Exercises for losing weight on the face and cheeks: accessible to everyone

A person is ready to go to great lengths to bring his appearance into line with generally accepted standards of beauty and attractiveness. A healthy diet, an active lifestyle, exercise, all this will help make the body slim and fit, but are there any exercises for losing weight on the face? Let's see if it's possible to do a cheek lift or contour correction using regular exercises at home, without going under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

Which areas of the face can be corrected with exercises?

Many owners of round and lush cheeks, moon-faced beauties and handsome men are not very happy with this gift of nature. Modern fashion criteria dictate their own laws - you need chiseled high cheekbones and a pointed, graceful chin. In most cases, such a problem can hardly be dealt with without surgical intervention, but you can eliminate excessive roundness, swelling and sagging, correct the jawline and tighten the jowls yourself at home with the help of exercises for slimming the face and cheeks.

Do not think that exercises for losing weight on the face and chin are a newfangled invention that appeared quite recently. Such complexes have their own name - face building, and it appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. The “face exercise” was first invented by the German doctor Reinhold Benz, a plastic surgeon. According to rumors that have already become a legend, a man developed physical training for his girlfriend, who dreams of plastic surgery.

It will not be possible to completely “reshape” your face with the help of ordinary exercises, because its structure is provided by nature and not everything is corrected by muscles. However, some areas of the face can be corrected quite well, and after just three weeks of regular exercise, you can see quite noticeable results. What can you achieve with such physical training:

  • Smoothing the forehead and folds on it.
  • Raising eyebrows and eyelids, eliminating the effect of drooping eyelids.
  • Neck lengthening and visual rejuvenation.
  • Eliminates puffy cheeks and reduces facial area.
  • Elimination of jowls and second (third) chin.
  • Smoothing nasolabial folds.

In addition to the obvious effect, such exercises can increase overall self-esteem, tone and vitality, improve mood, make a person more cheerful and self-confident.

Exercises to tighten the forehead muscles

These exercises help smooth out wrinkles and reduce skin folds over the eyelid:

  1. Take a lying position. Use your index fingers to press on your eyebrows and lift them up. Perform short upward thrusts until a burning sensation appears. Then press down with two fingers at the same time and wait 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  2. The next exercise also needs to be repeated 3 times. Lying down, close your eyes and press your index fingers to the base of your hair. Under closed eyelids, look down and make rotational movements in different directions.
  3. Open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows as much as possible. Repeat the movements 10-12 times.
  4. Pull the skin of your forehead down with your fingers, while simultaneously raising your eyebrows and preventing them from lowering. Repeat 5 times.

Facial slimming techniques

Experts recommend paying attention to the fact that facial weight loss can only be achieved by approaching the issue comprehensively. Limiting yourself to exercises alone is unproductive; you will have to wait a long time for the result, and it is difficult to consolidate it. Therefore, it is advisable to also practice other techniques that help to obtain the desired result:

  • Salon techniques and products . The beauty industry offers many innovative procedures that promote a facelift. This can be contouring, peeling, including chemical peeling, lifting and cryolifting, oxygen mesotherapy, fractional photothermolysis, etc.
  • Lymphatic drainage professional massage . This remedy prevents the process of lymph stagnation in tissues, improves metabolic processes in the skin, improves blood circulation, as well as feeding them with oxygen and nutrients.
  • Self-massage . Even minimal movements, patting and stroking after gymnastics or professional procedures aimed at kneading heated muscles give a fairly good effect.

Neck procedures and exercises

If you want to eliminate a double chin and give your skin elasticity, then you should use exercises involving the tongue in the process. Such exercises not only allow you to get an excellent lifting effect, but also cure your throat. The reason is that when the tongue is tensed, it is possible to involve other muscles in the process. When performing the exercise, a rush of blood occurs to the throat muscles, warming them from the inside. Also, such gymnastics improves the digestion process, which originates from the tip of this organ. A video of a non-surgical facelift can be found here.

Video exercises for face and neck lift:

The following exercises are considered effective:

  1. Clench your teeth and use the tip of your tongue to press on the roof of your mouth and the bottom of your mouth. While performing gymnastics, you need to monitor the sensations that form in the double chin area. Do these exercises anywhere, the more, the better.
  2. Place your fists under your chin, exerting force, open and close your mouth. Do this 5 times.
  3. Stick out your tongue and do gymnastics similar to the previous option. Number of manipulations – 5.
  4. For the next exercise, you need to move your chin forward, lower the lower part of your lip so that your teeth are visible. Say “x” out loud. Number of repetitions – 10.
  5. Perform a similar exercise, only in this case you should raise your head up, then lower it, point it to the right, and then to the shoulder on the left side. Do each described action 10 times.

Features of performing exercises for losing weight

In order to accurately understand and understand how to quickly lose weight on the face of a teenager or an adult, exercises need to be selected carefully, working on problem areas one by one. But this does not guarantee results in a short time. Therefore, it is worth considering some features and rules that will help significantly speed up the process:

  • It is very important to do exercises regularly and not occasionally. For example, you can choose the most suitable time for yourself and do facial exercises every day during this period. We did some gymnastics, took a shower, brushed our teeth and did a couple of exercises to work on our chin - this plan will be really effective.
  • When losing weight on your face at any age, it is important to choose the right position for sleeping at night. The optimal position is on the back, when the face is completely free from any pressure or deformation.
  • The exercises are aimed at increasing self-control over your body. You will have to learn to feel, feel the face, and control it. Based on your feelings, you need to choose the most profitable option, fix it and try to keep your muscles in good shape.
  • If you have dry, low-elastic dermis, before doing facial exercises, you must apply a moisturizing nourishing cream, gel or other product. The exercises are then made less intense, gentle, all movements should be lighter, more airy, and gentle.

All exercises of the presented technique should be performed exclusively with a straight back, elongated spine and neck. Under no circumstances should you allow slouching or distortion; this can lead to completely different results than you expect.

Upper face exercises

Gymnastics for a facelift start from the top. First, work on the area between your eyebrows. Exercises in this area are designed to smooth out wrinkles. Press your index fingers to the bridge of your nose at the beginning of eyebrow growth. Frown for 2-3 seconds and relax your face. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

Lightly move your fingers from the middle of the eyebrow to the temples. Repeat 5 times.

The exercise is performed for 1 minute.

Place 3 fingers together and make tapping movements between your eyebrows, increasing the tempo each time. But don't knock too hard.

Precautions and contraindications for exercise

Despite all the usefulness of gymnastics for losing weight on the face and cheekbones, it cannot be called completely safe and suitable for absolutely everyone. You will have to abandon this technique if you have health problems:

  • Trauma or other damage to the facial nerve.
  • Hypertension.
  • Acne.
  • Cuperosis and/or acne.
  • Spinal injuries.
  • Facial bone injuries.
  • Oncological problems.
  • An inflammatory process accompanied by high body temperature.

Experts do not recommend doing exercises of this kind to those who have undergone plastic surgery or any other surgical correction in the face, neck, or spine over the past two years.

Sets of exercises for losing weight on the face

For cheeks


Pull your cheeks in with your lips closed, creating a vacuum inside your mouth. The tongue should be pressed tightly to the upper palate, the lips should be stretched out like a tube. Hold the position for 10 seconds, then relax the muscles.

2 sets of 10 repetitions per day at any convenient time is enough.

Chewing gum

Chew gum intensively, actively and vigorously performing each movement, for 2-3 minutes.

It is optimal to do 2-3 approaches daily.

Up down

Open your eyes as wide as possible, look upward. Open your mouth, extend your tongue as far as possible, and stretch it towards your chin.

It’s good to do 2-3 approaches of 10-15 seconds each day.


The muscles of the jaws are maximally tense, the lips are tightly closed. The lower lip is tense and turned downwards. The corners of the mouth are stretched into a smile, the position is fixed for a few seconds, then the face is relaxed.

It is advisable to perform 15-20 repetitions per day, in any order.


The face is relaxed, the eyes are open, the lips are pursed but not compressed. The sound “u” is pronounced with maximum articulation, turning into “y”. First, the lips are drawn out like a tube, then stretched into a smile. The same is repeated with the sounds “x” and “o”.

It’s good to do 3 sets per day of 30-40 repetitions.

For slimming the chin and neck


The head is slightly raised, the eyes look straight ahead. The lower jaw moves forward as much as possible, and then back, the position is not fixed.

The duration of the exercise is 20-30 seconds, 2-3 approaches per day.


The head is thrown back, the lower lip is pulled forcefully towards the nose. A strong tension in the muscles of the neck and chin should be clearly felt.

It’s good to do 2-3 sets per day of 15-20 repetitions.


The elbow rests on the surface of the table, and the chin is firmly placed on it. Without lifting your hand from the tabletop, pressure is applied to the chin from below, while the muscles of the latter should be as tense as possible. Hold for at least 15 seconds, fixing the position.

10-15 approaches per day will be enough.

To tighten the oval face

Smile with effort

The face is relaxed, the back and neck are straight, the lips are closed. The index finger and thumb are placed on the corners of the mouth and forced up into a smile. The muscles resist, trying to lower the corners. The position of the smile and the opposite one are recorded for 5 seconds.

It is advisable to do 2-3 approaches per day.

Cheeks up

From the starting position, forcefully lift the cheeks and corners of the mouth upward. Fix in the upper position for 5 minutes, after which the muscles relax.

The optimal regime would be several sets of 35-40 repetitions.

Bulldog cheek massage

The muscles of the neck and chin are very tense, the lips are closed with effort. Place your fingers on the lower part of the cheeks, massage in a circular motion 5-8 times in each direction.

Repeat the exercise 20 times in 2-4 approaches per day.


The puppies inflate, and then, as it were, “pour” the collected air from one side to the other.

Repeat 40-50 times in each direction 2-3 times a day.

Facial gymnastics from Carol Maggio

This gymnastics was developed by a famous cosmetologist who knew exactly what problems plague people as they age. The set of exercises is designed for only 15 minutes a day, so it is accessible to almost anyone. The technique is called a real alternative to the plastic surgeon's knife.

Effective exercises for losing weight on the face and cheeks from yoga

Another effective and long-term method of facial correction is yoga. It will not give an instant result, but it will allow you to consolidate it for a long time.

Gymnastics for slimming the face and cheekbones

Facelift exercises from Jacqueline Kennedy

You can start these exercises at the age of 35. The entire complex will take no more than 15 minutes. Each exercise must be repeated 30 times.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the cheeks and lips

This exercise tightens the oval of the face and removes wrinkles around the lips. Take turns pronouncing the vowel sounds I-A-O-U-E-Y with a short pause. At the same time, pull your upper lip down and press it against your upper teeth to smooth out the folds around your lips.

When pronouncing each sound, you need to ensure that the neck and facial muscles are actively working.

The following exercise simulates rinsing your mouth with water. Alternately inflate one cheek first, then transfer the air to the other. Perform the movements slowly, strain your muscles strongly, trying not to twist your mouth from side to side.

Such gymnastics for a facelift effectively eliminate facial folds, and due to the rush of blood, a healthy blush appears on the cheeks, regardless of the woman’s age.

Exercise to eliminate a double chin

Open your mouth slightly without moving your tongue. Move your chin back and forth lightly, without overdoing it, at about one motion per second. A ticking alarm clock will help you; for each tick you need to make a movement with your jaw.

Exercise to rejuvenate and strengthen lips

The movement is similar to that used to spread lipstick on the lips, only it needs to be done more intensely. To ensure your lips always remain juicy and beautiful, do the exercise more often: draw your lips into your mouth, then sharply open your mouth with a sound like a click.

The exercise is performed as follows: alternately strongly inflate your upper and lower lips, taking in more air. 15 movements are performed with each lip.

With the help of this pouting of the lips, wrinkles on and around them are smoothed out, spasms and tightness are relaxed. On relaxed facial muscles, the skin lies smoothly, and when the muscle is contracted, an unsightly skin fold and wrinkles result.

Exercise to rejuvenate the skin on the eyelids and around the eyes

The movements imitate bulging eyes. It is important not to raise your eyebrows; you need to open your eyes very wide, as if in fear. Then relax. You can hold your eyebrows with your fingers so that they do not rise up on their own.

As a result of the exercise, the upper eyelids are tightened and do not hang over the eyes, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin is rejuvenated.

Complex exercise

This fun exercise uses a whole range of muscles and is very important in facelift gymnastics. With his help:

  • the muscles under the eyes are strengthened,
  • so-called bags are eliminated,
  • smoothes and removes perioral folds, which give the face a dull appearance.

Perform the exercise with muscle tension. To do this, open your mouth wide, pressing your upper lip hard against your teeth. Bend your head forward, lowering your chin to your chest. Make sure your forehead doesn't wrinkle. Blink your eyes quickly 30 times. Then relax all the facial muscles - rest. Repeat the entire complex again.

Take on board another set of famous exercises for tightening the muscles of the face and neck.

Comprehensive program for losing facial weight for a week: daily lesson schedule

Not everyone will be able to lose weight just in the face, especially if there is a problem with excess weight. Therefore, you should always take into account such nutrition and regular training (cardio and strength training), which will help you quickly get rid of excess fat deposits. We present a sample training plan for the week. Don’t forget that you will need to include daily face-building exercises and exercises to lose weight on your face.


  • Facebook building.
  • Cardio.
  • Squats.
  • Lunges.
  • Press.


  • Facebook building.


  • Exercises for the face.
  • Cardio.
  • Barbell row.
  • Exercises with dumbbells.
  • Oblique twists.
  • Raising the body from a lying position.


  • Yoga for the face.
  • Cardio.


  • Exercises for lifting cheeks and cheekbones.
  • Cardio.
  • Strength training for legs and back.
  • Exercises with dumbbells.


  • Facebook building.
  • Cardio.


  • Yoga for the face.

Exercises to work out the middle zone of the face

The effect of performing these exercises is similar to a nourishing face mask:

  1. Smile at the corners of your mouth and immediately lower them. Repeat about 30 times. For best results, imagine your cheeks moving each time.
  2. Raise the corners of your lips as hard as you can and hold in this position for 5-6 seconds, then lower them. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  3. Place two fists on top of each other, then rest your chin on them, raising your chin with your hands. Repeat 3 times.
  4. Close your mouth, clench and unclench your teeth slowly, trying not to open your mouth. Repeat the manipulation 10 times.

Simple ways to lose weight in your face

Inflating balloons

When inflating balloons, many different muscle groups are trained, and in addition, breathing also develops. It is important to gradually increase the load. For example, on Monday you inflate 3-4 balloons, on Wednesday 4-6, and on Friday 7-9.

Chewing gum

When chewing, all the main muscles of the head are involved, of which we have only four, as well as a large number of small accompanying ones. Therefore, with strong articulation, such movements will give an effect no worse than the notorious yoga.

Tongue exercise

Regular exercises recommended by speech therapists to train the tongue muscle will also help make your face thinner and remove a double chin. It involves a complex of very simple tongue movements that even small children can do.

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