Which of the stars benefited from the removal of Bisha's lumps, and which of them should have refused this operation

  • What are “Bisha Lumps”?
  • Plastic surgery of Bisha's lumps: indications and contraindications
  • Removal of Bisha's lumps: how the operation works
  • Rehabilitation after removal of Bisha's lumps
  • Results of removing Bisha's lumps

When it comes to aesthetic medicine, most people imagine a plastic surgeon as a person who corrects the contours, volumes, and shapes created by nature. But Bisha’s lumps, or more precisely, their minimally invasive removal, carried out at the Granado Tiagonse Clinic, is a rare opportunity to simply “accelerate” the process of natural changes in tissues associated with acquiring more pronounced contours of the cheekbones. What do you need to know about the popular method of facial feature correction before making the final decision to remove Bisha's lumps?

What are “Bisha Lumps”?

The Frenchman Marie François Xavier Bichat was the first to discover the presence of fatty bodies between the masseter and cheek muscles, back in the days of Napoleon. These formations received the name of their researcher: fat bodies (lumps, lumps) of Bisha. Over the years, researchers have not found a reliable answer about the purpose of encapsulated (enclosed in a dense shell) fatty formations, isolated from surrounding tissues. The feeding process in infants (sucking and initial chewing) and the absorption of chewing loads in children are the most likely hypotheses about the role of this anatomical structure. They are confirmed by an age-related decrease in the volume of specific “lumps” of fat.

One thing is certain - the clearer facial features that appear upon reaching 30-35 years of age are due to the reverse development of Bisha's lumps. If the regression of fat bodies does not occur as quickly as we would like, such a minimally invasive procedure as the removal of Bisha's lumps provides a significant cosmetic effect without requiring ultra-radical plastic correction measures. But if Bisha’s lumps have already regressed naturally, then why carry out surgical intervention, which, without combination with other methods, will not give a pronounced effect? Only a consultation with a plastic surgeon who has extensive experience in such interventions will help determine the advisability of this type of facial contour correction.

Why am I against this operation?

Competent plastic surgeons do not perform bishectomies without serious reasons. Me included. I consider it a whim in most cases.

Subcutaneous fat decreases in volume with age and migrates downward under the influence of gravity. And after 30 years, the volume on the face is gradually lost naturally. This is part of the aging process. Through plastic surgery and cosmetology, volumes are restored to maintain youth and freshness.

By following fashion, we prepare ourselves for losses. A few years after plastic surgery, an unaesthetic hole may appear at the site of the removed fatty tissue. After the procedure, the face takes on senile features, which looks unnatural and forces you to look for magical means to replenish the volume. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is the cheek area that is the most difficult to correct. It is almost impossible to restore volume in this particular part of the face.

Plastic surgery of Bisha's lumps: indications and contraindications

There are no direct indications for the removal of Bisha's fatty bodies, as well as contraindications. In addition to the general condition of the body, in which surgical interventions and emotional stress are not recommended. The main indication/contraindication is the feasibility of removing Bisha's lumps from the point of view of the expected cosmetic effect. The task of a professional surgeon is to identify the patient’s expectations and correlate them with the possible results of plastic surgery.

  • Procedure time

    30 min

  • Hospitalization


  • Recovery


  • Anesthesia


  • Effect

    15 days

  • results



You can find out how much the operation costs during a consultation with a plastic surgeon after discussing all the nuances with you. You can see the approximate amount in the table below. Sign up for a consultation at the clinic by phone number

Facial rejuvenationPrice
SMAS lifting with lipofilling and liposuction of the face and neck280 000
Temporal face lift120 000
Mid-face lift160 000
Lipofilling (1 zone, taking into account the fat sampling procedure)15 000
Mentoplasty (chin prosthetics using lipofilling)50 000
Bulhorn (upper lip surgery)60 000
Upper blepharoplasty + lower blepharoplasty + upper face lift180 000
Upper blepharoplasty + lower blepharoplasty + upper face lift + bullhorn210 000
Upper blepharoplasty + temple lift150 000

Removal of Bisha's lumps: how the operation works

So, the decision has been made, there are no contraindications, the expected cosmetic effect is high. What's next? From the point of view of invasiveness (the amount of damage to healthy tissue during surgery), removal of Bisha's lumps is a fairly gentle intervention. However, due to the complex configuration of fat bodies, the safety of the intervention depends on the qualifications of the surgeon. In addition, precisely performed plastic surgery of Bisha's lumps reduces the rehabilitation period after the procedure.

At the Granado Tiagonse Clinic, removal of Bisha's lumps is most often performed under local anesthesia or with sedation. These methods are less traumatic for the body than general anesthesia. If there are indications for intervention under general anesthesia, or if it is necessary to simultaneously perform other types of plastic facial correction, the equipment and experienced specialists of the Granado Tiagonse Clinic allow the implementation of modern techniques of general anesthesia.

The day before the procedure, during the preoperative consultation, the patient’s general condition is assessed, incl. An extensive blood test is performed for key indicators. This approach is intended to identify possible limitations to intervention or anesthesia.

The most effective and safe way to plasticize Bisha's lumps is to remove them through a small incision on the inside of the cheek, followed by suturing with absorbable cosmetic thread. The total duration of the operation is about half an hour. After this, the patient remains in the clinic under the supervision of a doctor, but leaves the clinic the same day.

Rehabilitation period

After the anesthesia wears off, pain is a concern. This is considered the norm. To reduce the intensity of pain, painkillers may be prescribed in injections or tablets. To avoid complications, antibiotics are prescribed. Medicines and dosage are prescribed by the doctor. Let's look at the rest of the recommendations:

  • Teeth cleaning can be done one day after surgery. Do this as carefully as possible.
  • Avoid alcohol until the wound is completely healed.
  • To relieve swelling, use ice wrapped in a sterile cloth.
  • Food should be pureed so that you don't have to chew.
  • Drinks and food are only warm, cold and hot are prohibited.
  • You cannot take a bath or go to the sauna.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting.

If the operation was successful, the result will be noticeable after 3 weeks.

Rehabilitation after removal of Bisha's lumps

When describing the “disadvantages” of removing Bisha’s lumps, they most often mean the postoperative period, during which it is necessary to “overcome” the body’s reaction to the plastic surgery performed. It should be remembered that plastic surgery of Bisha's lumps is not a “magic” means of instantly achieving results, but a step-by-step process. At the first stage, during surgery, the qualifications of the plastic surgeon and the equipment of the clinic with modern instruments and materials play a key role. The second stage, rehabilitation, is no less important for achieving the effect, but the main role in it is already assigned to the patient. Strict adherence to the doctor’s prescriptions and the specified restrictions on physical activity is the “key” to quickly achieving the desired facial features.

Typically, recovery after removal of Bisha's lumps lasts 2-4 weeks, and the active participation of a doctor is not required: discharge is made on the day of plastic correction.

At the first stage of rehabilitation, the patient applies ice to the areas where swelling will be noted for a week and takes medications (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs). To avoid psychological discomfort for patients, it is recommended to spend the first week of rehabilitation in a calm rhythm, which will allow you to focus on the precise implementation of measures to restore the condition of the soft tissues and oral mucosa. It is also important to be able to take light foods, chewing which will not require effort: cream soups, boiled and baked vegetables, etc.

Before discharge, a date will be scheduled for a follow-up visit (usually one week after surgery). As a rule, after consultation, the patient can return to his normal life schedule, eliminating intense physical activity for another one to two weeks.

LumpsBisha: how to remove fatty deposits in the cheeks without surgery at home, video

Considering the possible risks of plastic surgery, many people wonder whether it is possible to remove fat deposits (Bish’s lumps) at home. Fortunately, this is possible, but not without a lot of effort. Firstly, hypertrophy of the fat layer in the cheeks is often associated with increased body weight. Therefore, adjusting the diet and an active lifestyle help in the fight against this problem.

How to remove fat deposits in the cheeks (Bisha lumps) without surgery at home, video

Secondly, special gymnastics gives excellent results in removing fatty deposits in the cheeks. These are highly targeted exercises from the popular face-building technique, which, when performed regularly, significantly reduce Bisha's lumps without surgery. Considering that this gymnastics does not cost anything, has no disadvantages, and no negative consequences in the form of rehabilitation and swelling, as after plastic surgery, then it is simply stupid not to use it. In addition, real reviews with photos before and after such exercises prove their high effectiveness. Even screen stars who want to look impressive in old age are mastering Facebook building! Next you will find a video with simple exercises to reduce the volume of your cheeks at home.

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Results of removing Bisha's lumps

What does removing Bisha's lumps do? The answer to this question is individual for each patient. If the existing volume of Bisha’s fat bodies is significant, their reverse development is slow, and the condition of the remaining elements of the facial structure is within the age norm, then you can count on the people around you to definitely note: the lines of your cheekbones have become clearer, and the overall width faces - decreased. But if achieving a cosmetic effect requires an integrated approach, the doctors of our clinic will offer possible options for complex plastic correction (both including the removal of Bisha’s lumps and without the use of this method), even at the stage of preoperative consultation. This approach allows the Granado Tiagonse Clinic to be even more honest with patients, avoiding unnecessary interventions.

How long will it take for the effect of removing Bish’s lumps to become noticeable? The answer to this question will also differ in each specific case. The effect of this type of plastic surgery is hindered by the body’s natural reaction to the “removal” of a part of it - swelling of the tissues surrounding the surgical area. Recovery time depends on the individual characteristics of the body, but, usually, the cosmetic effect will be noticeable after 4-5 weeks after surgery.

Contact us now to schedule a consultation with a doctor at our clinic or to receive more information about Bisha fat pad removal and other options that the Granado Tiagonse Clinic offers.

Efficiency and results

Before and after removal

The effect of this surgical intervention will be observed, this is simply guaranteed, but whether the patient will like it is a question.

When the rehabilitation period passes, the volume of the cheeks decreases, this becomes very noticeable if the volume of the fat lump was large:

  1. Naturally, after this procedure, the contour of the face will be changed, the lines should become smooth, the cheekbones should stand out.
  2. The cheekbones will be especially emphasized when transferring Bisha's lumps.
  3. Also, the oval will tighten, there will be a clear chin.
  4. Overall, the appearance is rejuvenated and the visibility of wrinkles in this area is reduced. For example, nasolabial wrinkles will be less sunken.

The result is clearly different from what it was before the operation.

The result is fixed forever, the previous one will not return. If you gain weight, you will simply have subcutaneous fat, which will go away when you lose weight.

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