Plastic surgeries of Lera Kudryavtseva. Photos before and after plastic surgery

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In childhood and teenage photos, Lera is, without a doubt, beautiful: graceful features and a clear oval face, expressive cheekbones, beautiful brown eyes, wide eyebrows and moderately plump lips. A small mole under the lower lip adds piquancy to the face. The TV presenter was dissatisfied with all this “magnificence”, and more than once called herself an “ugly duckling” at a young age. Lera began working on the “mistakes of nature” by changing her hair from a burning brunette to blonde and braiding dreadlocks. As a result, she managed to take the place of the presenter of the MUZ-TV channel and “break into” the domestic show business. Further changes in appearance were not so radical, but required the participation of specialists.

Lera Kudryavtseva's nose began to look different

As a child, Valeria had a straight, slightly wide, but generally correct nose. At some point, his shape deteriorated sharply - his back became bent. Perhaps the cause was a blow and the associated curvature of the nasal septum. Since the defect could not be hidden under a layer of makeup, the TV presenter turned to a plastic surgeon. The specialist performed septorhinoplasty, corrected the septum and, probably, forcedly narrowed the back. After the operation, the injured nose began to look much better, but a slight curvature still remained. Lera Kudryavtseva denies rhinoplasty, however, according to experts, the operation was still performed, and the surgeon tried to perform the correction as delicately as possible, preserving the natural proportions of the nose.

A little about the life of a star and ascent to Olympus

Valeria Kudryavtseva was born in provincial Ust-Kamenogorsk, in a family of people far from show business. There she graduated from the cultural education school, becoming a director, after which she went to conquer Moscow. Thanks to her attractive appearance, flexibility and musicality, she quickly found her place in show business, although not in the forefront to begin with.

Lera worked as a backing vocalist for then popular performers Evgeny Osin, Bogdan Titomir, Igor Sarukhanov. Together with her colleagues, she toured the country a lot. It was a life of wear and tear, but in her youth, the lack of rest did not affect Kudryavtseva’s appearance.

How Lera Kudryavtseva’s lips have changed

The fact that the shape of the TV presenter’s mouth has radically changed becomes clear once you look at her youthful photos. A characteristic feature is noticeable on them: the lower lip is much larger than the upper lip. In modern photographs, the lips are equal in size, and the shape of the upper one has changed radically. This cannot be explained only by the skillful use of contour pencil and lipstick (the TV presenter’s teeth began to show when she smiled), and we can only assume surgical correction – cheiloplasty. In addition, now the size of Lera Kudryavtseva’s mouth is inconsistent, it either increases or decreases, which may indicate the periodic introduction of filler into the lips (biodegradable, that is, a composition based on hyaluronic acid that is removed from the body over time).

Plastic surgery and appearance of Ariana Grande

The appearance of the actress has undergone changes - she has become more sophisticated and “doll-like”. The facial features retained their individuality and underwent only aesthetic correction. In surgery, such a set of procedures is called “appearance harmonization.”

Ariana Grande (photos before and after plastic surgery confirm surgical interventions) had drooping corners of her eyes, slightly drooping eyelids, less plump lips and a wide nose. The most noticeable change in the singer’s face is her gaze. It became more open. The shape of the eyes has also changed. If previously the corners were omitted, now Ariana has a “cat-like look”.

Brow lift (“brow lift”) is performed using two methods. For radical changes, plastic surgery is performed, where excess skin is removed at the border of hair growth (temples, area behind the ears, forehead), and then the remaining facial skin is tightened to the sites of surgical incisions. The operation is performed in case of age-related changes, or with severely drooping eyelids.

Such intervention can be recognized by the characteristic scars on the temples, under the hair. Most often, celebrities resort to forehead and eyelid lifts using absorbable threads. This is not a surgical, but an aesthetic procedure - it is performed by a cosmetologist. Using cannulas, according to the scheme, elastic threads are introduced into the face, which, like a frame, hold the skin in the required place.

This way you can tighten the oval of the face, eyelids or enlarge the upper lip. Blepharoplasty is a surgical operation, the purpose of which is to change the size and shape of the eyes, correct the drooping eyelid and form a new fold. It is performed under local anesthesia - the surgeon removes excess skin and creates new lines using a suture.

Ariana Grande's plumpness in her cheeks has noticeably disappeared. The singer has lost excess weight, but in some cases, due to the structure of her face, it can remain round even when she is thin. In this case, Ariana could be helped by lipolytics (fat-burning drugs), which are administered locally by a cosmetologist to the desired area, or by removing Bish’s lumps.

Removal of Bisha's lumps is a light plastic surgery that is performed under local anesthesia. An incision is made through the mouth area, on the inner surface of the cheeks, from where small fat deposits are removed. As a result, the face becomes slimmer and the cheekbones become clearly visible. The most difficult operation of all of these is rhinoplasty.

This is the first surgical intervention that Ariana experienced - the girl was 18 years old. The tip became sharper and upturned, and the bridge of the nose became narrower. He began to look more harmonious against the background of the actress’s large facial features.

The shape of the lips has also changed - they have become more voluminous. The size of the upper lip has mainly changed. Modern cosmetologists change the volume of the face exclusively with fillers based on hyaluronic acid - they are safe and dissolve over time. Hyaluronic acid is also produced by the body, so injections do not cause rejection.

A sharp, massive chin is also corrected with hyaluronic fillers, which give the oval of the face a soft and smooth outline.

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Why does Lera Kudryavtseva have no wrinkles around her eyes?

It is possible that the star had eyelid surgery! Blepharoplasty, the so-called eyelid lift surgery, allows you to remove excess skin and make your eyes look young and open. Experts say that the disappeared circles under the eyes, which bothered Valeria some time ago, and the miraculously cleared wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, or “crow’s feet,” are the result of a surgical operation.

Alena Shishkova

Successful plastic surgeries played an important role in the popularity of the model and ex-lover Timati. Alena Shishkova “adjusted” her appearance to modern beauty standards and practically ceased to look like her former self. Rhinoplasty, cheekbone contouring, lip augmentation... The naturalness of Shishkova’s breasts is also in question: according to rumors, Alena “pumped up” her bust twice - before and after giving birth.

Changing figure of Lera Kudryavtseva

The star is lucky with her body! She is proportionally built and does not have excess weight, although from time to time she gains several kilograms, which are treacherously deposited on the TV presenter’s stomach and hips. As a rule, they disappear with lightning speed, forcing experts to suspect Lera Kudryavtseva of performing liposuction, that is, surgical removal of excess fat. By the way, modern technologies make it possible to do without cannulas and incisions - for small fat deposits, bloodless laser and ultrasound liposuction provide good results.

Another “headache” for fans is Lera Kudryavtseva’s breasts. In recent years, the TV presenter’s mammary glands have sharply increased in size, perhaps the reason for this is mammoplasty and the installation of large round implants. Let us make a reservation once again that Lera Kudryavtseva categorically denies the fact of surgical correction, but since the TV personality often appeared in her youth and continues to appear in public in more than revealing outfits, we can conclude that the operation did take place.

Reasons for turning to plastic surgeons

Lera Kudryavtseva had several reasons to resort to aesthetic surgery:

  1. The TV personality always worked intensely, and she had practically no time for proper rest. With such a frantic pace of life and regular lack of sleep, any organism at some point begins to actively age, which entails a clear manifestation of age-related changes.
  2. Due to her duty, Valeria has to spend a lot of time wearing professional makeup, which is not skin-friendly. This fact caused the TV presenter to develop serious problems with her appearance, for the effective elimination of which it is necessary to turn to injection and hardware cosmetology, as well as surgical methods.
  3. Kudryavtseva became a mother quite early. After giving birth, the girl’s breasts no longer looked as firm as before. And the position of a youth TV channel star requires you to have a toned figure and impeccable appearance.
  4. After an unsuccessful second marriage and several years of loneliness, the TV presenter began an office romance with the young singer Sergei Lazarev. And soon after their couple broke up, Lera married hockey player Igor Makarov. Both young men are much younger than the 47-year-old TV star. This fact obliged the girl to do everything possible to fit in with her young lovers and not look like an older sister next to them when appearing in public.

News: Lera Kudryavtseva removed her breast implants!

The fact that the TV presenter underwent mammoplasty became known at the end of 2022, when she was urgently hospitalized. The examination showed that the implant in the left mammary gland burst, and this happened at least 5 years ago!

Kudryavtseva said that 15 years ago, after much doubt, she decided to improve the shape of her breasts, which had become deformed after the birth and breastfeeding of her first child. The operation was performed by an experienced surgeon in one of the best clinics in St. Petersburg. He installed implants (at that time the best of those available to plastic surgeons) and gave a lifetime guarantee, joking that not even a tank could crush them.

According to the TV presenter, the bust did not cause her any problems. Moreover, she regularly did ultrasounds of the mammary glands - everything was in order. After Anna Semenovich admitted in the “Secret to a Million” program that she suffers from gigantomastia and had reduction mammoplasty, Lera decided to get tested too.

The specialist discovered an accumulation of fluid, and an MRI with contrast showed that one of the implants had burst and the silicone that filled it had spilled. The operation (Lera called it aggressive) lasted more than 3.5 hours. Doctors literally scraped out the silicone, it was so firmly ingrained into the breast tissue and lymph nodes. The implant was also removed from the right breast. Fortunately, it turned out to be intact, but it looked terrifying.

This is what the implants looked like after removal

Now Lera Kudryavtseva is undergoing rehabilitation and, according to her, is happy about her small breasts. The TV presenter realized that mammoplasty is far from a harmless operation and can cause irreparable harm to health.

Lera Kudryavtseva after removal of breast implants

Anastasia Kvitko

Model Anastasia Kvitko is often called the “Russian Kim Kardashian.” The girl doesn’t like this comparison, because, unlike Kim, she “never went under a plastic surgeon’s knife.” Really? We look at old photos of Nastya, and the conclusions suggest themselves. A spectacular butt is the result of lipofilling of the buttocks, a thin waist is liposuction, lush breasts are mammoplasty, and a mandatory program: lips, cheekbones, nose.

Lera Kudryavtseva's age, height, weight, body measurements

Date of Birth/Place of BirthMay 19, 1971 / Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk.
OccupationTV presenter, host of song festivals and concerts.
Height, weight, figure parameters167 cm / 51 kg / 91 cm – 65 cm – 95 cm.
Plastic surgeries confirmed by Lera KudryavtsevaMammoplasty, removal of breast implants.
Alleged plastic surgery of the starRhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, cheiloplasty.
Cosmetic procedures usedNail and eyelash extensions, eyebrow tattooing, Botox, hyaluronic filler injections.

Star secrets

Today Lera Kudryavtseva is 44 years old and looks much younger than her age. One of the favorite answers to beauty questions boils down to the recommendation to use a comb, lipstick, mascara and powder every day. The star claims that, given today’s popularity, she doesn’t have time to sleep and live at all. However, if you look at her photo, you can assume that she could not do without some dietary restrictions and regular training. Lera herself praises her excellent heredity and claims that her mother and sister are also incredibly beautiful women. The star advises her fans and all the inhabitants of our planet to think positively, maintain good relationships with everyone around them and receive as many positive emotions as possible. According to Lera Kudryavtseva, this is one of the most important secrets of beauty.

Lera Kudryavtseva is known not only as a Russian TV presenter, but also as a girl with a bright appearance and unfading beauty. She herself admitted that she was ready to endure even very painful procedures in order to preserve her youth. Many are sure that the TV personality has had more than one plastic surgery and cite before and after photos of the girl to confirm their words.

Basic data and parametric features of Valeria’s figure:

  • age: 47 years (as of September 2022);
  • height: 1 m 67 cm;
  • weight: 51 kg;
  • chest volume: 84 cm;
  • waist size: 65 cm;
  • hips: 95 cm;
  • foot size: 39.

The TV star has been constantly hosting music programs for several years:

  • Song of the year;
  • New wave;
  • Muz-TV Award;
  • Jurmala.

She was and is also the presenter of many highly rated programs on TV channels:

  • TV Center;
  • Muz TV.

In addition, Lera regularly appears in TV series and films as an actress, and has also tried herself in dubbing the voices of cartoons. She also regularly receives invitations to private corporate events.

Ekaterina Varnava

Over the past few years, Comedy Woman star Ekaterina Varnava has noticeably transformed: the artist lost weight, changed her hairstyle, and began wearing colored lenses. However, fans suspect that Barnabas also resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon. The long nose, which Catherine herself called “the imperial nose,” became more neat and graceful, the cheekbones became clearer and more expressive, and the lips noticeably “grew up.”

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