What is the drug shpak and are there any differences between this substance and nasvay

In youth slang, shpak is a drug made from lime and bird droppings. They are round or oblong grains with a disgusting odor. It gives a short-term “high” (only 3-4 minutes), which encourages the addict to continue using. Due to its low price, it has become widespread among disadvantaged sections of the population and teenagers.


  1. Composition of nasvay
  2. Ways to use nasvay
  3. Consequences of the drug on the body
  4. Signs of taking a drug mixture
  5. Actions of parents if they suspect their child has taken “shpak”
  6. Medical assistance for problems with the drug “shpak”

Recently, the drug “shpak” or, in other words, nasvay, has become widespread among young people and adolescents.
Young people buy this mixture at the market or from friends, mistakenly considering it a harmless alternative to tobacco products. Sometimes they even try to use the substance to quit smoking. In fact, shpak is a drug that not only will not help cope with nicotine addiction, but also causes persistent addiction and negative health consequences. It is often very difficult to cope with such problems on your own.


The drug Shpak and such shpak and If shpak gets from shpak they love the drug shpak addiction the use of shpak the drug shpak and nasvay. Shpak is different from nasvay Compulsory treatment Inpatient treatment Treatment for Treatment of adolescents Treatment from Treatment from Treatment from Treatment of codependency Treatment of binge drinking treatment Alcoholism Alcoholism Alcoholism Treatment of alcoholism Treatment of alcoholism Treatment of alcoholism here is alcoholism female alcoholism

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Composition of nasvay

The drug is not produced on an industrial scale. It is made in an artisanal way, so the ingredients in this mixture can be very different. Initially, nasvay included dry leaves of the “nas” plant, which grows in Central Asia. Hence its name.

Over time, the geography of its distribution expanded, crushed tobacco was replaced with various additives, and in our latitudes it received a different name - “shpak”.

This narcotic drug may contain tobacco, slaked lime, ash, oil, and even bird or camel afterbirth. Another composition allows the use of cigarette production waste. In this case, dusty tobacco residues are mixed with a glue solution, lime, water and vegetable oil.

To add taste and aroma, crushed dried fruits, herbs, seasonings, and flavorings (not always of natural origin) can be added to the “shpak”. But sometimes even arsenic and cadmium are found in the intoxicating collection.

The appearance and color of this mixture varies depending on its components and production method: balls, sticks, granules or powder from green to brown.

What does nasvay look like?

Nasvite is described as small balls of greenish color, grains that have an unpleasant specific odor. The old drug darkens and becomes almost black or dark brown. In some photos it looks like a brownish powder. When dry, it can last for a long time. It is recommended to store the finished drug for two to three days.

The name of the drug is most likely explained by the fact that the nas plant was originally used in its preparation. However, today they don’t call it anything else. Natsvay, nasybay, atmai - these are just some options.

Ways to use nasvay

What is “shpak” for drug addicts, and how is it used? Many people do not pay attention to the harmful impurities and not entirely edible products contained in the drug. In the student and student environment, it is classified as a relaxing substance, smoking mixtures, tobacco substitutes, and non-smoking lozenge tobacco.

“Shpak” begins to act almost instantly when it enters the mouth due to the method of application and the lime content in it, which promotes rapid absorption of nicotine. The mixture is placed under the upper or lower lip and begins to suck. Through the mucous membrane, substances from the drug enter the bloodstream and begin their destructive effect.



(from the English
) are new names for familiar words or sets of words that are used by different kinds of people in different fields. In general, slang is non-standard vocabulary that unites people of the same profession and/or company.

Nowadays, many of the slang expressions have firmly established themselves in our literary language and are actively used by almost all groups of people. For example, “write a cheat sheet” (a hint, a reminder), “make a fuss” (tell everyone, make it public), “fail an interview” (receive a refusal at an interview, not get a job).

The main difference between slang, for example, and colloquial expressions, is its use in their colloquial speech by educated people, people of similar professions, ages, etc. Often it is slang that determines a person’s membership in a certain group (for example, ZY - computer slang, babki - criminal jargon). In addition, in different group circles, slang words having the same sound mean completely different things (for example, CNC - SEO, Internet and CNC - factory machine).

In the Russian language, general slang is also actively used, for example, bummer, showdown, grandmothers, party, cop, zadolbat, bullshit

. These are words borrowed mainly from youth or criminal slang, but which have become commonly used and understandable to almost everyone.

Consequences of the drug on the body

Young people are often driven to take nasvay for the first time by curiosity or a reluctance to stand out among the company. The answer to the question “Shpak: what is it?” the teenager wants to receive based on his experience. Moreover, unscrupulous distributors vying with each other about its harmlessness and even benefits.

Within 5-10 minutes after the mixture enters the oral cavity, it begins to act. After the first serving, a person will experience slight dizziness, relaxation, darkening of the eyes, and detachment from all problems. Along with this, a burning sensation of the mucous membrane, tingling in the extremities and strong salivation appear.

Long-term consumption of Shpak leads to more serious consequences:

  1. Increased risk of developing cancer of the mouth, tongue, or lips. Statistics show alarming figures: almost 80% of such diseases are the result of the use of this drug.
  2. There is a high probability of infection with various intestinal infections, parasites, and viral hepatitis. This is due to the presence of animal and bird excrement in the drug, which enters the human mouth even without heat treatment.
  3. Diseases of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract, which manifest themselves in constant diarrhea, stomach and intestinal ulcers, and malignant tumors.
  4. Formation of persistent drug, nicotine addiction or addiction to other chemical substances that are components of Shpak.
  5. Deviations in mental state: memory impairment, imbalance, irritability, confusion, decreased mental abilities and ability to learn something new.
  6. Decreased reproductive functions of the body. In the future, nasvay lovers are at risk of infertility, and it is almost impossible to cure such disorders.

The negative impact of “shpak” on a person does not depend on the period of its use, but only on physical and mental health. Even a single dose can lead to serious complications and illnesses.

Nasvay - how and why is it used?

Nasvayt is used mainly by schoolchildren. But what effect do they expect to get?

Expected impact of nasvay

There is an opinion that nasvayt causes the effect of slight relaxation and blurred vision. This condition does not last long - no more than five minutes, so many schoolchildren who are dependent on it use it right during breaks in the school restrooms. Many users of this drug claim that it makes it easy to quit smoking. Although, in essence, this is the same tobacco, only in an increased dose (thanks to the rapid entry of nicotine into the blood), and even generously supplemented with all sorts of abomination. It’s enough to remember what it’s made from. It is unlikely that smoking addiction will decrease or disappear after it. In general, when choosing which is better: nasvay or cigarettes, it would be optimal to decisively refuse both one and the other. The body will thank you.

How is nasvite used?

Nasvays do not smoke. When explaining yourself in teenage jargon, you need to “throw it.” It is very troublesome to use. This is how experienced nasvay consumers describe this process. It should be placed under the lips or tongue. Some people use it in the nose to enhance the effect. There are especially gifted ones who find a way to use nasvay, like throwing it under the armpit or behind the eyelid. Obviously, these are those who have nothing left of their lips.

Swallowing particles of the potion or saliva is completely unacceptable. This causes nausea or diarrhea. Cardiac arrest is also possible due to an overdose of nicotine. By the way, when avid drug addicts lure young dupes with drugs, they talk picturesquely about lightness and relaxation, but for some reason they completely forget to mention vomiting, indigestion and the possibility of death.

When “throwing”, they try to ensure that grains of the potion do not fall on the lips. This is due to the fact that the substances included in its composition contribute to the fact that the mucous membrane becomes covered with blisters and ulcers.

Nasvay - accessibility

Unlike cigarettes and alcoholic drinks, nasvay is freely offered to minors in markets.

Is nasvay legal?

Many people are interested in whether nasvay is considered a drug? In fact, it is a most harmful substance. But according to the law, alas, there are practically no restrictions on its import. The ingredients included in its composition are not included in the list of narcotic substances according to existing documentation. In Russia, the sale of nasvay was banned only recently. But this does not inspire much optimism. After all, “us” consists of very simple and accessible ingredients. You can make a potion anywhere. How can we not sound the alarm here? After all, banning nasvay may take many years, during which the lives and health of a huge number of teenagers will be irrevocably destroyed.

In general, the question of whether nasvay is a drug or not can be answered this way. From an official point of view, no, since the substances included in its composition are not prohibited. But, essentially, nasvay is a dangerous, harmful, quickly addictive drug that needs to be banned as soon as possible.

Signs of taking a drug mixture

Attentive attitude towards the younger generation allows us to timely consider the symptoms of using the drug “shpak” and sound the alarm.

Teenagers addicted to this potion experience:

  • unpleasant manure odor from the mouth;
  • dilated pupils;
  • attacks of nausea, vomiting and intestinal disorders;
  • increased sweating;
  • blisters, sores and cracks on the lips and mouth;
  • redness of the tongue and oral mucosa;
  • excessive salivation, which causes frequent spitting;
  • orthostatic collapse, when standing up suddenly makes one feel dizzy, the vision becomes dark, and a person may faint;
  • tooth decay: sucking the substance leads to periodontal disease and complete loss of teeth;
  • change in usual behavior: apathy, indifference or excessive excitability;
  • Personality disorders: problems with memory, intellectual abilities, learning and communication.

The fragile youthful body very quickly gets used to the intoxicating mixture, and a state of detachment becomes the norm for him. If medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner, then in the future he may want stronger sensations and switch to hard drugs.

Personal life

The drug cocaine

Since childhood, Irina dreamed of meeting her one and only and loving him all her life. At that time, she was admired by Arnold Schwarzenegger. At the age of 19, the girl met a young man at the gym and soon married him.

From the first meeting, Meshchanskaya told her future husband that she would not tolerate betrayal. But in the end, her marriage broke up after 13 years due to her husband’s infidelity, inattention, and essentially different views on life.

After a thorough analysis of her ideal man, Irina came to the conclusion that her ex-husband only matched her preferences in appearance, but not in his inner world. During the marriage, the husband and wife never traveled together, did not go to a restaurant, and only went to the cinema a couple of times.

It is curious that Alexander Shpak, although he has a very specific appearance, turned out to be a loving, understanding and caring husband.

Actions of parents if they suspect their child has taken “shpak”

Even the very assumption that a teenager is taking drugs leads the father and mother into a stupor, preventing them from thinking and acting rationally. In this case, you should remain calm and not make rash decisions:

  • Don't panic and talk openly with your child.
  • Review his social circle, try to exclude suspicious young people from his number.
  • Do not put off solving the problem for later - this can lead to disastrous results.
  • Don’t expect an immediate effect, get ready for a long-term fight against addiction.
  • Do not self-medicate, do not try to cope with trouble on your own.
  • Be sure to seek professional medical support.

The drug can not only negatively affect physical and mental well-being, but also cause serious complications. It can change other aspects of a person’s life: cause family and financial problems, complications in school or work, a slide down the social ladder with a hopeless future.

Therefore, it is very important to detect the problem as early as possible and seek help from a narcologist.


The communication of drug addicts is not limited to the walls of their houses or apartments, and government officials may be present in public places. Addicts use slang to “encrypt” their conversations in front of others, because the need to talk about their addiction may appear in places that are unsafe from the point of view of the law for an addict. Nowadays, internal affairs officers most often know drug slang and are able to isolate its terms from the general flow of speech. And even for an ignorant person, identifying a drug addict in a crowd is not so difficult: most often they are given away by a very sick appearance, unhealthy thinness, pale skin, bruises under the eyes, an empty glassy look and sloppy clothes.

Medical assistance for problems with the drug "shpak"

Those affected by the use of “shpak” should seek drug treatment help as soon as possible. Self-medication or delay in visiting a doctor will only worsen the condition, and further treatment will be much more difficult and longer.

Service in a drug treatment clinic has a number of advantages:

  1. In acute and emergency conditions of poisoning, intoxication of the body, aggravation of concomitant diseases, or manifestations of withdrawal syndrome, you can call an emergency team or a narcologist to your home at any time.
  2. You can clarify any information or get specialist advice by telephone 24 hours a day.
  3. Our patients can also make an appointment with a doctor at a time convenient for you by phone. In this case, you will not have to wait in line when you arrive at the clinic. The specialist will examine the patient and recommend the most appropriate treatment option for your case: at home, outpatient or inpatient.
  4. Inpatient treatment is preferable for young people to protect them from communicating with unreliable friends. For hospital patients, the following are available: a full laboratory and hardware examination, comprehensive treatment measures, medication support, consultation with other specialists, and psychotherapeutic sessions.
  5. Recovery in a rehabilitation center gives excellent results. Being in a closed space among the same patients, combining treatment procedures with feasible work and group recreation lead to complete relief from the habit of “shpak”.

Narcologists currently have modern, practice-tested techniques and pharmacological drugs at their disposal. Thanks to this, you can achieve complete relief from the craving for the drug “shpak”. It is important to detect the disease in time and enlist professional medical support.

Services of our clinic

You can get professional help to completely get rid of your addiction to nasvay by contacting our drug treatment clinic. We have experienced drug therapists who help clients cope with different forms and stages of drug addiction. Our doctors are attentive to patients and use an individual approach to treating each patient. Having started working with a client, we first relieve the acute condition by removing the narcotic substance from his body, after which we develop an individual treatment plan. Call by phone


  1. On the need to combat the spread and consumption of nasvay / Omarov Arslanali Abdullaevich / 2009 / News of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University. Social and human sciences.
  2. On the issue of the problem of nasvay circulation in the Russian Federation. Harm to health and consequences of using nasvay / Yulia Vasilievna Zinenko / 2016 / Bulletin of the Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  3. Nasvay and its effect on the body / Kovalenko A. E., Belov A. V. / 2010 / Advances in chemistry and chemical technology.

Personal life of Alexander Shpak and family

Alpha pvp drug (flakka), action, effects and consequences
Sasha Shpak never suffered from a lack of female attention. Evidence of this are six attempts to create a strong marriage. Since 2010, the man brought all his lovers to the registry office. Being a romantic person, he could easily shed a tear while watching a film, often inventing the image of his chosen one. Almost nothing is known about the bodybuilder’s previous wives; he prefers not to talk about this.

For Irina, this is her second marriage. The wife is 2 years younger than her chosen one. The wedding ceremony - where the bride looked traditional, the groom looked shocking, was modest. In the presence of young witnesses. And in the evening the newlyweds went on a honeymoon along the ocean. They have been together ever since.


In the second half of March 1944, troops of the 28th Army began fighting to liberate the city of Nikolaev. To facilitate the frontal attack of the attackers, it was decided to land troops in the port of Nikolaev. From the 384th Separate Marine Battalion, a group of paratroopers was allocated under the command of Senior Lieutenant Konstantin Olshansky. It included 55 sailors, 2 signalmen from army headquarters and 10 sappers. The local fisherman Andreev acted as a guide. One of the paratroopers was Sergeant Major 1st Class Shpak.

For two days the detachment fought bloody battles, repulsed 18 fierce enemy attacks, destroying up to 700 enemy soldiers and officers. During the last attack, the Nazis used flamethrower tanks and toxic substances. But nothing could break the resistance of the paratroopers or force them to lay down their arms. They completed their combat mission with honor.

On March 28, 1944, Soviet troops liberated Nikolaev. When the attackers burst into the port, they were presented with a picture of the carnage that had taken place here: charred buildings destroyed by shells, more than 700 corpses of fascist soldiers and officers lying around, the conflagration stank. From the ruins of the port office, 6 surviving paratroopers emerged, barely able to stand on their feet, and 2 more were sent to the hospital. In the ruins of the office, they found four more living paratroopers (one of them was Sergeant Major Shpak). He died from severe wounds and gas poisoning in hospital on April 10, 1944. All the officers, all the foremen, sergeants and many Red Navy men fell heroically.

He was buried in a mass grave in the city of Nikolaev in the park of 68 paratroopers.

The news of their feat spread throughout the army and throughout the country. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief ordered all participants in the landing to be nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 20, 1945, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, foreman of the 1st article Shpak Kuzma Viktorovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).

Awarded the Order of Lenin and a medal.

A street in the city of Nikolaev was named after them, and the People's Museum of the Military Glory of Paratroopers was opened. In Nikolaev, a monument was erected in the park named after 68 paratroopers. In the village of Oktyabrsky on the shore of the Bug Estuary, from where the paratroopers departed on missions, a memorial granite block with a commemorative inscription was installed.

In the Hero’s homeland, in the city of Krasnodar, a street was named after him, and a memorial plaque was installed at school No. 66.

Famous husband

Masya and her wife Alexandra Shpak, whom we also talked about on the pages of the portal, are considered one of the most shocking married couples in Russia. Hundreds of thousands of people watch their relationship, dreaming of becoming as liberated and beautiful. The young people do not separate for a second and simply glow with happiness.

The couple met not in the most romantic place. Meshchanskaya was taking out construction waste after renovations. It was then that Sasha noticed her. Since then, the young man began to appear in the company of Irina’s friends, showing concern for the girl in every possible way until he won her heart. In 2015, the young people got married. For Alexander this was the sixth marriage.

Masya Shpak does not want to have children. Since Meshchanskaya had a difficult childhood, when she had to take care of her younger brothers and sisters, the dream of giving someone life and completely devoting herself to a child did not arise. Years passed, the desire to have children never appeared. It’s unpleasant for Irina to even imagine herself as pregnant. She came to the conclusion that it was motherhood that she needed. “I consciously abandoned this idea. I want to live for myself, for myself and with my loved one,” says Masya. In one YouTube post, she candidly shared her reasons and fears about motherhood.

However, the Shpakis have several pets, which they take care of like children.


Alexander Shpak's fame came to him along with all the changes in appearance that he made to himself. Initially, the athlete imagined himself as a coach and bodybuilder, but Shpak before and after plastic surgery are two completely different people.

Plastic surgery is a tool through which you can correct or completely change your appearance the way you want. But people don’t always understand how serious everything is, and everyone’s ideas of beauty are different. Sometimes, in the pursuit of ideality, people cross all boundaries.

Alexander Shpak was born on April 1, 1979 in Russia in St. Petersburg. Sasha was raised by her mother and father. Alexander’s mother is a school teacher, and her father is a military man. Due to his father's work, Alexander's family often changed their place of residence. In 1985, Alexander went to first grade

At school, Sasha Shpak always achieved good grades; he paid special attention to the subjects of literature, biology and chemistry. At the age of 14, Alexander began to play sports, he went to the gym

In 1997, after graduating from school, Sasha entered the St. Petersburg State University of Economics with a degree in Financial Manager. After Shpak received his higher education, he decided to study further. Sasha received his second higher education in absentia, majoring in “Securities Specialist.” During his entire studies, Alexander Shpak went in for sports. In 2002, Alexander began to actively engage in bodybuilding.


Born on June 17 in the village of Dashkivtsi (now Vinkovets district, Khmelnitsky region) in a peasant family.
In 1948 he graduated from the Kamenets-Podolsk Industrial College, in 1953 from the Lviv Polytechnic Institute (geological exploration department). Labor activity:

  • in -1959 - geologist of the Skhodnytsia oil field of the Borislavneft trust in the Drohobych region, senior, chief geologist of the Bytkovsky oil field of the Ukrneft association and the Nadvornayaneft department of the Stanislav region. Member of the CPSU since 1957;
  • in the -1960s - chief geologist of the Dolinaneft oil field department of the Stanislav region;
  • in -1966 - director of the newly created Nadvirnyanskaya exploration drilling office of the Prikarpatburneft trust of the Stanislav region, head of the geological department, chief geologist of the Ukrzapadneftegaz association;
  • in -1967 - head of the Main Directorate for Prospecting and Exploration of Oil and Gas Fields in Ukraine, member of the board of the USSR Ministry of Geology;
  • October 18 - July 14 - Minister of Geology of the Ukrainian SSR. During this period, several unique and large deposits of apatite-ilmenite, beryllium, rare-earth apatite, manganese ores, kaolin, and graphite deposits were discovered in Ukraine; explored new coal-bearing areas in the Donbass, iron ore areas in the south of Ukraine, in Krivbass and the Azov region, and zeolite areas in Transcarpathia; opened mineral water pools of the “Naftusya” type in the Khmelnitsky and Ternopil regions; began work to assess the gold content of the Carpathians and the Ukrainian Shield;
  • in -1984, head of the laboratory, in -1992 - head of the department of oil and gas provinces, and in -1997 - director of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Advisor to the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Advisor to the Directorate of the Institute of Human Sciences (from 1997 until the end of his life).

Lived in Kyiv on Suvorov Street, 13. Died on April 20, 2002. He was buried in Kyiv at the Baikovo cemetery (site No. 52a).

Creative activity

From 1993 to 1993 he was a graphic designer, performing works of a decorative and decorative-monumental nature (decorative painting, super-graphics, panels, decorative sculpture). Then he became interested in easel oil painting. Paints landscapes, still lifes, portraits. Participated in more than 40 exhibitions (city, group, 9 all-Ukrainian and 5 personal, including Mariupol, Donetsk, Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Cherkassy, ​​Khmelnitsk).

Alexander Shpak is a diploma winner of the All-Ukrainian Triennial of Painting 2010 of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine in Kiev.

A reproduction of his work “Apricot Tree” is placed in the album “Fine Arts of Ukraine”.

Shpak's works are kept in many private collections in Ukraine, Cyprus, Italy, Russia, USA, Belarus and Israel. Some of the works are presented in the Mariupol Art Museum named after. Kuindzhi and the Mariupol Museum of Local Lore.

Participation in exhibitions

  • “All-Ukrainian Triennial of Painting”, Kyiv, 2007
  • “All-Ukrainian Triennial of Painting”, Kyiv, 2010
  • “Historical figures of the future. All-Ukrainian art exhibition of modern portraiture.”, Kyiv, 2010.
  • “All-Ukrainian art exhibition for the Independence Day of Ukraine.”, Kyiv, 2011.
  • “Memorial A.I. Kuinzhi", Mariupol, 2012.

Third wife

Sasha also met his next wife at the gym. He fell deeply in love and decided that he would definitely get the girl. The newly-made couple played sports together and talked a lot. Everything was good in their marriage.

Photo: crusty

Moreover, after 2.5 years, the girl told the young man that she no longer wanted a serious relationship. The girl wanted to take another walk. Because of this, the couple were forced to divorce. It is worth noting that at this time the man looked completely normal. He had short hair and preferred to wear jeans. Sasha did not use cosmetics and did not attend manicure sessions.

Biography of Irina Meshchanskaya

Before meeting the freak bodybuilder, Masya’s biography was of no interest to anyone. All that is known is that the girl was born on May 30, 1981 in the northern capital of Russia, St. Petersburg, in the most ordinary family. After graduating from school, the girl went to study at a university, where she majored in psychology. She decided to connect her future life with business.

The girl managed to get a job in a large company as a commercial director. Turning 30 did not prevent her from simultaneously engaging in modeling, which later served as the reason for her dismissal. Only after meeting a bodybuilder with painted nails, Sasha Shpak (popularly called Chpok), the model’s life changed: she began to sparkle with completely different, bright colors.

Personal life

Shpak was married six times and has no children from previous marriages. This bodybuilder doesn’t even think about adding to his family in the future.

Today Sasha is happily married to his wife, Irina Meshchanskaya, and is “on the same wavelength.” The woman also does not want to waste time on children; she devotes it to herself and promoting her husband.

Shpak's wife - Irina Meshchanskaya

This couple has been together for several years. Alexander does not regret that he got divorced 5 times, because in the end he met his soulmate. As he himself admits, the girl took him not with his spectacular appearance, but with his character.

They got married in 2015, then got married and went on their honeymoon. Upon returning, they renovated the apartment and never quarreled. Now they have a family nest, where they not only spend their free time, but also work via the Internet.

Alexander Shpak and Masya: divorce

Considering the number of divorces, followers are sure that the current spouse is not the last. News about the couple's divorce regularly pops up on the World Wide Web. So far this information has not been officially confirmed. The couple are still happily married.

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