Meso-Wharton P 199 / Mesowarton - new possibilities for biorevitalization

Meso – Wharton P199 / Mezovarton is an injection drug for medical use, intended for intensive “reparation” and rejuvenation of the skin after 40-45 years. The mechanism of its action is associated with the activation of the proliferative properties of skin stem cells and the restoration of the physiological regulation of cell activity and renewal of the intercellular matrix.

The main ingredient of the drug is Wharton Jelly Peptide P 199, a synthetic analogue of embryonic peptide that acts as a signaling factor to skin stem cells. The peptide stimulates the renewal of dermal cells, increases the synthetic activity of fibroblasts, promotes the formation of hyaluronic acid and full-fledged collagen fibers. The discovery of the peptide is associated with the activities of the famous obstetrician-gynecologist, surgeon Boris Markovich Petrikovsky. Professor Petrikovsky became world famous due to his unique operations for various fetal malformations. When studying the composition of the gel-like substance of the umbilical cord, a peptide was isolated that regulates the activity of skin stem cells by activating the synthesis of growth factors.

In addition to peptide P 199, the drug “Meso – Wharton P199” / Mesowarton contains

  • oligo- and polypeptides - cell growth factors (epidermal, insulin-like, thyroidoxin, fibroblast growth factor), and also contains a copper-containing tripeptide that stimulates regeneration;
  • high molecular weight hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 1.56%;
  • a complex of amino acids, including those specific to collagen, a number of oligoelements;
  • NAD, FAD, cAMP, ornithine, taurine, coenzyme, inositol and other cofactors of the most important biochemical reactions. All components of the drug are included in low concentrations and, according to Hering’s law, have a regulatory effect.


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Purchasing drugs

You can purchase unique anti-aging cocktails developed by ABG Lab in most online stores whose activities are related to the sale of products for cosmetic procedures. It is advisable to contact official representatives of the manufacturer and first look at the main website.

Gels for biorevitalization are produced in hermetically sealed syringes. Meso Warton and Meso Xanthine have a volume of 1.5 ml, Meso Ice and Meso Sculpt - 1 ml. The cost of 1 unit of product is 4–6 thousand rubles.

Composition and benefits

The drug contains the following highly effective components:

  • Wharton Jelly Peptide P19 is a patented synthetic polypeptide that produces the synthesis of hyaluron, elastin and stem cells. Jelly Peptide P19 is considered similar to a peptide in the human embryo, which divides cells at a high rate. The increased concentration of stem cells in the thickness of the epidermis rejuvenates the skin for several years.
  • Highly concentrated hyaluronic acid has a powerful moisturizing effect and retains hydration for a long time.
  • Thioredoxin is a regulator of melanin production, a barrier to free radicals.
  • A complex of oligo- and polypeptides that slows down the process of withering, improves the structure of the epidermal layer, and stimulates local metabolism.
  • Amino acid complex – gives skin elasticity and improves tone.
  • Coenzymes and vitamins saturate the skin, increase its elastic properties, enhance microcirculation, and eliminate age spots.
  • Nucleic acids - contribute to the normal formation of DNA and RNA bundles.

Advantages of Mezovarton:

  • It is the only biorevitalizing drug that acts at the cellular level.
  • Rejuvenates the skin due to its intensive moisturizing with hyaluronic acid, nutrition with a complex of amino and nucleic acids, and a vitamin mixture.
  • Meso Wharton renews the skin by properly stimulating and expanding stem cells.

The main advantages of using Mezovarton

In patients who are prescribed Mezovarton , the cosmetic effect becomes noticeable already on days 4-5. At the same time, the tone of the skin significantly increases, small facial wrinkles and age-related pigmentation disappear without a trace. Biological tissues receive an increased level of moisture.


  • the production of new cell mass is activated,
  • folds are tightened, outlining the facial contour,
  • skin color and structure improves,
  • non-aesthetic areas of sagging are eliminated.


The procedure takes place in several stages, including preliminary preparation:

  • Examination of the patient, collection of anamnesis and medical history.
  • Identification of indications for the procedure, determination of skin type.
  • Selection of a biorevitalizing filler designed to solve specific problems and its correct dosage.
  • Skin cleansing, in some cases local anesthesia.
  • Direct administration of the drug by injection.

The number of injections should be regulated by the doctor; it depends on the initial condition of the skin and the age of the patient. Typically, patients under 50 years of age are prescribed from 4 to 6 sessions, the interval between which is 7-14 days; after 50, the number of sessions can be increased to 8. To preserve the result for the longest possible time after completion of the course, it is recommended to undergo 1 procedure per day. 30 days.

Indications for Meso Wharton injections

  • Meso Wharton anti-aging injections are prescribed to patients who are beginning to show age-related changes in their skin.
  • Decreased elasticity, the appearance of facial wrinkles, and color changes are the first signals to go to a cosmetology clinic.
  • A unique biorevitalizer is indispensable after procedures such as laser resurfacing or chemical peeling of the skin.
  • With the help of injections you can get rid of scars, scars or enlarged pores.

What happens after hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin?

The skin of young people contains up to 70% water. With age, this figure gradually decreases. As a result, the dermis loses elasticity and firmness, and wrinkles appear on it. One of the participants in the mechanism of maintaining the water balance of the dermis in a normal state is hyaluronic acid.
This is a powerful moisturizer, which, due to its special structure, attracts water to itself like a sponge (1 molecule of polysaccharide can hold more than 100 molecules of water).

Mesoxanthine in a clinic in Moscow

Unlike Mezovarton, the bioreparant Mezoksnatin is designed specifically for young skin with the first signs of aging (28-30 years). Mesoxanthine prolongs and preserves the youth of the skin and has a protective effect on cell DNA.

Mezoxanthin is similar in composition to Mezovarton, but in addition to high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins and growth factors, the drug contains the carotenoid Fucoxanthin. This key ingredient, derived from seaweed, has powerful anti-aging benefits.

Action and effect of using the drug Mesoxanthin

Mesoxanthine works with the patient’s own stem cells, putting into them the information of a young and healthy cell, thereby activating tissue regeneration and renewal. Skin turgor increases, a tightening effect appears, complexion improves, skin glows with health and youth. Mesoxanthine also significantly reduces the visibility of age spots and vascular patterns. But the main effect of using the drug is inhibition of cell aging.

Indications for use of Mesoxanthine

the first signs of skin aging; preparation or recovery after plastic surgery; hyperpigmentation; burns of various origins; undergone deep peelings and laser resurfacing.

Performing injections

The amount of substance in 1 syringe is usually enough for complex treatment of several areas: face, neck, décolleté. The drug Mezovarton is prescribed to patients with pronounced changes in various areas. Before the procedure, it is necessary to consult with a cosmetologist. The doctor determines the possibility of performing the intervention and gives instructions to the patient on preparation (limiting the use of alcohol, certain medications).

The procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Before performing injections, an informed consent is signed, and the doctor provides instructions.
  2. The cosmetologist cleans the patient’s skin of impurities and applies an antiseptic.
  3. The procedure is recommended to be performed under local anesthesia. Application or local injection anesthesia is possible.
  4. The doctor opens the drug in full view of the patient, connects the needle to the syringe, and performs injection treatment of the planned areas, characteristic of classical biorevitalization. The papular injection technique is used. The doctor plunges the needle into the patient's skin 2–4 mm. The cosmetologist accompanies each injection with an injection of a certain amount of the substance. The area undergoes numerous microinjections during the procedure.
  5. After complete treatment, the skin is wiped with an antiseptic and a soothing agent is applied.

Important! To achieve the expected effect, a single procedure is not enough. Meso-Wharton P199 is administered according to an individual program proposed by a cosmetologist. The doctor prescribes a course of procedures consisting of 4–8 interventions. Sessions are carried out once every 1–2 weeks.

How and what the biorevitalization procedure is done

The procedure is based on the subcutaneous administration of gel-like products, the main active component of which is low concentration hyaluronic acid (HA). This substance is naturally found in large quantities in the human body and is involved in many biochemical processes in the body. Therefore, injections with this biopolymer are perceived by the immune system as natural and are not rejected. The most popular brands of gels: Hyalual, Juvederm, Neauvia Organic, IAL System, Aquashine, Profhilo and others.

Patient reviews

Most patients are determined to achieve ideal results quickly when using Meso-Wharton P199. In the absence of visible changes and long waits for changes, disappointment sets in. The product is advertised as a strong bioreparant, but the price of the procedures is high.

The patient liked the result after using Mezovarton, but it took a long time to wait for positive changes.

The patient was not impressed with the results of using Meso-Wharton.

The patient sees results, but not on the scale she planned.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Most cosmetologists are confident in the undeniable benefits of Meso-Wharton. The product is actively used for performing injections in older patients. Doctors are satisfied with the results of Mezovarton. In some cases, the drug is weakly impressive and causes mistrust.

The cosmetologist highly appreciates the effectiveness of the line’s products.

The cosmetologist finds no analogues to the product.

The cosmetologist was not impressed by the effect of Meso-Wharton.

The esthetician likes Meso-Wharton.

The cosmetologist calls the Mezovarton product questionable.

Neutralize the effect

It is difficult to get a clear negative result after injections of the Mezovarton complex. The drug is aimed at improving the quality of the skin, but does not have the effect of volumetric tissue filling.

Neutralization or minimization of the effect is usually not required. If necessary, this cannot be done using drugs with hyaluronidase activity: the basis of the composition is not sodium hyaluronate.

You can speed up the removal of Mesovarton from tissues by increasing physical activity, warming up, and steaming: metabolic processes are accelerated. Physiotherapeutic treatment will also give results. Antihistamines are used to eliminate allergic reactions.

To eliminate possible inflammation, appropriate medications are used. Injection papules, redness, swelling, and bruising go away without additional therapy.

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