If the skin on your face is peeling, what should you do? Causes of peeling and ways to eliminate it

Quick transition Treatment of cutaneous lupus erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus is treated by a rheumatologist. During therapy with antimalarial drugs (hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine), observation by an ophthalmologist is necessary. If you suspect the development of squamous cell skin cancer against the background of discoid lupus erythematosus, consultation with an oncologist is necessary.

Lupus erythematosus rashes on the skin and/or mucous membranes can be an independent disease or a manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus, a chronic disease associated with the formation of antibodies to components of cell nuclei. Antibodies cause damage and inflammation of various tissues, including the skin.

Causes of peeling - external factors and improper care

So, what are the causes of peeling skin on the face? There are three skin types: oily, normal, dry. People with dry skin suffer from flaking more often than others. This is natural. However, if the situation worsens over time, you should pay attention to the following factors.

why does the skin on my face peel?

One of them is lack of moisture in the body. Winds, frosts, scorching sun, dry indoor air during the heating season - all this dries out the skin, causing it to peel. Therefore, such environmental influences should be avoided in every possible way and skin care should be strengthened.

When caring for your face, it is important to remember that excessive frequent washing (especially with hot water), as well as the use of soap products, can negatively affect the skin, causing dryness and irritation.

If by leaving you have achieved the opposite effect, do not despair! Replace regular soap with a skin moisturizer and use a nourishing cream. This will help your facial skin recover.

Also, refrain from rubbing your skin after washing your face. It could hurt her. Better to gently pat your face dry with a soft towel.

Lack of vitamins

The lack of vitamins in the body or their deficiency also leads to flaking of the skin. What should you do in such a situation? It is necessary to help the body accumulate nutrients. To do this, include more fruits in your diet (especially during the period of autumn-spring vitamin deficiency).


Peeling of the facial skin often occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to the lanolinic acid contained in face washes. Flowering plants, allergenic foods, and medications can also cause a skin reaction.

If the problem is with your cleanser, you should seek professional advice. If the itching persists, do not delay visiting your doctor. Since this phenomenon may not be a simple irritation, but a symptom of an infectious skin disease.

Dry skin

As we have already noted, the main problem of the skin is the lack of moisture. How to solve it? You should stop using soap when washing your face. It is recommended to replace it with soft, cleansing, non-alcohol-containing products, such as:

  • foams,
  • mousses,
  • gels.

causes of peeling skin

Treatment of cutaneous lupus erythematosus

The basis of treatment is corticosteroid hormones. With this disease, they can be applied to the lesions in the form of ointments, or injected directly into the lesion of the affected skin. In severe cases, systemic corticosteroids may be prescribed. As an alternative or to enhance therapy, it is possible to apply calcineurin inhibitors to the lesions.

In cases of severe skin damage and insufficient effect of external treatment, systemic therapy is carried out using antimalarial drugs (chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine), anti-inflammatory drugs (methotrexate, mycophenolate, dapsone, azathioprine, etc.).

Features of the treatment method

The first line of treatment is topical corticosteroids and hydroxychloroquine.

To reduce the total dose and side effects of topical corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors are included in treatment.

During treatment with hydroxychloroquine, regular medical supervision is necessary. The condition of the retina must be monitored, since the drug can impair vision with long-term (more than 5 years) use. This side effect is uncommon, but signs of retinal damage may require discontinuation of the drug.

Intralesional administration of drugs (corticosteroid hormones) using multiple superficial injections directly into the lesion of the affected skin allows you to create a high concentration of the drug in the lesion, while reducing the risks of systemic side effects. The medicine is administered by a doctor in a dressing room to a depth of 2-3 mm. The procedure is painful, but the pain is not sharp and largely depends on the sensitivity of the patient’s receptors. To reduce pain, a thin needle is used, and an anesthetic ointment may be used.

All patients must be prescribed skin protection against ultraviolet radiation.

How is lupus erythematosus treated at the Rassvet clinic?

The dermatologist will ask you to talk about the course of the disease and the treatment that was carried out previously. The doctor will examine the skin (including the scalp) and mucous membranes. Dermatoscopy and trichoscopy can be informative. With this disease, to establish a diagnosis in most cases, a skin biopsy will be required with an additional immunofluorescence reaction.

If cutaneous lupus erythematosus is suspected, it will be necessary to discuss the possibility of systemic manifestations and assess the condition of other organs and systems of the body. Additional studies may be required to identify a systemic process (blood tests, urine tests, etc.).


An effective remedy for protecting against flaking of facial skin is the drug “Panthenol”. Particularly convenient to use thanks to the spray form. This drug is sprayed onto problematic facial skin; after a few minutes, the remaining drug must be removed with a cotton pad. The drug can be used up to four times a day. The use of Panthenol stops the inflammatory process, relieves skin irritation, and eliminates flaking. The drug softens and restores problematic facial skin.

why does my face itch


The nature of the burning sensation depends on the nature of its origin. There are two large archetypes, which include smaller species:

  1. Physiological type (irritation from external factors):
      burns (solar, chemical, thermal);
  2. a bite of an insect;
  3. prolonged friction of the skin, for example, on rough clothing;
  4. reaction to dry, warm air;
  5. abrasions, bruises, bruises;
  6. Pathological type (changes in mentality or condition)
      mental instability;
  7. changes in physiological state (pregnancy, old age);
  8. depression;
  9. feeling of psychological discomfort;
  10. stress.

Often the symptoms of a mixed type of burning appear, where both signs of a pathological disorder and physiological ones can manifest themselves.

Dermatological problems

The most common dermatological disease, characterized by the appearance of red spots - they are located locally or throughout the body - lichen. Experts distinguish several types of lichen, each of which has its own characteristics.

Red flat and ringing, scaly (psoriasis) and shingles, pityriasis and weeping (eczema) - all of them require the mandatory intervention of a specialist who can make a correct diagnosis and timely prescribe therapeutic measures. In addition, some types of lichen are transmitted by contact, which requires isolation of the patient from others, compliance with a special lifestyle, and exclusion of provoking factors.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system and the consequences of frequent or constant stress and nervous tension.

The human body is a complex system in which everything is interconnected. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised if one of the consequences of nervous overstrain is redness of the skin (it’s not for nothing that people came up with the expression: “stains from nerves”). The reason for this phenomenon most often lies in vegetative-vascular dystonia, leading to impaired blood flow.

Redness of the skin will most likely not cause any pain and will go away on its own in a couple of days. However, you need to remember that quite serious diseases of internal organs can also lead to the appearance of spots: the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Therefore, any change in the skin should be a reason to contact a skin specialist.

Manifestation during neurointoxication

Neurointoxication due to poisoning or infection will also be stressful for the heart. The symptom of a white spot with shock of the 3rd degree will also be observed. In addition, there will be other noticeable symptoms:

  • confusion;
  • reduced temperature;
  • broken sinus rhythm of the heart - bradycardia;
  • intestinal paresis;
  • skin cyanosis.

First aid for severe intoxication is to induce vomiting. And immediately call an ambulance.

Eczema is a chronic, skin, non-contagious, inflammatory disease characterized by rashes, itching, periods of exacerbation and remission (improvement).

Another name for eczema is tinea versicolor. Translated from ekzeo - to boil, this explains the property of bubbles to quickly open, like bubbles of boiling water.

The disease itself is widespread.

There are two forms of eczema: acute and chronic.

There are the following types of eczema:

  • The true (idiopathic) form is characterized by an acute onset of the disease. The lesion is symmetrical (most often the hands are involved, but can be located anywhere), the boundaries are unclear. Foci of redness are noted, against which vesicles (bubbles), papules (nodules) form, the skin is swollen; after some time, the blisters open, forming erosions (skin defect), serous contents are released (called eczematous wells) - this condition is called oozing, then the contents dry out and serous (if the contents are serous) or hemorrhagic (i.e. bloody) crusts are formed.
  • Microbial eczema develops at the site of chronic foci of infection; when an infection is attached, the following subtypes can be distinguished.

Mycotic form - when a fungal component is attached, peeling occurs.

Paratraumatic form - rashes are located at the site of injury.

Varicose form - against the background of trophic disorders, most often located on the legs, rashes of a bluish-purple color, located asymmetrically.

Presence of an infectious or venereal disease

The “culprit” of red spots is often the viruses of scarlet fever, rubella, measles, chickenpox and other infectious diseases. This also includes the disease syphilis, which manifests itself as red rashes on the skin.

The danger of such diseases is that a person not only experiences discomfort (the appearance of a red rash all over the body in these cases is usually accompanied by fever, chills and other unpleasant symptoms), but also turns into a carrier of the virus. Therefore, at the first signs of an infectious or sexually transmitted disease, accompanied by redness on the skin, you need to consult a doctor and begin comprehensive treatment, including taking antibiotics, antihistamines, vitamins, topical ointments - this is the only way to protect others and quickly cope with the disease.

Prevention of seborrheic dermatitis on the face

To prevent dermatitis on the forehead from causing a relapse, it is recommended to follow several rules:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • cleanse the body of waste and toxins;
  • exclude from the diet salty and spicy foods, fatty and smoked foods, marinades, spices and condiments, sweets, chips and crackers, products containing preservatives, flavor enhancers and dyes;
  • introduce fermented milk products into the menu, which include lacto- and bifidobacteria, animal proteins, bran, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • cook food with vegetable oil;
  • restore the functioning of the digestive system.

Seborrheic dermatitis on the face photo

Photo 1. Seborrheic dermatitis on the face of an adult

Photo 2. Seborrheic dermatitis on the face of an adult

Photo 3. Seborrheic dermatitis

Photo 4. Seborrheic dermatitis on a child’s face

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