Plastic surgery by Anastasia Kovaleva: nose, breasts, what else? Photos before and after

Anastasia first appeared on the show “House - 2” as the lover of Alexei Samsonov. In June, the girl won a script competition for the presentation of show participants for the “Person of the Year” award. After meeting personally, Alexey and Anastasia declared themselves a couple and began to live together. Due to frequent scenes of jealousy, the girl left the project. She returned to the television project “House - 2” several times, but did not stay long.

Lip augmentation

The photo clearly shows changes in the shape of the lips: Anastasia Kovaleva before and after plastic surgery
Lip augmentation took place in stages. Anastasia adjusted her lips several times. After the first procedure, the upper lip was too inflated and unnaturally turned upward. Fans did not miss this detail, lively discussing the photo on Instagram. The purpose for which the second and subsequent lip correction operations were performed is not clear: reviews from fans or the girl’s personal desire. As a result, Anastasia now has beautiful, plump lips with an even contour.

"House 2"

Nastya Kovaleva appeared on the project during the “Person of the Year” competition. She wrote a presentation for Alexey Samsonov, which greatly charmed the participant. Without wasting any time, the young people immediately declared themselves a couple and moved into the vacant house.

But the happiness did not last long, the capricious Nastya was not happy with many things, and besides, she often confused Alexey with his good friend, calling him Mikhail. This irritated the guy and caused attacks of aggression. Later, TV viewers began to understand that not only these reasons led the couple into a state of quarrel. It’s just that the girl, accustomed to a different level of life, demanded too much from the guy, which he simply could not give her. As a result, she made a conclusion that was not very pleasant for herself - Alexey himself became aggressive in order to discourage Nastya from going to a restaurant with him or some other unplanned expense. Such a relationship could not last long and soon came to its logical conclusion.

Nastya Kovaleva accepted courtship from the project participants several more times, but then she went to Thailand, and upon her return, on February 21, 2012, she decided to finally say goodbye to the television project.


The reason for the decisive action is not clear: a break in relations with a beloved man or a girl’s secret desire, the heroine knows. A week before the New Year holidays, Kovaleva decided to have rhinoplasty. After studying the reviews, she contacted Dr. Bely’s clinic. According to Kovaleva herself, she stopped being nervous as soon as she came for the first consultation, once again making sure of the success of the operation. The photo shows Nastya happily consulting with Dr. Igor Bely.

The entire procedure took 40 minutes, recovery took 2 weeks. Anastasia willingly shared photos with her Instagram subscribers immediately after the operation. The swelling subsided quickly, and after 10 days she flew away to rest at sea.

The photo shows Anastasia Kovaleva before and after nose surgery.

Anastasia said that immediately after rhinoplasty, her ex-lover asked her to get married. Whether this is related to a change in the shape of the nose or not, she still cannot answer for sure.

Nastya Kovaleva: biography

The spectacular blonde was born on July 3, 1991 in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Anastasia grew up in complete prosperity. She had the most beautiful clothes and toys. Many girls were jealous of our heroine. Her mother was in business. They say that the woman has a whole chain of beauty salons in her hometown.

Nastya's father left the family early. Mom didn't stop him. After all, he could not provide a decent life for her and her daughter. Soon the woman married a second time. Anastasia received her stepfather well. And there is nothing to be surprised about. He paid more attention to her than his own father. Our heroine has a younger brother, a 6-year-old brother.

At school, Nastya got straight A's and B's. Teachers predicted a successful future for her. The girl attended a dance club. The parents wanted to send their daughter to a music school. But our heroine did not show any interest in this.


Breasts of Anastasia Kovaleva before and after plastic surgery

Having undergone several successful surgeries on her nose and lips, Anastasia decided to make her figure perfect. The weight loss course made her slimmer, but her breasts shrank, which apparently upset the girl. A surgeon she already knew from rhinoplasty told her about all the intricacies of breast augmentation. The operation lasted 40 minutes, after which she had to be patient. After surgery, you must wear a bandage. The girl wore it for a month and a half and only once violated the ban on taking it off, when she appeared to fans in a lace black dress with an open neckline.

After removing the bandage, Anastasia’s breasts became size 3. As she herself says, her figure has become feminine and graceful. This risky step was appreciated by her lover. At the end of December she married her chosen one. The lovers spent their honeymoon in Cuba.

Anastasia Kovaleva in a swimsuit after breast surgery

Anastasia Kovaleva’s plastic surgeries added attention to the girl not only from men, but also from fans. Despite the fact that the girl broke up with her husband two months after a luxurious wedding in Cuba, she believes that she will meet her prince, and her ideal appearance will help her with this.

Guess and facts

Nastya continues to arouse such interest among the public that rumors surrounding her personal life do not stop for a minute. Every day there are new speculations about the participant’s divorce and wedding. After all, around the same period of time, Lesha Samsonov also got married, perhaps that’s why Nastya’s marriage was planned. The girl herself refuses any comments on this matter, which fuels fans’ interest in her even more. Now Nastya has her own salon with fashionable clothes, a beloved dog, a promising admirer and a beautiful expensive car. Life is going more than successfully, and as confirmation of this is her page on social networks, the photos on which indicate how a real successful young lady should look and take care of herself.

Anastasia Kovaleva after plastic surgery - photo

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Beautiful life

If you think that the “major girl” traveled by metro or public transport, then you are very mistaken. Parents gave their beloved daughter a Toyota Camry car. For complete happiness, all I needed was a furry friend - a Yorkshire terrier. One day Anastasia decided to correct this situation. She contacted a kennel that breeds dogs of this breed. A couple of months later they brought her a charming puppy. The girl gave him the nickname Dyusha.

Kovaleva failed to get a job as a marketer. She decided to try herself in the modeling business. But before going to the casting agency, the blonde started “upgrading” her own appearance. She enlarged her breasts to size 3 and plumped up her lips. But that is not all. Nastya Kovaleva (see photo above) had her hair, nails and eyelashes extended. Her figure was already fine. With a height of 167 cm, our heroine weighed 52 kg.

Valeria Tsvetkova

A nice girl with a difficult childhood came to the project with a baggage of bad habits. Difficult relationships with her parents and a complete lack of willpower left their mark on Valeria’s life.

During her participation in the show, Tsvetkova acquired an inner core and quit drinking.

Now she is actively involved in sports, calls herself a party guide and runs her own YouTube channel, where she talks about relationships with men.

Yulia Kovaleva

Julia came to the project in the image of a masculine jock.

The show did her good: the girl changed beyond recognition.

Currently, she hosts various events, works as a trainer and often attends courses on the development of femininity.

Jennifer Aniston

“Friends” star Jennifer Aniston says she was prompted to undergo rhinoplasty by a nasal injury, which not only made her nose crooked, but also made breathing difficult. The star does not hide the fact that she had rhinoplasty.

According to Jennifer Aniston's memoirs, going to a plastic surgeon was a test for her. But this was a step that was forced by medical reasons rather than by my own desire to change my appearance. It is difficult to verify the information, because a month after the operation, she became an actress and starred in the famous TV series for the first time.

From experience, she concluded that nose surgery is needed once in a lifetime in order to permanently eliminate unaesthetic features of the face and appearance in general. Today, rhinoplasty is performed without pain and at an affordable cost. Read the reviews on the portal forum and ask your questions to the plastic surgeon in the questions and answers section.

Maria Bolotova

Maria came to the project drinking and swearing as a fat woman.

The project completely changed her life and appearance.

She lost 14 kg and became an organizer of children's events.

Personal life

Anastasia prefers to keep her personal life behind the curtain. The girl mentions one affair that lasted three years and several fleeting flirtations, but she does not publish the names of her former lovers, nor the exact values ​​of her height and weight. Nastya considers intelligence, physical health and good manners to be the main qualities of a man.

Kovaleva’s hobbies include reading and fishing, but the model’s main hobby, which she devotes herself to both at work and on vacation, is traveling. The girl loves dogs, and considers her only drawback to be a tendency to laziness.

Kristina Belokopytova

Christina is one of the brightest participants of the 1st season. I came to the show as a swearing and always partying blonde.

The project helped her become more balanced and modest.

Now Christina maintains her personal blog and actively acts in advertising.

Anna Khanova

Anna is a young mother. I came to the project to become more responsible and get rid of bad habits.

She succeeded: after the show she became more feminine and acquired an active life position.

Now the girl works as a model and shoots for various clothing stores.

Yana Lukyanova

Yana left quite quickly: she was kicked out in the first episode.

Despite this, the girl was well remembered, because it was she who told everything that was happening behind the scenes.

Lukyanova dreams of becoming an actress, but so far she can only participate in shows. After “The Boys,” she appeared in the reality series “Dom-2,” “Let’s Get Divorced,” and in the culinary program “Dinner Party.”

Victoria Krushatina

Victoria came to the project with a bunch of bad habits and an indecent vocabulary.

After the show, she got rid of her dreadlocks and ear tunnels. Her image became more feminine, and the craving for alcohol disappeared.

It is known that Victoria is now engaged in weaving dreadlocks and maintains a personal blog on the YouTube channel.

Elena Bushina

What worries all Elena Bushina’s admirers remains a mystery. After all, there is not a single comment from Elena on the question of whether she had rhinoplasty. Yes, apparently, you shouldn’t pay such close attention to this issue. After all, the answer is on the face. It is assumed that the operation was performed by one of the Moscow plastic surgeons and consisted of reducing the wings of the nose and its tip. A possible confirmation of this would be the fact that Lena avoided appearing in public for almost 3 months under the pretext that she needed to rest. She underwent rehabilitation at a clinic in Israel.

Anastasia Yavorskaya

Anastasia appeared in “Boys” in the third week of the project according to the decision of the teachers.

She came to the show with a wild desire to become more feminine and improve her relationship with her mother.

After the project, the girl starred in a photo shoot for Maxim magazine, created her own video blog and became a tattoo artist.

Stas Piekha

The reason why Stas decided to take such an action is unknown. Fans say that the singer's new girlfriend is to blame. Since at the Slavic Bazaar festival he was seen in the company of a pretty girl. Perhaps Stas wanted to impress her and therefore decided to have the operation. Maybe that's not true. Perhaps Stas just wanted to look different, or perhaps he had breathing problems or something else. There is no need to rush and draw conclusions, because rhinoplasty can be done according to indications.

But online, bloggers write: Stas, you are not Seryozha Zverev, be yourself.”

Olesya Petrovitskaya

From the first day, the girl showed herself to be a drinking and partying slacker.

She was kicked out already in the third episode, but during this short time some changes managed to happen.

Olesya came to her senses and entered the Russian State University for the Humanities. Judging by her Instagram profile, she travels around the world quite often.

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