Charming smile: how to make dimples with the help of a plastic surgeon

The desire for an ideal appearance and getting rid of complexes can hit your pocket hard. However, all the money spent is worth it to overcome shortcomings and become more self-confident. We talk about the most expensive plastic surgeries.

Otari Gogiberidze
, plastic surgeon, founder of the Beauty Time clinic


Cost: from 300 thousand rubles
Rhinoplasty is rightfully considered the most popular plastic surgery. Not everyone is born with an ideal nose from the point of view of the golden ratio, so this part of the face causes many complexes and, as a result, a strong desire to change it.

Due to the high demand for rhinoplasty, unscrupulous plastic surgeons are actively offering to perform this operation for 150-200 thousand rubles. However, patients who are greedy for cheap prices may become victims of the work of an unprofessional doctor, and will need to undergo a second operation to correct the problems. Therefore, a high-quality operation under the guidance of an experienced specialist will not cost you a lot: the full cost includes the work of not only the surgeon, but also the medical staff, legal registration of responsibility for the patient’s health, consumables, a comfortable room and many other little things that you don’t even know about.


There are no indications for dimplectomy other than the desire of patients to change their appearance. The procedure has no age restrictions and is performed on any skin type.

The main reasons for the operation are:

  • the desire to add expressiveness and beauty to round cheeks;
  • the need to adjust the cheek line;
  • the desire to highlight the cheekbone line;
  • age-related decrease in skin turgor.

A surgeon can make dimples on the cheeks if there are no contraindications to the procedure.

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Cost: from 450 thousand rubles
Despite the fact that small breasts have long been “not a death sentence,” many girls struggle with a complex from childhood, dreaming of mammoplasty. Breast surgeries can have a different nature and, accordingly, different costs: from changing the shape of the nipples to breast enlargement or reduction. Complex mammoplasty, for example, lifting and increasing breast volume with silicone implants, will cost the most.

The approach to such operations should be strictly individual. A professional surgeon will study your wishes and suggest the technique that is right for you. Carefully study the clinic you have chosen for the operation: good materials for mammoplasty and high-quality work of a plastic doctor cannot be cheap.


The rehabilitation period lasts from 2 weeks to 1 month.

After surgery, you may experience some discomfort and pain during the first week. To relieve this condition, you can take painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

You need to rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions and/or herbal infusions of chamomile, sage, oak bark throughout the day and always after eating.

You need to brush your teeth carefully so as not to injure the wound surface. Preference should be given to soft, warm, grated food. For the first 2-3 days, you can eat food from baby jars or make yourself liquid porridge.

Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to prevent the wound from becoming infected.

When should you see a doctor?

All suture material used in the operation is self-absorbing, so there is no need to remove the sutures. You will need to visit your doctor for follow-up 3 days, 1 week and 3 months after surgery.

Buttock surgery

Cost: from 300 thousand rubles
An expressive butt like Kim Kardashian and Cardi B is blowing up the Internet. Building your buttocks to such volumes in the gym is difficult and time-consuming, and even the most active workouts do not always help you achieve the desired volumes. Therefore, plastic surgery becomes a solution to the problem.

There are different methods of buttock augmentation: gluteoplasty using implants, lipofilling, injections. The optimal result is achieved by a combination of several techniques, for example, endoprosthetics with silicone implants plus lipofilling.

Trust your body only to a professional surgeon - in pursuit of profit, some doctors set a cheap price for surgery, which then leads to serious complications. High-quality buttock surgery will cost a significant amount, but the result will be stunning.


There are a number of contraindications for the procedure:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels that are in the acute phase (complications may occur);

  • diseases and tumors caused by viruses;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic diseases that are in the acute stage (provoking severe complications);
  • pathologies of the circulatory system leading to deterioration of coagulation (for example, hemophilia - provokes large blood loss during surgery);
  • general ailments;
  • oncology (the presence of benign tumors is also a reason for refusing surgery);
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes mellitus (decompensated and in the stage of decompensation can provoke ketoacidotic coma; compensated diabetes mellitus is assessed as a relative contraindication, so some surgeons will be able to perform the operation);
  • allergic reactions to medications (causes of anaphylactic shock and death during invasion);
  • long history of smoking (leads to disruption of natural tissue regeneration, the rehabilitation period is delayed by 2-3 weeks);
  • menstruation (may increase bleeding during surgery);
  • severe obesity of 3-4 degrees;
  • elderly age;
  • children under 18 years of age.

Complete face and neck lift

Cost: from 500 thousand rubles
Restoring visual youth to the face and neck is the dream of many women after 40-45 years. There are many methods for lifting different areas of the face that give good results, but for truly high-quality rejuvenation, you need to solve not individual problems, but approach the problem comprehensively.

Full face lifting in modern approaches includes not only redistribution and removal of excess skin, but also work with deep layers of muscles - this is called SMAS lifting. Facial muscles lose tone and sag under the influence of gravity, forming ptosis, jowls, deep wrinkles and making the face haggard. The surgeon first sutures and returns the facial muscles to their place, creating a reliable frame on which the skin is then fixed.

The same manipulations are carried out in the platysma area - the neck muscles. Weakening over the years, it causes the formation of those very “rings of Venus” that betray age. An integrated approach allows you to create a young, toned face without visual signs of aging, and also maintain the effect much longer than after a conventional circular or coronal lift. You can consolidate the result with the help of injections and hardware cosmetology, which will increase the cost of rejuvenation, but will help maintain the effect.

Preparing for surgery

The desired result depends not only on the professionalism of the surgeon, the equipment of the clinic with special medical equipment, but also on the correct preparation and psychological attitude of the patient.

The following rules must be followed:

  • refrain from taking medications (for example, drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid, anticoagulants, hormones, vitamins E and C affect the nature of blood flow). Do not take them 2 weeks before surgery. Take medications prescribed by your doctor to correct blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar;
  • quit nicotine 14 days before the procedure;
  • stop drinking alcoholic beverages a week before the dimpleectomy (they promote bleeding);
  • cook food with little salt;
  • exclude spicy foods and caffeine (this prevents swelling after surgery);
  • reduce the consumption of meat, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as vitamins;
  • stop visiting the solarium;
  • start a proper rest.

The evening before the dimpleectomy, have a light dinner before 18:00. After midnight, refrain from constant drinking. Cleanse the body of waste and toxins with an enema. Take mild sedatives. Have a good rest and sleep before the procedure.

On the day of surgery, stop eating and drinking. In the morning, take a hot shower, wash your hair and apply an antiseptic to the area of ​​the procedure. Wear the most comfortable clothes, wash off your manicure and makeup, remove jewelry and discard contact lenses.

It is worth thinking in advance about the method of returning home. Ask loved ones for help for a while, as some drugs reduce concentration and the speed of metabolic reactions. Before the operation, it is important to discuss with the surgeon where the dimples will be located, what their size and depth are.

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Figure correction: liposuction + lipofilling

Cost: liposuction - from 50 thousand for one zone, lipofilling - from 150 thousand for one zone
Beautiful expressive contours in photographs of stars are most often the result of an integrated approach to creating a figure. The combination of liposuction (removal of excess fat) and lipofilling (injection of fat into certain areas to create additional volume) allows you to create the perfect silhouette of almost any figure.

There is a myth that liposuction is only needed for those for whom neither exercise nor diet helps. However, people who are not overweight often resort to this procedure, and not only women, but also men. Even with the right lifestyle, fat traps can form on a person’s body, which can only be removed with liposuction. Most often they are found in the abdomen, thighs, knees and armpits, even the chin.

Lipofilling is a change in body shape using the patient's adipose tissue. Unlike implants, using natural human fat helps achieve softer shapes in both appearance and feel. Lipofilling is used on the face and body both to increase volume and to get rid of unevenness. The main advantage is that your own fat does not cause allergic reactions or complications.

At first glance, the procedures are simple, but they have many pitfalls that only an experienced surgeon can know and be able to work with. Therefore, when choosing a doctor, you should not save money if you want to get a beautiful body.

How to make dimples on the cheeks: creating a smile from childhood

Cameron Diaz, Kirsten Dunst, Irina Shayk, Liza Boyarskaya - do you know what unites these star divas besides beauty, fame and popular love? They all have one distinctive feature - dimples . Who knows, maybe they achieved such dizzying success precisely because of this zest, which gives a smile a special charm, makes it sincere, open and youthfully perky - it is no coincidence that it is sometimes called the “kiss of an angel” or the “mark of happiness.”

Alas, not every person is given these playful grooves by nature. They often become an object of envy and raise a logical question - how to make the same pits for yourself? There are several popular methods for this, from makeup tricks to plastic surgery. But which option is the most effective? And why do some people have this feature from birth, is it good or bad? What is a dimpleectomy and what are its pros and cons? tells in order:

↑ Where do dimples come from?

You will be surprised, but from the point of view of doctors, the “mark of happiness”, which causes so much delight and tenderness, is a genetic defect that is inherited.

  • The zygomaticus major muscle, which regulates the position of the corners of the lips and is responsible for the formation of a smile, is to blame for everything. This so-called “laughing muscle” has a V-shaped structure. In some cases (about every fourth), one of its bundles behaves abnormally: it branches off, passes through the gap between the fibers and grows into the dermis of the cheek. With active facial expressions, including smiling, the “soldered” area is pulled inward - and a characteristic depression is formed.
  • Genetically, dimples are a dominant trait, that is, if at least one of the parents has them, then there is a very high probability that the feature will be passed on to the child. At the same time, this is not a disease or atavism. Currently, no connection has been established between the presence of pits and any health problems.
  • The subcutaneous fat located around the dimple further raises the surface of the cheek, which makes the dimple even deeper. In young children with their chubby cheeks, the “happy marks” are especially noticeable. With age, when the fat layer on the cheekbones thins, the indentations may become less pronounced or disappear altogether. But if this does not happen, they, on the contrary, increase in size and look like real wrinkles.
  • The pits can be round or oblong, on one side or on both cheeks, they can be located symmetrically or at different distances from the corners of the mouth - depending on how Mother Nature pleases. But if we are talking about their artificial creation, then the location and configuration can be chosen at your discretion.

↑ Dimpleectomy: dimples on the cheeks quickly and forever

This plastic surgery is considered simple to perform, does not require general anesthesia, and is incredibly popular in the EU and the USA. It is also done in our country, in many clinics, although a similar rush has not yet been observed.

The name dimple-ectomy is derived from the English “dimple-ectomy”, which literally means “cutting out dimples”. In fact, everything is not as scary as it sounds. No one carves anything in the literal sense of the word. The surgeon works from the inside of the cheek: he makes an incision in the designated place and removes a small part of the fat layer, and then sews the layers of tissue together with several stitches. The scar formed from the inside tightens the skin from the outside and forms a depression that looks natural.

The specific size, shape of the dimple, its depth and location are discussed with the patient at a preliminary consultation. Surgeons guarantee a lasting result and, moreover, advise you to think carefully about its necessity, since the result will remain for life . In the future, you can smooth out the skin a little, but you won’t be able to return everything completely “as it was,” and this is perhaps the only disadvantage of such an operation. There are many more advantages:

  • All manipulations are performed under local anesthesia, which significantly reduces the number of contraindications. As a rule, a simple injection of lidocaine is sufficient to minimize discomfort. Those who do not like to watch the surgeon work may request intravenous or oral sedation, but doctors themselves do not consider it necessary.
  • A dimpleectomy lasts on average only half an hour, after which you can immediately go home - no sick leave, no scars, severe swelling, bruises and other unpleasant consequences. Restrictions on the recovery period are minimal.
  • The operation is suitable for both thin and plump cheeks.
  • The result is noticeable immediately. At first, the dimples will be constantly visible, even with calm facial expressions. After the surgical thread dissolves, the skin will gradually level out, and the indentations will appear, as expected, only when you smile. This period usually takes about 2 weeks.

Rehabilitation after a dimpleectomy is relatively easy. Basic advice from doctors for this period:

  • for several days you need to take antibiotics and, possibly, painkillers - they are prescribed by the surgeon;
  • do not eat hard or chewy foods;
  • after eating, rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions (Stomatidin, Peridex, etc.) to prevent infection from getting into the wounds.
Photos before and after surgery - with and without a smile:

Surgeons are confident that dimples make the facial structure clearer:

↑ Contraindications, possible complications and side effects

Dimpleectomy is low-traumatic and does not require general anesthesia, so there are few factors excluding the possibility of its implementation. These are mainly general surgical issues: acute diseases, infections, problems with blood clotting, etc.

This operation has practically no serious negative consequences - except that at some point you may not like the result, and, as we remember, once created “marks of happiness” cannot be completely erased. But besides this, there are several risks that you should be aware of in advance:

  • Due to a surgeon’s error or individual characteristics of scarring, the dimples may not be entirely symmetrical in depth and/or relative position. Sometimes this can be corrected with a small additional correction: making one of the dimples deeper or vice versa - smoothing it out a little, but sometimes you have to put up with what is there.
  • As we age, our skin inevitably ages and loses its elasticity, as a result of which the artificial indentation often becomes much more noticeable and looks like a “full” wrinkle on the cheek (in addition to the existing nasolabial folds). This cannot be avoided, but, in fairness, similar changes often occur in those who inherited dimples from their parents.
  • Some people believe that the results of a dimpleectomy do not look entirely natural and look more like a skin defect than a cute highlight of appearance. This is a matter of taste: in order to form your own opinion, it is advisable to study as many “before and after” photos as possible, and it is better if this is the portfolio of the very surgeon you plan to turn to for help.
Photos before and after dimpleectomy:

↑ “Marks of Happiness” without surgery

The Internet, when asked “how to make dimples on the cheeks at home,” will give dozens of tips, although not all of them are adequate. We have made a selection of life hacks that are especially popular, and analyzed their pros and cons:

1. Makeup. Well, why not, if we are talking about achieving a short-term effect - in particular, for a photo shoot? Makeup gurus have entire instructions on the topic “how to draw dimples on your cheeks” using cosmetics. True, you will have to practice a lot before you get a more or less natural result. And remember - this method is only suitable for posing in front of the camera. In all other cases, there is a risk of hearing: “You seem to have gotten dirty with something.”

2. Exercises. Some are sure that that same “laughter muscle” can be trained and forced to behave in the desired way. The method is very dubious, especially if you remember under what circumstances the pits actually form. Little depends on the degree of “pumping” of the muscle. But if you don’t have a lot of patience, and the prospect of not achieving a result in the end doesn’t upset you, then you can try. At least training your facial muscles has never hurt anyone.

3. Cheek piercing. Imitation using earrings is a completely accessible and inexpensive way to achieve the goal. True, metal jewelry on the face is not suitable for every person, and, to be honest, the effect of this option is not quite the same as that given by natural indentations when smiling. The next step is usually to remove the earring a few months after the piercing, then the connective tissue that has formed around it will slightly tighten the cheek, creating the illusion of a dimple. But these marks will be constantly visible, even when the face does not express any emotions. In addition, piercing is an unpredictable business, and one of its frequent complications is rough keloid scars. So, under no circumstances do this procedure yourself at home, contact a professional.

In any case, first you can “try on” the dimples with makeup and make sure that they really suit your face. And then - either waste time on exercises that may not give any effect, or pierce your cheeks at your own risk... Or skip these ineffective steps and immediately turn to the most reliable and proven option - plastic surgery.

↑ How much does it cost to make dimples on the cheeks? Current prices for dimpleectomy and other procedures

Costs will depend primarily on which method is chosen. With non-surgical ones everything is simple:

MakeupFor free. Decorative cosmetics needed
ExercisesFor free. Perseverance and faith in miracles are required
PiercingFrom 900 rubles (one cheek). We need a salon with a good reputation, license and competent craftsmen

Surgery is a little more complicated: here the cost will be affected by the status requests of the specialist or clinic and the city of the operation (more expensive in the capital). At the same time, there are practically no additional costs such as compression garments or hospital stay:

Dimpleectomy - prices for surgery in Moscow and other cities:
Minimum20,000 rub. (clinic “New Technologies”)
MaximumRUR 62,208 (Medem Clinic)
Average for all surgeons and clinics30.836
* all prices listed are synchronized with the price list database and are current as of the current date.
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