Practical advice and exercises from a plastic surgeon to maintain a youthful face

Daily skin care

Daily care is required at any age, and is the same for everyone, but the composition of the products used is already different.

Basic order of facial hygiene (sequence is required):

  1. Cleansing (makeup removal) – foam or micellar water.
  2. Tonic - moisturizing.
  3. Serum – additional vitamins and extracts.
  4. Cream for the eye area.
  5. Day/night cream.

If you plan to do light peeling at home, this procedure should be carried out after applying tonic. Follow the time instructions, longer is not always better. After the peeling procedure, be sure to use sunscreen to prevent unnecessary pigmentation. And most importantly, do not steam your face before peeling!

How to care for facial skin after 40 will help you find out the advice of professionals on choosing a cosmetic product. To begin with, we should dwell in more detail on the composition of cosmetics for those aged 40+.

Recommended composition:

  1. Plant stem cells will have an antioxidant effect and increase collagen synthesis.
  2. Peptides – these include half of all hormones and most enzymes, so an additional source of such substances is required.
  3. Matrixyl peptides will tighten and tighten sagging skin around the eyes.
  4. Argireline peptides will block the formation of wrinkles.
  5. Retinoids are substances derived from natural vitamin A. They provide control of cell growth and differentiation of mature tissues, and help suppress the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Actively used for acne and photoaging of the skin.
  6. Hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture and protect intercellular substances from dehydration, slowing down the aging process.
  7. Allantoin is snail mucus or an extract from the comfrey plant. Affects the renewal of the epidermis, neutralizes harmful substances.
  8. Shea butter has a combination of complex compounds that eliminates inflammation, removes age spots, toxins and helps fight dry skin.

Recommendations from cosmetologists for daily skin care will help keep a woman fresh and youthful for a longer time. You just need to carefully study the composition and select the necessary product.

Myth No. 4. “If you stop doing gymnastics, everything will become even worse than before”

When you just start doing face building, your face begins to gradually change for the better. There are exercises that give a 3D lifting effect, and there are those that can model certain areas on the face. Therefore, with the right selection of exercises for your face type and specific needs, you will become prettier day after day. The skin will turn pink from the flow of blood and nutrients, the oval of the face will become clearer, wrinkles will smooth out, and dark circles under the eyes will disappear. You will feel the first obvious results in a couple of weeks, notice them in the mirror in a month, and your loved ones will see them in about a couple of months.

What happens if you stop doing exercise? After a few months, the result will return to what it was before the exercises began. If you don’t have enough time for daily practices, then do several support complexes a couple of times a week. This is enough to maintain the effect for years.

Does face building involve exercises at home?

Yes, gymnastics can be done at home. But, as you already understood, this is a dangerous activity in any case. That's why we recommend a relaxing massage. We have already given several techniques above. And you can do just that in any conditions - at home, at a party, or while traveling. The main thing is clean hands and face.

If we talk about supporters of face-building, they also recognize the opportunity to do exercises at home. But it is recommended to first work with a specialist and consult a doctor, since the wrong technique can cause great harm to your health. As a result, you will spend money on a charlatan (another name for people who urge others not to harm themselves), and then you will wonder why your skin condition has become worse?

How to learn face building and become an instructor or coach

In search of a way to regain the former beauty and freshness of their skin, women are ready to do a lot. There are thousands of fans of fejbuilding, who prove the real positive results of the exercises. There are no scientific studies that refute this.

Despite all the contradictions, interest in this technique is growing and it is gaining popularity. Now anyone has the opportunity to become a face-building trainer and teach in this area. In order to obtain an instructor certificate, you must take training courses from qualified specialists. Typically, training lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. This makes it possible to acquire not only new professional skills, but also to see first-hand the effectiveness of the program.

Anastasia Burdyug is learning Facebook building from Carol Maggio

Popular face-building complexes from famous trainers

Facebuilding from the famous Carole Maggio “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face” is an effective strength exercise for a facelift.

Online training with Evgenia Baglyk is convenient and effective. There is an opportunity to learn professional skills using her system.

Classes with Anastasia Burdyug, the most popular face-building trainer in Russia.

Why is regular skin care important?

Every woman wants to look attractive, regardless of age. After 40 years, this desire becomes a problem of the first plan.

Firstly, this is working age. To keep your job or change it, you need to look good. The modern world requires this. Secondly, well-groomed skin, which a woman sees every day in the mirror, is the key to a good mood and self-confidence. An attractive appearance is noticed by the opposite sex. Therefore, it is important to take care of your skin regularly. All procedures bring short-term effects and require constant support.

For example:

  • mesotherapy is carried out annually;
  • The hardware procedure can be repeated with a frequency of 6 months to 1.5 years.
  • peelings and skin cleansing are carried out every autumn-winter season.

Unfortunately, there is no universal pill or injection, one for life. This is working on your appearance, which should become an integral part of life.

The skin is the largest organ in area; it is a protective barrier of internal tissues from the outside world. The environment acts aggressively on it, weather changes, dust, sun, bacteria, external damage and many other factors that harm the cover. Over 40 years of life, this organ begins to wear out and requires more careful treatment. Therefore, in order to maintain youth and beauty for a long time, you need to take care of yourself from a young age.

Myth No. 6. “Facial exercises and proper nutrition are all you need for healthy skin”

The main thing in any business is a systematic approach. Of course, our face is not only the result of external, but also internal work. As already described above, gymnastics helps to get the first results almost immediately. In combination with a healthy diet, you can not only get rid of excess weight, but also gain lightness throughout your body, vigor and good mood. However, we must not forget about another important item in the list of useful health habits: drinking regime. Chronic dehydration literally affects the condition of the skin of the face. Skin filled with internal moisture looks fresh and healthy, and when there is a lack of fluid, it takes on an earthy hue. The skin becomes more prone to pimples and inflammation. Another sure sign of a lack of fluid is increased dryness of the elbows and heels. Dehydration can be determined even by a simple touch: moisturized skin is tender and soft. Dehydrated - dry, rough. When there is a lack of water, toxins and waste are removed from the body more slowly, and the skin looks less healthy. It is necessary to drink enough water and enrich the body with macro- and microelements, such as magnesium and calcium.


The author of the method is Natalya Borisovna Osminina, who devoted more than 20 years of her life to studying the topic of natural rejuvenation. Her system involves daily independent work and is aimed at:

  • bringing the muscles of the face, neck and back to their natural position by stretching and aligning them;
  • normalization of lymphatic drainage in the body;
  • relieving emotional tension leading to tightness of the facial muscles.

However, the rights to this technique now belong to another person. Anastasia Dmitrievna Dubinskaya, with the proud title of psychophysiologist, neuropsychologist, and nurse, now calls herself the founder and director of the “Revitonika” school of natural rejuvenation. Among the high ranks: Specialist in plastic facial modeling based on the removal of neuromuscular clamps. Leading practicing expert on face and neck massage, speaker at international congresses. Author of the neuromuscular relaxation method “SOEL” (Stress Obliteration & Effective face Lift) Author of the piezoelectric technique for working with soft tissues of the face (which is surprising, since the technique was described in the literature earlier, for example, by Thomas Myers).

This technique actively fights for Internet space and for customers. It’s just a pity that she’s trying to raise her authority through unflattering words about Facebook building and medical cosmetology.

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