Anti-aging cosmetics: what it is, who should use it and when

A woman at forty reaches her mature beauty, but the neck and décolleté area can reveal her true age. You can’t argue with nature and the biological processes of aging are inevitable. Caring for the skin of the neck and décolleté deserves no less attention than the skin of the face. The set of activities can be carried out independently at home, or you can alternate them with cosmetic procedures in salons. skin and décolleté care should include .

Causes of aging skin on the neck and décolleté

The neck and décolleté areas are often considered together when it comes to care. Perhaps this is the most neglected area for women. We all know how important it is to take care of it, but we pay much more attention to our face or hands. But if you miss the moment, it will be much more difficult to cope with the consequences. The structure of the skin in this area is comparable to the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes. Due to the almost complete absence of sebaceous glands, it is difficult to protect the neck and décolleté from external destructive influences. There is little subcutaneous fat here, so the skin stretches easily and quickly. As a result, signs of aging begin to appear as early as age 35.

Main myths and truth

Experienced cosmetologists are ready to debunk hundreds of myths about caring for mature skin, but a few are enough to appreciate the depth of common misconceptions.

  1. The most expensive cream will be the most effective. In fact, the difference in prices is often made by brands, not by ingredients. The latter is worth studying carefully. You need components such as vitamin E, retinol, elastin, silicone, hyaluronic acid salt, and urea.
  2. Elite components are more effective than simple ones. Black caviar, stem cells, silk amino acids - all this sounds good, but it’s not worth overpaying.
  3. A cream with collagen and hyaluronic acid is the same as “beauty injections”. In fact, the presence of these ingredients in the cream cannot provide the same depth of effect as injections. Creams act superficially; serious problems require radical methods.

What can cause aging in this area?

  • Age. With age, all processes in the body slow down - metabolism, collagen production, elastin synthesis and many others. All this negatively affects the general condition and color of the skin, but the most sensitive and unprotected areas are the first to be hit.
  • Load. The neck is a fairly mobile part of the body. After all, we constantly turn our heads in different directions, nod, tilt it, and make various movements. The neck muscles are rarely at rest, which is why the skin begins to lose elasticity and stretch.
  • Loss of tone. It is impossible to imagine modern life without gadgets. At the same time, it has been repeatedly proven what a destructive effect their uncontrolled use has on the body. In particular, due to constant use of a smartphone and being in one position behind a computer screen, the cervical spine is overstrained. In addition to affecting the joints and causing pain, this affects the appearance of wrinkles, which are subsequently quite difficult to get rid of.
  • Favorite position. We all love to sit or stand in one favorite position. Meanwhile, it, like the constant use of gadgets, can lead to the appearance of wrinkles in those parts of the body where creases constantly appear.

Oil compress for neck ANTI-WRINKLES

A compress of oils taken in equal proportions - peach and almond - will help get rid of wrinkles on the neck. The compress is applied directly to the skin of the neck.

The top is covered with parchment paper, on which a layer of cotton wool is applied. After this, wrap your neck with a towel. This compress should remain on the neck for 15 – 20 minutes. Remaining oil is removed with a damp cloth.

Cottage cheese-orange mask for the neck and décolleté

This mask perfectly nourishes the skin of the neck and décolleté and has a wonderful rejuvenating effect.

Mix two tablespoons of full-fat cottage cheese with orange juice squeezed from half an orange. Add a teaspoon of olive oil to the resulting curd mass.

Mix everything thoroughly. Our neck mask is ready. We apply it to the neck, wrap it in cling film and leave it to work for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Anti-wrinkle neck masks

How to care for the skin of your neck and décolleté?

The rules for caring for the neck and décolleté area are almost the same as the general care rules.

There are several mandatory steps:

  • cleansing;
  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • protection.

Let's highlight several useful life hacks for different times of the day.

Morning hours

When taking a shower in the morning, give preference to a contrasting option and do not forget to pour cool water over your neck and décolleté. The temperature difference improves blood circulation, strengthens the skin and keeps it toned.

Don't forget about scrubs. For the décolleté area, you need to use very delicate products so as not to stretch the delicate skin. Regular removal of dead cells will help maintain skin elasticity.

Be sure to moisturize your neck and décolleté. If you don’t have a special product on hand, your usual face cream is perfect for this area.

Evening hours

When removing makeup from the face, do not forget to wipe the neck and décolleté area with a cotton pad with milk or micellar water. After all, pollution accumulates not only on the face. As a finishing touch, apply a night moisturizer.

Night hours

To avoid creases in your neck, you need to choose the correct height of the pillow.

Further care for the neck and décolleté area depends on what effect you need.

The goal is skin elasticity...

Salon treatments

In addition to daily home care, facial skin after 40 years can and should be cared for using effective salon procedures.

Carbon peeling and carboxytherapy are effective ways to reduce the severity of age-related changes.

During carboxytherapy, the skin is saturated with oxygen by introducing carbon dioxide into it. Oxygen, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, activates metabolic and regenerative processes, and also stimulates collagen production. It is the lack of oxygen in tissues that is the main factor in skin aging. The action occurs simultaneously in several directions, so the result is noticeable after the first session.

The carbon peeling procedure is aimed at deep cleansing the epidermis and makes the skin healthier and more radiant. Carbon peeling triggers active regeneration and restoration of the skin, stimulates metabolic processes in cells, accelerates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, increases density, turgor and tone of the skin, and refreshes the complexion.

Not so long ago, carboxytherapy necessarily involved injections, and carbon peeling could not be carried out without a laser. But today there is a safe alternative - non-invasive carboxytherapy and carbon peeling without laser from.

The ARAVIA Professional non-invasive carbon peeling procedure gives results after the first session

Non-invasive procedures help solve the same problems as laser or injection techniques:

  • deeply cleanse the skin;
  • reduce signs of aging;
  • cope with pigmentation and hyperkeratosis;
  • activate microcirculation;
  • restore an even tone and natural radiance to the skin.

At the same time, such procedures have minimal contraindications, no undesirable consequences and no long recovery period.

Another effective remedy for aging skin is chemical peeling. This procedure helps restore skin elasticity and healthy glow. has developed a professional multi-acid peeling REPAIR-Skin Control with glycolic, gluconic, and succinic acids. Peeling activates collagen production, moisturizes, and promotes cell renewal. The combination of acids allows you to have a comprehensive effect on the skin and have a rejuvenating effect: reduce the appearance of shallow wrinkles, even out the relief, and increase skin elasticity. The composition is atraumatic and can be used for any skin type, including for the care of dry facial skin after 40 years.

Important! The above products are intended for professional use. To avoid unwanted consequences, we do not recommend using them yourself at home. Sign up for treatments with these products from experienced cosmetologists.

How to care for your neck at different ages

The first creases and wrinkles on the neck and chest can appear as early as 30 years of age. It is extremely important to start timely care, even if age-related changes are not yet visible outwardly.

Up to 30 years old

Follow standard daily care rules: cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition. At this age, it is important not to overuse care products, not to try to eliminate a problem that has not yet arisen, not to use anti-aging products (except when there are obvious reasons for this).

After 30 years

The best age to form a regular anti-aging care habit. Start with lightweight products that have appropriate age labels. Use serums or creams containing retinol, which helps plump the skin, preventing premature depletion and the formation of pigmentation. Do not neglect sunscreen during active sun exposure and in your daily care.

After 40 years

At this age, changes appear quite actively and quickly. The skin loses its firmness and elasticity and becomes dull in color. It is important to choose age-appropriate care. Creams and serums should smooth out wrinkles and also have a tightening and firming effect. At any age, use products with SPF sun protection! Pay special attention to your diet. Your diet should contain enough foods with omega-3 and fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on skin condition, blood microcirculation and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

After 50 years

Age-related changes after 50 years are already noticeable, and it is very difficult to fight them. If you want to look young for as long as possible, regularly use scrubs that remove dead cells, improve blood microcirculation and promote skin cell renewal. Moisturize and nourish the skin, avoid dryness. Serums with hyaluronic acid and vitamins A, E and C will be a good help.

Make masks weekly for your face, neck and décolleté.

Types of anti-aging care for different areas

Thanks to high-quality anti-aging cosmetics from Germany, you can look impressive and young at 40 years of age and older.
It is recommended to create a program of care procedures for each area of ​​the face and follow it regularly. The skin around the eyes is delicate and thin, there is almost no fat layer, and the collagen content is minimal. Early signs of aging are caused by improper care, including the use of body cream containing aggressive ingredients. The use of oily products, as well as excessive rubbing of the sensitive area, has a negative effect. All movements should be light, and the products should be special (with a high content of vitamin K).

Nasolabial folds deepen over the years due to increased loss of moisture. To stop the process, you need massage and daily moisturizing with anti-aging cosmetics. For severe wrinkles, you will need the help of a cosmetologist.

Over the years, the cheeks lose their elasticity and sag. Daily massage towards the temporal zones and the use of special products with a tonic effect are recommended.

The décolleté area and neck need hydration no less than the areas listed above. If you only take care of your face, a flabby neck will quickly reveal your real age. To protect your décolleté from premature aging, you need to avoid the sun and solarium, sleep on a low pillow, use a contrast shower, and do not dry yourself after water procedures. Be sure to use peeling and appropriate care products - Kerm, lotion, serum, etc.

Salt mask for neck ANTI-WRINKLES

This mask is a “real bomb” against wrinkles. There is nothing easier than preparing a salt mask. Take 2 tablespoons of regular kitchen salt (alternatively, you can also take sea salt) and dissolve it in 1.5 cups of boiled warm water.

We soak gauze in a saline solution, squeeze it a little and apply it to the neck. Leave it on for just 5 minutes and wash off with warm water. After the salt mask, you need to apply a nourishing cream to your neck.

Cucumber neck mask ANTI-WRINKLES

A cucumber mask perfectly moisturizes and whitens the skin, not only the neck, but also the face. Grate fresh cucumbers. Spread the resulting mixture onto a cotton cloth and wrap it around your neck.

After half an hour, wash off the mask with warm water and apply nourishing cream to your neck.

By the way, you also decided to make a cucumber mask for your neck, then at the same time pamper your face with a cucumber mask.

Soak gauze in cucumber juice and apply it to your face while you keep the neck mask on. And at the same time, remember the rules for applying a mask.

Exercises for neck muscles

Due to office work, the neck muscles weaken, wrinkles appear on the neck, the so-called “rings of Venus”. And no matter how well-groomed you are in everything else, these traitors will still give away your age. An excellent way to prevent such wrinkles is neck exercises. This complex needs to be performed 2-3 times a week so that the “rings of Venus”, if they do not go away completely, then at least become less pronounced.

1. Make 10-15 leisurely turns with your head left and right. After this, nod your head 10 times: press your chin to your chest and lift your head back.

2. Place both palms in a cross on your neck, move your head forward, creating resistance with your hands. Feel the slight tension in your muscles. Repeat 10 times.

3. Place your right hand on the right side of your head. Tilt your head towards your left shoulder and return to the starting position, creating resistance with your right hand. Then do the same thing, but with your left hand. 5 repetitions on each side.

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