Mesovarton and mesoxanthin bioreparation at the Doctor Grishkyan clinic in Moscow

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  3. Mesovarton and mesoxanthin bioreparation at the Doctor Grishkyan clinic in Moscow

Bioreparants Meso-Wharton and mesoxanthin (Meso-Xanthin) can be called improved biorevitalizants. The fact is that hyaluronic acid, which is the basis of the drugs, is modified using a unique technique. Active substances are attached to each of its molecules: amino acids, vitamins, microelements, peptides, this allows you to prolong the existence of the hyaluronic acid molecule, thereby triggering the launch of rejuvenation processes.

Unlike biorevitalizants and mesopreparations, the modified hyaluronic acid of bioreparants remains in the tissues much longer, this allows the body to form a reserve of useful elements and use them gradually in the future, triggering the skin renewal mechanism.

Mesovarton in a clinic in Moscow

Mesovarton provokes intensive restoration of skin cells, but its main property is to increase the number of its own stem cells. In addition to vitamins, amino acids, growth factors and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, Mesovarton includes the polypeptide “Wharton Jelly Peptide P199”, which was discovered during complex operations on the fetus in the womb. Postoperative tissue healing in the fetus occurs quite quickly, and no scars are formed. Thanks to research, it was possible to remove the polypeptide from the umbilical cord. It is this polypeptide that triggers renewal processes in cells. A synthetic analogue of this polypeptide is part of the drug.

  • Increases cell activity and synthesis of its own collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, improves skin texture (increases its density)
  • participates in the regulation of healing and restoration of the skin, normalizes microcirculation.
  • influences intracellular metabolism and stimulates cell growth.
  • the strongest antioxidant, models the production of melanin.
  • is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent

The discovery of the polypeptide “Wharton Jelly Peptide P199” is associated with the activities of the famous obstetrician-gynecologist surgeon, Doctor of Medicine, Professor Boris Petrikovsky. Dr. Petrikovsky noticed that tissue healing in the fetus always proceeds effectively and without scar formation, and found that this healing process is due to the high proliferative activity of embryonic stem cells in the jelly-like embryonic substance of the umbilical cord “Wharton's Jelly”. As a result of research, a polypeptide was isolated that stimulates cell division. In collaboration with the laboratory of University Medical Center, Long Island, N.Y. Professor Petrikovsky created a synthetic analogue of this peptide, which was named “Wharton Jelly Peptide P199”. For four years, Russian doctors, together with the Fijie Institute (representatives of Meso-Wharton P199), the Institute of Developmental Biology. Koltsov, RAS, results were obtained not only for skin rejuvenation, but also for the treatment of rosacea and skin restoration after laser procedures.

Mesovarton - what is it?

Meso Wharton P199 is an innovative biological product manufactured by the famous American company ABG Lab. Russian scientist B. Petrikovsky, known in the field of fetal surgery, took part in the development of the drug.

Photo of the packaging of the drug Meso-Wharton P199 (Mezovarton)

Official website in Russia:

The drug Mezovarton was created to rejuvenate the skin of people over 45 years old and is used in the biorevitalization procedure.

the P199 peptide unique in its properties , the action of which enhances the synthesis of stem cells, effectively renews the intercellular matrix, and also restores the vital activity of skin cells.

The drug is completely safe and has virtually no side effects. After a course of rejuvenating therapy, the skin texture is significantly smoothed out, fine wrinkles disappear.

In 2010, Mezovarton was approved in Russia by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and within a few years gained a reputation as one of the best anti-aging compounds, which is used by the country's leading clinics.

Meso Wharton P199 Drug Certificate

Indications for use:

In cosmetology:

  • Prevention and treatment of skin aging.
  • Correction of age-related changes (wrinkles, loss of tone and elasticity, gravitational ptosis I-II degrees)
  • Dehydrated skin syndrome.
  • Preparing the skin for plastic surgery.
  • Skin rehabilitation in the postoperative period.
  • Skin restoration after medium and deep peels, laser resurfacing and other invasive procedures.
  • Complex therapy of dyschromia.

In dermatology:

  • Post-acne syndrome.
  • Phenotypically oily skin syndrome.
  • Smoker's skin syndrome.
  • Acne stage 1-2, without exacerbation.
  • Rosacea (all forms).
  • Rosacea-like demodicosis.
  • Photodermatitis accompanied by the formation of melanogenetic spots.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Skin xerosis.

The best anti-aging effect was determined in the category of patients 35-48 years old. In addition to the synthetic analogue of the embryonic peptide, Meso-Wharton P199 contains biosynthetic high-molecular hyaluronic acid, which creates a hydroreserve in the intercellular matrix, as well as a complex of amino acids, vitamins, growth factors encapsulated in nanosomes: everything that is necessary for direct rejuvenation of skin cells and provides a visible lifting effect.

Effect of the drug Mezovarton

The skin is moisturized, tone and elasticity returns, and it is saturated with vitamins and microelements. But the most important thing is that rejuvenation processes are launched, your own skin cells are actively renewed.

Indications for use of the drug Mezovarton

Mesovarton is indicated for age-related changes in the skin after 40 years: wrinkles, loss of clarity of the oval of the face, flabby non-elastic skin, dull complexion. Mesovarton is indicated for recovery after burns and chemical peelings, as well as after plastic surgery.


The exact number of procedures is determined by the doctor; it depends on the condition of the skin and the desired result. Usually 4-8 sessions are enough, held once a week or twice a month. First, an anesthetic is applied to the face, and then the cosmetologist makes numerous injections, saturating the skin with useful substances. Finally, the face is treated with a soothing mask and cream.

Injection marks in the form of small bruises and papules can persist for a couple of days, after which they resolve without a trace. The result increases gradually, usually it becomes noticeable after the second or third procedure - the skin is tightened and smoothed, looks fresher, and its shade is evened out.

Mesoxanthine in a clinic in Moscow

Unlike Mezovarton, the bioreparant Mezoksnatin is designed specifically for young skin with the first signs of aging (28-30 years). Mesoxanthine prolongs and preserves the youth of the skin and has a protective effect on cell DNA.

Mezoxanthin is similar in composition to Mezovarton, but in addition to high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins and growth factors, the drug contains the carotenoid Fucoxanthin. This key ingredient, derived from seaweed, has powerful anti-aging benefits.

Action and effect of using the drug Mesoxanthin

Mesoxanthine works with the patient’s own stem cells, putting into them the information of a young and healthy cell, thereby activating tissue regeneration and renewal. Skin turgor increases, a tightening effect appears, complexion improves, skin glows with health and youth. Mesoxanthine also significantly reduces the visibility of age spots and vascular patterns. But the main effect of using the drug is inhibition of cell aging.

Indications for use of Mesoxanthine

the first signs of skin aging; preparation or recovery after plastic surgery; hyperpigmentation; burns of various origins; undergone deep peelings and laser resurfacing.


Like all medications, Meso Wharton injections have some contraindications, these include:

  • Inflammatory processes, cuts, wounds and other violations of the integrity of the skin in the injection area;
  • Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • Age up to 40 years;
  • Autoimmune diseases, weakened immunity;
  • Taking anticoagulants (heparin, aspirin, etc.);
  • Pregnancy and lactation are a temporary contraindication.

Price of the procedure

You can buy the drug Mezovarton on the official website from the distributor at a fairly high price, which is due to its composition.

On the pharmacological market you can find cheaper analogues - the drugs Essenthyal , Mesoxanthin, as well as popular meso procedures that are performed on the Mesodoctor device. But still, most patients prefer Mezovarton.

On average, for a more lasting effect, a course of 8 procedures is recommended for patients.

The final cost of therapy is influenced by the status of the clinic where biorevitalization will be performed and the supplier of the drug.

Meso-Wharton Face Cream

However, it is worth considering that the effect of the sessions will last at least 1 year.

  • The price of the biorevitalization procedure with Mezovarton filler in Moscow and St. Petersburg averages about 15,000 - 20,000 rubles. for 1.5 ml.
  • The entire course will cost from 40,000 rubles . This cost includes the drug and the manipulation itself (microinjections).
  • In other cities of Russia, correction with Mezovarton filler costs slightly less - about 12,000 - 15,000 rubles per 1.5 ml.

If you pay for the entire course at once, the cost may be slightly reduced.

How to protect yourself from bad consequences?

If you decide to carry out biorevitalization with this drug, you need to protect yourself as much as possible from adverse consequences.

To do this you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Ask the cosmetologist for documents for Mezovarton. In case of refusal, it is better to immediately abandon this procedure.
  • Check when the specialist opened the drug. It is worth knowing that he must do this in front of the patient, without hiding this process.
  • Strictly follow the recommendations made by your doctor. As a rule, cosmetologists give advice to alleviate the consequences of the procedure.
  • Don't skimp on the clinic and cosmetologist. A good specialist is a guarantee of a quality procedure.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Vera, Moscow I used other fillers for a long time and did not dare to switch to Mezovarton. However, I talked with representatives, with colleagues, looked for reviews and not only positive ones. The drug is serious, and colleagues are divided on its use. But several specialists (very authoritative) shared their work experience, I listened and began to put it into practice. I have never regretted it, the results are almost always excellent.

Elena, St. Petersburg Kolola Aquashine and Meso-Wharton. Of course, the reviews are completely different. In my extensive practice, Aquashine gives allergic reactions; nothing like this has happened with Mezovarton yet. The skin recovery period is a day or two, with minimal side effects. The result of the procedure pleases both me and the patients.

Effect of biorevitalization Mezovarton

Mezovarton Forte - therapy has been confirmed by numerous positive reviews from patients and cosmetologists.

Biorevitalization Meso-Wharton P199 in most cases provides high lasting results, which manifests itself in the form:

  • Disappearance of wrinkles;
  • Changes in the oval of the face;
  • Relief smoothing;
  • Increasing skin elasticity;
  • Lightening pigment spots;
  • Restoration of metabolic processes of the skin.

This effect of the drug is due to its unique composition.

However, in addition to the positive ones, there are also bad reviews about Mezovarton, which indicates the need to consult a specialist before using it.

Customer Reviews

Irina, St. Petersburg The drug Mezovarton was created specifically for aging skin and effectively eliminates even serious age-related changes. A year and a half ago, on the recommendation of a friend, I did biorevitalization with this filler for the first time. Since then, all my friends have asked me where I had plastic surgery? During this period, I made several more maintenance injections. I am very pleased with the result, the skin tightened and wrinkles smoothed out.

Karina, Kiev My mother used Mesavorton injections, and a friend recommended this procedure to her. The effect is wonderful, I really liked it, all the small expression wrinkles immediately disappeared, the oval of the face became like ten years ago. Based on the appearance of her skin, it looks like she had a circumferential lift. He plans to repeat the course in six months.

Alina, Yekaterinburg Meso-Wharton P199, unfortunately, did not suit me at all. Immediately after the procedure, an allergy occurred. Plus my face is very swollen, it’s terrible. I didn’t leave the house for several days, so I didn’t even dare to have a second session. It is quite possible that the cosmetologist made a mistake or that I have increased sensitivity, but the result is terrible. I will never agree to such experiments again; I would rather buy more effective expensive creams.

Olga, Moscow I have been doing biorevitalization for several years now, every six months, although many dissuaded me from this procedure and convinced me to immediately inject Botox. The cosmetologist recommended Mezovarton, since at the moment it is the most effective filler for mature skin. Improvements became noticeable after the 3rd procedure, although I was determined that I would see the result no earlier than in a month. The procedure itself does not take much time and is absolutely painless. In six months I plan to repeat the course of injections.

Oksana, Switzerland After 40 years, my skin began to change for the worse. There were more and more wrinkles, the skin began to sag and ordinary creams stopped helping. I was thinking about Botox or biorevitalization. I decided to start with the safest method of rejuvenation. On the recommendation of a friend, I chose the Mezovarton filler. Cosmetologists also praised him very much. Of course, there were doubts, since I had never done anything like this. The result was not pleasing. For the money, the changes are minor. After the injection, swelling persisted and discomfort around the eyes persisted for about a week. I think for that kind of money there should be a different result.

Aquashine or Mesovarton: which is better?

Today, there are many biorevitalizants on the pharmaceutical market, so the question of which drug is better - Mezovarton or Aquashine - is of interest not only to patients, but also to cosmetologists.

Opinions on this matter vary; there are positive reviews about the Aquashine filler, indicating that after its use the skin is transformed and glows with youth.

There are many reviews that describe a large number of cases of allergic reactions after using it. However, there are much more positive reviews from patients and specialists about the drug Meso Wharton P199.

Its more than rich composition, excellent concentration and wide range of solutions to cosmetological problems deserve praise.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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