Pharmacy cosmetics, popularity rating: for problem skin, acne, anti-aging. French, Russian, brands

How do pharmaceutical cosmetics differ from regular ones?

The main difference between pharmacy cosmetics and regular ones is that the former bases the principle of its work on improving the health of the skin. It is not a purely decorative product and focuses on solving problematic issues of the epidermis. Cosmetics purchased at a pharmacy combine unique developments in the field of cosmetology, dermatology and pharmacology.

Another difference between pharmacy cosmetics is the mandatory certification, without which the drug is not allowed in pharmacies. In addition, medical products serve as additional treatment to the existing one, and some even serve as the main one.

Treatment of dermatitis

Treatment of dermatitis is a whole range of measures, including therapeutic and physiotherapeutic procedures with the prescription of general and local medications (creams, ointments). The main goal of therapy is to eliminate disturbing symptoms (itching, burning, rashes) and prevent secondary infections. Overall success in treatment is possible only with strict adherence to medical recommendations.

Dermatitis must be treated individually in each specific case. Sometimes it is enough to eliminate contact with the irritant. In difficult cases, drug therapy is selected with the prescription of local agents and antihistamines.[3]

Types of medical cosmetics

There is a fairly large number of medical cosmetics. Each type serves as a solution to its own, unique problem.

Types available for purchase:

  • moisturizing;
  • nutritious;
  • anti-aging;
  • medicinal;
  • for problem skin;
  • for sensitive and dry skin;
  • against early aging;
  • from age spots;
  • for acne;
  • for hair.

In addition, all cosmetics are divided into 3 subgroups according to their cost.

Budget cosmetics

The first group is budget funds, which still do not lose in quality and benefits. The purchase of these drugs is possible in any household chemical stores and salons specializing in this, as well as in pharmacies.

Popular and affordable products:

  • Maybelline;
  • Rimmel;
  • Green Mama;
  • Gillette;
  • Eveline;
  • Black Pearl;
  • Clean line;
  • Garnier;
  • La Cree.

Average price level

This is a pharmaceutical cosmetics used for the prevention and treatment of integumentary tissue.

The second type includes:

  • A-Derma;
  • Ducray;
  • Exfoliac;
  • Merck;
  • Urtekram;
  • Bioderma;
  • Valmont;
  • Phyto.

Luxury pharmaceutical cosmetics

Cosmetic products that eliminate deficiencies at the cellular level, eradicating not only their symptoms, but also the antigens themselves that awaken their appearance.

This class of products is produced by select brands with high prices:

  • Vichy;
  • La Roche-Posay;
  • Darphin;
  • Lierac;
  • SkinCeuticals;
  • Hauscha.

Dermatological, aesthetic and biocosmetics

There is also a distribution according to such items as dermatology, aesthetics and biocosmetics:

  • Dermatological products are hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic, and are intended for particularly thin skin.
  • Products that serve aesthetic purposes are not considered suitable for all skin types, are not allergen-free, but are also non-comedogenic.
  • All representatives of biocosmetics are suitable for people with particularly delicate skin, but you should not expect hypoallergenicity from them.

Cosmetic products with medicinal properties include representatives of French brands:

  • Vichy;
  • La Roche-Posay;
  • Avene;
  • Uriage;
  • Bioderma;
  • Merck;
  • Ducray.

Brands representing the aesthetic part of pharmaceutical drugs are:

Only Sanoflore (France) produces biocosmetics.

What are the professional facial products?

Professional cosmetics for facial care require the presence of several product lines to work with different skin types within the same brand.

The following series are found in this niche:

  1. For dry skin. The purpose of using such products is hydration.
  2. For oily skin. Dry the stratum corneum and remove excess sebum.
  3. For problematic skin. Used to eliminate acne.
  4. For teenage skin. Used in the fight against acne.
  5. For sensitive skin. Used to protect the skin.
  6. For normal skin. The main purpose of their use is nutrition.
  7. For combination skin. Used to get rid of blackheads.
  8. Length of pigmented skin. Used for whitening.
  9. For couperose skin. These drugs are used to combat spider veins.
  10. For mature skin. Such products are used in programs aimed at rejuvenation, lifting effects and anti-aging care. Each program, as a rule, consists of several categories: 30+, 40+ and 50+.

Benefits of medical cosmetics

Among the advantages of medical cosmetics, it is worth highlighting several of the most important positions, which accurately reflect the direction in which this type of pharmaceutical product operates.


  • safety;
  • ubiquitous access;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • high quality;
  • healing effect.

Explanation of terms:

  • Safety is achieved through multiple clinical studies. A product is not released for sale until it has passed a series of laboratory tests and samples.
  • Universal access means the ability to select and purchase pharmaceutical cosmetics in any convenient place: in a pharmacy, on online pharmacy websites, in specialized stores in the city, in online stores.
  • Hypoallergenicity is achieved through delicate and careful selection of the chemical structure of the drugs.
  • High quality must be proven through a huge number of checks. Without this, the product cannot be certified.
  • The therapeutic effect is what people buy pharmaceutical cosmetics for.

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What is vitamin E

This is a family of tocopherols and tocotrienols - eight antioxidants that protect body cells from free radicals. This is the name given to oxygen atoms that are missing one electron. They strive to take it away from everything they reach, damaging surrounding cells and causing their death. Vitamin E absorbs free radicals, reducing the harmful effects of solar radiation and improving antitumor protection.

Getting into skin cells, it reduces the synthesis of prostaglandins and nitrogen oxides - mediators of inflammation. Its wound healing properties are known. Therefore, vitamin E is used to treat inflammatory skin diseases - psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, ulcers and pustular dermatosis. The anti-inflammatory effectiveness of tocopherol for acne has been proven. A study on mice showed that tocopherol prevented skin cancer, but this did not work in humans.

The magical effects of vitamin E are the result of taking it orally. When used externally, it does not treat wounds, burns and scars - this is what the study showed. But in combination with retinol, phytonadione and vitamin C, it sometimes helps remove circles under the eyes. It is often added to anti-aging creams, but it is not yet clear whether it will help protect skin from aging. But it is known that in some people the external use of this vitamin causes an adverse reaction in the form of contact dermatitis.

Safety of pharmaceutical cosmetics

Pharmacy cosmetics, the popularity rating of which will be provided in this article, are all, without exception, safe products. However, if the buyer still has doubts, it is worth looking at the composition or looking for a symbol on the packaging that certifies, for example, that the product is hypoallergenic or approved by dermatologists.

Precautionary measures

Although cosmetics with medicinal properties are generally safe, it is not recommended to abuse them.

You should also remember a few rules that will preserve the girl’s health and beauty:

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Where do pigment spots come from?

Pigment formation is a complex process that involves many factors (for example, excessive melanin production and its uneven distribution on the skin surface).
The cosmetologist at the clinic strives to identify the cause of the spots in order to find the right solution. However, no method can guarantee 100% results. Skin whitening cosmetics, as a rule, are not able to cope with age spots alone.

Therefore, in order to increase the chances of success, doctors combine in-clinic procedures with home care.

Rating of the most popular brands

Pharmacy cosmetics, the popularity rating of which will be given below, are a combination of benefits and quality.

In the global cosmetology market, the products of French pharmacists stand out:

  • Vichy. The most popular products of this company are anti-aging creams, which are based on water from underground sources. The latest technologies make this brand incredibly effective and truly useful, and the product of thermal springs has a beneficial effect on the resistance and immunity of the skin.
  • La Roche-Posay. The composition, saturated with the chemical element Se (selenium), contains thermal water, is hypoallergenic and supports tissue cells.
  • Avene cosmetics have a composition that cannot be replicated in a laboratory. At the center of its structure lies the special thermal water of the spring of the same name. It contains silicates and elements at the base that affect the cleansing and protective functions of the skin.
  • Uriage is a cosmetics product whose valuable properties are determined by the chemical composition of Uriage thermal water. Anti-inflammatory and anti-radical action distinguishes this product in the pharmaceutical market of many thousands.
  • Bioderma solves specific problems in dermatology.
  • Merck is a product of the cosmetic company Merck, which is hypoallergenic.
  • Ducray is a brand whose products are aimed at eradicating scalp diseases. Owned by Pierre Fabre.
  • SkinCeuticals is a favorite brand of upscale aesthetic clinics and beauty salons. What is produced by the company's numerous factories is a combination of natural components of plant origin and innovative pharmaceutical technologies.
  • Filorga is used by beauty salons around the world.
  • Lierac is a phyto-cosmetics that is based on natural raw materials and chooses its own solution for each problem, searching for it in studied and unstudied representatives of the flora.
  • Galenic – products for improving appearance based on plant cells.
  • Nuxe is a popular cosmetic brand that is a product of shockingness and effect.
  • Sanoflore is a brand of biocosmetics, which is created using mainly fragrant oil components and floral water.

Rating of the best moisturizers from the pharmacy

Pharmacy moisturizing products, the popularity rating of which is based on customer reviews and professional ratings, are ranked in the cosmetology markets.

Ranking in the following order:

  1. The La Roche-Posay Hydreane Legere line of cosmetics for skin in need of hydration is the latest development of French pharmacists. Is hypoallergenic. Apply the cream to previously cleansed skin twice a day. Serves as a base for makeup. The composition contains hydrolips, which fix moisture in the skin, and glycerin, which improves the protective cover of the skin. Cost – from 944 rubles.
  2. The Vichy Aqualia Thermal series from French developers is famous throughout the world thanks to its thermal water with amazing properties. It actively affects the skin, eliminating the effects of drying out and moisturizing the epidermis. The preparations contain sugar of plant origin, Minnose and hyaluronic acid, aimed at retaining moisture in the depths of the dermis. The cost and method of application depend on the chosen product, since the series is available in various forms: balms, creams, serums, and so on.
  3. Uriage AquaPRECIS is a high-quality cosmetics produced by the French brand Uriage, which includes: mask, eye gel, UV protection, cream-gel and deep moisturizing cream. The popularity of the line came as a result of the use of thermal water taken from a special Alpine spring. The principle of operation of Uriage Aqua Precis cream is that the active drugs in it (mineral and organic osmolytes) penetrate deep into the tissue and restore normal hydration processes that dry skin lacks. In addition, it also creates a film that becomes a barrier to microbes and other external influences. The cream must be applied morning and evening. Can serve as a base for makeup. The start of prices for products was marked around 458 rubles.

Rating of the best nutritional products

Nourishing products replenish the lack of nutrients in the skin, maintaining natural radiance and essential moisture. However, nourishing and moisturizing products are not the same thing.

The function of creams that serve to nourish the epidermis is much deeper: they supply special substances to the cells, while moisturizing is only the delivery of moisture. This type of cream should be used especially actively during winter frosts, when the skin especially needs additional protection and help.

The most popular means:

  • Nivea cream is a blue tin, which is one of the best budget products according to a survey of the Russian population. The cream is produced in Germany. The cream is especially distinguished by its thick consistency, which begins to melt after application, providing a barrier that is resistant even to severe frosts. Has an anti-inflammatory and slightly calming effect. There are no restrictions on the age of the consumer and is available to all skin types. Used as needed. Average price – 140 rubles.
  • Nourishing evening cream Kora is produced in Russia and is the most popular product in its price category. The vitamins included in the cream slow down the process of age-related deterioration of the skin. The main components are honey and wax produced by bees. Thanks to this composition, the product has a beneficial effect on the balance of lipids and water in the skin and normalizes the general condition. Apply once a day – in the evening. The advantage of the cream is that it does not leave behind a “heavy” film. Average price – 450 rubles.
  • The best quality, but expensive cream for all skin types Christina , produced in Israel, is part of the MUSE line. Customers around the world note the best effect after using this product. This becomes possible thanks to a special complex, the innovative Telosense Active formula. The product should be applied last, just before bed, after completing all other care procedures. In the morning, after application, the face looks fresh, and the pleasant aroma of roses will serve as a wonderful addition to all the “advantages” of the product. Average price – 4000 rubles.

Rating of the best anti-aging products

Pharmacy cosmetics, the popularity rating of which will be presented below, belong to the line of anti-aging drugs. Its consumers are women over 30 who do not lose hope of slowing down the aging process.

The most popular means:

  • Topping the ranking of anti-age products is Intensive Rebuilding Moisturizer , a product from Prescriptives. American experts recognized this product as the best of its kind. This is due to the principle of its operation, which is deep penetration into the most inaccessible areas of the skin; with the leveling of the relief it produces, which over time loses its beauty. This product stimulates the production of collagen fibers, which serve to “tighten” the skin and eliminate wrinkles. The price of the product is from 12,000 rubles.
  • Resolution D-Contraxol is a cream of French origin from Lancome. The influence of this remedy is mainly aimed at helping the functioning of neurotransmitters located throughout the surface of the skin. Reducing the number of facial wrinkles is the main job of this unique product. The average price is from 3000 rubles.
  • Buyers of Olay total 7-in-1 (Total Effects Anti-Aging) are women who have reached menopause and are beginning to age at an accelerated pace. The number 7 in the name indicates the number of potentially possible methods of combating the fading of beauty. All of them are collected in one bottle and are aimed at effective moisturizing, improving complexion and its relief. Cost – from 700 rub.

Rating of the best medicinal products

In this category of cosmetics, the French lead the top lines of the ranking, but pharmacists from Israel and Germany are not far behind them.

Among them:

  • Ducray cosmetics include more than 60 products for the care and treatment of delicate skin. Ducray keracnyl pp acne-prone skin is one of the best facial care products. Its price is not overpriced - from 900 rubles. The product supports oily skin, has a cumulative effect and a pleasant consistency. For those in doubt, there is the opportunity to purchase a 5 ml sample, after which you should take the full size – 30 ml.
  • Filorga is ready to present its customers with many forms of caring cosmetics - from mask-scrub to micellar solution. One of the company’s popular products at the moment is an effervescent mask that cleanses pores. This became possible thanks to a special mineral complex included in the product.
  • French cosmetics Noreva is a product trusted by women around the world. Exfoliac Reconstructive Cream helps protect and hydrate, while Exfoliac Acnomega Keratoregulating Matifying Care helps heal problem areas. Apply the product 1-2 times a day to cleansed skin. The product contains: salicylic acid, matting powder, zinc. Cost – from 1000 rubles.

Rating of products for problem skin

Companies that deal with cosmoceuticals are also required to produce products aimed at treating problem skin:

  • The Avene brand has an anti-inflammatory, itching-relieving effect, which is achieved due to the high content of the cream. For problem skin, you should use Antirougeurs, the price of which is about 1200 rubles. The components of the mask help moisturize and regenerate the skin. Useful for skin prone to rosacea.
  • The A-Derma company produces products that heal sensitive areas of problem skin. The age of product buyers ranges from infancy to old age. Exomega is a treatment for atopic dermatitis, restoring the layer of the epidermis responsible for the barrier. Quick elimination of inflammation is the main advantage of this product. Price – from 600 rubles.

Rating of products for sensitive and dry skin

This skin type requires careful care, combining both hypoallergenic and moisturizing properties:

  • The Bioderma company has taken care of those with sensitive skin and has released a line of products that help people restore their normal life, in which there would be no discomfort. The drug Hydrabio Masque has an antiallergic composition, moisturizing components, and agents that restore the elasticity of the skin. The product requires regular use. Price – 1700 rub.

  • The emulsion supports the skin in the fight against inflammation, provides oily skin with the necessary attention, mattifying it and eliminating inflammation. One of the disadvantages is the need for long-term use.

Rating of anti-aging products

  • Vichy is a world-famous brand whose main activity is the production of cosmetics that prevent early aging. Liftactiv supreme cream has no analogues in the whole world. Its main effect is to improve skin elasticity, correct crow's feet and fine wrinkles. The effect of the French product can be observed throughout the day. Price – 2500 rub.
  • The Lierak company has noticed what causes early aging in women. Experts agree that this is due to insufficient amounts of the hormone estrogen, which maintains youth. Pharmacies recommend Arkeskin+ Hormonal Skin Aging Correction to women who are on the verge of menopause, but have not yet reached it. The product contains agents that restore the required amount of hormones at the cellular level. This action also leads to reconstruction of the tone of the skin layer.

Rating of products for pigment spots

Pharmacy cosmetics (the popularity rating of which was compiled by analyzing customer reviews), which are an effective rebuff to age spots, are produced not only by foreign companies, but also by their Russian colleagues.

These are the means:

  • Kora cream combines the benefits of natural ingredients and vitamins. Thanks to the derivative of its components, the product is an active fighter against excessive pigmentation, which irritates wearers, and the additional hydration caused by the combination of components will only be beneficial. Lemon and bergenia extracts play an important role in the process of solving the problem. Price – about 500 rubles.
  • The Uriage company is famous for its high efficiency and has presented its answer to this problematic question. Depiderm emulsion contains a high concentration of substances that fight pigmentation caused by old age, which also corrects those spots that appear in special, local foci. Along with the use of this product, it is necessary to use a sun protection cream, the SPF of which must be at least 15. The cost is about 1000 rubles.

Rating of pharmaceutical products for acne

In adolescence (and not only), many people often face a problem that arises against the background of hormonal changes, poor nutrition, and poor hygiene - acne.

There are several remedies that will help you successfully overcome the disease:

  • The products of the French company La Roche-Posay are one of the best in the world at the moment. Thanks to the thermal water included in the Effaclar , the latter foams well, penetrating deep into the pores, cleansing them, and providing an antibacterial effect. Pores are cleaned not only of blockages, but also of makeup and any other impurities. Successfully eliminates acne and removes excess sebum. You need to use the product a couple of times a day, being careful of the area around the eyes. Does not contain alcohol, dyes, parabens. Price – 1500 rub.

  • Avene Cleanence K Cream-gel includes several acids (salicylic, glycolic, lactic). Thanks to pumpkin extract, sebum secretion is limited. Recommended for acne treatment, deep cleansing. In addition, it has an exfoliating effect and mattifies the skin. The presence of acids in the composition requires the use of sunscreens during the treatment process. Price – 1250 rub.

Review of pharmacy cosmetics for problem skin Avene Cleanence:

Rating of pharmaceutical hair products

Shampoo for the care of weakened hair prone to hair loss Ducray Anaphase+ is one of the best pharmacy care products (according to customers and dermatologists). It is suitable for both men and women and is easy to apply due to its creamy texture. Apply to pre-washed hair and rinse thoroughly. Used for frequent use. The price fluctuates around 1000 rubles.

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Restoring the oval

Nothing affects the skin as negatively as hormonal aging. This process develops at high speed and covers all layers of the epidermis. The lipostructure becomes significantly thinner or disappears altogether. The sebaceous glands partially atrophy, the epidermis becomes drier and begins to sag in some places.

Pharmacy facial skin creams designed to correct hormonal aging are capable of resisting these changes. The most effective are the following:

  1. Vichy Neovadiol. This unique cream can increase skin density and reduce sagging in just a few days. It stimulates the natural production of lipids and collagen. Accelerates exfoliation and cell regeneration. Gradually, the skin of the face is renewed, and its contours become clearer.
  2. Lierac Arkeskin. This super-nourishing cream contains magnesium, calcium, proteins, urea and cytopearl. Pigment spots, after using the care product, become less noticeable. Wrinkles and deep creases are gradually smoothed out.
  3. Avene Serenage. This cream for mature skin increases its vitality and elasticity. It contains a unique fragmented hyaluronic acid and pretocopheryl.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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