services at a high quality professional level. We have very affordable prices for plasma lifting in Moscow

Plasmolifting in cosmetology allows you to obtain the following results without the use of expensive devices and operations, as well as without side effects

  • improve complexion
  • reduce the intensity of age spots
  • slow down the aging process
  • remove expression wrinkles
  • deeply nourish and moisturize the skin
  • remove post-acne and acne
  • get rid of acne
  • tighten the oval of the face, increase skin turgor
  • rehabilitate skin after excessive sun exposure
  • make scars and scars less noticeable
  • speed up recovery after chemical and laser peeling
  • improve the condition of the scalp

Indications for plasma lifting

Reduced skin turgor due to age-related changes

  • appearance of fine wrinkles
  • deterioration of skin condition and appearance
  • dryness and flaking
  • acne
  • early stage of prolapse of neck and face tissues
  • stretch marks, scars and scars
  • strong ultraviolet radiation
  • seborrhea
  • hair loss and thinning
  • rehabilitation after chemical or laser peeling

Proper preparation for plasma lifting. Why you don’t need to buy plasma cream

Plasma platelets are active for approximately 20 minutes. Therefore, to meet this time, the injection procedure must be performed quickly and efficiently. Platelets “work” in the plasma; when they enter tissue, they are activated and release growth factors. Activation occurs as a result of contact of the drug with fibroblasts.

In some beauty clinics, part of the plasma remaining after treatment is mixed with a cream base and sold to clients for a lot of money. But due to the short lifespan of active platelets, all plasma-based creams are pointless.

Indications for plasma lifting

Plasma therapy for the face is performed for the following indications:

  • deep, age and expression wrinkles;
  • rosacea;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • loss of skin turgor;
  • increased skin oiliness;
  • facial ptosis;
  • dryness and thinning of the skin;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • acne;
  • uneven color and texture of the face;
  • clogged enlarged pores;
  • scars and cicatrices.

In addition, plasma lifting is actively used in the treatment of signs of photoaging, as well as to eliminate the negative consequences of peelings.

Plasmolifting is an expensive procedure. How to save money?

Platelet-rich plasma is a safe and effective treatment, but it is not a panacea for all skin aging problems, so it should only be used where plasma lifting is effective. To do this, you need to contact a good specialist who will give clear recommendations on the number of procedures, areas of plasma injection and tell you about the expected results.

It is also worth remembering that treatment with truly platelet-rich plasma cannot be cheap, since a good centrifuge is expensive, and professional plasma lifting kits are disposable and are also quite expensive. If you are offered cheap plasma lifting, this is not savings, but a waste of money, since in this case we are not talking about any effectiveness.

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