Text of the book “Reading Faces. Physiognomy"

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A person with a long nose is almost always dissatisfied with his appearance. Of course, this applies to a greater extent to women, but for men, a long nose often becomes a source of discomfort. Experts say that you should not measure your nose in centimeters; it is better to determine how proportional it is in relation to other parts of the face .
To do this, the easiest way is to take your photo and draw two horizontal lines on it - one on the bridge of the nose, and the other under the tip of the nose. Normally, the lines will divide the face into three approximately equal parts, but if the central part is larger than the other two, then the nose can be considered long. Sometimes the olfactory organ only seems so, for example, this happens with a thin face type with graceful features. What to do if your nose is long and does not add beauty and charm to your face? It is better to contact a plastic surgeon with this question, who can radically change the shape of the nose and get rid of complexes forever. If you are afraid of surgery or, perhaps, your nose is not large enough to decide on extreme measures, the advice of a stylist will help , because competent makeup and the right hairstyle make the face more harmonious.

Long nose - reasons for the unaesthetic appearance of the olfactory organ

It is clear that the shape, length and width of the respiratory organ are genetically predetermined. Although life often makes adjustments, and the nose becomes longer, for example, due to injury.

The length of the nose depends on:

From the nasal septum. If the osteochondral plate dividing the nose into two chambers is long, then it holds the tip of the nose at the lowest point, thereby visually lengthening the organ of smell. This situation occurs frequently and is solved by removing part of the septum, as a result of which the tip moves upward and the nose looks shorter.

From the length and strength of the lateral cartilages. These structural formations displace and hold the tip at the bottom (sometimes it even hangs over the base of the nose). The situation can be corrected, but only by shortening the cartilage.

From the height and length of the tip of the nose . There is an opinion that the length of the tip of an ideal nose should not exceed 67% of the total length of the organ; in addition, if the tip is significantly removed from the plane of the face and is lowered down, then the nose appears longer than in reality.

Complete nose correction (reconstruction) for post-traumatic and postoperative deformities

As a rule, in such cases there is both an aesthetic and a pronounced functional defect of the nose - that is, nasal breathing is significantly affected. The condition after injuries and previous rhinoplasty is characterized by a deficiency of nasal cartilage - the missing cartilage material is replenished from the patient’s own nasal septum, auricular cartilage or rib. Reconstructive and total revision rhinoplasty are the most complex and lengthy interventions, which, however, if performed properly, can significantly improve the quality of life.

Signs of a long nose

  1. 1. The length of the nose from the bridge of the nose to the lowest point of the tip is more than a third of the length of the face.
  2. The nasolabial angle is less than 90 degrees. The consequence of this feature is a “droopy” nose (the opposite is upturned), which always looks longer than it actually is.
  3. Dropped tip. The nose looks shorter if the nostrils are visible, and the lowered tip covers the lower part of the nostrils, and thereby visually lengthens the respiratory organ.

Long nose: what to do?

A woman’s long nose is perceived as a defect in appearance and gives reason to consult a plastic surgeon. During the consultation, the specialist will tell you about all the nuances of the operation called rhinoplasty. You should know that there are a number of contraindications to surgical correction of a long nose, so you will need to answer a number of questions regarding your health status and undergo the usual tests in such cases. Quite often, women with long noses fantasize about what their olfactory organ should be like after surgery. Unfortunately, dreams are not always destined to come true, because the surgeon’s task is to make not just a beautiful, but a proportional nose, that is, one that perfectly “fits” into the face , the shape of which, based on the structural features of the face and nose, is modeled by a computer program.

Hospital treatment

  • After surgery, tampons are inserted into the nose. The doctor will remove them in 2-3 days.
  • The operated patient spends 2-3 days in the hospital of the Yauza Clinical Hospital, where he is provided with round-the-clock medical supervision.
  • He can choose a single or double comfortable room with a bathroom.
  • Each patient has a functional bed, to which oxygen is supplied, and an individual monitor of vital functions.
  • Patients are provided with tasty food. The menu takes into account the doctor's recommendations.
  • Each patient has an individual TV with headphones.
  • After 2-3 days, the patient leaves the hospital and visits the doctor on an outpatient basis.

Video: correction of a long nose

Rhinoplasty of a long nose, in principle, can be performed under local anesthesia, but most patients choose general anesthesia, which is due to the specifics of the correction area. The fact is that with local anesthesia, a person feels touch and can see how the doctor separates the tissues of the nose, and this sight is not for the faint of heart!

Usually, to shorten the nose, resection (partial removal) of the lateral cartilages is used, and in cases of large discrepancy between the length of the dorsum and the distance from the base of the nose to its tip, part of the cartilage of the nasal septum is removed. In the latter case, a tightening of the “loose” skin is required; this manipulation is carried out in the inner part of the nose, where incisions are made, and then the skin is tightened.

In many cases, it is enough to shorten the tip of the nose so that the olfactory organ as a whole looks more neat. For this purpose, the following techniques are used: shorten the medial crura of the tip of the nose and the lateral crura of the alar cartilages, reduce the wings of the nose, and also weaken the ligaments that support the tip of the nose. The final result largely depends on the patient's skin type . Thin skin contracts well and the tip after surgery has a clear, well-defined contour, even with a significant shortening of the nose. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about thick skin, which contracts poorly and therefore limits the scope of correction due to the likely loss of definition in the nose with significant shortening. Patients tolerate rhinoplasty of a long nose well; two to three weeks are enough for rehabilitation . Experts warn of a possible decrease in nasal sensitivity, dullness of smell and a feeling of nasal congestion. All these problems arise due to natural post-operative tissue swelling and in most cases disappear within a week.

Text of the book “Reading Faces. Physiognomy"

tip of the nose

The tip of the nose also comes in different shapes.
The most common nose tip shapes are rounded (round), pendulous (to varying degrees), pointed, and fleshy. The round shape of the tip of the nose (Fig. 6.8) indicates the good features of its owner.

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Round nose tip

It is believed that people with this shape of the tip of the nose are always lucky, but this does not mean that they lazily wait for it to come. On the contrary, they work hard to reach the pinnacle of success. In general, they can be called prosperous individuals.

A similar characteristic is found in those who have a full, large, convex tip of the nose (Fig. 6.9). This speaks of kindness, warmth and readiness for self-sacrifice.

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Convex nose tip


Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin (Fig. 6.10), an outstanding Soviet and Russian actor and clown, had a large, convex tip of his nose. Nikulin played in many popular films. He will forever remain in memory as the Goon from the famous trio (Coward, Goon, Experienced) in the comedies of Leonid Gaidai. In addition, Yu. Nikulin worked in the circus for a long time, creating the image of a cheerful and mischievous, slightly stupid clown.


Yury Nikulin

Yuri Vladimirovich possessed such wonderful human qualities as kindness and sincerity. He was distinguished by a high degree of decency, intelligence, ability to participate and help.

The pointed, non-fleshy tip of the nose has the opposite meaning. As a rule, such a nose is found in treacherous people who do not disdain any actions to achieve personal goals. A similar characteristic can be given to people whose nose tip resembles the beak of an eagle (Fig. 6.11): they are insightful, vindictive, cunning and often vindictive.


Eagle tip of the nose

Quite often you can find people whose nose tip is drooping; from the outside it may seem that it is hanging down (Fig. 6.12).

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Drooping nose tip

Contrary to possible associations, such people have increased sexuality and a desire for satisfaction of feelings. Possible shortcomings of people with this type of nose are pettiness, excessive suspicion and jealousy.

If the tip of the nose hangs down so much that it covers part of the upper lip (Fig. 6.13), then we should not be talking about sexuality, but about the cunning of a person who is capable of betrayal and treacherous acts.

Rice. 6.13.

Drooping nose tip

In some ways, such a nose can be compared with the beak-shaped one, which we talked about above.

Mention should be made of the character traits of people whose nose is split at the end (bifurcated by a cartilaginous valley) (Fig. 6.14).

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Split nose

When characterizing such a tip of the nose, many physiognomists often disagree. Some believe that duality indicates a timid person, others, on the contrary, argue that people with such a nose are often suspicious and mistrustful due to problems in childhood and the lack of parental warmth and love.


Gerard Depardieu (Fig. 6.15) is a famous French actor. The first thing that catches your eye is the nose with a forked tip at the end. Without delving into the intricacies of Depardieu’s character, we will only note that the actor’s biography is quite complex.

Due to a lack of parental warmth and communication, little Gerard developed speech problems, he began to stutter and communicated almost all of his childhood with gestures and short phrases. In elementary school, speech problems made Depardieu insecure and silent.

But, judging by his fame and success, the actor managed to overcome his shyness and win recognition all over the world.

Rice. 6.15.

Gerard Depardieu


In addition to the shape of the nose and its tip, the shape of the nostrils should also be taken into account when characterizing. They come in several types: small, large, flared and wide (broad nasal wings).

Small nostrils speak of a non-conflict person, of his desire to avoid controversial situations and give in rather than engage in controversy.

Very large nostrils indicate personality defects. What does this mean? For example, a tendency to excess and a turbulent youth, due to which a person acquired many negative traits, or mental instability. As for the latter, it should be considered in conjunction with other physiognomic characteristics.

A nose with flaring nostrils (Fig. 6.16) indicates a person who is unbalanced, unable to control emotions, hot-tempered and aggressive. Needless to say, how many problems such a person has!


6.16. flaring nostrils

Wide wings of the nose (Fig. 6.17) characterize a person with high self-esteem and conceit.

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Wide wings of the nose

Now let's take a closer look at the most common nose shapes and their characteristics.
The Perfect Nose
What is meant by the perfect nose? First of all, he has a high and straight bridge of his nose, which indicates good health and harmonious personality. Secondly, the ideal nose has a small rounded or slightly pointed tip and clearly defined but small wings (Fig. 6.18).

Rice. 6.18.

Perfect nose

A person with a perfect nose becomes a strong, balanced and wise person.
Of course, for this, the remaining parts of the face must also have a minimum of flaws. Upturned nose
An upturned nose (Fig. 6.19) is a nose in which the openings of the nostrils are visible, and the tip can be either pointed or rounded (this type of nose should not be confused with a snub nose).

Rice. 6.19.

Upturned nose

An upturned nose indicates a liberated person, with a free “sexual morality”, talkative and unrestrained.
It is unlikely that such a person should be trusted with secrets. Short nose
A short nose (see Fig. 6.2) is neat, cute and always looks youthful. It’s always a pleasure to talk with its owners (more often the owners). They may not always be able to impress with their intellect, but positive emotions are guaranteed from communicating with such people. In general, if we give them a specific characteristic, we should say about optimism, openness, gentle character and sociability. But at the same time, such people should be careful in choosing friends and partners.

People with short noses, as a rule, do not have a spectacular career. This is primarily due to the openness of their character and the desire to share their enthusiasm with others and help them. At the same time, it should be noted that there is a sense of purpose and a lack of vanity, which act for the good and are therefore especially valued by superiors. But sometimes people with a short nose are sure that there is no need to make any effort, that all issues will be resolved by themselves and life will be easy and carefree.

As for personal and family life, those with short noses belong to the category of people who are chosen, and not those who choose.
But those who choose will not be mistaken: they will always have a young, cheerful and energetic companion next to them. Snub nose
A snub nose (Fig. 6.20) looks young and cheerful, and its owner always makes the most favorable impression on others.


Snub nose

However, that's how it is. Snub-nosed people are truly optimistic by nature, they often live for today, they easily part with money, but sometimes there comes a period when they try to save and plan their lives. This is rarely possible, because those around you are already accustomed to the image of carelessness and recklessness and often do not accept attempts to change. Although snub-nosed people themselves understand perfectly well that it is better not to deceive themselves, but to live a full life.

In their personal lives, owners of snub noses are generous with emotions and prefer a vigorous sex life.
There is always a holiday around them, good luck and success accompany them in everything, and negative emotions and defeats recede into the background. That is why there are always many fans and loving people next to them. Long nose
A long nose (Fig. 6.21) is a sign of strong individuality. It is also often called the “thinker’s nose.”


A long nose

It is those with long noses, being practical and rational in nature, who most often become the best financial and legal workers. At the same time, they are not devoid of sensuality and romanticism - qualities inherent in creative people. But this does not prevent such people from thinking through and weighing every step and at the same time being capable of madness and succumbing to sudden impulses.

Owners of long noses will approach issues of family life as seriously as they approach the preparation of annual financial reports or court hearings. They will become wonderful spouses, capable of calculating everything without going beyond the family budget, paying attention to all members of the household and at the same time not losing confidence in themselves and their abilities.


Speaking about Alla Pugacheva (Fig. 6.22), the Russian pop singer, it is difficult not to note her individuality.


Alla Pugacheva

Along with her creative achievements, many of those around her note her business acumen and irrepressible character, which quite logically led her into business.
In addition, Pugacheva also has scandalous fame, which arose thanks to her madness and sudden passionate impulses, especially in her personal life. Thin, narrow-boned nose
A thin, narrow-boned nose (Fig. 6.23), often with a pointed tip, although considered very aristocratic and beautiful, indicates arrogance and excessive pride.

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Thin, narrow-boned nose

Owners of such noses often suffer from loneliness. Although the word “suffer” in this context is not always appropriate, because we are talking about self-centered, arrogant and arrogant people. Sometimes they are sure that mere mortals are not worthy of their attention, especially when it comes to different social classes.

Often people with such a nose lead a comfortable existence, which is another reason for prejudice towards others. Since it is possible to lead an independent life, those with thin, narrow-boned noses consider it unnecessary to be sociable.


Such an unpleasant characteristic can be softened by other indicators, for example, the shape of the eye. If a thin, narrow-boned nose belongs to people with full lips or raised corners of the eyes, such a trait as cheerfulness will dominate in the character, and, therefore, such people will be sociable and pleasant to talk to.

The combination of demandingness and professionalism often helps people with thin, narrow-boned noses to make an excellent career in a leadership position, but in most cases their personal or family life will suffer.

This is probably the end of the analysis of the meanings of the most common nose shapes. But this chapter would be incomplete if we ignored such a detail as the nasolabial folds. Their size and position can accurately determine controversial or complement existing characteristics. So…

What do nasolabial folds tell you?

According to Chinese physiognomy, nasolabial folds are a reflection of a person’s destiny. It is by them that one can determine how lucky, strong and stable a person is.

The Chinese call the nasolabial lines "fa-ling". It is generally accepted that these lines become noticeable by the age of 20, and are fully formed only by the age of 40–50. It is during this period that the importance of nasolabial folds is most relevant.


In men, fa-lin lines are formed earlier, in women - 5-10 years later.

The most common types of nasolabial folds are:
Stability fold
This is the most common form of nasolabial fold (Fig. 6.24).

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Stability fold

The lines resemble a curve from a mathematical graph and symbolize constancy and small but stable success and prosperity.
Fold of need
People with straight nasolabial folds, running obliquely and forming a triangle with the nose and chin (Fig. 6.25), have a difficult life, sending many challenges.

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Fold of need

In addition, people with such nasolabial folds should always be extremely attentive to themselves in order to minimize the harmful effects of diseases, especially the respiratory system.
Disease fold
Nasolabial folds of this type usually have a shortened shape and do not extend beyond the lips (Fig. 6.26).

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Fold of disease

Short nasolabial folds, especially in combination with a thin nose and pointed chin, indicate a person with weak immunity, susceptible to various diseases.
People with such folds should monitor their health very carefully. A fold of extraordinary power
A fold of extraordinary power (Fig. 6.27) in combination with wrinkles from the chin to the middle of the cheeks indicates an excellent physical and spiritual form of a person.

Rice. 6.27.

A fold of extraordinary power

Such people, as a rule, have great potential for achieving significant heights in their professional activities and harmony in their personal lives.
Fold of late success
Signs of late success can be considered several lines running from the base of the nose to the lips (without touching them) and from the corners of the mouth to the chin (Fig. 6.28).

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The fold of late success

Late success refers to significant achievements in political and business interests after age 50.
Fold of significance
The nasolabial fold, shaped like an inverted bowl (Fig. 6.29), is often called the sign of especially important persons, or the fold of significance.

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Fold of significance

It is quite rare and characterizes its owners as aristocratic, noble and intellectual persons occupying a high position in society.
The Dreaded End Fold
Unfortunately, people sometimes have nasolabial folds that start at the base of the nose and end at the corners of the mouth (Figure 6.30) or cross the cheeks from the corners of the mouth to the lower eyelid (Figure 6.31). These folds are called dire end folds.

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Folds starting at the base of the nose and ending at the corners of the mouth

Chinese physiognomists also call these lines “a flying snake that enters the mouth” and believe that people with such folds often end their lives tragically. And lines stretching from the corners of the mouth to the lower eyelids indicate misfortune or premature death.

Rice. 6.31.

Folds crossing the cheeks from the corners of the mouth to the lower eyelid

If you dream about your nose...

Seeing your own nose in a dream means the need to demonstrate strength of character and the realization that it is necessary to complete the work started.

If in a dream your own nose seems too small, then you should prepare for the possibility of failure in business.

A large nose symbolizes quick wealth or the patronage of a rich person.

A small nose warns of injustice. A red nose dreams of illness.

Plugging your nose or seeing your nose plugged is unlucky. Losing your nose means divorce.

Grabbing your nose means success in love or finding a true friend. A swollen nose dreams of wealth.

A bleeding nose seen in a dream predicts misfortune for anyone seeing this dream.

Hair growing on the nose signifies extraordinary undertakings made possible through willpower or character.

Chapter 7 Lip shape and worldview

Those who have thin lips and flabby corners of the lips, so that a fold forms at the upper lip and steps on the lower one when the lips are moved together - such are great in soul;
this correlates with lions. The same can be seen in large and strong dogs. Those whose lips are thin, hard, and whose fangs are turned up are ignoble; this correlates with pigs. Those whose lips are thick and the upper lip protrudes above the lower are dull; this correlates with donkeys and monkeys. Those whose upper lip and gums protrude are scolding; this relates to dogs. Aristotle

The mouth, along with the eyes, is considered one of the most attractive parts of the face. Fashionistas who lived several thousand years ago emphasized the beauty of their lips with special compounds that improved their color and shape.

Physiognomy, by analyzing the lip area and then combining the results obtained with other characteristics, gives a complete picture of the personality, its character and aspirations, openness and isolation. It is the analysis of the shape of the lips that helps determine a person’s worldview and self-esteem.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the size of the mouth compared to other facial features. It shows your attitude towards life. The larger the mouth, the more active the person takes. What does this mean? First of all, home and career. Thus, people with big mouths are more focused on professional growth. However, it should be noted here that desire and possibilities do not always coincide. That is, people with small mouths can “overtake” people with full, large lips and achieve significant heights. But at the same time, home and family will always come first for them. At the same time, large-mouthed people can strive for a cherished goal all their lives, without noticing what is happening in their home.


Some physiognomists also note such a detail as the tightness of lip closure at rest. Thus, a mouth that does not close tightly speaks of carelessness and indecision, and sometimes cruelty of its owner. In contrast, tightly compressed lips indicate restraint and isolation.

Below is a description of some of the most common shapes of the lips (mouth).

Harmonious mouth

If the upper and lower lips are of equal fullness and meet at one point, such a mouth is called harmonious (Fig. 7.1).

Rice. 7.1.

Harmonious mouth

The name speaks for itself: people with such lips are most often very pleasant and charming. They are successful, efficient, responsible and always respected among colleagues and loved ones, and are also considered very promising employees.

The most attractive character trait of people with harmonious mouths is their naturalness, and in the most positive sense. They are unlikely to make a remark or, on the contrary, will be disingenuous in order to please. No, they will be truthful in everything. Nevertheless, no one will be offended by possible comments, because they will be made in the most delicate form.

Owners of a harmonious mouth are primarily accustomed to seeing the good in people, so they are often disappointed, and then again step on the same rake. But they have so much strength and faith that often people simply change, falling under the charge of optimism and warmth of people with a harmonious mouth.

Having reached maturity, such people consider themselves happy and satisfied with their environment and professional results. They are also not one to give up in a difficult situation and easily adapt to change.

Small mouth

A small mouth (Fig. 7.2) most often indicates a lack of vitality and health, as well as internal loneliness.

Rice. 7.2.

Small mouth

Outwardly, the life of such people looks prosperous: they start a family, make a career, easily get along with people, finding common interests and hobbies, but internally they live in their own, imaginary world. These moments do not escape those around you. Very often they mistake such detachment for pride and stop communicating.

If people with small lips are lucky, they will meet a person who suits their mentality and inner state. This will mean complete harmony of soul and body.

As for the shortcomings of such people, this is, first of all, the inability to maintain long and lasting relationships. For them, it is better to cut ties than to make efforts to maintain them.


An example of small lips can be found in the actor Gosha Kutsenko (Fig. 7.3).

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Gosha Kutsenko

From the outside it seems that he is an arrogant and self-confident person. At the same time, those who communicate closely with him note a lack of pride, but at the same time a certain self-absorption. Kutsenko is smart, has several higher educations (including technical and acting), but at the same time he is constantly in search. He was married to actress Maria Poroshina, with whom he has a child. Now the actor is single and, judging by his active creative life, has no plans to settle down yet. Known for his love affairs.


Please note: if the hollow above the upper lip is deep, as, for example, in Fig. 7.4, then such people have enormous sexual potential, which requires release.

Rice. 7.4.

Large hollow above the upper lip

Big mouth

A large mouth (Fig. 7.5) is a sign of self-confidence and a desire for publicity.

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Big mouth

People with such lips are used to taking everything they want from life, as much as possible and as quickly as possible. At the same time, they also do not evaluate their own strengths and capabilities and waste themselves on trifles. In addition, such people are usually not constancy, but are famous as wonderful lovers.

Negative qualities of those with a big mouth can also be called hot temper and carelessness. But there is never a dull moment with them, and this is the secret of their attractiveness.


Few people remain indifferent when the name of this film actress is pronounced or she appears on the screen. All men are simply crazy about her eyes, and even more about her sensual big mouth. We are, of course, talking about Angelina Jolie (Fig. 7.6).

Rice. 7.6.

Angelina Jolie

The actress acquired uncontrollability and a violent character as a child. However, the entry in the description “uncontrollable, prone to sociopathy” did not prevent her from realizing her dream and becoming an actress.

Long nose in men and women: the gender of the patient matters

A long nose can seriously ruin the life of its owner. However, if for men a long nose in general does not interfere with communicating with people and does not deprive them of self-confidence, then women sometimes refuse an active life due to low self-esteem. The requirements for a new respiratory organ are also different: women dream of a slightly snub nose with a raised tip, while men prefer a straight nose, emphasizing masculinity . The operation sometimes gives a pleasant “side” effect: it seems that the patient received a lift along with rhinoplasty, the face looks so young and fresh after correction of a long nose.

Correction of the nasal septum (septoplasty)

With any type of rhinoplasty, our priority is to achieve an optimal aesthetic result while preserving/restoring nasal breathing function to the greatest possible extent. In case of complex rhinoplasty, septoplasty is often one of the mandatory stages of the operation - correction of congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum not only has a beneficial effect on nasal breathing, but also helps to achieve the best aesthetic result. However, if there are no complaints about the shape of your nose, and the reason for contacting a surgeon is precisely breathing problems, including those associated with a deviated septum, we will most likely send you for treatment to an ENT specialist.

Photos of patients before and after nose shortening

Note: how can a girl “hide” a long nose?

Women tend to overestimate the length of the nose, so owners of relatively small noses also complain about the size and shape of the respiratory organ, often simply not knowing how to present their face in a favorable light. Decorative cosmetics will help adjust the length of your nose if you apply them as follows:

  1. Use two types of foundation : apply a light tone to the back of the nose and bridge of the nose, and a dark tone to the wings and tip. This technique allows you to narrow the wings and make the contour of the nose clear. Foundations should be well shaded, and it’s also a good idea to dust your nose with matte (in no case shimmering or shiny!) powder, which will smooth out the edges and give the face a natural look.
  2. Girls with a long nose should highlight their eyes or lips more clearly (if they highlight them at the same time, it will turn out vulgar) - this technique allows you to divert attention from the nose. Experts advise giving preference to lipsticks rather than lip gloss.
  3. Highlight and sculpt your cheekbones with blush in a suitable shade.
  4. Well-groomed, fairly wide, curved (possibly rounded) eyebrows will help a girl visually correct a long nose - firstly, they will distract attention from it, and secondly, they will “separate” the face in the horizontal plane.

Women with long noses can look elegant and sophisticated if they choose the right hairstyle. The task of making the olfactory organ less noticeable is well accomplished by multi-level (ladder) haircuts, as well as techniques such as highlighting and coloring hair. It has been noticed that the richer and more saturated the hair color, the less attention others pay to the central part of the face, that is, to the nose. In addition, the principle of asymmetry works well - a girl with a long nose goes with bangs and side partings , long hairstyles, curls and curls. What definitely doesn’t work is short haircuts and sleek hairstyles (for example, a ponytail), which visually lengthen the nose.

As for accessories, girls with long noses can safely wear large earrings, glasses with a wide and low bridge, as well as hats with visors and brims.

Plastic surgery of the wings of the nose, plastic surgery of the columella (nasal column), removal of the nasal hump

Isolated intervention can be done on any part of the nose - be it the tip, nostrils, column or dorsum. If it is necessary to reduce too wide nostrils, alar surgery is performed. Unlike the previously described closed and open approaches, in this case the incision is made at the base of the nasal wing. The scar after such an incision is invisible, because located in the natural groove of the face. Correction of the columella is carried out when it sags downward, opening the nostrils when viewed in profile. And if the only thing you don’t like about your appearance is the hump, it can also be removed with the help of an isolated intervention on the bones and cartilage of the dorsum of the nose.

Long nose: it's interesting

Physiognomists say that people with long noses are balanced, proud, responsible and serious . They are distinguished by a desire for power, an active life position, refined taste and an excellent sense of humor.

Among the rich and famous people of our time, there are many owners of non-standard noses. A long nose did not prevent Penelope Cruz from becoming a popular actress, Gisele Budchen from becoming a sought-after model, and Barbara Streisand from becoming a famous singer.

You can add two Russians to this row - Ksenia Sobchak and Kristina Orbakaite, who corrected the shape of their noses, but left their length practically unchanged.

Long nose: photos of stars

Gisele Bundchen

Penelope Cruz

Ksenia Sobchak
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