How the style of the famous doctor Elena Malysheva changed

Elena Malysheva is one of the most famous personalities on Russian television. Looking at her face, it's hard to believe that she is actually 58 years old. The star looks much younger than her age. Therefore, many viewers are constantly wondering whether she had plastic surgery or whether the secret lies in something else. This interest is quite justified, because there are no wrinkles on her face, and her skin looks just perfect. There are also no other signs of age inherent in many of her peers. Let's try to find out how she manages to look so good and stay young year after year.


But designer Anika Kerimova believes that after losing weight, Elena quite correctly began to opt for trousers more often. This wardrobe item suits her. But at the same time it is necessary to skillfully combine the top and bottom of the suit. But this is not always possible.

It is a deep misconception to believe that you can wear absolutely any jumper or blouse with black trousers. The designer recommends avoiding firebird costumes. It was in this image that the presenter was criticized by her fans. Not everyone liked the costume Malysheva wore to the premiere of the film “Kingsman.”

The photo given in the article allows you to evaluate the star’s outfit. The wide top with voluminous sleeves is somewhat reminiscent of a kimono. Overall the image seems strange. Even black trousers in this case did not save the situation. Perhaps the designer who dressed the presenter for the event wanted to draw attention to her person. And he succeeded. The image turned out bright.

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Anika Kerimova notes that Malysheva’s arsenal includes glasses with different frames. For special occasions, you can choose something more expressive. The designer also notes that you cannot go to an event where a photo shoot is planned with a phone in your hand. While posing for the paparazzi, you should give all your extra items to someone to hold. Otherwise, such little things greatly spoil the overall image of a person.

A little biography

The famous media personality was born in the small Russian city of Kemerovo in 1961. From childhood she was an exemplary child, got straight A's at school and graduated with honors from medical school. Before getting on television, Elena Malysheva worked for some time as a regular therapist, combining her work with the duties of an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine. As a result, her perseverance, diligence and fruitful work bore fruit. Today Malysheva is an emeritus professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University.

Elena appeared on television in the early 90s. In this direction, everything also went very well, and after 2 years she had her own television show dedicated to medical topics on the RTR TV channel, and later she began hosting everyone’s favorite “Health” project, in which she talked about methods of preventing various diseases and shared with viewers with useful tips.

Today Malysheva hosts the program “Live Healthy”, and is also a member of the trustee committee of the National Prize, which produces professional cosmetics produced under the “Diva” brand. Elena adheres to an active lifestyle and proper nutrition, and also regularly plays sports and promotes this among the masses.

In addition to professional achievements, Malysheva is doing well in her family life. She is an exemplary wife, mother and grandmother.

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Floral prints

Back in 2014, the presenter appeared at the famous Golden Gramophone award in an unusual dress with a bright floral print. Anika Kerimova believes that this outfit looks very harmonious on Malysheva. But the question is how appropriate is such a dress for such a ceremony? The designer notes that the monstrous colored press ox, against which all the guests had to take pictures, ruined many of the images. Against its background, any outfit will seem unsuccessful.

Anika believes that floral prints suit Elena's look. It fits well with her on-screen style as a doctor who treats the entire country and helps deal with health problems.

Appearance of Malysheva in her youth and now

The TV presenter is demanding of herself, adheres to proper nutrition, visits sports clubs, where she engages in feasible physical activity. But no matter how active a person is, the skin naturally fades over the years.

Looking at photographs of Malysheva in the media and on the Internet, readers get the feeling that the doctor began to often resort to some medical tricks to preserve youthful skin. For example, it is assumed that she had plastic surgery.

Bold experiments

Many people reproach Elena for the fact that not all of her outfits are successful. However, a woman can be envied. Probably no one has such a number of outfits. The presenter is not afraid to experiment; every time she appears in the studio in a new image. Some people like Elena's style, others don't. It's a matter of taste. And yet her non-standard outfits never cease to amaze. It’s not for nothing that many TV viewers regularly discuss them.

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It is impossible to imagine the image of a woman without good hairstyle and makeup. Many have noticed that Elena always appears with the same hairstyle. Experts recommend experimenting not only with clothes, but also with styling. Big hairstyles are not fashionable now, so you can try something new.

According to stylists, glasses help make your look completely different. Massive frames are currently in trend. Elena always uses a minimum of cosmetics. At the same time, she looks great. But for special occasions, you can put a bright emphasis on your lips.

Application of Roaccutane

In the most hopeless situations and advanced cases, Malysheva strongly recommends taking Roaccutane. This drug is used in the most severe cases of acne and only as prescribed by a dermatologist. You can resort to treatment with this remedy. The substance isotretinoin reduces the production of subcutaneous sebum and kills germs. It will also help with hormonal acne in a girl. Side effects:

  • depression;
  • aggression;
  • convulsions;
  • high blood pressure;
  • internal and nosebleeds;
  • poor sleep;
  • swelling;
  • pain in the bones, stomach, head;
  • dermatitis;
  • nausea;
  • excessive sweating;
  • itching and rash;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • suicidal tendencies.

The list of side effects is frightening, so this drug is prescribed only in extreme cases.

Extra details

Of course, the presenter always chooses interesting outfits. But sometimes they are too overloaded with unnecessary details. According to Kerimova, it is important to choose the correct length of clothing and sleeves. Since Elena Malysheva has a fragile physique, clothes should not be bulky or bulky. Excessive frills, capes, folds and too long items very often crush our figure and make our image heavier.

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Pay attention to the photo. Here we see a wonderful combination of colors that really suit the presenter. Elena boldly experiments not only with images, but also with colors.

Kerimova notes that the set is very interesting, but it has one extra detail that spoils everything. The cape over the main costume serves a completely incomprehensible role. There was no need to burden the beautiful image with such an incomprehensible detail. The suit already has its own zest, since the bottom is asymmetrical. This is quite enough to make the image interesting and unusual.

The unusual cape, although it looks quite interesting, is inappropriate in this case. She turns all attention to herself. In addition, it makes the silhouette more massive.

How to properly care for your facial skin: useful tips from Elena Malysheva

The star has repeatedly shared her secrets of youth with the public. To maintain freshness and beauty, she recommends:

  1. Start taking care of yourself as early as adolescence. Today there are many cosmetics on sale, designed for different age categories.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the skin in the eye area. This is where the first wrinkles appear. To keep the epidermis smooth and elastic, you need to regularly massage with special rollers that relieve swelling and stimulate blood flow.
  3. After water procedures, you should always apply moisturizer to your face. The same applies to the neck and décolleté area.
  4. Carefully approach the choice of cosmetics, paying attention to the composition. Some products contain substances that work against each other, resulting in a completely opposite effect.

And of course, you need to get a good night's sleep every day. The magical benefits of sleep for the face and the health of the body as a whole are very often underestimated.

Evaluation of experiments

Elena Malysheva is an active user of the Instagram network. She regularly posts photos of new looks on her page. The presenter is not afraid of criticism from fans and opponents.

Recent experiments in changing the image are also reflected in the photo. The presenter demonstrated new stylish trouser suits, thanks to which she turned into a businesswoman. Such images suit Elena incredibly. She looks very harmonious. In the presenter's outfits there was not a shadow left of those bright dresses with floral prints with which she had recently delighted television viewers.

The star's new image caused a strong reaction on Instagram. Many subscribers praised the woman's new style. But there were also those who didn’t like everything. Well, where would we be without this? Be that as it may, the presenter’s wardrobe and style have changed dramatically. Perhaps the presenter will soon please us with further changes.

What procedures does the TV star resort to?

Malysheva publicly says that she often visits cosmetologists’ offices. She tries to apply many of the recommendations of experts in life. It has been scientifically proven that many products have a sufficient rejuvenating effect.

Most often, the doctor herself resorts to Botox injections. Due to the effects of the neurotoxin, muscle tissue is blocked, which helps smooth out wrinkles, even the deepest ones.

In second place is hyaluronic acid with a moisturizing effect. Hyaluronic acid makes the skin fresher and softer. In the deep layers of the dermis, it activates its own rejuvenating process. Malysheva does not hesitate to use fillers to maintain facial contours.

No matter how we feel about plastic surgery, today it has ascended to the Olympus of popularity. Thanks to surgical procedures, stars and public figures can maintain their image for many years.

Expert opinion

Many people criticize Elena Malysheva’s clothing style. However, you should understand that her overly bright outfits on air are not the presenter’s choice. Probably, this decision was made by the stylists of the program.

It’s hard to say how necessary and logical such a bright color accent is in such a serious show. Designers deliberately choose incredibly rich colors for Elena, which create the impression of splashing energy. Most often, Elena appears in the studio in fuchsia, lemon yellow, bright red, and rich green outfits.

Flared dresses in the New Look style have long remained the main stage image of the presenter. Only the colors of the outfits changed from program to program. Perhaps bright shades are intended to make the presenter bright, perky and cheerful. Only the audience can evaluate how successful the stylists are.

Many people liked the new style of the star. There are positive changes in the image of Elana Malysheva. Stylish suits are a new step for the presenter.

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Carrot Mask Hendel

Another product that Elena recommends is the Carrot Mask Handel carrot mask. Acts as an antibacterial agent, saturates the skin with vitamins, promotes rapid healing, even if a purulent pimple has burst, can draw out impurities from the deepest layers of the skin, opens pores and removes plugs, has a bactericidal effect, and reduces skin oiliness.

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