Vichy shower - the perfect combination of benefits and pleasure

Life originated in water - this theory is on par with the divine origin of the world... It is difficult to refute the hydro origin of all living things - after all, a tiny insect cannot live without water, and what can we say about a person? We ourselves are made of water, water is a source of quenching thirst and part of our food, a way to keep the body clean, and also to be healthy. Water therapy has been used in medicine and cosmetology for a long time. Such procedures are in great demand, as their healing effects on the body have been proven. A type of water therapy is the Vichy shower. Indications and contraindications for the procedure make it permissible for everyone. What kind of shower is this, what are its benefits?

Vichy shower: historical facts


There is an interesting place in France - a city southeast of Paris. It is famous for its thermal springs, so balneology is developed in the town. This resort town is called Vichy. By the way, it is no coincidence that the famous cosmetics, which are an eyesore in advertising, bears the same name as the town, because mineral waters are used to produce face and body care products under the Vichy Cosmetics brand.

The hydro procedure in question comes from a French resort, whose healing waters have been valued since ancient times. Caesar himself honored this place with his presence. And in the new era, Napoleon’s mother herself took medicinal baths there. Today, the luxury of Vichy is available to everyone; you don’t even have to go to France.

A little history

The healing properties of the thermal springs of the French balneological resort of Vichy have been known since ancient times. Over the years, famous historical figures visited here: the family of Napoleon and King Louis XV of France, the Marquis de Sevigne, etc. During the reign of Napoleon III, the city of Vichy began to be called the “King of French Resorts.”

Experts first started talking about the soul of Vichy, which was named after the resort, at the beginning of the 19th century. Although the author of the idea is not known for certain, French doctors of that time described in detail the structure of the fashionable innovation in France. However, Vichy showers gained popularity only at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, when new methods of hydrotherapy began to actively develop.

But there was no uniform standard for shower devices at that time; at resorts, water supply installations were made by local craftsmen. And today the Vichy shower is used in the modification of 1896 - the technique has remained virtually unchanged. Only to ensure the pressure of the water jet, instead of raising water tanks to the top floor, as was originally the case in resorts in France in the 19th century, modern equipment is now provided. And, of course, all shower installations are equipped with a customization function.

Vichy shower: what is it, photo

The Vichy shower is different from other therapeutic, water massages. Firstly, the design is unique. Sprinklers are located on the shower rail in one or two rows (depending on the type of equipment). These micro-nozzles spray water like a rain shower (spray variations are possible). Secondly, patients feel comfortable during the procedure, because they take it while in a horizontal position. The couch is somewhat reminiscent of a massage couch; there are even designs with a hole for the face. There is also a method of vertical showering, but it is not very popular.

Clients call the Vichy shower a procedure for the lazy due to its relaxed body position. Vichy shower has a gentler effect on the body than Charcot's shower.

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Types of Vichy shower, what water is used

The industry produces two types of Vichy showers, differing in equipment:

Vichy 02 – model with a thermostat to protect against burns, built-in nozzles are located on the rail in 2 rows, each can be adjusted separately. This installation allows the use of additives - essential oils, herbs, etc. Suitable for sports, medicine, spa treatments.

Vichy 03 is a closed-cycle model, an installation for long-term procedures. The design consists of a rack with 6 nozzles and a flexible hose, and the couch is equipped with a plastic cover for a steam bath effect. The use of additives is acceptable.

Showers also differ in the type of water supply:

  • rain-like;
  • needle;
  • dusty

Water is supplied at room temperature, but this parameter changes as needed. Ideally, mineral or thermal waters are used, however, simple fresh water will not do any harm.

By the way, read more on this topic: Charcot shower: indications and contraindications

Treatment with water and its effect on the body

The Vichy shower relaxes and renews the nervous system due to the formation of an ionization zone on the skin by multiple jets of water. This includes:

  • improvement of skin tone;
  • the fight against extra pounds, however, is considered a preventative option for cellulite;
  • activation of biologically active points. Any “thread” of water exhibits acupuncture massage. And due to the fact that the water jets are close, all areas of the body are massaged;
  • Vichy shower will remove excess water and toxic substances;
  • eliminating tension. The water temperature is comfortable, plus light massage relieves stress. After a Vichy shower, a person sleeps better and can overcome sleep disorders;
  • improving blood circulation, increasing the amount of oxygen supplied to the organs.

The Vichy shower has a gentle effect on the body, but its effectiveness is comparable to aggressive types of massage, which cosmetologists often perform with their hands. Strong movements create a lot of discomfort and pain for the client.

Anna, 27 years old: “I was delighted with Vichy’s shower. I used to go for regular massage sessions, but after it my back hurt. Therefore, I decided to try a more gentle one - Vichy shower. After the first session I felt a surge of strength. Moreover, the body did not hurt, but on the contrary, there was a feeling of lightness in the body. I will continue the hydrotherapy course further. This is a great way to relax!”

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Ksyusha, 37 years old: “A friend recommended that I try hydrotherapy, namely, try the Vichy shower procedure. You know, I have never felt so calm. This is a way to relax plus improve the condition of the skin.”


Svetlana, 43 years old: “I liked the procedure, the Vichy shower is better than simple massage options. After completing the tenth session, I noticed how my skin color had changed. She began to look healthier, I looked a couple of years younger. Besides this, I stopped being nervous. I’ve been working lately lately, so my body just needed rest! »


Lera, 35 years old: “I’m a mother. After giving birth, the stretch marks remained and became not very attractive. I've already forgotten what my waist looks like. I decided to lose excess weight. I decided to get in shape and went for the Vichy shower procedure. Now I'm already preparing for another hydromassage course. In the first ten sessions I managed to lose a couple of kilograms on my hips. I want to lose some more weight!”



Julia, 32 years old: “I tried the Vichy shower procedure just to lift my spirits and relax a little. After a difficult day, going for a procedure means being born again! In addition, I definitely feel more healthy, and the condition of my skin has improved noticeably!”


Alexandra, 34 years old: “The salon recommended me a Vichy shower to remove swelling. The effect is wonderful, the swelling is less noticeable after the second procedure, the mood is great!”

Vichy shower: indications and contraindications

The healing effect of the Vichy shower is pronounced. In contact with the patient’s skin, water contributes to the appearance of an area of ​​​​high ion content, which has a beneficial effect on skin respiration. Receptors are activated, blood flow accelerates, muscle tension subsides.

Indications for hydrotherapy:

  • inflammation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of joints, ligaments;
  • excess weight, signs of cellulite;
  • depression, nervousness, restless sleep;
  • fatigue, etc.

Contraindications include:

  • chronic diseases at the acute stage;
  • skin problems - eczema, dermatitis;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • the first days of the menstrual cycle, etc.

The Vichy shower has a cosmetological effect: it tones the skin, makes it elastic and toned. The procedures have a positive effect on the immune system, increasing defenses.

Harm to health

Despite the great benefits of circular shower massage procedures, there are a number of contraindications. Failure to take them into account properly will only cause harm instead of benefit. To avoid negative consequences from a circular shower, the procedure must be carried out only under the supervision of a medical professional. He will be able to competently assess the patient’s condition and the intensity of the proposed manipulation.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the presence of strict contraindications to the use of needle showers for treatment. It is strictly forbidden to perform hydromassage of this type if the patient has the following problems:

  • Asthenic syndrome.
  • Diseases of internal organs.
  • There are various tumors and oncology on the body.
  • Skin manifestations of allergies.
  • Colds.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage.
  • Asthmatic syndrome.
  • Pregnancy, menstruation.
  • Tuberculosis in open form.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Having an artificial heart valve or pacemaker.

Not taking into account such serious contraindications for procedures can have extremely negative consequences for human health. Stimulation of the body during hydromassage can provoke the development of severe pathologies against the background of existing diseases.

How the procedure is carried out, number, duration of sessions

The patient sits on the couch. The water jets are evenly distributed over the body, and the head is protected by a special screen. This is convenient; with a gentle hydromassage session, patients don’t even have to dry their hair.

Vichy shower procedures are recommended to be carried out in courses, 10-15 sessions. Each session lasts no more than half an hour. The break between sessions is at least 2-3 days. The course is allowed to be repeated after six months.

By the way, read more on this topic: Contrast shower: how to do it correctly

Methods of use

In order for the procedure to be enjoyable and bring the necessary therapeutic effect, it is necessary to follow some rules and recommendations.

  • The duration of the course is from 15 to 20 sessions, each of which can last from 5 to 20 minutes. For children, this time should be reduced to 10 minutes.
  • You can perform hydromassage daily or every other day and set the required interval yourself. If redness of the skin is noted, the gap between sessions should be increased to 3 days.

  • You should start the session by using water heated to 35 degrees, gradually lowering the temperature to 25 degrees and changing the water pressure. Such fluctuations in parameters help the body first relax and then tone up, which usually happens in the tenth minute of the session.
  • You should take a shower no earlier than 2 hours after eating or an hour before.

Expected effect

Vichy shower is a procedure for relaxation and getting rid of fatigue. The body is cleansed of toxins, and the kilograms that seem extra melt away. You shouldn’t expect a dramatic “weight loss” miracle after only a few sessions. Without sports training and proper nutrition, just water, you won’t lose kilos quickly. If you need a quick effect, it is better to use Charcot's shower. However, Vichy, as an auxiliary therapy in the fight for slimness, helps if other rules of weight loss are observed.

But what you can expect from your first visits is relaxation and improved functioning of the nervous system. But we must not forget that this physiotherapeutic procedure is not a complete treatment for diseases, but complements it.

Questions from patients about treating varicose veins with mud

Dear Irina! The contact technique, which involves the use of medical mud, is contraindicated in the presence of varicose veins. It is quite logical that the specialists of the city phlebology center are against the treatment of varicose veins with the help of medical mud.

Dear Valeria! Mud baths should not be used if you have been diagnosed with varicose veins. The treatment will not be effective and complications are possible. I recommend that you consult a phlebologist in a good city phlebological center and follow his recommendations.

Dear Diana! The proven medical effect of clay for varicose veins is not described in modern scientific literature. At the same time, the possible complications of such treatment are well described.

Dear Elena! If you have been diagnosed with varicose veins, you need to undergo modern treatment from a good phlebologist. Using mud baths for you now may cause complications of varicose veins.

Dear Victoria! At the Moscow City Phlebological Center we provide modern treatment for varicose veins. Even the best medical muds have no effect in the treatment of varicose veins and can cause complications of varicose veins, so our experts do not recommend them.

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