How I managed to tighten my facial skin after losing weight

Causes of dry and sagging skin

Skin laxity is a loss of firmness and elasticity in the skin, and its appearance is not always associated with natural aging.

Causes of sagging skin:

  • Poor nutrition – frequent adherence to diets with strict restrictions, or, on the contrary, abuse of sweets and light carbohydrates, leading to the process of glycation in the skin.
  • Disturbance in sleep patterns - lack of sleep leads to disturbances in circadian rhythms and lack of full recovery of both the entire body and the skin in particular. It is at night that most of the synthetic processes take place, i.e. cellular renewal and formation of young chains of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
  • Poor environment, stress, smoking lead to the destruction of vitamin C and the skin’s protective system. The aggression of free radicals leads to the destruction of collagen fibers, and the lack of vitamin C slows down the formation of new ones.
  • Passion for tanning - even active tanning 2 times a year during vacation. Exposure to ultraviolet rays reduces the activity of fibroblasts, they synthesize less collagen and hyaluronic acid, and more metalloproteinase enzymes are produced that destroy their own collagen.
  • Cosmetics: incorrectly selected, poor quality, lack of regular and properly selected care - violates skin barriers, making it more sensitive and susceptible to other negative factors.

The presence of dry and sagging skin indicates a combination of several provoking factors, when premature aging of the skin occurs against the background of impaired barrier function.

Lifting effect of the face with the help of diet

You can restore elasticity, clarity of contours and get rid of a double chin after losing weight with the help of the Face Lift diet. Any diet for a facelift includes foods that help the body produce its own collagen and elastin. The facelift diet of the famous professor Nicholas Perricone is very popular. Nutrition using the professor's method is recommended by famous actresses Julia Roberts and Kim Cattrall, who have experienced its amazing effect.

The diet was based on foods high in omega fatty acids. These include salmon fish, nuts, olive, flaxseed and other vegetable oils. Caffeinated drinks, alcohol, carbohydrates and flour products are excluded from the diet. Most of the products are consumed raw. Fried foods are excluded; steamed or grilled foods can be used.

The result of such nutrition will not take long to arrive. In just two weeks, your face will noticeably look younger and take on a rested, healthy appearance. The diet will help restore facial skin after losing weight, remove a sagging double chin and sagging skin. Collagen production improves skin elasticity and firmness, has a Face Lift effect, and gives clear contours to the face and neck areas.

What happens inside the skin

Information for specialists

The appearance of sagging skin is associated with disturbances in the structure of the dermal layer of the skin:

  • Changes in the structure and functioning of fibroblasts - they become more rigid and flat, their synthetic activity decreases, which leads to a decrease in the viscoelastic properties of collagen.
  • An insufficient amount of collagen and a violation of its structure leads to impaired contact between fibers and fibroblasts, which for normal functioning must be in a stretched, spindle-shaped state.
  • This is how a “vicious circle” arises : lack of collagen synthesis <=> dysfunction of fibroblasts.

Such changes most affect the fibroblasts of the papillary dermis, which primarily affects the normal structure of the papilla of the epidermal-dermal junction.

There is a smoothing of the papillae, which manifests itself in the initial stages as sagging skin. There is a feeling of insufficient tension and elasticity, subsequently ptosis and wrinkles form .

When strengthening your chin, don’t forget about the contours of your cheekbones

So, ordinary puffed up cheeks will help maintain the elasticity of the skin in this area of ​​the face:

  • You need to take in as much air as possible into your mouth and hold your breath.
  • After five seconds, exhale sharply through the mouth.

The exercise is performed 3-4 times, several approaches per day.

How to deal with sagging and dry skin

Seeing dry, flabby skin with reduced turgor, cosmetologists often recommend a biorevitalization - i.e. injection of hyaluronic acid into the dermal layer of the skin. Which, by the way, comes out very quickly (from 2 to 5 days).

There is no need to rush into replacement therapy because:

  • This does not solve the problem of dry skin and impaired barrier function.
  • Why introduce a foreign product when the skin itself is able to compensate for the resulting deficiency by eliminating the causes of its formation.

Hardware methods of influence

Reduced turgor, laxity and emaciation of the skin, a sagging chin and altered facial features with wrinkles, folds and bags under the eyes are indications for radical measures using modern hardware therapy. One of the effective ways to eliminate such problems is laser face lifting. The procedure is performed using a laser beam. By directing the beam to the problem area, epidermal cells are stimulated. As a result, metabolic processes are activated, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the surface of the skin is leveled. The skin becomes perfectly even and smooth, elastic and toned without any traces of rapid weight loss.

The photorejuvenation procedure gives a high effect. This is a great way to tighten sagging cheeks after losing weight. Under the influence of pulsed light, the already used collagen is removed and the production of new one is activated. For complete renewal of skin cells, 3 sessions are enough. Beauty salons also offer other methods of hardware facelift after weight loss - cryolifting under the influence of low temperatures, RF lifting using radio frequency waves and ultrasound therapy.

Correction plan for dry skin with sagging

Eliminate exposure to all provoking factors

Normalization of nutrition, intake of vitamins and active supplements, normalization of sleep and rest patterns.

Protects skin from UV and blue light rays

Flabby skin, atonicity, dyspigmentation of the facial skin, eye fatigue and general fatigue, problems with falling asleep - these are all manifestations of the negative effects of blue light. Its sources: computer, tablet, smartphones and fluorescent lamps.

According to research, blue light is 15 times more dangerous than the rest of the visible light range. Causes powerful oxidative stress, provokes degradation of collagen fibers, the appearance of age spots, dryness and increased sensitivity of the skin.

CBD "Blue Light" face cream SPF 30 DermaQuest is a complete daytime skin care for moisturizing, protecting and preventing sagging skin.

  • Contains a physical photo filter – Zinc Oxide – a mineral screen from all types of UV rays;
  • Moisturizes, nourishes and restores the skin - contains Shea butter and Aloe extract ;
  • Absorbs well, can be used as a base for makeup - a complete day cream;
  • Contains BlueLight filter - InfraGard - blue light protection;
  • Vitamin C – prevention of pigmentation and premature aging;
  • A unique ingredient - cannabidiol - heals the skin, normalizes the functioning of skin cells;
Restore skin barrier function

First of all, it is necessary to recommend not rejuvenating procedures, but those that restore the integrity of skin barriers - the lipid substance of the epidermis to prevent dehydration and restore the protective function of the skin.

Use a cream that contains representatives of 2-3 main groups:

  • Hydrants are substances that attract and retain water molecules in the skin: urea, lactic acid, ceramides, hyaluronic acid, glycerin.
  • Emollients are substances that create a protective film on the surface of the skin (it is they that determine the density of the cream) - these are vegetable and mineral oils, fats, waxes, dimethicone.
  • Ingredients that restore hydration of skin cells by increasing aquaporins - cell channels through which moisture penetrates inside. These are AquaCell, Aquasens, Diffuporin.

CBD "Blue Light" face moisturizer DermaQuest - a powerful face moisturizer with Cannabidiol (CBD) and Blue Light protection - actively moisturizes dehydrated skin, revitalizes, and conducts moisture into the cells. Instantly gives peace and comfort. 80% natural composition.

It contains a unique AquaCell complex - a double blow against dehydrated skin: it supplies moisture inside the cell and retains it in the deep layers of the skin. Smoothes wrinkles within 2 hours of application, maintaining hydration levels for 24 hours.

Prevention measures

To maintain healthy and youthful skin while losing weight, it is important to adhere to certain rules and try to lose weight slowly and evenly without sudden changes. During a diet, you need to take care not only in external care of the integument, but also in balanced nutrition from the inside. To ensure that the results of weight loss do not affect the condition of the skin, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Avoid taking hot baths. It is better to use a contrast shower or bath with warm water close to body temperature. After this, apply moisturizers.
  • Use special cosmetics to prevent stretch marks and sagging skin. A home remedy made from lemon juice, lavender and castor oil has proven itself to be excellent.
  • Do exercises for your face and body every day to keep your muscles toned.
  • Eat fatty fish, vegetables and fruits, maintain the body's water balance.
  • Going to the pool, water is considered an effective means for massaging the skin, preventing its sagging and loss of elasticity.
  • Do not sunbathe during the active phase of the sun from 12 noon to 5 pm. Sunbathe using special products before and after tanning.
  • For care, use natural cosmetics that do not disturb the pH balance of the skin and have a mild effect.
  • Take special vitamin and mineral complexes to maintain good skin condition.

By following these rules, you can maintain the elasticity and firmness of your skin while losing weight. As a result, for all your efforts, you will get the kind of reflection in the mirror that you have long dreamed of.​

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! The company is not responsible for possible negative consequences arising from the use of information posted on the website

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